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    Thursday, August 13, 2020

    Copy text from one app to another - is this possible? Batch file, maybe? Ask Programming

    Copy text from one app to another - is this possible? Batch file, maybe? Ask Programming

    Copy text from one app to another - is this possible? Batch file, maybe?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    At work I need to document conversations (up to 40 in a day) in two different web apps. One allows me to send myself an email receipt.

    If I saved the emails as a text file in a folder, would it be possible to create something that can read them, search for the client ID in the web app, and enter the notes in the proper box, and save?

    Clearly, I don't have a ton of experience (none, actually) but I'm driven to rid me of this duplication, not to mention a waste of time.

    submitted by /u/iwasneverhere0301
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    Have made some simple console programs. How to get to next step?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    I've taken some intro programming classes at my local community college and am used to running programs in and IDE or Visual Studio on my computer and then sending the code files to a professor.

    I just wrote my first program that was for fun and not for an assignment. It's coded in Python. I would like to make it look decent with some graphics and share it on a website or something where other people could use it, too. I don't mean sharing the code, I mean having people actually interact with it.

    Can anybody point me in the right direction on this? I've learned some Python, C++, Javascript, HTML, SQL, CSS. I am assuming I will somehow need to integrate HTML/CSS/Javascript and Python to pull this off. I watched part of a Django tutorial but I wasn't sure if that was what I would need.

    submitted by /u/cars_a_wreck_now
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    How do fingerprint scanners on our phones work?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    I want to know if you can transfer fingerprint data between different phone manufacturers. Is there a future where you could use your fingerprint scanner on your cellphone for cross platform authentication.

    I understand right now authentication data is stored on our phones. Would it be possible for websites to capture our fingerprint in a way that I can take your phone and log into my account by matching fingerprint?

    Hope that makes sense. Thanks

    submitted by /u/foax_dufa
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    Help Login Authentication

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    Hi, I am working on a project in asp.net for Uni, and I was asked to implement Facebook and Twitter authentication, these couple of days I been trying to do the task but I already have a advance project and I keep seen that I should have change a authentication setting at the beginning when creating the project. The thing is that I don't know if I can change that with the project already create or if there is another way to implement those functions. I try seeing many tutorial but must of them have folder I don't have or don´t work for me. So if someone knows what I can do I will really appreciate the help.

    submitted by /u/_iTo0500_
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    How to debug program that gets stuck in seemingly random places? C++

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    I've got a program that I inherited from another engineer and it works other than it will get stuck and never progress at seemingly random places (it's not predictable or failing at the same point).

    It's controlling motors positions and camera triggers and when it gets stuck, I can hit pause on Visual Studio I can see it is in some .dll file. If I step through at that point I see it is looping through the same code over and over but it's in assembly and I don't have source code.

    I know just enough to be dangerous and I'm not even sure where to begin debugging this sort of thing.

    submitted by /u/HP844182
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    Best affordable laptop for coding

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    Hi. I am about to start university and am looking to study computer science. Does anyone have any suggestions for a decent laptop for coding that won't break the bank?

    submitted by /u/gsab14
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    Any good Ethereum DApp open source projects/courses to learn from? (Intermediate)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    I come from an embedded software development (C, C++) background and blockchain technology caught my eye recently.

    I really lack experience as far as web development goes and I think that a good open source project could help me to understand how that side of ethereum development works on real life projects as well as learning web development as I go.

    I've seen some YouTube tutorials and I already know the basics of ethereum development (smart contracts) and can create basic React applications.

    I'm looking for some real life projects or at least a course that covers more complex stuff because most of the YouTube tutorials are basic Todo List applications.

    If you are currently a blockchain dapp developer, what resources would you recommend in order to get a job in the field?

    submitted by /u/MDmanson
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    How to get in the Zone when not motivated

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    I am currently transitioning into Salesforce development, but as fun as it is it doesn't get me motivated and sometime procrastinate. I'm sure it will get better in time with the more i learn. It's just a struggle to stay focused at the moment. How do you get in the zone when your not motivated? any tips on how better to focus?

    submitted by /u/ubercodet
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    I am really stuck on an issue I'm having with storing and recalling information using pymongo and MongoClient.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    I am working on a web project as part of a series to help me learn python and have been really stuck for a while on one aspect of it. The project is to make a blog like website in Pycharm and the user is supposed to register an account that information is supposed to be saved for later in a database using pymongo. As far as I can tell the information isn't even being saved. I've reviewed everything I can and tried to make my code as similar to what the teacher provides as I can but for some reason I can't identify the issue. The project has a bit of three languages of it: Python, HTML, and Java.

    import web from Models import RegisterModel, LoginModel, Posts web.config.debug = False urls = ( '/', 'Home', '/register', 'Register', '/postregistration', 'PostRegistration' 


    app = web.application(urls, globals()) session = web.session.Session(app, web.session.DiskStore("sessions"), initializer={'user': None}) 

    session_data = session._initializer

    render = web.template.render("Views/Templates", base="MainLayout", globals={'session': session_data, 'current_user': session_data["user"]}) class Home: def GET(self): post_model = Posts.Posts() posts = post_model.get_all_posts() return render.home(posts) class Register: def GET(self): return render.Register() class PostRegistration: def POST(self): data = web.input() reg_model = RegisterModel.RegisterModel() reg_model.insert_user(data) return data.username 

    The other section that I think may contain part of the problem is:

    import pymongo from pymongo import MongoClient import bcrypt class RegisterModel: def __init__(self): self.client = MongoClient() self.db = self.client.codewizard self.Users = self.db.users def insert_user(self, data): hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(data.password.encode(), bcrypt.gensalt()) id = self.Users.insert({"username": data.username, "name": data.name, "password": hashed, "email": data.email}) print("UID is", id) myuser = self.Users.find_one({"username": data.username}) 

    Sorry if the formatting is a bit off but if you're familiar with python and pymongo please let me know. By the way I do have the pymongo shell running when I try to have the information uploaded.

    submitted by /u/Wiseman-no
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    How does one do power line extraction from LAS datasets using python/tensorflow? [I can pay you]

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/6/11/11267/pdf I found this paper outlining how one group did it, and it seems like its pretty straight forward, however I'm not sure if it can be transferred over to python or not. I'm also not exactly a programmer, so don't torch me for being dumb.

    I want this done inside of GIS, and would like to have the integrated deep learning toolkit used in this instance, but I'm bad at programming. I want this to work on LAS datasets, and can produce public las files for you to train AI or write the program on.

    As mentioned I can pay you for this help(would like to keep pay around $100)

    submitted by /u/Shmow-Zow
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    Trying to identify / read code I found on an industrial PC

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Long story short, I have an industrial PC device running XO/2 version of Linux and I am trying to figure out how and what it's software is doing. One folder within this PC is called OBX/, and within that there are files (*.COB) for each of the classes or 'modules' that are available to use. Doing some Googling, these might be Cobol files - but this device and software have been produced in the past couple of years, so I am skeptical. Here is a hexdump of one of the files named Math.Cob:

    user:~/obx$ hexdump -C Math.Cob | head 00000000 de 51 3c 70 08 04 de 0d 70 f4 f6 e1 f4 9a 04 1b |.Q<p....p.......| 00000010 cb 54 fc 4b 68 13 a8 35 d2 c3 ee 9b 41 bf 13 f8 |.T.Kh..5....A...| 00000020 35 ce e3 72 fa 00 65 2d 20 18 38 2d ca df 75 b7 |5..r..e- .8-..u.| 00000030 79 00 44 77 0b 7d de cb f2 01 50 80 64 3f 20 37 |y.Dw.}....P.d? 7| 00000040 0b 60 06 12 cb 78 f8 01 20 ec 76 ff 98 14 0e c3 |.`...x.. .v.....| 00000050 72 b1 80 59 67 e0 04 08 07 42 01 0a 03 40 81 c0 |r..Yg....B...@..| 00000060 a0 5f ff a4 02 24 07 21 90 40 2b 10 0f c0 1b 02 |._...$.!.@+.....| 00000070 9b 61 ba 5a 20 18 28 07 5a 01 2e 80 45 e0 18 b8 |.a.Z .(.Z...E...| 00000080 06 a2 01 72 80 57 00 f4 3b f8 05 17 07 84 c2 d0 |...r.W..;.......| 00000090 ed f7 2b 2c 00 10 85 4c 80 61 bf f1 ff ff f7 ff |..+,...L.a......| 

    The first line is the same on all the files. Is there any way I can figure out what these are, and hopefully decompile them into something I am able to read? I can call each via command line using something like Math.Method [arg1] [arg2], but, figuring out these arguments is completely hit or miss.

    submitted by /u/djdadi
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    Worried about a potential data breach because of a software I had to download. Can someone tell me if this is normal?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Background: I had to download this software and do a test run of it for a licensing exam. Because of delays with the exam, I ultimately will not use that version of the software, but I will use a more advanced version in the future. Another state has already used that more advanced software, and it was a mess (just not functional). But most scary to me: a BUNCH of folks in that state are complaining about potential breaches- Gmail password reset, bank accounts locked because of suspicious attempts to log in from outside of the US, attempts to log in to Robinhood accounts, WhatsApp requests for bitcoins, etc.

    I am trying to do my due diligence here and see if anything weird has happened since I downloaded the older version of that software, too. The log for my Keychain access has shown simultaneous (down to the second) access to apps I couldn't have been using all at once (various iCloud apps: Find My iPhone, Find My Friends, Maps, etc.). Screenshot here: https://imgur.com/a/IXXB195

    Is this something I should be concerned about?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/MelBNotScarySpice
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    Good Springboot way to chart events by time intervals?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    I have springboot app where events are happening throughout the day and logged to a simple database: TableName {timestamp, enum_event_type}.. These events could be 10 a day or 5000 a day. Event types might be downloads (mac/win), user choices (A,B,C), or call to action (A,B,C). But sometimes I also just want to chart a timestamp from a table.

    I'd like a simple way to graph these on a hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly times. Don't need to know who created the event, just a count of the types on an interval like hours, days, months, last 24 hours, last N days.

    I'd like to use an industry standard (spring-booty) way to request the data (via RestController) and specify the interval to use (and start/end times) and use a free or reasonably priced html/js chart system to create some nice bar and/or pie charts.

    For instance, is there a way to do this without native queries? Or at least by using a library that does the repository, controller, and graphing heavy lifting?

    Thanks for any help. (I'm using postgres if that matters.)

    Also, what are these timestamp,event tables called? Maybe I'm googling the wrong thing. (I see mostly results for Timestamp:Value, but I'm not doing that.)

    submitted by /u/cryptographicmemory
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    ELI5: Parenthesis()

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    I've just started my journey with Python and I'm a little caught up on the correct use of parenthesis.

    1. When would you use them?

    2. Why do they sometimes contain nothing?


    def hello:

    print('hello world')



    print('enter your name')

    x = input()

    print('Hello, ' + x)

    submitted by /u/ready_delete
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    Are all programming languages going to converge to one language?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Rather a philosophical question. Do you think all programming languages are going to converge into one eventually? If you believe it is impossible - why?

    AFAIK there is nothing in theory that requires different languages for different kinds of work. If a language is Turing-complete - you can do anything with it. So differences are mostly about design preferences and syntax.

    For example, let's say we have Python that has a great syntax (I'm biased because I code in Python mostly), but it's not as fast and efficient as C++ (I started my career in it). It should be possible to make Python more efficient to match C++ performance. Then by induction, languages can evolve like this until we have only one. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/andheroe12
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    Angles rotation problem

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I recently faced this problem. I am getting an angle A from the atan function, wich returns an angle from -180 to 180. I have another angle, B, and I make B smoothly follow A in this way:

    forever loop: B = (A - B) / dampening

    The problem is that during a full rotation, when A makes the jump from -180 to 180, B tries to go to the new position by going all the way back. How do I make B smoothly and continuosly follow A? Without it jumping back and forward?

    submitted by /u/accipicchia092
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    Does C++ have more overhead compared to C and/or Zig?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    Does C++ have more overhead compared to C and/or Zig?

    When compiling code, does C++ have features that can potentially generate binaries that can cause an overhead compared to C and/or Zig language?

    submitted by /u/unix21311
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    Need help in transitioning to programming

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    I a computer science student with a year left. I haven't build a portfolio or resume, nor do I have any experience in the field. Intern are hard to get by. I was wondering what is it like to work as a programmer, developer, engineer, etc. What are employers looking for? What do I really really need to know? Every class I take I kind of forget. I use awesome apps like anki, but it really time consuming. I did some googling and I find out that learning data structures, algorithms, a little comprehensive, and a language seem enough to get in the door. Of course some customers service skill in needed. I planning to look over some courses again, but I just want to look over some courses that need. I don't want to look over calculus and statistics again if I don't need to. Also I have some questions about the work field in general?

    How does this work?

    So I clock in, do I go straight to the computer and code, do I go to my team and partake in meetings, or do I get commands from higher up and comply with that. Do I work with team or by my self. How does this work?

    All my life, I work been working black or blue collar job like recycled, slaughter house, retread, etc. Barely any customers interaction, just manuel work. So this transition will be rough, since I am a timid person.

    I appreciate any help. Also if someone need developer, I willing to work for low paid or free. I just need to allocate some experience. I know this is cutting myself low, but I need to know how this before I get into the real thing.

    submitted by /u/Mist717
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    Is there a modified version of C++ that focuses on safety?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    I am not talking about an entirely new language, but rather a modified version of C++ which has some differences, for example:

    1. All variables are immutable by default
    2. Global variables cannot be created (unless if they are constants/immutable)
    3. The compiler warns the programmer if there is potential data races, for example two mutable references are pointing to a mutable variable.
    4. In debug mode, the compiler panics when there is a buffer overflow.
    5. Uses some libraries that are more known to be faster over C++ as some C++ afaik are more bloated and slower than C.

    I am well aware of Rust and Zig. However they have different syntax and they are entirely written from scratch. I just want a language that is based on C++ but has some modifications to allow safety as mentioned above.

    submitted by /u/unix21311
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    Programming on x86 vs ARM, how different is it?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    So first off, yes I'm still learning and if it really isn't different at all then sorry.

    So I want to get a MacBook (Preferably the 16") for programming and will use for uni for now and probably at work down the line.

    Now Apple, as we all know, is switching to their own ARM chips, anyone who has used ARM chips (Or even used the "Developer Transition Kit"), is programming any different on ARM than it is on x86?

    The things I use are:

    Java (Eclipse),

    Python (PyCharm)

    VS Studio and Code (So C# and HTML5)

    XAMPP (Mainly SQL)

    Android Studio (Java)

    Assembly (Still haven't started, probably in a year)

    I do plan to learn Swift when I get it and maybe try to make apps for iPhones, I mean I would have a MacBook so might as well.

    Is it worth for me to wait for the Apple silicon MacBooks or buy an intel one now?

    submitted by /u/HighwayMcGee
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    Measuring time from one node to another

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    I have a controller running linux that sends tcp/tls messages to a windows service running on a pc. The communication is one way so I would like to measure the time it takes for message to reach from point a to point b.

    I want this to be system clock independent as its tricky to get both hardware's time to be in sync.

    Some ideas include having a separate node on the same network that listens for the controller's start message and the pc's stop message. This would be done over ethernet on whatever transport protocol is the fastest.

    Precision is in the milliseconds range.

    Any ideas on how you would do this?

    submitted by /u/sM92Bpb
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    What's the most complicated way to print out "Hello World" in your language?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:28 AM PDT

    Cargo transportation system

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:18 AM PDT

    This is a program to determine the best combination of transportation to be deployed for moving

    cargo from the port to the plant, either by lowest cost or by least number of trips.

    There are 2 types of transportation: Mini-lorry and Van.

    Transportation Mini-lorry Capacity Cost Per Trip
    Mini-lorry 30 200
    Van 10 45

    Assuming that there is only 1 Mini-lorry and 1 Van.

    Choosing an option of using 2 Vans means that 2 trips are needed.

    Choosing an option of using a combination of 5 Vans and 2 Mini-lorries meaning that 5 trips are

    needed. (the larger number of 5 and 2)

    Generally, the cheaper option means more trips are needed to complete the transportation of cargo.

    Develop a program to read in from a file, the number of cargo to be transported, the cost per trip

    and capacity information, and display the cost and number of trips needed for each of the different

    combinations of transportation. The output should also indicate the 3 lowest cost options and 1

    fastest option (least number of trips).

    Example of output (just a guide):

    No. of Mini-lorry 0 3 3 3 2 1 1
    No.of Van 10 1 2 3 4 7 8
    Total cost 450 645 690 735 580 515 560
    Trips needed 10 3 3 3 4 7 8

    Lowest #2 : $515 (7 Van, 1 Mini-lorry, 7 trips)

    Lowest #3 : $580 (4 Van, 2 Mini-lorry, 4 trips) (*the option of $560 is omitted as it needs 8 trips, which is worse than Lowest#2)

    Fastest: 3 trips (1 Van, 3 Mini-lorry, $645) (* display the cheapest among all the options with 3 trips)

    Program must include: functions, class/objects, file access and list/queue/vector.

    submitted by /u/Impressive_Luck_6018
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