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    Monday, August 17, 2020

    Coding 'Really' 8 Hours a day? web developers

    Coding 'Really' 8 Hours a day? web developers

    Coding 'Really' 8 Hours a day?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    HI:) A Webdev here. I worked now in 3 different company in my life. One of them had 12.000 employees and 1200 coders.
    In my country a "normal" contract has 8 hours per day so 40 hours a week. I never ever meet a coder who really codes those 8 hours a day. Maybe 3-5 productive hours not more not less.
    For myself its the same on a normal day i have like 5 hours very productive but between them a lot of talks/chats learning new IT- related stuff and so on.
    After work i code very often on my own Projects and have the energy to do so, i don't know why.
    How is it in other Companys or Countrys?

    submitted by /u/ValPlusPlusle
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    Microsoft 365 apps say farewell to Internet Explorer 11 and Windows 10 sunsets Microsoft Edge Legacy

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    Change Belarus Flags on the web initiative

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    Change Belarus Flags on the web initiative

    As a Belarus citizen and web developer, I want to support the protest spirit of the Belarussian movement against Lukashenko's tyranny and violence by starting the "Change Belarus Flag" on the web initiative - let's change the old red-green flags and icons we use in our projects' taxonomies to the new white-red-white flags.

    We already did so in our projects and created a pack of white-red-white Belarus flags and icons which you can use in your projects. The pack and information about the situation:


    Examples of Belarus flags in the pack

    CC0 - use and change it as you want, no attribution required.

    SVG, PNG, JPG.

    Rectangular, square, round.

    White, light-grey versions (for white backgrounds), 3d effect.

    Able to create more/better and give it away with CC0? Can share in other developers communities? Do it and share it!


    submitted by /u/datajam_org
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    Don't go to Flatiron School... here's why.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I have to preface this with the fact that I did graduate in 2019 from Flatiron School and I did get a job in March of 2020, but I won't be disclosing the campus just for general privacy reasons. I'm not trying to be anonymous here, there's just no need to mention the campus location as it does not exist anymore (so there's no worries of you accidentally going to that campus).

    I'd also like to say, there's so much more to this story, (seriously, I could write a book) but I'm trying to keep it rather relevant to anyone that might potentially be thinking of attending school.

    I'm going to break this into three parts: Before, During, and After.


    I wanted to pay the full amount of school upfront but was persuaded to do the Income Share Agreement because it seemed like a simple repayment plan. Their website still, to this day, states that it's a simple 10% of gross income repayment until the loan is paid off. While this is true, it's not the full story. There is a convenience fee of 50% of the amount financed added to the bill that has to be paid off as well.

    "But, u/brbdead, If you make $3,333/mo before taxes then you don't pay that fee!"Yes, technically you're right. But when the average salary for a Jr. Software Engineer is around $65,000/yr, that means generally you should expect to be making a little over $5,400/mo before taxes... way higher than the advertised amount.


    The first day or two of school was fabulous. It was either day two (or day three, my memory fails me now, sorry) that every Lead Instructor quit at our campus. The TA's had to step in and each taught us random lectures that were very poor. They tried their hardest, but did not succeed.

    Then Flatiron started flying random Lead Instructors in from all over (such as Chicago and New York), but none of them stayed longer than 9 days, which was not long enough to teach us the required material. I spent most of my bootcamp on code academy and watching youtube videos that would teach me more information in 10 minutes than Flatiron could in a week.

    During Mod 4 (9 weeks into the 15 week program), they finally hired a new Lead Instructor. She taught us exactly one lecture, "All about <instructor's name>". After that she made a million and one excuses as to why she either couldn't answer our questions or teach us a lecture. "My tummy hurts after cake", "My wife is sick I have to go home and take care of her", "I'm deathly ill", "We're all a little sleepy after lunch, let's have lecture tomorrow instead." until the first two weeks of Mod 4 had come and gone and she happily moved onto the brand new incoming cohort while we had to work on Mod 4 projects.

    She also told multiple people that she didn't want the new mod that was coming in to associate with us because our cohort "didn't represent Flatiron." It was incredibly rude and uncalled for, especially when we had struggled so hard to overcome all the challenges we had faced and were all doing incredibly well.


    I graduated Dec 2019 and went on holiday to celebrate my success! After I got back, I started working with Career Services and my Career Coach. To put it nicely, my first career coach was a straight up asshole and I had to speak with the director of career services to get a different coach. The second coach was amazing, but I fought tooth and nail to get him... Very, very, very annoying.

    I then started receiving emails from "Employee Partnerships". To say that this service is a joke is a severe understatement. They advertise the worst possible positions (in cities and states that I don't live in/near nor did I want to relocate to those cities/states) and also push you to apply to those positions. My career coach was fortunate enough to be sensible and advised me of my worth. Flatiron tries to push jobs that pay you $15/hr when a Jr engineer should make at least $32/hr or more.

    I am also stuck in the ISA that I cannot get out of. $600/mo for the next three years of my life, all because I wanted easier payments and to make sure that I would actually graduate from the program.


    Overall I'd have to give Flatiron a 3/10 for trying really hard, but ultimately being one of the most deceitful and scummy companies I've ever worked with, and that's saying a lot... I used to work with a bunch of companies when I worked in New York City. I would give it a 0/10 but I did actually get a job, with no help from Flatiron... if that's saying anything.

    Please don't go to Flatiron unless you don't intend on attempting the money back guarantee (which in and of itself is a scam) and intend on paying the tuition in full, seriously.... the community is great but the company is not worth it.


    Flatiron very scammy. Don't do ISA. Don't expect money back from the money back guarantee. Pay in full upfront and don't finance a penny. I did learn things and get a job but nothing I couldn't have learned for free on Code Academy.

    submitted by /u/brbdead
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    Is it me , or is modern webdev tooling overly-complicated and very janky requiring all these command line utilities ..

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    So I'm looking at webdev of 5,10 years ago and it was pretty straight forward. Include a few js libraries, either locally or from a CDN same for css, link to your api endpoints and go... Most of today's pages don't really do anything radically different than back then, but require so much more tooling, why?

    Nowadays we have all this tooling we needs to use a cli, why do we use cli's we're not compiling anything? Sure using npm for package management is neat but so is a CDN link.

    Honestly looking at the crap level of web pages with poorly designed and performant pages, especially from corporate sites Lots of these are just folks wanting to emulte FB or Google using their frameworks and tech , bit don't have near the resources to support them, so they ousoirce their development to even less experienced overseas develoeprs.I don't see what all this complexity is doing.. can someone enlighten me?

    submitted by /u/abrandis
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    Can I tell the boss that I won't take responsibility for the task which is out of my scope and I have no support?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 05:24 AM PDT

    Hi, So I was hired as Junior Wordpress Developer 2 weeks ago and my first 2 tasks Wordpress related I've done with ease

    Now I am stuck with slightly broken Magento Installation that needs to have some bug fixed, I never did anything in Magento, so I succeeded with few Bugs fixing, but I am hopeless about other so far. I have nobody to Ask for advice in a company. It is stressful. My Boss ignored any conversation about that it is too much for me and I need some guidance.

    Now I was also given a task to set up SSH on Google cloud platform and I have no clue how to that, no guidance and stress isn't helping as well. (Edit: not just Simple SSH setup, setup without using aby keys, which I am Not sure If is even possible and when I ask around people tell me, that is a bad practice and won't give me any solutions... Yet, I have to somehow achieve that)

    I wrote to my boss (again) about my concerns that I am not good person for them to achieve what they want. I mentioned again that I need some guidance, that I am afraid I will break something and I mentioned that I didn't have problem with doing first 2 tasks without any help, as they were easier and Wordpress related and I knew what I was doing.

    At the moment I feel blocked and stressed, do it is even harder to take a good approach for this ssh on Google cloud platform.

    I really don't want to work there, I hope they will pay for the first 2 weeks and just let me go. Maybe I am just shitty programmer, but I find these tasks too overwelming without any support and with the pressure to them fast.

    I Just want to tell them that it is too much for me, that it isn't the scope and role I was applying for, and I just want to quit immediately, cause I won't probably figure out much new things in the following week. I am afraid they won't pay me. What is a good approach to that?

    submitted by /u/Via-via
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    Microsoft 365 apps say farewell to Internet Explorer 11

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Managing config files

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    My team has several configuration files for various projects that include deployment keys and passwords. Obviously, we don't want to commit these things to github, but it's getting to be a hassle sending these files out to everyone if something gets updated.

    How do you guys manage shared resources like this? What's best practice these days?

    submitted by /u/benabus
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    IT security and resources to practice Hacking and testing

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    What is the best way to connect a Node.js API with a Python machine learning model?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    I'd like to use a nodejs backend to deal with API calls, users, database, etc. but the ML model is in python. What is the best way to connect them? Create a small flask API and make local calls with axios from nodejs or spawn a python process from nodejs? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/kbl1tz
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    I have a PHP/MySQL interview in a few days. And I'm scared. I only know HTML/CSS/Vanilla JS and a few frameworks.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    This will be my third interview out of 287 applications. 1st one didn't work out. 2nd one put me on a 'wait list' due to being out of state. This one is close to home and I really want it. Any tips to help me shine?

    submitted by /u/WellHeRopedMeIn2This
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    Getting to the footer when pages reload when scrolling to the bottom of the page

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    There are websites that automatically add content to a page, and extend the page, when the user scrolls to the bottom of the page, but this makes it impossible to read content that's typically provided in the footer, such as "contact us," "help," or "feedback" links.

    Is there an easy way to get a mobile browser to stop automatically loading more content in order to view web page footers?

    submitted by /u/EverythingIWant2Know
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    How many of You don’t use CSS Libraries/Frameworks/Preprocessors?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    Hello Dev's, I am freelancing dev (Full stack). Had made apps, ecommerce stores in the past but each time I made a project I used basic CSS and had decent designs.

    I understand that Frameworks or Libraries can make your life easier, but for me it never was a great experience.

    Guys, why you use them, besides speed? Is it worth learning framework that suits your stack ( I want to try Vuetify for my next project)? Is this not going to make my job more complex?

    submitted by /u/Polarmesh
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    Mobile Chrome to start labelling fast pages based on Core Web Vitals (Lighthouse) metrics

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    How to (quickly) create a styleguide

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    Just got a potential job take-home challenge for a Full-Stack role; 'Create a Google Doc Clone in 2 days'. Is this some kind of sick joke?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    Seriously got this at as a job take-home challenge and I'm baffled, is this what the requirements are for landing a gig these days? Concurrency and convergence are complicated topics to execute without testing, and especially in a couple of days. Anyone else experience this?

    submitted by /u/kegfullofshit
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    Adding elements to the DOM

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    Every time I have to add elements to my DOM I feel like this is just a hack/quick fix.

    It feels dirty to do it like this.... Is there a better way to do this?

    var para = document.createElement("P"); para.innerText = "This is a paragraph."; document.body.appendChild(para);

    submitted by /u/Adam_Kearn
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    What to do with a client with major feature creep/indecision?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    Hi y'all. I have an UpWork client who is experiencing some major feature creep and I'm looking for advice.

    When we started, the scope of the project was a simple e-Comm site. She wanted something super basic — front page was just header, and large banner image with a shop button overlay, and a footer. When we went over design opts, I asked if she wanted to incorporate anything else: contact form, blog page, etc. and she said no. So, I quoted a time frame (she's paying me hourly) and got to it.

    The first red flag came after I submitted the design for approval. She sent me over 50 images from another site of things she wanted on her front page. Her front page now includes the initial banner image plus 12 other image and widget sections.

    Once that was done, she decided she wanted a blog. Then to change the header structure. Then to add new functionality to the product pages. She has asked me to make text elements so small that I'm almost certain they don't meet ADA compliance, but she has quite literally told me she does not care. (Edit: this isn't a comprehensive list, just a few examples)

    Throughout this whole process, I have explained to her that while I'm happy to make these changes, they do take time. She's been fine with that all along, but now she's saying she doesn't want to have this project cost much more but she's still not happy with it. She also apparently didn't go through the full e-Comm user flow when it was on the staging site (oh yeah, she approved the site in full, I migrated it, and then she backtracked), so now she's wanting to do things like split the checkout process into four steps and add JS background effects (think background color changing on scroll). I've had to spend less time on other projects as this one has gone so far over what I planned for, and while I'm lucky that the others have been very straightforward, I'm tired of coding and recoding the same site.

    Have any of you dealt with a similar situation? How did you resolve it? I want to make her happy, as I don't want a bad review on UpWork, but I'm also starting to think she will never be wholly satisfied.

    submitted by /u/modmuse91
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    Creating my portfolio, having troubles finding png with same sort of design, any suggestions?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    Been trying to put together my portfolio and i decided to use some pngs to blend in my background but i wanted to keep them same style.

    For example i found this png i would like to use but i can´t find anything else with the same style for the rest of my page.


    whats my best solution here? try to learn how to do something like this in adobe or so?

    Thank you :D

    submitted by /u/Nunoc11
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    Is it possible to make a 3 line menu icon without javascript?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    You know the 3 line horizontal on dropdown menu which you click on to expand menu. How can I make that with html and css?


    submitted by /u/redorblewit
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    Where to get feedback/design advice?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    I come from a cpp/java background and am in the process of teaching myself web dev.

    I took on a project to create the website mine and my partners upcoming wedding as a way of getting stuck into it. I've got a nodejs app working, including a linked mongo db to manage all the rsvp stuff, and I'm quite happy with the functionality of it.

    What I'm lacking is any good art/ux design skills. I don't want anyone to do the work for me, just to take a look and give me some fees back or suggests on how to make it look more professional. Is there a good site/service to find people who would do this?

    submitted by /u/darrensill1304
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    Large amounts of Data via network requests

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    We have an application that currently requests a very large chunk of data via HTTP Request. Unfortunately, this amount of data sometimes takes up to 20 seconds to return, and then is a load on the client to render.

    I'm a fairly junior developer, so was curious; What patterns or technologies can be put in place to reduce the time it requires for this response? We have control over the .Net APIs on the backend.

    Do we chunk the data? Is there something else I may be missing?

    submitted by /u/Dipsendorf
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    Bookmarklets to deal with annoying designs

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:50 AM PDT

    Should I learn Open App Academy / The Odin project with Ruby on Rails or Python django/flask?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2020 03:01 PM PDT

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