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    Thursday, July 30, 2020

    What is your favorite creative coding project that you've completed? Ask Programming

    What is your favorite creative coding project that you've completed? Ask Programming

    What is your favorite creative coding project that you've completed?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    I'm looking for some inspiration. I'm learning to code by using different online courses, but the practice problems and homework just aren't interesting. I find that I learn much better when I actually care about the thing I built.

    So that said, big or small, personal or professional, what was your absolute favorite project that you've worked on/built? I'm hoping your enthusiasm for your past project(s) can help inspire me to build something fantastic (or at least attempt to, hit a wall, and end up on stack overflow for a million years).

    submitted by /u/SuperPenguinAttack
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    how to i program a robot to shoot a object or where can i learn concepts on how to build a robot that can do that?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    im trying to build a robot that shoots things maybe using a elastic band but i have no clue on how to make it reset it self by grabbing hte elastic band and pulling it back. how or where to i learn to do this?

    thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/brayscool
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    Full hardware and software stack from scratch?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    Awhile ago, there was a project on GitHub that promised to create both a hardware and software stack from scratch.

    So engineer the hardware, and then the software.

    Everything from a hardware description language, to a programming language, to an operating system.

    It was by pervognsen, and the project was called bitwise.

    Unfortunately, it seems pervognsen has burned out, and hasn't made any posts in 1.5 years.

    And that makes me incredibly disappointed, because I really wanted to learn everything from scratch. To finish one project, and then immediately integrate it into the next one.

    Does anyone know if anyone else has done such a project? Or if there is a book that makes you engineer the hardware, and write the software for an entire computer from scratch?

    Or if not, does anyone know of any books that can help someone write a programming language?


    submitted by /u/but_am_I_gonna
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    Dumb question: When accessing a user's resource in REST, how should I do that?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    By getting the object then ensuring the user's ID matches the requester's ID?

    Or by following the relationship and first going through the User's model and following it to the object?

    And in deleting a resource, should I then just create a transaction and roll it back if the deleted object doesn't match the user? Or again, should I just follow the relationship?

    submitted by /u/painya
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    Web app in C?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:09 AM PDT

    Anyone remember this post from a few years back? Someone wrote a web app in C as a demo. It had a very high throughput and was running on a laptop. He presented it to his boss, who suggested they put in a 4U rack, market it as an appliance and jack up the price?

    Pretty interesting and funny article.

    Edit: Found it! It was C++, not C:


    I love how he ends up writing the entire web server as part of his app.

    submitted by /u/makhno
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    Does anyone remember if they were actually good at their intro to programming class in college if it was their first introduction to programming?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    Site with hundreds of algorithms in many languages

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    I found this about two weeks ago, and thought I bookmarked it. Now I cannot find it again. I has literally hundreds of different algorithms, and they are each coded in several different languages. You can view by algorithm, or by language. It's a neat reference, and I am hoping one of you can help me find it again. TIA.

    submitted by /u/hmischuk
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    How to create mirror URLs and URIs? ��

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    I'm not a web developer, so this question could be a bit naîve.

    Let's say I have a URL:


    I would like to create a unique identifier string of N length, which
    (1) links to this URL when users click on the UID in a webapge
    (2) creates a "URL mirror" such that


    which direct users to the same page which the original URL does.

    submitted by /u/Zeekawla99ii
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    How to set up a malicious NTP server?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    To test as program, I want to quickly spin up an NTP server that can return incorrect times to clients. I've tried this with openntpd, but it isn't very configurable; apparently the devs favor things like "correctness" and "simplicity".

    Is there a quick solution, or am I going to have to modify and recompile an existing NTP server?

    submitted by /u/-vtw
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    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    ArrayList<Integer> numArray=go.stream().filter(n -> n>0).collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new) **i understand that in (Person p::getName) is equal to p.getName, what is the logic in (ArrayList::new)?

    submitted by /u/jcarlo1
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    Process exited with status 143

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Im trying to deploy a discord jda bot using maven in heroku, but everytime i deploy it i get "Stopping all processes with SIGTERM" and "Process exited with status 143" after a few minutes.

    Ive tried searching about this online and it seems like the problem is that the procfile declares the type as web, however i cant figure out why since the only thing i have written there is "worker: java -jar target/*.jar".

    submitted by /u/Msgouveia
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    Question about Big O notation.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    I'm working with sorting algorithms and I had a question about big O notation. I know that the speed of insertion sort is O(n^2), but how would I graph that curve? like, how would I write that equation as a function of x? Maybe I'm overthinking this but I'm a little bit confused. Can anyone help me out? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/RAINGUARD
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    [Python] How does the list pointer change the behavior of zip() in this method?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    This was a leetcode solution someone posted in "discussion", but there was no discussion or explanation of the code there.

    def longestCommonPrefix(strs): prefix = "" for letters in zip(*strs): [<<<THIS POINTER HERE] if len(set(letters)) != 1: return prefix prefix += letters[0] return prefix words = ["flower","flow","flight"] print(longestCommonPrefix(words)) 

    without the pointer, zip() turns the list into "flowerflowflight", with the pointer it makes a tuple of each letter before set() trims the tuple. This is the first time I've encountered a pointer in Python, so I'm not sure why pointing to the list location rather than feeding the list itself would change the behavior of zip().

    submitted by /u/Zackismet
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    Working with mobile app developers

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    I've joined a product team of a startup that had already teamed up with a developer team with a contract on an hourly basis. With no experience in working with developers before, what are the things I should pay attention to? What are the red flags?

    It has been a few weeks and the communication is lacking, there has been very few questions asked from their side (they are working of a specification and screens made for the app) and the results seem underwhelming. I've been considering finding a 3rd party advisor who could help with the evaluation (how many hours should it take to implement features etc.). Is this a common practice? What would be a good place to look for someone suitable for this role?

    submitted by /u/echoes2165
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    How do I create a competitive gpa ranking system in Java?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    I am current really stuck on an assignment for my Object-Oriented programming class. Essentially the problem is this: I am to take a provided text file that has a String value representing the Student ID, followed by a Double value representing the corresponding Students GPA. Sort of like this:

    S120389F3 3.35

    S123088O2 2.83

    . . .

    There are no more than 1,000 students per file. I have already gotten the S-Number array and GPA array established, and have accumulated the total GPA values into various groups for a histogram reflecting the entire files scores. The issue comes with the competitive ranking system. Essentially, every student needs to be ranked on a 1 to X basis in which 1 is the highest rank (or GPA) of the entire GPA array, and X is the lowest GPA of the array. If there is a tie for a given position within this ranking system, the amount of people who are tied for position X are displayed like so:

    (T62) for rank 12

    Or: "62 people are tied for the rank 12 position".

    Now, I don't want someone to code an entire algorithm for this and help me cheat, but more so offer me some incite into how I can approach a problem like this, because I am stumped as to how I am supposed to actively work down the GPA array values and systematically rank them in a non-chronological order as well as implement a tie system. I have reached out to my professor, however it didn't help much here. Again, I'm not looking to cheat, just some advice as to how to properly approach this problem. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/AlexWJones
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    Frustratingly stuck with trying to read in a stupid JSON file [Python]

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    I am trying to read in the json file from https://paperswithcode.com/about. The papers with abstracts json file specifically. When I try to read in the file it gives me weird errors with encoding. I tried using utf-8, 16 and 32 and also ISO encoding but it doesn't work. I don't have much experience working with JSON files so I was hoping I could get some help here.

    This is what I was doing:

    with open('papers-with-abstracts.json', encoding = 'utf-16') as f: data = json.load(f)

    When I open the JSON file in sublime it looks like this:

    ``` 1f8b 0808 43e9 225f 0003 7061 7065 7273

    2d77 6974 682d 6162 7374 7261 6374 732e

    6a73 6f6e 00cc 5b5d 73db 38b2 7dbf bf02

    95da aa49 6a4d 4572 9caf 7973 ecac e38d

    9578 23cf e4ce 5ddd 9a82 4848 424c 121a

    8294 ac4c e5bf dfd3 dd00 45d9 72e2 c4b3

    55f7 61c6 9148 008d 46f7 e9d3 8dd6 bfff

    4ba9 3ff1 9f52 0f16 7a61 aadf 9b2a 7ff0

    b37a 30af eb85 fff9 f163 fed2 af6c 3d4f ```

    Any help regarding this would be greatly appreciated and any resources on learning more about JSON files that would help me deal with them better in the future would also be very helpful.

    submitted by /u/5exyb3a5t
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    Can somebody explain how public and private key encryption works?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Why every program in Windows installs its own version of Visual C++ redistributable ?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    What is the best way to schedule api call to a 3rd party API and Store the response in Node JS ?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    So here's my problem : Fetch data from a 3rd party api lets say /xyz/:id. every 5 mins. Now, id corresponds to the id of a set of n items i have. The number n is large lets say n >= 1000. The response from the api needs to be stored as it is in a Postgres RDS.

    My first thought to solve this was to use a create a chron job, but that is not ideal as n can be large. I need some place to queue up the data one by one.

    Upon some searching, I came across Rabbit MQ and Kafka. For my use case Rabbit MQ seems to be enough. The solution I am thinking of is this :

    The publisher in rabbitmq will get the data from api and start queuing it in rabbit mq channel. The consumer script will receive the data from the queue one by one, cache the queries in a Redis Store and from there it'll seed it into the database.

    I am very new to this type of problem and not sure if this is the best way to solve this particular problem. Am I on the right track ? Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ascension249
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    question regarding usage of super keyword in java

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    if i have 3 classes:

    • class A, inherits B
    • class B, inherits from Object
    • and the Object class itself

    and create an object this way:

    Object a1 = new A();

    if class B has a toString() method, and i type the following line: a1.super.toString();

    would the super.toString() method call use B's toString, or Object's toString() ?

    in other words, does super go to the next highest class in the hierarchy, or the parent-class that we chose when creating the object in question?

    submitted by /u/Maxentium
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    What do you use to "mind map" software design architecture?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    Whenever I work on a small or medium project (in terms of the volume of work and project complexity), I typically just quickly map major pieces of structure in my head and then dive right into it, making things up on the go, and it works well typically. I'm a lone developer, so I'm not worried about a lot of things a team usually would.

    However, I'm about to undertake a pretty large personal project that I hope to turn into a business some day, and I need to be able to visualize it, map large classes and data structures, show relationships, etc.

    What do you use to create and record such architecture designs?

    submitted by /u/AEMicard
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    Can Anyone Recommend a "Rich Text" HTML Database Editor/Schema-Agnostic Headless CMS?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a tool that's sort of "in-between" several other categories of tools that I know about (DB admins and CMSes).

    Essentially I want something like a PostgreSQL database administration program (eg. DBeaver), only with the ability to edit HTML content in records, using some sort of rich text editor (not raw HTML). Another way to describe it might be as a headless CMS, and I could even use a regular CMS like Wordpress ... only all the CMS apps I've seen (headless or not) have their own database schema. I'd like to use this tool with an existing database.

    Can anyone recommend any tool that will let me have arbitrary records in arbitrary tables ... but then edit HTML in those records in a more friendly way (vs. the tiny text box with raw HTML, that any normal DB admin program will show me)?

    P.S. It does not need to be the world's greatest or most customizable Rich Text Editor; that'd be great, but I'm really just looking for something that can handle basics like bolding, italics, colors, etc.

    submitted by /u/ghostfacedcoder
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    Using JavaScript on Eclipse (I'm still learning) and don't know how to use classes from other projects.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    I want my launch code to execute a class that launches it into a new project.

    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

    public class TherapyCategories {

    public static void main(String\[\] args) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "TBA"); 


    public static void CategorySelecter() {

    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please select a Category: ");



    CategorySelect isn't defined in this code. How can I import the class so that my Launch Code can start CategorySelect in a different project/class. I wan't the two pages to work together basically.

    submitted by /u/Stormer127a
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    Best Way/Ideas for Heuristically Text Reformatting?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    I am looking to develop an automated process to reformat/generate text. For example, given the following text (generated by the user):

    A device comprising a processor to execute instructions to:

    select a location;

    determine a route; and

    traverse the route to the location.

    I would like to generate an output:

    A method comprising:

    selecting, by a device, a location;

    determining, by the device, a route;

    traversing, by the device, the route to the location.

    In the above example, "A device comprising a processor to execute instructions to:" and "A method comprising" will always be the same - the only text that will be updated is what comes after ":".

    However, the text will always follow a structured pattern of adding "ing" to the initial verb and inserting "by a device" or "by the device" after gerund formed noun, e.g., "selecting," "determining," etc.

    What would be the best way to tackle this example? I am comfortable in Python - however, I am having trouble finding code/examples that would get me started. Again, this feels like some syntax-based/heurisitical approach.

    I eventually would like to create this as a Microsoft Word add-in once completed.

    Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.


    submitted by /u/tbenson80
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