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    Friday, July 31, 2020

    How students get themselves into tutorial hell and how to get the heck out of it. learn programming

    How students get themselves into tutorial hell and how to get the heck out of it. learn programming

    How students get themselves into tutorial hell and how to get the heck out of it.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    If you're learning to program, there's a good chance that at some point you've been stuck in "tutorial hell". It's an experience of doing more and more tutorials, but being unable to actually build anything. Many essays and videos have been made about this topic, but I've never seen someone else describe the perspective I'm going to share.

    Tutorial hell is an unstable system of perceived incompetence caused by students using the wrong methods to fix the difference between what they know how to do and what they've been exposed to. That's a doozy of a sentence and I'm going to spend the rest of this essay unpacking it.

    A quick review on stability. A system is stable when it will tend to return to some state. Imagine an apple in an otherwise empty fruit bowl. You poke it, and it rolls down to the bottom. That's stable. Flip the fruit bowl over and put the apple on top. You poke it, and the apple rolls off to the side. That's instability.

    Incompetence just means not knowing how to do something. It also has a connotation of being dumb, but that's unwarranted. It's a temporary state. Learning is just going from incompetence to competence.

    When you learn things, especially programming, there's a difference between what you've been exposed to and what you actually know how to do on your own. This makes sense. You wouldn't expect to look at everything just once and be able to do it on your own forever. The need for repeated exposure makes the group of things you've been exposed to much larger than the group of things that you can do on your own.

    The difference between what you know and what you've seen causes perceptions of incompetence. "I've done a React tutorial, why can't I make a React app? I watched that algorithm video, why can't I solve coding problems?" This delta between ability and exposure causes anxiety in many students.

    Where things go wrong is how students try to fix it. They reach for more tutorials, generally on more topics. "I'm not getting React, maybe I should try Vue." This only makes things worse. A tutorial on a new topic increases exposure faster than it increases ability. This increases the ability/exposure delta, increasing anxiety and self-perception of incompetence. You're learning more, but you feel like you know even less.

    This is the unstable system. The feelings the student is trying to relieve (anxiety, perceived incompetence) are only made worse by the method they use to relieve it (more tutorials on more topics).

    Part of the solution might be obvious at this point. You need to increase ability without increasing exposure. This will narrow the gap between ability and exposure, relieving some of the negative feelings. It also means you're actually increasing ability, which is the whole point of all of this anyway.

    But how do you do that? The best method is to build things with the knowledge you already have. The easiest way to do this is through play. The most important aspects of play are that it is self-prescribed and enjoyable. You have to decide what to do for yourself and you have to like it.

    It's common for students to say "I don't know how to actually make anything!". They've defined "anything" to mean the peak of what they've been exposed to. Maybe that's a full blown web app. That's not what "anything" means.

    Can you make text appear on a web page? Can you write a script that tells you if today is Christmas? Then you can make something. Make those things of your own choosing and of slowly increasing difficulty.

    To get out of tutorial hell you need to make a trade. You need to trade your anxiety about your abilities for embarrassment about how basic the stuff you're making is. I think it's a good trade.

    The second method is to combine play with the tutorials you've already done. Go back through your old tutorials, but push the edges a little bit. What if I add this little extra feature at the beginning and then try to keep it all the way through? What if I try to do a bit from memory and then check back if I did it right? This may feel a bit safer.

    The last method is to do more tutorials on the exact same topic. This won't get you all the way out of tutorial hell, but it might get you closer to the gates. For example, there are at least a dozen beginner books and courses on Django. Keep working through them. Go back and redo the ones that seemed too hard. The essential thing is you have to stay on topic until you actually gain the ability. If you venture off too soon (Maybe I should try Django REST Framework. Maybe I should learn Docker) you're only going to make things worse. You'll be like an apple rolling off a fruit bowl.

    Edit: I sat down and wrote this post this morning because I woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep. I'm glad I did because it seems to have resonated with a lot of people. Thank you all for sharing that with me. Best of luck in your learning.

    submitted by /u/TravisJungroth
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    Just got paid for the first time writing code!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    I'm a long-term lurker here and have been learning programming for a while on the side. Recently I created an Upwork profile and started bidding on Javascript projects but I wasn't getting even a single reply :(

    Eventually someone posted a project and I thought screw it I'll just make the whole thing, send it to the poster and they might be impressed enough to hire me! So, basically I managed to finish like 50% of it in a couple of hours (I'm pretty slow!) and sent it to the client and sure enough he was super impressed that I started on it before even being chosen lol Anyway, long story short I got the project and made $120 in just over a day which, honestly, is one of the best feelings I've ever experienced lol

    Anyway, just wanted to thank this community for being awesome and helping me learn so much through the past 1-2 years! You're the best.

    P.S. here is the project, it feels great that it's also relatively well-rated :P


    I know it's nothing complicated and for most of you it's probably programming 101 but it took me hours and hours to build and I'm just so excited that I got paid for it!

    submitted by /u/titax90
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    A guide for git, github and gitlab aimed for beginners

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    Hello World

    Some ppl mentioned to me that they struggled with git when they first started and seeing as it is an important tool for devs, I created a guide for it.

    This article teaches how to get started with git as a complete beginner. You will learn how to create git repositories on your local machine and also on remote servers and platforms like GitLab and GitHub.

    It even features exercises along the way to get more hands-on and a bigger one at the end of the article.

    You can read it on my blog: https://d3vnull.com/git-for-beginners/

    Let me know if it was helpful

    submitted by /u/ninijay_
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    Discord for programing help!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    TechTok is a small programming discord that has had impressive growth over the last week and a half. The discord server is fairly new (under two weeks old), and it already has around 700+ members. There is a strong community of programmers (all ages and levels of experience) who are all open to giving coding advice. Every night, there are voice calls where members of the community come together and code/chill with each other. There are also weekly community programming projects, and they are looking to expand their community involvement soon. There is a mix of high school students, college students, and professional programmers in the server. If you are interested in a server that can provide a friendly community, alongside a coding resource, I highly recommend this server.

    Here is the invite link if you are interested: https://discord.gg/eabmnSc

    submitted by /u/GrahamBillington
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    Anyone stuck on some programming task and need help?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    I got some free time tomorrow afternoon and wanted to help people out. I used to tutor software engineering for 3 years and I kinda miss that.

    My skillset:

    • Very good at algorithm and data structure
    • I'm specialized in Machine Learning (I use it for my PhD)
    • Web development (I'm not that bad in React and know Django decently well)
    • Discrete Math (love that stuff)


    • Python
    • Java
    • C & C++
    • MATLAB
    • javascript + React

    Send me a DM of the stuff you need help with and have a good day.

    Edit:I got lots of answer for this post. If I don't get to you right away I'm not ignoring you, I'll get there by tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/research_pie
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    C Program, For Loop for(;;)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    Can someone explain what this means: for(;;)

    More specifically the ;;

    I tried searching it up but couldn't find the answer anywhere :(


    submitted by /u/HeckYouBeaches
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    If you are trying to change careers, DON'T give up!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    I'm writing this so it can be helpful to people learning programming to change careers! I'm almost 35 and have always worked with Business Administration, Procurement and a bit of Sales... regardless to say, I hate it... I'm graduated in BA and never cared for any of this... always loved technology! So a few years ago I decided that enough is enough and I was gonna learn how to program! Started from scratch and learned C#, a bit of Javascript for some front end stuff, Agile methodology, Scrum, etc... fast forward to this week, I got accepted in a job interview to be a .NET developer + agile project coordinator in a software startup.... so I'm done with my "old" career!

    Honestly guys, a couple of months ago I was at a point in which I thought I was just wasting my time and it would never happen... so don't give up.... study hard, practice and try to be really involved with your desired area! Now I'm being striked by imposter's syndrome but I guess that would be somewhat expected haha!

    Just wanted to share this to help people in this situation because I know it's tough!


    submitted by /u/MarcCDB
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    Stick with Java or go to Python or C++?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    I have a pretty intermediate knowledge on Java which means I know most of the syntax and know to write it but I don't know whether to move to Python or C++ because both of those languages seem appealing but I don't know which one to do when you account for thing like usefulness for work or things like competitive programming. Any sort of advice would really help, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Frice8
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    What to learn after CRUD

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    Hi, I have been Learning Server side programming with express and nodejs. I have made few personal projects using it as well.

    I am now quite comfortable with making API(Rest+graphql) authentication (using JWT) and CRUD operations on data.

    But, I think there is more to server side programming than the current knowledge I have. Could you please give a brief overview of what I might have to learn next?

    submitted by /u/cbit191129
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    Thanks to this sub, I was inspired to finally pick a career.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    After so many false starts, illnesses both physical and mental, college and subsequent dropping out, and a decade of wandering aimlessly from kitchen to construction site, I've finally found a direction to aim my life in.

    Thanks to the excellent resources on this subreddit, in the last month I've begun learning C++ (learncpp.com) while structuring my return to school. I was even able to get some practise in by making a little dungeon crawler pet project; sure, it probably has 40* the code it should, but it works. Most importantly, I enjoyed the process, from troubleshooting to debugging to google-fu.

    So that's all, just a big thank you for helping me distill my scattered interests into a path that finally seems right for me. The community around programming and all of you specifically are absolutely fantastic.

    submitted by /u/BA_lampman
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    Question regarding a family member learning to program

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 12:27 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    My Father is very interested in programming, he was employed (and making a lot of money) in a software development field about 30 years ago, but now he is far behind the standard.

    He is interested in catching up with everyone else (despite his age), and also maybe giving a shot at full-time employment in this field once more (if things go well).

    Which languages would you recommend? Where should he start? I mean he primarily worked in assembly type languages all those years ago, but he had a very reputable position, and to this day he thinks incredibly critically.

    I would love to hear what you guys think.

    submitted by /u/Lephilis
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    How do you have the time to study and work.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    It's been about a year since I've switched careers as a programmer but at this point I still consider myself as a full novice. I know I need to focus on my studies by lately I find it harder and harder to find time due to work. To those that have job in the programming field or a job that demands much of your time. How do you manage to find the time to study?

    submitted by /u/easypeasylemonsqueez
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    What do I need to learn to go from beginner to intermediate in python?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    I think I know the basics of python, is it beginner to intermediate, or is there something else in between? I am learning to code to as a hobby.

    submitted by /u/Redditor728292
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    Python Basics for Beginners

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    Here I am sharing Python Basics for beginners. This blog is part of my 100DaysofMachineLearning challenge.

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Please share your feedback.


    submitted by /u/durgeshsamariya
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    New to C++

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    So I am trying to teach myself basic C++ coding and I'm stuck on assignment operators. One problem I am working on is evaluating expressions. For example, assume a=12 and n=5 I have to evaluate


    How would I go about that, I'm just looking for hints or help not the actual answer

    submitted by /u/Jgl187
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    A Short Tutorial on improving your git workflow.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    I think its important when you're learning programming to also properly understand the tools you're using.

    We have some university students with us at work at the moment and they had some questions about how git push works so I thought I'd write up a tutorial and share that with you all.

    Please let me know if it was useful, any feedback is greatly appreciated :)


    submitted by /u/iamscottcab
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    Want to contribute to an open source project?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! Cross-posting this from /r/elixir since I figured some folks in this subreddit might be interested in this as well:

    Over the past few weeks we've been working on Papercups, which is a customer messaging tool meant to be an open source alternative to products like Intercom. It's built on Elixir/Phoenix/React/TypeScript, and it's been a great way to "learn in public" and start getting familiar with Elixir, which I've been meaning to do for a while.

    I know most people in this sub are probably not focused on learning Elixir, but we have a few small frontend tasks (i.e. React/TypeScript stuff) that might be good for some beginners who want to get their hands dirty with Github and open source. Here are some of our tickets: https://github.com/papercups-io/papercups/issues

    If you're interested in contributing, feel free to ping me. I'm happy to help out!

    submitted by /u/potaters_gon_potate
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    Is freecodecamp.com is good source for learn front-end?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    I'm learning the basics of programming by c++ like OOP, Data structure,Algorithms and problem solving, when i finished some of these thing and have the fumdementals could I start on freecodecamp.com to learn front-end and make me prepared for jobs?

    submitted by /u/Shehaab
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    Random word (order) generator. (What's the best way to do it?)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    [Newbie in programming]

    I would like to make a program that takes an input of a number of words and then randomly chooses and displays three at a time.

    It can be a data set preloaded or as an alternative data fed from an outside source (does this makes things more interesting? What benefits occur?).

    What programming language do you think is best for this kind of purpose?

    As I'm new to this can you suggest your personal choice in how you would approach this in terms of structure? [I'm not expecting effort on your behalf (that you might consider I should make) in explaining what I asked for.] That is if you think there are more ways to go about it.

    submitted by /u/eujinski
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    Looking for a 'grand' webDev Admin dashboard tutorial

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    Hi, I've been an backend dev for years now. Mostly doing (vb6, Vb.net, C#, C, C++). But with coming of Blazor to the .Net platform I would like to learn more in the web development area. I'm not a novice. I know my Html,JavaScript,Css... but I'm just very bad at those because I dont practice those skills very often. Over the years I learned that most efective way for me to learn stuff is to watch/practice with a 'grand' tutorials. Tutorials that have a single grand project that can take from 2 - 12 hours. So I mostly watch developers who stream and stuff like that. Right now I'm looking for some good tutorial/stream on admin Dashboard(something like adminlte), start to finish. Lenght, price etc.. doesn't matter. I use udemy and pluralSight on daily bases. Any suggestions? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Balgorius
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    React and Angular Courses

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    Please share your recommendations on courses to learn React & Angular. I am trying to get into a new position at work and they said I should start learning these first. I have baseline knowledge of HTML and CSS, so pretty basic in terms of skill and depth.

    Additionally, is there anything I should learn as a preparatory to React and/or Angular??

    submitted by /u/imaginethatitworked
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    Help with react-native-actionsheet

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    So i have a options menu on the homepage of my app that bring up the actionsheet. I want to be able to click back on the homepage and make the actionsheet disappear.

    Right now it only goes away after I make a selection, but I want to be able to make it go away by clicking anywhere outside the actionsheet and hold its last value. (Like if someone clicks a dropdown by accident and just clicks away instead of making a selection)

    I looked on the documentaion and I just couldnt figure out if it is even possible

    submitted by /u/bigYman
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    I am looking for an audio library I can import to get various information about an audio file?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    I am looking for a high level audio library that allows me to easily get various information about an audio such as its loudness, tempo, current key/pitch etc? Which programming language(s) and library/libraries can offer this for me?

    submitted by /u/unix21311
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    What to do as a high school student?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! I hope yall are doing well. I've recently been getting into programming as a high school student. I started with some Java, but I found that somewhat hard to understand. So, I've settled onto HTML, CSS, JS, and web development of that sort and I find it to be really cool! But the question I have is: if I want to pursue a career as a programmer when I'm older do I need to really learn all of these languages and frameworks right now so I'm ahead in the future (I want to land a summer internship as well). I'm scared that if I learn it all now, I'll forget everything. As a student taking lots of APs, I really won't have a ton of time to practice these skills. I know practice is vital to learning things, especially programming. Will learning things now help me in places like college and the workplace?

    submitted by /u/theaxiboi
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