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    Monday, July 20, 2020

    I finally got a breakthrough moment with iOS programming. learn programming

    I finally got a breakthrough moment with iOS programming. learn programming

    I finally got a breakthrough moment with iOS programming.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    I have been off and on programming for years now, but most of the time I just followed tutorials and never really understood what I was doing. Recently, I've been grinding pretty hard on programming. I had my breakthrough with Python a few months back where I could actually begin creating useful programs by myself.

    Today I had my first iOS app development breakthrough. The entire day I was following a more advanced tutorial, and I pretty much understood exactly what the guy was doing the whole time. There were still some parts that I didn't understand fully, but most of it made sense to me. I even starting typing what I thought he was going to type next and was right about it sometimes.

    The first best part came after I finished the tutorial and there was a comment down below where the guy was totally stuck. I went over his code, found the error, and gave him the answer, just like the dads do on Stack Overflow.

    Just wanted to share one of my breakthrough moments on here. Not sure if its the right place to put it, but for those who haven't gone through breakthrough moments, you'll get there!

    Just keep persisting!

    submitted by /u/amerikayo
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    My first full stack web application is up and running! After careful planning and many months of work, I introduce to you: GifSync

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Tl;dr: I made a website that synchronizes the speed of Gifs to music on Spotify in real time: https://gifsync.herokuapp.com

    This is definitely a big passion project of mine. It was my first experience with developing a web application, both back-end and front-end, and I've learned a ton throughout this process. I needed a way to synchronize a dancing gif to my music I had playing on Spotify while I streamed on Twitch.

    It all sounded simple at first, then I realized I would need a server to send requests to Spotify's API, and so I built a Spring Java application. Although it was clunky and hard to maneuver if you didn't know what to do, it did what I needed it to do and it wasn't really meant to be shared with others. However, after looking over the internet for similar gif-syncing websites/applications, I noticed that they all were... pretty bad. It seems like most websites that provide a gif syncing service forget that gif frame times are only accurate up to 10ms causing your gif to play way faster more often than not.

    So to share my creation, I bundled the Java program into a jar, and packaged it into an exe as well. While all of this is great, and it's "functional", it was definitely a hassle trying to get my friends familiar with how to use it. In addition, having your operating system scream "Windows blocked an untrusted application from running" is pretty foreboding. It was at this point I decided to make my idea into a website instead -- easily accessible and you don't have to install sketchy programs onto your computer.

    Thus was born GifSync - Synchronize the speed of Gifs to music on Spotify in real time

    I've spent a long time getting this project as secure, professional, organized, and well-documented as possible. It would really make my day if someone besides myself found my creation helpful or interesting. You can visit the site at https://gifsync.herokuapp.com and test it out, and if you wish to help contribute to expanding the project, it is completely open-source at https://github.com/Septem151/GifSync . Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Septem_151
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    My first code on github!!!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    Hooray for me! After 1 month of learning python, I have finally uploaded my first code on GitHub which is a Birthday remainder. I had many ideas for 1st project but I wanted it to be somewhat unique so i can do it honestly and not copy down everything. I have made simple project first based on this
    birthday remainder idea in which i have input date but this is all automate. Below is the address for my GitHub repository :


    Any and every insights and suggestion is more than welcome. Thank you everyone for helping me reach this point.(Sorry for bad english)

    edit1: As I am an asian I was asleep when most of commented sry for replying fast. Now I am reading each and every comments. Thank you so much for view on my code!

    edit2: There is some error in my code that I cant understand first it doesnt show any errors. When i manually add current date and add new birthday as current date to check if it is working properly then it will print the msg and everything works fine BUT if i only add new bday as of current date it will show nothing. i dont understand what is happening , Any help is much appreciated guys.

    submitted by /u/hp2223584
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    The things that eat our brain when learning to program, that we don't always talk about

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    Picture this scene in slow-motion. A Half-lit room. Nighttime and light rain. The smell of dark and creamy chocolate milk. And my keyboard mid-air about to smash on the wall into little pieces.

    My first lines of code were written before the large Q&A communities were created (Stack Overflow and Reddit). There wasn't so much support, very little technical, and nonexistent emotional. I'm glad that programming in particular, and learning in general, became so communal.

    Many things that bothered me back then, still riddle new programmers. I want to talk about the things that nagged me, in the back of my head, constantly, that now I know are nothing to worry about. Things that are part of the process and progress:


    Am I good enough?

    Programming is not reserved for the elite. The only criteria for being able to learn how to program is if you are able to sit down and spend the needed time.


    It takes so much time:

    Yes, it does, so invest the time and don't worry about it. Learning how to program combines learning a new language, and learning abstract concepts. Both are time-consuming.


    I feel like there's something I should know that I don't:

    There must be something that I missed!

    A very common feeling. Like there are missing pieces of the puzzle that prevent you from fully understanding, even when you follow a pre-designed curriculum.

    Just keep pushing forward, there are probably concepts that you still don't understand well, and as the layout of the language becomes clearer, you'll know what you should work on to feel more confident. Confidence comes with time.


    I feel demotivated:

    Motivation is like inspiration, it's for amateurs. I'm talking about the type that we feel from time to time, that makes us stand up, blood flowing strongly in our veins, wanting to change our lives. Don't give it too much thought when you feel it diminishing.

    What you need is dedication, to persevere even when not feeling like it, and for that, a good schedule works well. Also, remind yourself why you're learning this in the first place.

    Having a project, and building something you care about along the learning, really helps with the "why", and will help you put it the needed hours. It's also more fun.

    Remember, learning is hard, don't let the world sell you a sugar-coated idea of learning becoming easy and flowing, "if you just follow this method, that costs $995 (regularly $5999!) on sale right now, for fast decision-makers".


    Feeling stuck and tutorial purgatory:

    Yes, this happens from time to time. If you feel it, then you probably should either get out of your comfort zone and proceed to more advanced content, or, you weren't persistent, and a month or two after you don't feel that you made any progress.

    There's no advancing without time and persistence, and it's better to learn 1 hour every day than 10 hours every Sunday.

    If you'll persist with one good tutorial, you'll outgrow it quickly enough and feel comfortable taking on more advanced materials.

    Also, practice. After every lesson, try to implement it. Either in a "dry" manner, just as it was shown in the lesson, or even better, on your own project. Try to find uses for what you've learned.


    Time Management:

    A very important topic. Time management is usually the pitfall of learners. Some helping rules: create a schedule and stick to it! Don't start big, an hour a day is a good start. No need for 10-hour marathons.

    Since learning is costly (mentally and cognitively), place the learning period at a time of the day when you are lively. Don't place it in the dead zones, the times of the day when you know you can't really get anything else done.


    I look at code repositories of other developers, and I don't understand anything!

    Neither do I most of the time. It takes time to understand another developer's code. I usually have to sit down and study the code and play with it to know the ropes. Sometimes it takes a lot of time. It depends on the project complexity and how organized and well documented was the other developer.

    I'm terrible at documenting, or can you really be terrible at something you don't do at all :)? So it's not really a treat looking at my codebase, plus I have to do a lot of explaining with each collaboration. Be a better programmer than I am and practice documenting your code. Explain what functions do. Even if it's only for yourself.


    Again with the code of other developers. I'll never be able to build something so complex and elaborate:

    No one writes 10K lines of code at a time. Even those big projects you see on GitHub started with just a few lines of code. The code adds up with each day of programming, and a couple of months after, you suddenly find yourself with a respectable project. Provided that you were persistent!

    Even those repositories that have many collaborators and a huge codebase usually start with 1 person writing few lines of code. You've got to start from somewhere.


    Oh dear god, the stupid bugs:

    Yup. Still happens to me too from time to time.


    I can't remember the commands! Is my brain weak?

    As stated before, it's like learning a language, and you need to practice to get the vocabulary into your head. To be honest, I still look for simple things on google sometimes. It's mostly things I don't use a lot.

    A guy I follow tweeted yesterday: "Just wanted to let you know that I, a physics Ph.D., working for NASA, had to google the volume of a sphere today". If he is allowed, you and I are allowed as well.


    Good programmers must write code as fast as they can type, and I'm so slow:

    No, they don't (there are exceptions). and you'll get faster with time.


    I can't build anything real until I am a professional:

    Sure you can. Think you've just learned Italian. It's still kind of bad, but you can carry a conversation good enough to get around Italy! Sure it will be better in 3 years, but it is still functional right now!

    The same thing happens in programming. You can build functional things as a beginner. Sure, the code can probably be significantly improved, but it works! It'll do the job, and that's what code is for. for doing the job!


    Now another language?!?! I'm not good enough in this one!

    Once you understand the major programming concepts and feel comfortable enough to build things in one language, you'll feel more confident to learn a new one when needed. You don't have to be a professor in one language before you acquire a new one.

    Make sure you don't just jump around from one language to another, but if you spent enough time with one to the point where you can effectively use it, don't be shy to try a new one.



    If there's one thing that repeated itself in this article, is that you have to invest the time, and do it persistently. Time and persistence will solve most of your problems.

    Regarding issues of confidence, they go away with time and persistence as well. Know that many people share these worries. You're not alone.

    I'm very pragmatic in my approach to learning. I don't think there's much more than time and persistence. I also think that anyone telling you differently is trying to sell you something. A special and costly method or service that will learn for you! "On sale, only today, for early birds and fast thinkers". Time and dedication!!! It's that simple.

    Good learning resources are important but those you can find in abundance. Just take the top-rated Udemy courses or any other recommended resources. Follow them without jumping from one to another, and you'll surely get there.


    First published here

    submitted by /u/Yarduza
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    Those of you who were successful at self studying, how did your brain not melt after week 4?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    I can't look at another youtube tutorial or online coding website without getting sick. And this has been universal for all topics, not just coding.

    How do you people do it?

    submitted by /u/VidEdt611
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    Odin Project vs. FreeCodeCamp for best resource to career change into Web Dev?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    If you had to pick only one of these resources, which would be the better for using as a self taught programmer trying to break into Web Development?

    submitted by /u/geospatial_coding
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    Does user access to their own account fall under "authorization"?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    I'm new to building web applications and I'm planning on building something with login functionality. I've been reading up on authentication and authorization, but I'm confused on whether or not I really need to implement "authorization." For example, if I make a web application where everyone has basically the same permissions, like a craigslist without any admins– just people who can create posts and only have permission of their own posts in their account. Does anyone have any advice on how to go about this or comments on this? thanks a lot everyone!!

    submitted by /u/Yuppy28Zab
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    I'm a Senior software engineer looking to tutor folks.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    I'm looking to tutor people as a hobby so I won't charge you anything. But I will ask that you donate 50$ to a charity of my choice and show me a receipt. I'm mostly doing this to work on my communication skills.

    I'm an ex FANG employee who is currently a Senior/Staff software engineer. I work on deep learning. I can help with basic programming, algorithms, systems, python, java, C++. I can even work with professionals if they want help with something related to ML or scalable systems. Just don't know any frontend stuff. If you are interested and want proof you can DM me and I can send you my linkedin.

    I don't really post on here and this is mostly on a whim. If this is the wrong place for a post like this, let me know.

    submitted by /u/Initial-Shop
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    Hola programmers! Show some path to this newbie programmer.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    I am new to programming. I have been learning programming for almost one year. First I started with C programming.

    Then I am currently learning full-stack web development from online. In the javascript DOM section, I am getting stuck. How should I proceed next step? Watching different online videoes won't help --this is what I believe from my past experiences. I also want to start competitive programming side by side of building projects. Should I start learning one more programming language? like c++ /python or I should start DSA ?! And is there any way to less forgetting things?

    submitted by /u/BhasD1999
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    I have no idea what I am doing with my life.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 09:03 PM PDT

    I just started programming in the past few months, I picked up Python. I really love that language and now I want to study CS to enhance my knowledge and my programming skill. However, I'm currently on 2nd year of business administration. If I switch my program, I will waste another ton of money. And the most funny part is I'm already in debt. I got stressed out, frustrated, I don't know what to do and what I am doing rn.

    I try to get into deep learning with Python but nothing comes through, it's so hard to understand without any instructions, I just want to give up. Because in the end, I wont get to use these skills, why should I learn it anyway. But if I stop, I feel itchy and just end up get back to do code.

    I really love coding and what to try more things with it, but again I have to waste my money on a career that I'm no longer interested in. Are there any self-taught developers out there can share your experience with me on how you get to this position that you are rn? What did you do and how you did it?

    submitted by /u/Klepto835
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    Help needed with Javascript and results from database queries.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    Hi everyone.

    I am quite new to Javascript, so bear with me if this is an obvious question.

    I am trying to make a simple data logging program, and I would like to be able to open one popup window if there is no data recorded yet for a given day, and another if there is already data in the database.

    With what I have already, the correct popup window opens if there is already data in the database, but nothing happens if there is no data.

    Here is the portion of the code that handles the popup control:

    $scope.sleepControl = function () { $http({ method: "POST", url: "Diet/insert_sleep.php", data: { 'dateIE': ($scope.dt.getFullYear() + "-" + ($scope.dt.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + $scope.dt.getDate()), 'action': 'fetch_single_sleep' } }).success(function (data) { $scope.sleepData = data; $scope.sleephrs = data['sleeptime']; }); if ($scope.sleepData) { $scope.modalTitle = 'Sleep Record'; $scope.openExistSleepModal(); } else { $scope.closeExistSleepModal(); addSleep(); } }; $scope.addSleep = function () { $scope.sleeptime = 0.00; $scope.modalTitle = 'Add Sleep'; $scope.submit_button = 'Insert'; $scope.openAddSleepModal(); }; $scope.submitSleep = function () { $http({ method: "POST", url: "Diet/insert_sleep.php", data: { 'sleeptime': $scope.sleeptime, 'dateIE': ($scope.dt.getFullYear() + "-" + ($scope.dt.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + $scope.dt.getDate()), 'action': $scope.submit_button } }).success(function (data) { console.log(data.message); console.log(data.error); if (data.error != '') { $scope.sleepSuccess = false; $scope.error = true; $scope.errorMessage = data.error; } else { $scope.sleepSuccess = true; $scope.error = false; $scope.successSleepMessage = data.message; $scope.form_data = {}; $scope.closeAddSleepModal(); } }); }; 

    The code for selecting data from the database:

    if($form_data->action == 'fetch_single_sleep') { $query = "SELECT * FROM sleep WHERE DATE(datetime)='".$form_data->dateIE."'"; $statement = $connect->prepare($query); $statement->execute(); $result = $statement->fetchAll(); foreach($result as $row) { $output['datetime'] = $row['datetime']; $output['sleeptime'] = $row['sleeptime']; } } 

    If anyone can point me in the right direction with this, I would appreciate it.


    submitted by /u/043270
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    IT WORKED!!!!!!! after putting aside coding for the last two weeks out of discouragement that my lack of knowledge, and the vicissitudes of social media that ended up with me posting multiple times about the problem I had without anyone responding I finally solved it!!!!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 12:53 AM PDT

    I wrote a small app on Python, but I run into a strange problem. No matter how hard I tried I could never get the tk.Checkbutton() method of Tkinter to work for me. I tried every method I could think of but was spinning in circles. I would always get as my .get() output the of the Variable state as off value. I tried it with strings, ints, and even booleans. I would always get off values as my output. The output for .get() when trying to print it also read as off value. I did not see that pattern that well at the time. And I just got hella discouraged. People in this reddit were not responding. But I blame that on the usually late hour I was posting at, or what not so I am not upset. I just thought oh well when the Corona Virus is over ill take classes on a brick and mortar building.

    I took another stab last night at one of the other issues I had been having, specifically getting Atom text editor to import my self defined Classes from one file to another. Turns out I just needed to follow the same way I did it on pychar., and I thought I needed to follow a form that resembled relative paths but I was doing it wrong.

    Anyway, I decided to continue looking at the problem. Tried multiple variations of my google searches. Tried a few other variations on my code, when I realized the patter that I mentioned earlier. And googled that idea. And it turns out that the reason I was getting that error was that weird bug that functioned but was not throwing any error messages was that I had created two tcl interpreters by running two tk.Tk() functions and two main loops.

    it was suggested to make the other page a TopLevel() method(?) widget and just do one main loop function. This is the Github to my project

    overall I am happy, excited, and looking forward to continue my self studies.

    submitted by /u/Lion_TheAssassin
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    Sweigart, Steele, and....?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    So Al Sweigart and Colt Steele are like gods to me. I can honestly say I would be so lost without them. The way they explain things has really impacted not only my academic life but my personal life as well. I was stuck in a rut because I'm in a beginner programming class for the third time and felt as though I'd die if I didn't get it this time around. I literally felt like I was stuck in a dark, muddy pit with no chance of things getting better. I'm talking tears for days. After watching their videos on Udemy, I'm actually making programs. Complete programs that actually work. No error messages in sight. My TAs have been leaving the nicest comments saying how well I'm doing now. Steele and Sweigart can have all my monies and my firstborn. I love them. I feel so much more confident after going through Automate the Boring Stuff this past week. I'm unstoppable. So who else in the programming world should I know about? Who else could change my life for the better?

    submitted by /u/Amayaaaaaa
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    What does ES6 mean / do, should l learn this version or ES10? Javascript

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    Should l learn this version or should l look to learn ES10? Is ES6 too old?

    submitted by /u/LaplasParadox
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    I read code much better than I write it....

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    This is a bit of a victim puke but I'm curious to see if others feel or have felt the same way...

    I have a couple of years experience, mostly with test automation and i feel a bit like I've plateaued in terms of my ability to solve problems creatively.

    The overwhelming thought i have when I see a bit of interesting code on github or in a blog post or in a course is 'I can understand what is written but I would never have been able to think up or implement that solution'. I do often try to implement said solutions but it oftens feels like I'm copying someone else's pattern that I couldn't have thought up myself.

    Is this just a classic case of imposter syndrome? Being able to write interesting blog posts or contributing to somewhat popular open source projects seems like so far away in terms of my ability.

    (I'm mostly a C# guy)

    Many thanks

    submitted by /u/Konnor5092
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    I have been trying to solve this one problem in Kotlin for over a week and I haven't been able to come up with a solution, please help.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    Here is the hackrrank problem: https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/climbing-the-leaderboard/problem

    I have been working on trying to solve this for a long time now but nothing works out for me.
    This gist has four versions of my code and none of those work: https://gist.github.com/sbeve72/ed8ae208fd237750c2b9acc1bf1145a2

    I really need someone to tell me how to solve this. I would really love some help.

    submitted by /u/sbeve72
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    Is there a way to pull changes onto a new branch where I've already made changes?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    I made a new branch on a repo and worked away on it but now wish to pull down changes that were pushed up in that time onto the branch I'm working on and see if I get any conflict with the changes I've made. Is there a way to do that?

    submitted by /u/Crossfire_dcr
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    Please let me know your thoughts - I beg it

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    I was recently laid off and live in the LA area. I have experience with graphic design, layout, print media though I went to school for multimedia (Animate, some Dreamweaver). I would ultimately like to acquire skills to become a web developer or multimedia developer. I need to understand some things better before choosing a path and committing time and money to long-term skills development. It would mean a lot to me if you gave me feedback on these items: 1) is it realistic, based on your experience, that there are positions that specialize in both of those things; web development and multimedia development?

    2) machine languages, skills I want to develop are HTML, CSS, Python, Ruby. Do you think these are appropriate for the above goal?

    submitted by /u/Minncognito
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    A few Javascript questions!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    I am trying to solve the following question:


    The function I have created is in the following link:


    The error I am getting is this:


    These are the questions I have:

    • Why am I getting this error? (is the "<==" the incorrect way to express "is less than or equal to"?)
    • Am I declaring the variables correctly? (Seems like the grade variable is unnecessary but was created because it seemed like the question was asking me to
    • Could I have left the let grade; out of the function? Could the variable just have been claimed in the return statement?
    • Do I need to use the semicolons after the }
    • were the parenthesis in (score > 0 && <== 5) necessary? If they were left out, this would have changed my if statement making it incorrect?

    Thank you for any help! I have started coding about 2 weeks ago and enjoy it. Hopefully will pass the Springboard technical skills exam in a few days.

    submitted by /u/Berkoooooo
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    Is recursion actually useful or is it just a cool way to code something?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    I was watching this video (video about dynamic programming) and the recursive fibonacci function he wrote had a recursion error when the input was too large, whereas a bottom up solution worked fine. And to be the bottom up solution is much easier to understand, so I just wanted to ask if recursion is actually ever a good thing to use besides just flexing on people that you know how to code a recursive function. Like it's harder to understand and at least in this case is less effective, does it have real value?

    submitted by /u/Missing_Back
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    Question about responsive web design

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    While making a website, will using only relative units (like % instead of px) eliminate the need for media queries or atleast minimize it?

    submitted by /u/Jacc1708
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    I wanna start my own personal project!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    I'm still learning the beginnings of coding off of the MOOC.FI online course, but I am also eager to start applying what I'm learning. I would like to create some sort of application where I can write down my long/short term goals, and have "microsteps" on how to achieve those goals. I know this doesn't sound like the most exciting project, but it's the first idea I have that I actually want to work towards. Does anyone have any advice on how I can make my first steps from an online coding course, to creating a full fledge app?

    submitted by /u/okcloudy
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    What are some non-programming things you should know to help you write code?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    I'm trying to learn how to code (currently with Python), and I'm finding I'm lacking knowledge on how computers do what they do, and I feel that hinders my ability to think of how to code something.

    For example, one of the things I wanted to make was a "desktop widget", like a Rainmeter or Conky thing.

    Now, maybe its just that Python isn't the language for the job, or maybe its that I don't know how the system manages displaying things and where, or maybe I just don't know enough yet about programming overall.

    Searching for an answer of how to do it is hard also, since every search result just gives me Tkinter and PyGObject and such (which, for when I need to actually make a program/script with a GUI, I'll use). And even if those can do what I need them to do, I still don't know how to do it.

    But back to the question at hand: What are things I should learn before I continue trying to learn how to program? Like how computers do everything, as a first example.

    submitted by /u/DNEAVES
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    why wait() method is better than sleep() method in Java multi-threading?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    why wait() method is better than sleep() method in Java multi-threading?

    could someone give me detail reasoning with some examples in real time?

    submitted by /u/ChiTech121
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