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    Wednesday, July 29, 2020

    I failed my software engineering internship. I feel so sad and overwhelmed learn programming

    I failed my software engineering internship. I feel so sad and overwhelmed learn programming

    I failed my software engineering internship. I feel so sad and overwhelmed

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    I would do anything to solve an issue I diagnosed in the first place, but after two weeks in front of Eclipse, I just couldn't figure it out. What should I do now?

    submitted by /u/maxellis66213
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    Totally noob question. Please be nice.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 01:43 AM PDT

    So, been reading, watching, and practicing a lot on writing a code in Python.

    All the tutorials and resources are nice and beginner friendly.

    But I want to ask, how do actual code or script turn into applications?

    These tutorials are purely in the code writing environment and only execute within the language console, i wonder how can i turn the script into actual output "mini" software, like a user end software where a consumer can use it? Can someone please guide me in layman? Thank you!

    EDIT: I am overwhelmed with the amount of attention my post has garnered. I wish i could "automate" upvoting all of you. :D Thank you all for your help and support. I will have a lot of reading to do starting from your answers/thoughts and resources you have provided.

    submitted by /u/Adonis_X
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    How is becoming a Full Stack Web Developer actually possible for a mere mortal?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    I work in IT, started with your typical Helpdesk stuff.

    Getting certified in basics was pretty simple. Getting CompTIA A+,NET+ and SEC+ took about two months total. Getting a CCNA took another 3 months. All pretty straightforward stuff, basically just one solid learning resource for each. I read powershell/AD/and other sysadmin related books and it all felt manageable.

    I'm very interested in programming(thanks powershell), and figured web dev would be the best place to start. I picked javascript as my first language, thinking web dev was HTML/CSS with a bit of JS to spice things up. WHAT AN IDIOT I WAS.

    I'm currently about 6 months into learning. I'm comfortable in all the essentials of HTML, and am at the point where I can comfortable create pretty involved animations in CSS. I'm pretty confident in javascript and things like AJAX and the fetch API. I made a bunch of small projects like covid trackers and whatnot. Used some libraries and frameworks like jquery and bootstrap and overall felt decently competent on the front end side of things. I started learning node and the express framework to start learning the backend side of things and am moderately successful at hacking together functioning test projects with a MVC design pattern and ejs as my view engine.

    I then learned SQL (that was simple fortunately)and played around with mongoDB. I started to browse job listing to see what they were looking for and the technologies currently in use. I started to learn react but I only watched videos, I have not tried to make any projects with it.

    Overall, I feel I still need to learn Frameworks like react, vue, and angular because jobs seems to require at least 2 of those, I still have to learn tools companies use like JIRA, GIT, and testing tools like JEST. Realistically, learning python and PHP is kind of required too based on what jobs are asking for and this is also ignoring the fact that I'm not even really competent using node yet. There's also probably dozens of tools, frameworks, libraries, and languages that I didn't even list I should be familiar with. I feel like even with all the effort I've been putting in for months, I'm not even CLOSE to the end goal, and the worst part is, by the time i feel comfortable I feel like there will be an entirely new tech stack I have to learn all over again. I could easily just pivot back to some IT network position for comparable pay for a more reasonable amount of effort. I like programming though, but I like specifically the programming part, not the learning an endless amount of libraries and enough syntax to dwarf my actual English vocabulary.

    My question is, I know people do this and have done this, am I just more incompetent than I think I am to I feel like this is such an unrealistic expectation for any human to actually manage or are employers genuinely asking too much? If they are asking too much, than who the hell is actually landing these jobs?

    submitted by /u/EventHorizon182
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    1st Project is DONE! THANK YOU r/learnprogramming

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 08:12 PM PDT


    Thank you community! Never really touched coding until about 2 months ago.

    I made a calculator that generates Warbands for a game called WarCry!
    I'm HYPED that I completed it!

    Next steps would be to make an app or upload on the web for easy execution for the community.

    P.S. Review and constructive criticism is welcomed


    submitted by /u/Puzzle666
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    when do you use std and :: in c++?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:02 PM PDT

    When I learned C++ from a tutorial on youtube they didn't tell us about this so I was wondering what are these and when should I use them they just told us to use "using namespace std;" and that this isnt that important for beginners.

    submitted by /u/NutSunny69
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    Stuck on a loop

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    I am a beginner level programmer, I have been learning python tkinter to create GUI, I am working on a project to create a quiz platform where questions and answers are both extracted from text file. It was running nicely but I don't know what went wrong it just runs as an infinite loop and fails to execute. I can't figure out my mistake, I would be grateful to you guys if you could help me. The code might not be that intelligent, sorry for that.

    CODE: https://github.com/rochakadhikai/quiz

    submitted by /u/chandlerbing123456
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    Is git confusing or is it just me?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    Some friends and I are learning react by doing a small project, while also using git and GitHub for the first time. There have been some times where we need to delete our local directory to make things work because sometimes a local version will work and someone will push it and everything but when we pull it doesn't work.

    This is just one example but there are other issue. Is there any easy to understand resources about git and GitHub that you would recommend? Other than videos and stack overflow.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/KvotheSonOfArliden
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    Programmers who haven6t read books?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    A lot of books are recommended on this sub. I'm not a big reader and this kinda worries me. Does anyone else have this problem? Is reading books about CS topics necessary/important? TIA

    submitted by /u/forcemans11
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    How to continuously fetch git updates

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    How do people that work on a big project do it? I keep writing code and when I want to commit and whatnot I get stupid merge conflicts. I get that having a good project manager or lead can avoid these things and communication too, but is there any way that I can set up my git / bitbucket whatever to automatically fetch new updates when the master branch is updated? I don't like doing a git status every once in a while and sweating every 5 mins worried someone is working on the same file I am.

    submitted by /u/princessPH
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    Should I learn Python or Js for mobile non-game app development, if I already have some experience with Unity?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Hello, everyone

    I have some experience with Unity, been studying it for some months now and progressing really fast.

    I'm still a noob, though, specially as far as "general programming" goes. (How to implement different libraries, develop GUIs, build and deploy, import assets, debug..all those things I've only done with Unity, ever)

    However, lately a job opportunity appeared for me to develop mobile apps for small local business.

    I'm pretty sure I can already develop these kind of apps really quickly in Unity, but I'm concerned with three things, and I'm thinking that maybe I should switch to another language/SDK. All those thoughts aren't precise, because I'm a noob.

    My concerns are:

    Performance , since Unity is a game oriented engine, maybe it isn't very optimized for non-game apps. Is this a big issue? Can I do anything to solve it without switching?

    Connectivity, because afaik UNet is deprecated, and I have no idea how to build a stable network. (Can anyone point me in the right direction?)

    Databases. I've never really meddled in relational databases, which I think will be useful for those apps, and I think other languages may have a better relationship with relational databases than Unity.

    Am I right to be concerned with those points? Should I make the switch? Where to learn about those three things?

    submitted by /u/TheLordSet
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    Python Projects

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    I've run out of ideas. I want to work on something, but I can't come up with anything. Help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/sockshoeboot
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    Overwhelmed at the moment!!!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:18 PM PDT

    I have been taking a Python course for a minute now, which I like. But every time I run through some quizzes and problem solving problems where I have to code. I don't know shit!!! Like I have an idea what's going on but I don't know where to start, what to use, and this shit is stressing me out. Like I'm I suppose to know what to do once I see a problem? I'm not giving up I just or quitting that's not me, but some legit advice will hit home right now. From a humble admirer of programming.

    submitted by /u/SubstantialIce2
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    What math style questions should one expect when looking for a job?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    There was a post the other day where someone mentioned being asked a question about trailing zeros and flopping the interview as a result of not knowing how to solve it, this kind of caught me off-guard as I wouldn't know how to solve it too, I'm almost done with my bachelor's and I also took Discrete Maths in second year but we never covered trailing zeros. So I was wondering what other things I'm missing.

    So as to be prepared for a similar a situation I'd like to ask what math questions (as opposed to coding ones) usually come up in interviews, I'm making a list of the math topics I'll have to learn (or re-learn) based on the responses I receive, currently I only have one entry: trailing zeros

    submitted by /u/Yosaerys
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    Why is dynamic programming so hard?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    I've been trying to work my way through certain questions in interview bit but these problems seem to hard and i just can't figure out how we can solve these. But once i read the answers everything seems so easy and logical.

    Anyone got any tips to improve skill in dynamic programming?

    submitted by /u/beelzebub7777
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    Feel stuck in my progress

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:22 PM PDT


    I have started learning how to program by myself for almost two years now. The first year it was by myself, the second year I joined a bootcamp and then by myself again. At the middle of the second year I got a junior job. But I feel "stuck". I still enter en read some posts on stack overflow and they seem so advanced to me. Does anyone feel that way? What should I do next? I do feel that I am learning something but very slow. Also I think I am learning stuff from programming BUT don't know much about things "behind the scenes".

    submitted by /u/Mxlt
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    Do I need to learn modules?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:06 PM PDT

    I learnt Python. Now I found there are too many built in modules like random,sys,os,itertools,tkinter,functools etc. Note that I'm talking about these modules that we don't install by pip, they already comes with python.

    Do I need to learn the method of these modules?

    If yes what is the best method to learn them?

    Do I really need to remember all names of method or I just need to remember the use of them?

    Also where from I learn them?

    submitted by /u/jeel2331
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    Most efficient way to scrape live prices

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:06 PM PDT

    What would be the simplest way to scrape live prices from websites like this? https://www.abcbullion.com.au/store/gold

    Pretty sure this is a table so I'm thinking maybe BS4 and Pandas pulling into a .csv file to then display on my website, but I thought I'd check to see if someone had any ideas before I get started.

    I'd also rather stay away from paid programs, the costs would add up really quickly as the prices change minute to minute.

    submitted by /u/zlatoshima
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    I have watched lot of programming tutorials . After few days I can’t remember Am I doing wrong?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    I recently lost the job and I want to change from it support to software developer. I have enrolled some of the courses and on my way to complete them. I'm trying my level best and practicing the code in parallel with videos. But after few days I can't remember the starting concepts and stuck at that point and while trying to solve some random basic problem I'm unable to write the logic. Is it okay to see the solutions during learning stages?

    How can I improve my coding skills ?

    submitted by /u/d_s_h_
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    blank github pages? after deploying react app

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    hello people I was wondering if anyone can help me with a problem I've frequently encountered. I would work on a react app and then deploy it using gh pages. I usually follow tutorials to make sure I deployed it correctly and I would get a blank page. Ive searched stack overflow and other places. I never quite get an answer why it doesn't work on my end.

    submitted by /u/Flash-1
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    [JAVA] Caesar's Cipher Code Review

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    I'm a beginner, so any and all constructive feedback is very appreciated. I'm a little suspicious of my for loop at the bottom for filtering out the ";" and "!" that Java places every time there's a blank space between words in the String. But, I couldn't think of another way to work around it.

    //An encryption program where the user will type a message and, using Caesar's Cipher, the computer //will return a scrambled version of the message. The Caesar's Cipher will use the same key for each letter //for the sake of simplicity at the moment. import java.util.Scanner; public class CaesarsCipher { public static void main(String[] args) { //Phase 1 - Taking Input Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter your word: "); String word = scan.nextLine().toUpperCase(); //all encrypted messages will be in caps, so if the user inputs a lowercase message, this line will make sure the encrypted output is in uppercase System.out.println("Enter your key for this cipher: "); int key = scan.nextInt(); //Phase 2 - Scrambling StringBuffer scrambledWordBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for(int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) { char characterToBeScrambled = word.charAt(i); if(key > 0) { char scrambledCharacter = (char)((((int)characterToBeScrambled -'A'+key) % 26)+'A'); scrambledWordBuffer.append(scrambledCharacter); } else if(key < 0) { char scrambledCharacter2 = (char)((int)(((characterToBeScrambled - 'Z') + key)%26) + 'Z'); scrambledWordBuffer.append(scrambledCharacter2); } } //Phase 3 - Output Scrambled Word for(int i = 0; i < scrambledWordBuffer.length(); i++) { //This for loop is a workaround for when Java replaces whitespace in the String with '!' or ';' if(scrambledWordBuffer.charAt(i) == ';' || scrambledWordBuffer.charAt(i) == '!') { scrambledWordBuffer.replace(i, i+1, " "); } } System.out.println(scrambledWordBuffer); } } 
    submitted by /u/HermHunter55
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    How strong is Python? What is Pythons capabilities?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    I always underestimate Python due to how simple it is but recently I have seen its been used in big projects and I just want to ask and know whats Python truly capable of

    submitted by /u/NOTGAYANDPROUD
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    An A.S degree

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    So guys I have been interested in programming for a long time, but I am an immigrant who's 17 so I am going at community college to get Associate Degree in software development so I can work after 2-3 years save money and go back to school for 2 more years. Do you think that I'll find an internship?

    submitted by /u/Cleover453
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    [c++]char array, is it possible to use negative index to change the content or replace the value?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:17 PM PDT



    char data[] = "01234567890123456789"; 

    sometimes, it is tough to count the index from left, but easy to count from the right.

    I tried to use the negative



    but got

    invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char' 

    what step I am missing here?

    thanks a ton!

    submitted by /u/boydbuilding
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    Does a Path exist for a thirty something to change careers Into programming?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Hello all!

    Huge wall'o'text bellow, TLDR at the bottom.

    I'm just gonna jump right into this and say man, life is crazy! This year in particular. Due to events both local and worldwide my career path has shown it's Shakey legs all too well. Im going back to school and have been drawn back to tech where my interests started years back in highschool. The most I learned then in junior and senior year were intro to computer science 1-2. I was poised to complete these courses along with a few college maths so that I could go to college after years of being told my family couldn't afford it. Suffice to say, none of that transpired. Due to events that happened back in 07-08 I left school and joined the work force to help keep my family afloat in the crash. Since then I have worked many (no really, something like a new job every two years) jobs only to find a clash with them. My skills from these jobs include the following : carpentry,concrete work, greens keeper,certified mobility technician for the impared , certified personal trainer (ACE), heavy equipment operator and now I'm working in a rock climbing facility and working on several certifications through this.

    Thing is, I have been married to the most wonderful woman in the world the entire time all this has been happening. I have been cycling back to programming on and off since we first met way back in 2010, but I have never thought that I was smart enough to learn programming. Maybe something broke in my brain when I turned thirty. Now I am determined to figure this out, I want to be able to change the cycle, to break away from the path I was thrust into and to give my wife and yes, even my self a better life than what I can currently. So, after the far too explicit story to get you into my state of mind, what path would you suggest one take in order to successfully break into the world of programming for someone like me?

    If you read all of that, your a champion and deserve a coffee or whatever beverage you crave in the loud morning hours.


    TLDR: Can an uneducated meathead break the cycle of low wage jobs and become a programmer, or is it too late? What path would one need to take to become viable in the tech industry post thirty years of age? Find out next time, on the comments below!

    submitted by /u/RogueOnslaught
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