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    Monthly Getting Started / Web Dev Career Thread web developers

    Monthly Getting Started / Web Dev Career Thread web developers

    Monthly Getting Started / Web Dev Career Thread

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Due to a growing influx of questions on this topic, it has been decided to commit a monthly thread dedicated to this topic to reduce the number of repeat posts on this topic. These types of posts will no longer be allowed in the main thread.

    Many of these questions are also addressed in the sub FAQ or may have been asked in previous monthly career threads.

    Subs dedicated to these types of questions include r/cscareerquestions/ for general and opened ended career questions and r/learnprogramming/ for early learning questions.

    A general recommendation of topics to learn to become industry ready include:

    HTML/CSS/JS Bootcamp

    Version control


    Front End Frameworks (React/Vue/Etc)

    APIs and CRUD

    Testing (Unit and Integration)

    Common Design Patterns (free ebook)

    You will also need a portfolio of work with 4-5 personal projects you built, and a resume/CV to apply for work.

    Plan for 6-12 months of self study and project production for your portfolio before applying for work.

    submitted by /u/notcaffeinefree
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    fyi: You can bypass youtube ads by adding a dot after the domain

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    On desktop browsers.

    For example,

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuB8VUICGqc // will occasionally show ads

    https://www.youtube.com./watch?v=DuB8VUICGqc // will not show ads

    It's a commonly forgotten edge case, websites forget to normalize the hostname, the content is still served, but there's no hostname match on the browser so no cookies and broken CORS - and lots of bigger sites use a different domain to serve ads/media with a whitelist that doesn't contain the extra dot

    This works for many news websites as well serving paywalls, e.g.


    submitted by /u/unicorn4sale
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    The logo animation that helped me get my first web dev job [Github link in comments]

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:13 AM PDT

    After an initial interview with HR for a fullstack position I was sent this technical test. Judge by yourselves

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    Usually I'm against technical tests because I tend to get anxious and my performance can be way poorer than it really is, so for me it's not a good example of what I can do but sometimes I understand it's a necessary evil.

    Sometimes. Not this time.

    Translated from Spanish, so bear with any mistakes please:

    The code must use Git and gitflow so we can follow its evolution

    You must develop a fully documented RESTful API backend. The service must retrieve the prices of 10 to 15 cryptocurrencies from [third party free service] and expose an endpoint for its consumption. You must implement a persistence of the prices and its history using MongoDB. Besides, it must send an hourly email (Spanish and English) with a message and the last price of every currency to [email address]. It must be able to send push notifications as well. You must create a web frontend using HTML, CSS and JS (vanilla or using any framework, it's up to you) and it must show the prices and history for each currency with their icons, name, price and tag.

    You must use at least unit tests, any other kind of tests is up to you. Your service and your DB both must be dockerized and ready to deploy in a Linux machine. Your code must be able to manage loging and loging policies. You must deploy your service and the MongoDB database in a free-tier Google Cloud instance using Kubernetes. Finally, you must attach a technical document in which you would describe the application's design and behavior in a comprehensive manner and also consider future improvements for the application.

    Your application must be ready to be deployed in production.

    I wrote them back and said I had no problem doing this as long as they paid me to do it, because this goes way past a technical test and directly into the "marketable app" terrain, so if I'm going to spend a week writing a "technical test" that, and I quote, "must be ready to be deployed in production" (and also can scale with minimal effort to generate revenue) I expect payment for it.

    It's been a month since then and I still haven't heard anything from them. I went ahead and wrote it and now this app is part of my personal portfolio and my Github repo.

    submitted by /u/PorkChop007
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    Thanks, Google Speed Insights.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Just a little appreciation for the Mozilla developer docs

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    Someone in here mentioned about how good the Mozilla docs are (especially compared to W3Schools), and I've spent some time browsing them, and everything in there is written beautifully

    As a side piece, they have the best box shadow generator I've seen.

    Also related, I did not realise until today that an element can have more than one box shadow. This is an absolute game changer

    submitted by /u/KoolKarmaKollector
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    NoDesign.dev – Tools and resources for non artistic developers

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    Coming from someone who hate tests, if you haven't started doing testings, you should now

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    Coming from someone who hate tests, if you haven't started doing testings, you should now

    If you're starting a project, in a middle of one, or just finishing up one, you should stop what you're doing now and start writing tests.

    I used to hate testings but after spending 2 weeks on nothing but writing tests for my backend and some frontend, I realize how much time it would have saved me in development. And I'm talking at least 80% of time saved from manual testings.

    Long story short, I built an online ordering system for restaurants and it's gotten so big with all the loyalty programs, location business hours, coupons, etc. I was scared as hell to add and change anything because I might break something. So I started writing tests to make my app more robusts. While writing tests, I think I almost refactored my entire backend because so much of what I wrote was not testable and so much of it was just a clutter fuck of code.

    Just today, I remodeled a table in my database and ran my tests and was amazed at how many part of my backend was failing. Had I not had tests, I would had to manually test them from the frontend to see what broke.

    Writing tests not only help you with finding out what's broken, but it helps you write code more efficiently. If you're someone who tends to write long functions and components with very long JSX, tests will help you find out what needs to be broken down because you'll realize some parts need to be tested AKA unit testing.

    Now I'm just excited to get my backend completed and start on my frontend.

    EDIT - I'm getting a lot of questions, "Why not just manual test?"

    Here is an example of a POS integration I was doing before I started writing tests


    This is only the most concern cases that needs to be tested. If my app broke at "Apply reward to order", I would have to go back to my app, re-add items to the cart, apply reward to the order, fill in customer details, and click submit at checkout. Since applying reward to order could have relation to applying reward to items, if it breaks that, I would have to do it again. Maybe it's the database problem and I needed another column to store some new data. I add the column, and now it's breaking other parts of my app. Just this process could devour two or more days of work and most of it is me going back to my app and running that process again and again.

    Keep in mind, I only stopped at apply reward to order before I go to fix it. At that point, I don't even know if "apply reward to order with payment" is even working. So I run the process again, this time with payment and discover that what I fixed broke this. It just goes on and on. I think I went over this checkout process 500+ times in the span of 2 weeks.

    With tests in place, I could just run it after fixing "apply reward to order" and see if it also broke "apply reward to order with payment" or any other test case in a matter of a few seconds, and just fix those too until all my test passes. Work that would take two days or more to complete is now completed in 8 hours or less.

    submitted by /u/eggtart_prince
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    How Our Stack Evolved in 10 Years

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    I created a tool that draws random right triangles to scale with a missing side. Also, the triangle is rotated 1-360 degrees for more variability. For Pythagorean Theorem practice

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    Hosting your docker-compose environments cheaply on the cloud? My solution on AWS + looking for any other suggestions / tips.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Sometimes, I like to host small projects as cheaply as possible. Most of my projects involve multiple docker images which I configure in a docker-compose.yml file to run locally (redis, mysql, etc). But what if I want to deploy it to the cloud for friends/family to use publicly? It gets fairly expensive if you setup your database, cache, load balancer and all that jazz as a proper production environment. Using something like a kubernetes service has a base fee of $75 per month. I'd like to just host my docker-compose environment on the cloud for the public to see without an entire production environment.

    The easiest and cheapest solution is to simply buy a VM (EC2) and run docker to host the same docker-compose file in production. However it has limitations as it's not as easy to scale and deploy images and does't have easy native monitoring and alerting, etc.

    Enter: ElasticBeanstalk Multicontainer Environments. You can basically port your local docker-compose.yml file to the AWS Dockerrun.aws.json file, upload the file and it will handle the scaling, alerting, logging, etc on an ECS instance (which is just an EC2 instance). Your cloud environment will operate exactly how your local docker-compose environment worked. Up until recently, this was almost the perfect solution, however it was difficult to handle persistent storage. Docker volumes only worked with the ECS ephemeral storage. Your mysql container data would be wiped every time you rebuilt the servers or the ephemeral storage was otherwise cleared. However AWS recently announced EFS support on ECS. This is a game-changer because you can now mount an EFS volume to your ECS servers and then use those volumes to mount docker volumes. This allows you to have persistent storage on your database/storage containers (mysql, redis, etc.) without having to resort to expensive RDS, ElasticCache, etc.

    The only downside is that EFS storage is sort of expensive as it scales, and it likely has higher latency than other methods, but the goal here is to host docker environments for <$10 per month without real performance requirements and having to set up an entire cloud production environment but still the benefits of scalability and auto deployment and management.

    I recently had a small project I wanted to share with friends and discovered that EFS now works on ElasticBeanstalk so I gave it a shot and it seems to work great. I'm now hosting my entire docker environment on a t3.micro instance for < $10 per month simply by pushing my docker images and uploading my Dockerrun.aws.json file.

    I'm curious what other solutions exist as I've been curious about this type of thing for a long time and it only seemed possible recently, but I'm sure there are other solutions out there. How are you guys hosting your small-project "non-production" docker environments cheaply?

    submitted by /u/ohThisUsername
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    I was emailed after abandoning a registration form. I did not click Submit. This is not ok.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Can I create my own Domain suffix?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    Say my name is Thomas Jones, can I get a domain with a .jones suffix? Are there a finite number of domain suffixes?

    Sorry if this is the wrong place but I searched pretty hard on the internet and and couldn't find anything useful. I want to own my own name but there is already a Thomas Jones with an active site. Since thomasjones.com is hypothetically taken, why cant my domain be thomas.jones etc.

    submitted by /u/TemporaryPseudonym
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    Python app in wordpress?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,
    I am a beginner pythonista with only python and oop knowledge(and dont know html, css, js or php) who is currently making a website in wordpress(with bluehost).
    I wanted to make a custom calculator app(say BMI calculator) which can be accessed on the website. and was curious to know if i can code the app in python and use it somehow(maybe api) in wordpress..

    But i am confused if its possible, like is there any plugin in wordpress which will run my python app, or if i wiil be using an api then which one will it be, either python's(ie django's) or wordpress' api??

    Thanks for reading:)

    submitted by /u/appsplaah
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    What is the bare minimum for most small jobs?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    I want to make a little extra cash and help out some individuals/small businesses with their websites. I have a basic understanding of Wordpress and Joomla, using plugins, and CSS. I'm getting more comfortable with the actual programming aspect and being able to at least troubleshoot PHP errors (I'm getting into the actual programming side). I can't code anything from scratch. I come from a sys admin background, so I'm really comfortable with administration of systems.

    What are the basics I need to accomplish before I can be effective for people? I don't want to charge people money before I'm able to actually give them what they need, but I also feel as though I'm not a complete beginner. I manage my wife's site for her business and it's helped the learning curve. I'm just curious if you have a list of skills/tech I should be focused on as I venture into actually making money from what amounts to a hobby at this point.

    submitted by /u/MasterModnar
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    How do you deploy your client's websites?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    So far each time I've built a client's website and I want to deploy them to for example Netlify, I create that client a Github account, then create a private repo for their project and I add my main account as a collaborator, that way I can push the code and Netlify does its job and makes the website available.

    However, what makes me be unsure about this approach is that I need to create a Github account for each client in order to host their projects there. How do you do this with your own clients?

    submitted by /u/iwanttobemayor
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    Is there a free method to test my website in IE11 on a mac?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    I've tried a few websites and applications, but one charged me if I wanted to try anything other than IE9, and one let me browse for free for about 15 seconds, and was glitchy enough that I could only get to google.

    submitted by /u/samgermain
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    Suggestions for a simple JS library for making small icons and diagrams

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    I want to make a few drawings (custom icons/flow charts/venn diags etc). But I have a slight issue with my hand which makes it difficult for me to use common drawing tools. So I have to 'code' the diagrams.

    I tried the javascript canvas api. In theory, it has everything I need. However, It is way too low level. I am looking for something a bit simpler - with a lot of built in shapes, easy way to put the text in the middle of the shape, ability to group multiple shapes together and ability to apply transformations on the shape/group (instead on the canvas context) etc.

    The interface I have in my mind is something like:

    let r1 = rect(0, 0, 400, 200) r1.textInside("Hello") let r2 = rect(0, 0, 400, 200) r2.textInside("World") r2.move(450, 0) let g = group(r1, r2) g.setLineStyle("color: #aaa") g.setTextStyle("color: #333") g.scale(3) draw(g) 

    Are there any libraries that can do similar things ?

    submitted by /u/xereleo
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    Should all styling be done in css?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    Should everything related to styling be done strictly in css, or is basic html styling "allowed" as a good practice?

    For example, the tags <b> or <i> seem to me as very convenient, since the css equivalent is adding an id or class to the relevant <p> tag and then adding the css code.

    submitted by /u/geiasasthsgiagiassas
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    Is this shadow more than CSS?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 01:02 PM PDT


    Is this more than just CSS, I want to replicate this picture but I only know CSS

    submitted by /u/Schopenhaur1859
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    npm version patch to increment package.json version

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    I'm working on some CI stuff and was wondering if any of you had a recipe already for this?

    I'm trying to have an option on rebase to master to run 1 of three scripts in CI.

    • npm version patch
    • npm version minor
    • npm version major

    Right now I'm trying to get this to just update and it's incomplete. It's running and returning a value but not pushing.

    name: Increment Package Version on: push jobs: createPullRequest: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Bump version run: | git config user.name 'Last Commit Username' git config user.email 'username@users.noreply.github.com' npm version patch 

    Someone, somewhere, has to have done this before. If you share I will give you some gold haha.

    submitted by /u/codingideas
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    I don't trust server host ranking articles

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    I'm starting a new Wordpress project and trying to pick a hosting service for the site. In the past I've followed all the top google result ranking articles, and gone with Bluehost.

    However, I've been seeing slow response times on Bluehost, so I decided to do some digging, and it turns out there's a fair amount of dirt on them. Looking back at these articles I trusted, so many of them have Bluehost affiliate links, to the point that I'm jaded and I want to know what redditors suggest. How does it honestly compare to, for example, SiteGround, and how do both of these hosting services compare to using something like AWS Lightsail?

    submitted by /u/flatlinephilosopher
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    Web app metadata

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    I'm working on a web app that pulls data from Twitter to a database on a daily basis by running a route (/xyz or something) periodically. I want to store the last time the route was run (i.e. when the database was last updated) to check if everything's working well. What would be the ideal way to store that type of "metadata"? I could store it somewhere in my database, but I don't how to do it the right way.

    submitted by /u/Defenderofrhyme
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    How was this website able to get predictive search results from the Spotify or Last.fm API in real time?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    Webdev newbie here. How was this website able to query the Spotify or Last.FM API and get real time predictive searches? https://spotalike.com/

    I have made my own Spotify API client so I could query the API myself, but I have no idea how this person was able to get predictive searches

    I understand that the app is searching using Last.FM/Spotify's API, but how is it able to return predictive suggestions in real time? For example, I know that I can write a quick and easy JS function to query the API whenever a user inputs characters, but if I were to do that, wouldn't I expose the API key and hit the API search limit? How would you implement this?

    submitted by /u/XcessiveDominator
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    This impact calculator from Impossible Burger is beautiful!

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 07:37 AM PDT

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