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    Saturday, April 11, 2020

    When do linked lists and binary trees become useful? Ask Programming

    When do linked lists and binary trees become useful? Ask Programming

    When do linked lists and binary trees become useful?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Been doing some Leetcode problems, and I never knew about the existence of linked lists and binary trees, mainly cuz I'm sorta new to algorithms and data structures. However, I've been developing for a while now, and I've never ran into situations, where I needed these concepts. Are they just really rare to come by in a real life scenario?

    submitted by /u/Mofumoku
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    Java or C++?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    I've been a professional developer for circa 10 years and right now I'm a JavaScript / React developer, however, I'm wanting to make some fun little 2D games, shall I learn Java or C++?

    Any advice appreciated! Thanks.

    submitted by /u/lynx10001
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    Is Ruby still relevant?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    I'm a UX student getting my masters, and while we learn python, HTML/CSS, and some JS, I've been wanting to dive deeper into software development as well, because I kind of enjoy coding more than JUST UX work.

    To that end, I've been doing courses on freeCodeCamp and the Odin Project.

    Now I know very little JS so far. I've just started to break into it (we were just about to start learning it in my class before the outbreak, and the teacher just decided to end the class. Yay me.).

    And I'm having trouble deciding between the JavaScript Full Stack Course or the Ruby on Rails full stack course.

    From what I've heard, JavaScript is an insane language, but I've heard great things about Ruby, and I'm leaning towards that course.

    But I'm worried that Ruby is not relevant in the modern age? I've heard that JavaScript and Node.js have completely eclipsed it.

    Is this true? Am I better off going the JavaScript route? Or is Ruby still in demand in the market? I care about learning both, but I also want to get a job once I'm done with my masters next year lol.

    submitted by /u/gnenadov
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    Motorola language?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    I did some programming in Motorola language in the eighties as part of my electronic degree. Is it still.in use? Is it worth learning again? I only did little lab projects, step functions and the like, but I liked it (I think..) 64000 assembly language?

    submitted by /u/pmabz
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    The Output of Encoder in Sequence-to-Sequence Text Chunking

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    What is the output of Encoder in Sequence-to-Sequence Text Chunking? I ask because I want to make things straight.

    I want to implement Model 2 (Sequence-to-Sequence) Text Chunking from the paper "Neural Models for Sequence Chunking". The encoder will segment the sentences into phrase chunks.

    Now, this is the question. Is the Encoder output segmented text or hidden states and cell states? That part confuses me.

    submitted by /u/Kanata-EXE
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    Searching for files in all directories

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    I am trying to come up with an algorithm to search for files based on various ways.

    • File Path: This is the easiest way, so I can search for the file directly going to the file path its specified in
    • Filename: Unlike the previous one, I don't have a file path this time. But I want to search via the file name, going over all directories is time-consuming. How can I efficiently search via file name? And also files in directories that have somewhat similar file name and extension ( like if the file name is searching is image.jpg, I want to return image2.jpg as well).
    • Extension Type: So I don't have the file name or file path. I have the extension, I want to get all files with that extension efficiently and return the one has specific values in its metadata.
    submitted by /u/Seru1029
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    What are some good ideas for .NET Nuget packages I can create for my portfolio?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    How to check if elements in an array are equal to each other?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    This is the java code I have for a slot machine simulation. I stored the "images" in an array of 6 elements, but only 3 will print randomly. The logic I'm stuck on is to check if 2 or 3 randomly selected elements match.

    // Asking for userinput (money)

    double userMoney = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the amount of money you'd like to"

    + " enter into the slot machine."));

    // Array list storing the "IMAGES"

    String[] images = new String [6];

    images[0] = "Cherries";

    images[1] = "Oranges";

    images[2] = "Plums";

    images[3] = "Bells";

    images[4] = "Melons";

    images[5] = "Bars";

    // Will randomly select 3 "images" from the array

    for (int i= 0; i < 3; i++) {

    Random r = new Random();

    int randomNumber=r.nextInt(images.length);

    // Stores those 3 randomly selected into a new array

    String[] matches = new String [3];

    matches[i] = images[randomNumber];

    // Will print from the array





    submitted by /u/Junghye
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    Why arent public PubSub's a popular complement to public APIs?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    It seems a broker such as RabbitMQ can handle Authentication/Authorisation on a per topic basis which would seemingly open up the possibility to have a public exchange.

    In a naive example using the fanout strategy, you could have a publisher to a topic, lets say "weather-stream" and have an infinite number of subscribers.

    The benefit of this would be a reduced strain due to surges, etc. on the weather apps public API, anyone interested would have a subscriber to the stream instead.

    I was even thinking you could monitor the number of ack'd messages to possibly bill for usage amount.

    But why would this be a bad idea? Or why is it not more popular? Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/yuppiepuppie
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    Help: Automatic driver check/download script?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Hey Everyone. I work in a desktop support position and frequently have to update drivers. Specifically dell drivers. I've created a repository of drivers by machine type on my work machine. Updating these drivers is a long and tedious process.

    What I was thinking about creating was a script that I could run to check the most recent driver vs the driver I have. Iif there is a new one download that driver automatically and repeat for each machine type and driver.

    Machine Type 1
    - Driver 1

    - Driver 2

    - Driver 3

    Machine Type 2

    - Driver 1

    - etc...

    I was looking at beautifulsoup but from what I can tell that scraps data but won't work for what I'm trying to do. Does anyone have suggestions of how to get started or some tools to look at?

    I might be thinking about this the wrong way so if there is a better route to take, I'd appreciate any advice.

    submitted by /u/nUmbdA
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    Can somebody point me towards a tutorial to make a very very simple SOAP web service that i can test using SOAPUI (preferably Java without Springboot) ?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:14 AM PDT

    I want to show my team how to test out web services using SOAPUI. I want to make a very simple web service with just basic CRUD operations using Java. Is there any tutorial that can do this without Springboot? I just want something very very simple

    submitted by /u/orihime02
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    Do email clients simply poll the servers to check for new mail?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Are mail clients like Thunderbird and Outlook just continuously polling servers every X seconds/minutes in order to check for new mail? Or am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/kejojedi
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    [C++/Linux Sockets] Using std::vector<std::byte> with recv()

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    I am kind of new to C++, so sorry if some of this is very basic…

    I basically have a socket, and am reading/sending raw binary data to/from it, and would therefore like to use a std::vector<std::byte> as this seems to be the way to handle raw binary streams. Problem is : I cannot get it to work with recv, to the point that I'm doubting if this is the correct way to go... So, what is the proper, fancy, C++ way of reading/writing raw binary data from a socket, and how to implement it ?

    submitted by /u/zeGolem83
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    Need advice on the bachelor's title semantics

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    For my bachelor's thesis I'm doing a comparison of Flutter and React so I'm picking between three titles. Original title is in Slovene and needs an English translation.

    Firstly I'm interested whether it's "cross-platform" of "cross platform"?

    The candidates are:

    • A comparison of cross-platform app development frameworks Flutter and React

    • A comparison of frameworks for cross-platform app development -- Flutter and React

    • A comparison of Flutter and React, the cross-platform app development frameworks

    I'm leaning towards the first but some of the concerns are that it might be misunderstood as frameworks that operate on multiple platforms instead of cross-platform apps.

    What are your thoughts, which one is the most correct or stylistically pleasing?

    Also, should I drop the word " apps" since it means exclusively mobile applications?

    submitted by /u/Citvej
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    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    hey i was hoping someone could point me in the right direction im pretty clueless. i dont want example code or anything i just want a link to some informatino i could start from. im trying to make a non-interactive information overlay that is always displayed on my screne no matter what application im currently in but i dont even know what language i should write this in.

    submitted by /u/Tangostacker
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    Programming languages

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, i hope you all safe. I have a project in my programming languages class. The project is about designing your own language, i am pretty familiar with java, so i can work with it. We already chose the gaming theory with my group but it seems it wont get us nowhere, so it would be very helpful of you guys if you can suggest some domain on which i can build my language on. Thanks and stay safe.

    submitted by /u/xadimi
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    random buttons

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    Hello, I am making a website for fun. Im playing around with the idea of a button on a page that takes you to a page selected at random from a pre determined list. Is it possible for the page to use a different list based on the country the user is based in.

    submitted by /u/websitenewb
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    How can I test my SOAP Web Services Springboot Project with SOAPUI (can't find wsdl file to link to)?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    I know this is such a stupid question, but I just can't seem to make it work.

    I made a project similar to the one in the one in the spring tutorial . It's a very very simple web service. But when I came to test it in the SOAPUI, I'm not sure how to add the wsdl.

    Am I supposed to add the locaclhost port where springboot is at ? I just don't know.

    submitted by /u/orihime02
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    Why do some app games take up very little space but have very in depth graphics while other games aren’t heavy on the graphics but take up much space?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Just always wondered this and now I have the time to search for where to ask.

    My favorite game I ever had on my phone is Hearthstone but haven't been able to play it for quite awhile now because my phone is old and not optimal to run it anymore, and also I don't have the space for it because it takes around 2G of memory.

    I see sooooo many other games though that are under 200MB that have actual in world game graphics and such with so much animations going continuously. Hearthstone has some small animations, but it's a card game similar to something Magic the Gathering.

    If anyone would mind explaining this to me, the simpler the better, I would appreciate it much:)

    submitted by /u/tideshark
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    Home-based career options that aren't web or app development?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I've been wanting to learn programming for a long time now. In part to address ideas I've had with other hobbies but also because I'd like to work from home.

    I'm really not looking at making masses of money. I live in the UK and if I can earn enough to comfortably pay my bills and put a little aside each month, I'd be happy with that. I've also got the option to drop my job to one (set) day a week so I'll always have that base level of income as well.

    Any ideas and advice on what I could do from home/self-employed outside of web development or app development would be appreciated.


    submitted by /u/JustAnotherNerd1988
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    how to check if inside customly defined area

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    I'm trying to do this assignment in Java where I need to make an "artstic AI", I'm trying to make a program which creates a type of visual poetry where the program creates a custom shape, and fills the shape with synonyms of a keyword. then adjust the size, shape and colours of the words (and shape) according to some parameters.

    currently, I have the program to be able to scrape a list of synonyms of a keyword. And the "emotional" parameters by using a lexicon I found and finding the values associated with the list of words.

    I'm now working on making the actual graphics part. I'm using swing to construct a custom shape constructed by lines. so, if a parameter states there should be 3 points, then the lines form to make a triangle between the 3 points. Now I'm a bit confused on how to check whether or not I'm placing the text inside of the shape or not.

    for testing I'm just trying to see whether or not the mouseclick takes place inside of the area or outside. the only idea I have currently, is to path a line up down and to the right and left and check if there is an intersection in all of them with the lines defined in the list of lines I currently have. but 1. this seems very inefficient, and 2. I may run into problems with more complex shapes.

    any ideas?

    I know I'll probably run into even more problems when switching from the mouse check to the actual text, but one problem at a time right lol. any help will be greatly appreciated. thank you

    submitted by /u/XmLpPcDqi5wDnKDg
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    (Any language) String builders

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    I'm using a language with immutable strings and no string builder, and I'm interested in creating my own string builder class.

    Java and C# have string builder classes with rich APIs. For example, the Java string builder has by my count 24 methods, the C# string builder has 16.

    (I'm counting methods by name, not by their parameter types.)

    For people who use String Builders, what do you consider the most critical methods for a minimal API? The obviously critical method is append, but how important are:

    • insert at some specified index
    • delete at some specified index and range;
    • replace at some specified index and range;
    • anything else you use all the time?

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit: C# not C++

    submitted by /u/stevenjd
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    How to create a program that offers 16 person video conferencing?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    Hey guys, first post here so be nice.

    I want to create a piece of software that enables people to join a video chat for up to 16-20 people. The idea behind it is actually to allow people to exercise together despite the fact that all gyms are closed. Just knowing that there are other people potentially watching you in between sets would do a lot to help motivation, I think.

    I know that Skype has the option to do video calls for up to 50 people. Is there some way to create a piece of software that leverages Skype so people can decide what group to join?

    In other words, you have the lobby where people can choose from different rooms. One is cardio, another is calisthenics, the other is female only, blah blah blah. Then people join that "room" and it takes them to the Skype group that has the other people in it working out.

    Basically like livestreaming but instead of only watching one person, it's 20 people watching each other.

    What would be the best way of doing this?

    submitted by /u/yallapapi
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    Python: How to get a function to create an object in a class with __init__?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    Is there was way to define a function, and then call that function, to create an object?

    For example, would something like this work?:

    class car(): def __init__ (self, make, model, color) self.make = make self.model = model self.color = color def create_car(car_name): car_name = car('Chevy', 'Malibu', 'Grey') create_car(my_car) print(my_car) 

    I've made code like this but it doesn't seem to work, indicating that my_car did not exist even after running the create_car function.

    submitted by /u/onlysane1
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