New dev here. I feel guilty using libraries to build my projects learn programming |
- New dev here. I feel guilty using libraries to build my projects
- I feel it's my time to give back - here's a free book on Python for beginners (with solutions)!
- April 15 2019 to April 15 2020, Call Centre to Web Developer
- CS college student looking for project ideas
- Is it okay to look at the answer to a problem after spending a LOT of time failing to get the right answer for it?
- How do I think like a problem solver in order to code better?
- What to do when my brain just doesn't work?
- implementing sending (pdf) fax through web server in js/php
- What are some good GUI toolkits that are available for c++ ?
- Learn NoSQL database and how to interact with client Graphql
- Looking for guidance regarding an AI matter
- [JS] Is there a way to know the name of the currently visible child element that is crossing the top of the parent element with overflow?
- Making own Programming Language in C?
- Capturing Windows API function calls - where do I start?
- How to get podcast data and/or RSS feeds
- Trying to position Elements in TornadoFX
- What extensions would you recommend for JavaScript programming in VSCode?
- Please help me with finding the time complexity of my code
- A friend asked for a writeup on what free online bootcamps were out there. Gave him my impressions of the ones that I'd tried, and thought I'd share with you all. Let me know what you think!
- I want to create a Tik Tok scaper but I don't know exactly where to start. Any help?
- What's the Best Website to learn and practice Big O notation?
- Need help deciding between two University classes
- Is there a way we can make a process wait for some information it is supposed to get from another process through pipe?
- What free courses/YouTube videos would you recommend to learn how to make an Android app?
New dev here. I feel guilty using libraries to build my projects Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:25 AM PDT So here's the thing. I'm building some cool web apps and have a pretty good understanding of what I'm doing. However, I always feel kinda guilty because I didn't build 100% of it from scratch. I used various libraries to achieve certain functionality. It's like I cheated my way to completion by using these libraries. Is this normal or am I overthinking? [link] [comments] |
I feel it's my time to give back - here's a free book on Python for beginners (with solutions)! Posted: 15 Apr 2020 12:57 PM PDT Hi everyone! Firstly I just want to thank everyone in the Python community. I have loved Python from the moment I started using it nearly 5 years ago and the community has made my experience even more amazing! I've always enjoyed teaching others how to code so I thought I'd do something that could be shared with a wider audience. Early last year I started writing a book on Python for beginners that is free to read online. You may be wondering why? as there's a lot of them out there but I tried to take a slightly different approach with this one. When I started programming, every book I came by just dove in headfirst and a lot of the technical stuff flew over my head which didn't help with my learning at all. So, for this book, I tried to take a more conversational approach in the writing and not only introduce Python but also some important computer science concepts such as memory and computational complexity. I try to introduce and explain all of this through analogies and real-world examples. There's exercises included in every chapter too to help you practice what you've been learning. I think they're a good challenge for beginners and should get the brain fired up, and if you get stuck, all the exercises are also available on the site! I'd love for you guys to give it a read if you have the time and let me know what you think! And for any beginners out there I hope it serves you well! You can check it out here: Slither into Python If you have any questions just fire them my way! And again, thank you to everyone! [link] [comments] |
April 15 2019 to April 15 2020, Call Centre to Web Developer Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:20 AM PDT Hi there! This article is a lot less "5 Facts You Need To Know About Boot Camps!" and a lot more "Now this is a story all about how my life and career got flipped, turned upside down". My intention is to share out where I was in life a year ago, where I am today, and the experiences that helped me during that time to go from working in customer service to working full-time as a web developer. I hope it's useful for anyone who is considering a career in coding, considering a career change, considering a boot camp, or any of the above. The day I'm posting this, April 15 2020, marks exactly 12 months since I quit my customer service job and started at a programming boot camp with the goal of making a career change, and finding work in the coding / programming industry. Part 1 will focus on the boot camp; how and why I ended up there, and my experience with it. Part 2 will focus on taking my newly acquired skills to a job market in a new country, and Part 3 will look back on what it felt like to start a brand new job in a challenging new industry. Part 1: The Boot CampUnmooredIn the Spring of 2019 I found myself working at a call centre in Barcelona after having moved there from Canada. It wasn't a terrible job by any means, but it was enough for me to wake up one morning feeling very much like I needed a change. That day I arrived early to work and quite literally Googled "Best Careers 2019". The top results were all in the healthcare industry which I felt ill-suited for, but everything after that was about software development, web development, coding, and programming. Many of the articles I found elaborated that programmers and developers were not only in very high demand now, but they expect them to continue to be high in demand years later. I'd always been very comfortable with computers and technology but never had any formal training, so I started digging deeper. I searched up "Programming Training Barcelona" hoping to maybe find a school that offered training in English. Much to my surprise, I happened to be in a city with dozens of what I now know are called coding boot camps, or programming academies. Boot camps like this were a new concept to me, but seemed attractive. I never felt like a 2 or 3 year post secondary degree was a good fit for me; I didn't see an easy way for me to go back to school for several years, and many of these boot camps advertised complete training in as little as 9 weeks. That seemed like it was too good to be true. I felt skeptical that I could really learn what I needed to land a job in that time frame, which is why I was very attracted to a boot camp that I found offering a 5 month course around web development. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Vue (I know), Java and Spring Boot. While the course looked great and reviews seemed solid, I was still very apprehensive about committing such a large amount of time and resources; if you're not already aware, coding boot camps are not known for being inexpensive. I had many questions and concerns: What if I'm not good at it? Am I too old for this? What if the course is a scam? What if I can't get a job? Those and many other questions troubled me. To find some resolution and clarity I did what would become very useful for me as a developer: I asked for help. I spoke with people I knew in the industry about my concerns. Fear & DoubtI'll pause here to address some of those concerns more plainly, using a combination of what I learned from them and what I've now learned for myself: What if I'm not good at it? You won't know until you try - and the good news is that it's extremely easy to try your hand at coding for no money at all. Websites like Codecademy, Udemy, Udacity and Pluralsight all offer a wide range of courses, and many offer free trials. It costs nothing to learn the basics of any of the most popular programming languages. If you try some introductory / beginner content and enjoy what you're learning or at least find it interesting or engaging, that's a good sign that you're on the right track. I strongly believe that you don't have to love coding like many hobbyists do in order to make a career out of it. Secondly, I also believe that even if you were to learn the foundations of some programming language and then later decide that coding is not for you, that would not be time wasted. Learning something new is never a waste of time, and the attention to detail, the analytical frame of mind and the fundamentals you'd learn from even the basics are all highly transferable and applicable to a wide variety of work beyond coding. Am I too old for this? In short, no. From what I've seen at the boot camp, at my current company and at within online communities around the developer industry, that industry is progressing in a direction that cares far more about your attitude, your work and your attitude about your work than it cares about how old you are. What if I can't get a job? Many boot camps will advertise that they guarantee a job - However I would take that with a grain of salt. My boot camp advertised a very attractive success rate but I was never under any illusions that it would come down to anything but my own grit and persistence in order to get hired. Getting a job at the end is never guaranteed, but if you can put a good foot forward armed with a variety of projects that showcase what you've learned, it's absolutely possible. More on this later. How do I know which language / field of programming is right to start with? "Programming" covers a wide variety of roles, similar to working in "healthcare" there are many different disciplines and it can be difficult to identify which you'd be best suited for. Personally I started with looking at what boot camps were available to me and which I liked best. Of those I liked best, I looked at what they offered in terms of course curriculum. As I already said I chose my course because I was attracted to the long timeline (5 months) and there were two courses that ran concurrently - Web Development and Data Science. I did some digging into both and while both appealed, Web Development felt like a slightly better fit. Try new things, find out what clicks well with you and compare it to what's available locally if you want to also go the boot camp route. Finally, and honestly this was my primary concern - What if this boot camp was a scam? I tend to be very sceptical of marketing. Most boot camps seem to promise the world, and that was a big red flag for me - Especially when it comes to putting down a sizeable deposit to even get registered. Furthermore, there are many articles and posts about people having negative experiences at boot camps. These are for-profit businesses that need to advertise to stay in the black, yet they'd also not survive long if they had a bad reputation. To put my mind at ease about this specific program, I searched up graduates of it on social media and asked about their experience. I found a handful of people and cold-messaged each of them, and all of them had positive things to say about the academy. With those testimonials and the research I'd done, I took the plunge. I should stress again that while I did what I could to feel at ease about my decision, I never felt absolutely 100% certain that I was doing the right thing. I still don't, but so far so good. The PlungeThe next 5 months for me were some of the most difficult, exciting and most fun of my life. The boot camp was, after my extensive investigation, mostly what I expected: The boot camp I attended focused its learners on living the life of a developer from Day 1. Each day was started with a stand-up meeting to discuss 'what are you working on, what are your goals for the day, what are your blockers', etc. From then we had an online portal that accessed the curriculum, which was broken down into various tasks. Many of the tasks were things we didn't know how to do, but links and documentation were provided and we were encouraged to find our own answers. When we got really stuck with something and couldn't find answers, we'd book time with a mentor in order to get unstuck. We had excellent mentors who would endeavour to not tell us the answer, but instead help us get ourselves to the answer. It's worth noting here that any experienced developer will tell you how important it is to be able to find your own answers and be self-sufficient. I believe that the boot camp having almost zero "classroom" time and nobody guiding us through every step was an extremely valuable introduction to working in this field. I also believe that this sort of learning environment is not for everyone. Some people became frustrated - "Why did I spend all this time and money if nobody's going to teach me?" And it's a very fair concern. This has been and will continue to be a point of debate, but I believe that the most valuable thing I took away from the boot camp wasn't how to be a developer, but how to learn how to be a developer. The end goal is never to be the person who has all the answers, but to be the person who can get all the answers. Or at least most of them. "Fine", you might say, "I know how to Google things. I'll save my money and just teach myself at home." That's an absolutely reasonable path, and for many people that will be the best one. Between a Computer Science degree, a boot camp or being self-taught, all three paths have significant pros and cons that will weigh out differently for each person. For me personally, I needed the structure. Teaching myself at home would never work because I distract myself too easily. I needed, and still do need, a dedicated work space; one that I can go to and leave every day - I need a team of people working alongside me, and I need a clearly laid out curriculum of projects or work objectives that other people expect me to accomplish. These are some of the reasons that the boot camp path was the right fit for me. These are also some of the reasons that I think I would do poorly working as a freelance web developer - More on that later. I progressed fairly well through the 5 months at the boot camp. I had very little experience with web development since writing some basic HTML websites on GeoCities for my Quake II clan in the 90's, so everything past that was brand new to me. Nonetheless, I managed to put together the various projects I was tasked with. It certainly wasn't easy though. I learned that coding can be incredibly frustrating. I learned that it feels amazing when you finally get a tiny thing to work correctly. I learned how important it is to be able to ask for help. I learned to be humble and to be comfortable with admitting I didn't know something. I learned to be patient, especially with myself, and I learned that for every step I take on this road, the end of it becomes two steps further away. Most important of all, I'm still learning those things every day. Looking BackI didn't come out of the boot camp looking like a superstar. By the time the 5 months were over I had several projects under my belt, but none of them were particularly amazing or attractive looking. My Vue project was missing a lot of core functionality. My Java / Spring Boot project, the work I struggled with the most by far, still sits unfinished. Even the first project, the HTML/CSS website, looks a bit like it was inspired by my old work on GeoCities. While I look back on some projects and wish that they could've gone better, wish that they looked better or even just wish they got finished - I don't see them as failures. Sure they still sit there in the back of my mind as well as the back of my git repository - But I still learned how to work with data transfer objects in Spring Boot, and I learned how to manage state in Vue. I was in this boot camp to develop my skills and learn new concepts - Spending time making something perfect while not learning anything would've been the only failure. I look back on those 5 months now and often say the same thing I did every week I was struggling there: The decision to do this was one of the best I've ever made. Make no mistake though, the boot camp wasn't perfect. There were small aspects of it I didn't like, and there were many good days just as there were many bad days; bad days or bad weeks where I felt as though I wasn't getting anywhere. Boot camps also aren't known for being easy. I believe that a good one will push you not to the brink or over the edge, but push you enough to get beyond how far you think you can go, to how far you actually can go. More often than not, that line is much further than you realise. FurthermoreWhile the boot camp worked well for me and may for you too, that path won't be the right one for everyone. I hope that if it's something you're considering, this might give you some insight and ideas on what to look for. A significant aspect of my 5 months that I haven't touched on was how after 4 months in, I slowed down my progress on learning and development, and put most of my time and attention on the final goal: Getting hired. I now supposedly had the skills needed to land a job in the industry. It was time to make that happen. More on that to come in Part 2, which I'll post next week on April 22nd 2020. [link] [comments] |
CS college student looking for project ideas Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:24 PM PDT Hello all! I am currently finishing up my first year of CS courses at a CC in northern Cal. I'm looking to begin out of class projects to start building my resume, but mainly for overall practice. Was wondering if anyone had any good ideas, topics or experiences they'd like to share. What type of projects would look best on resumes? How have projects, or lack of projects, affected your internship and job opportunities? Much appreciated! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:10 AM PDT |
How do I think like a problem solver in order to code better? Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:02 PM PDT I dropped my intro to C course in college this semester because I just wasn't getting it. I could learn syntax, I could learn how to discern and understand example code, and other code to understand each step of it, how it worked, and what it does. But when it comes to writing my own code to do assignments, I get lost. I feel the materials I'm given don't teach me how to solve problems, just how to write syntax. Are there any resources or practices out there for C newbies to practice working on complex problems, or problem solving in general? I'm planning on retaking it over the summer if schools open back up so I can get the lab component and help, if not I'll take it in the fall when schools are hopefully open again. Before then, I want to practice and become not just a C expert, but a better critical thinker and problem solver when it comes to programming. [link] [comments] |
What to do when my brain just doesn't work? Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:46 AM PDT Somedays are smooth some days are rough, sometimes its hard to work because I feel like my brain doesn't work, like I can't think and I can't interpret codes etc. I feel useless. My question is what to do when this occurs? Its like my brain got fried up. [link] [comments] |
implementing sending (pdf) fax through web server in js/php Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:28 PM PDT Hi, I'm a junior developer and I've been given a really tough task of implementing faxing system for a cloud web server but I have no idea how to tackle this. I've been suggested Hylafax but I simply don't get how this is done. Thanks in advance [link] [comments] |
What are some good GUI toolkits that are available for c++ ? Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:01 PM PDT It is for personal use, not commercial. Also it should be free [link] [comments] |
Learn NoSQL database and how to interact with client Graphql Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:37 PM PDT Hi! I got project with FaunaDB and I have to interact with it (signup, sign in, add content). I never worked before with database and everything is new for me. Do you have any recommendations where to learn databases? And some places where can I find how to connect it? Is Apollo Client 'must have'?;) [link] [comments] |
Looking for guidance regarding an AI matter Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:48 AM PDT Hello /r/learnprogramming ! I'm a psychology student and recently decided to try and do an interdisciplinary bachelor thesis. The idea is to build a deep unsupervised neural network that learns to reproduce natural images, later mimicking a hypothesis about the human brain. Somewhat like in this paper. For this RBMs seem appropriate as their feature extraction is compareable to the V1/other visual cortices. After the learning process is done the trained network is supposed to carry out a detection task. For my thesis I picked visual illusions, e.g. Ebbinghaus Illusion. So, the network is supposed to be able to a/ detect objects (2D circles is the requirement) and b/ output a hierarchy of their size (a>b>c>...). This will be needed to check if the network is also misguided by the context information much like humans are when estimating the size relations in the Ebbinghaus Illusion. This is a daunting task and I am diving head-first into this but I am willing to spend up to 4-5 months full-time and im determined. I am familiar with the basics in Python and now am wondering which way to go. I had a look at TensorFlow but I am not certain whether this is the right path or not. I will be happy about any guidance in that regard, as well as any input on the basic conceptual idea since its far from being finalized. Thank you in advance! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:35 AM PDT I am trying to scroll to next or previous child element of the parent element which has overflow. But I have no way of knowing which child is currently in view unless I have an array of all heights of all children, and then compare the current scroll position So yea.. I could do a whole sub-system with arrays and stuff, but I hope there is an easier to way to determine which first element is currently visible in a half-way scrolled overflow of the parent element. [link] [comments] |
Making own Programming Language in C? Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:03 AM PDT I'm a CS freshman and I want to get started on making a project based on C. I want to make my own programming language. Any tips and resources on where I should get started? (Please keep in mind that I need to make this entire project in C) [link] [comments] |
Capturing Windows API function calls - where do I start? Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:51 PM PDT Hi all, As a part of my final year at university, I am required to (as part of a group) develop a piece of software to the specifications/requirements of a "client". My group's client has requested some software that will allow them to passively monitor Windows API function calls and store each unique function call in a database (this is to assist with research in regards to cyber security). My main issue here is; I have no idea where to start. I have gathered that it will involve some sort of hooking method, and I have come across tutorials and information that explain some, such as Import Address Table hooking, in very basic terms but as someone who only has an average amount of software development knowledge (majoring in cyber security) a lot of the code revolving around these methods is quite overwhelming. Do I look into hooking the windows kernel? Should I be hooking a specific/a few specific DLLs? Is hooking the wrong method entirely? I'd appreciate any help on where I should be directing my research or just some general ideas on where I should start. Thanks. [link] [comments] |
How to get podcast data and/or RSS feeds Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:42 PM PDT I'm writing an podcast player for Android, mostly for practice, and am currently using an API to get the podcast data from. It's very well made and free for limited usage, but past that is fairly expensive. I'd like to look into trying to get my own data to use rather than pulling from an API, but I really don't have any idea where to start with that. I suspect that the API I'm using is crawling podcast RSS feeds to get the data, but if I wanted to do something similar, where would I find those feeds? I might be able to use iTunes, but that would limit me to only podcasts that are on iTunes, and I'd like to be more broad than that. Just need to be pointed in the right direction. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Trying to position Elements in TornadoFX Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:42 PM PDT I was working on a project using TornadoFX in order to try to create a dashboard for an app that I was writing. In the process of writing this, I wanted to know how to put more layers on top of a borderpane. I was using a borderpane in order to have separate panes for the different cardinal directions however I wanted to know if it was possible to have multiple smaller panes in the borderpane. Image of desired view. So when examining the image, the red rectangle is where I want to add a few buttons and a drop-down menu. However, I do not know how to add another pane on top of the borderpane in order to not only hold the title but also the "toolbar" if you will. Below, you can see my current attempt at trying to do so.
This code only shows the title and the top portion of the borderpane but I can show the whole class if need be. Please help if possible. Thank you so much in advance! [link] [comments] |
What extensions would you recommend for JavaScript programming in VSCode? Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:37 PM PDT I am a beginnerm at the moment, I have a Monokai Theme and Material icon theme extensions. I have read people on here mentioning installing extensions for type checking to prevent the beginner from writing spaghetti code. [link] [comments] |
Please help me with finding the time complexity of my code Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:30 PM PDT So the code is for this leetcode problem: What to do in this problem: Given an array arr. You can choose a set of integers and remove all the occurrences of these integers in the array. Return the minimum size of the set so that at least half of the integers of the array are removed. Example 1: Input: arr = [3,3,3,3,5,5,5,2,2,7] Output: 2 Example 2: Input: arr = [7,7,7,7,7,7] Output: 1 Example 3: Input: arr = [1000,1000,3,7] Output: 1 (that is simply removing 1000, would remove atleast half the elements of the array) My Code Explanantion:
My Code: I don't know what the complexity of the last for loop would be. I am guessing it would be M * M, where M = maximum occurence. Though i think it should be better than this. I have written some test cases specifically for that for loop, if you want to see: I have been stuck on this time complexity problem for the past 2 days. Please help. Thank you in advance. Some Constraints of this problem(If Required):-
[link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:40 AM PDT A friend of mine was looking into getting into programming and wanted to know what options were out there – specifically free ones, since he'd just been laid off and didn't have the money for a paid bootcamp or a full college degree. Below is my writeup of some of the different free bootcamp options out there. Would love to know your thoughts, or any additions you would have made. FreeCodeCamp. Teaches the full-stack JavaScript stack (that is, MongoDB, Express, (React, Vue, Angular), and Node), as well as responsive design principles, JS algorithms and data structures, basic data visualization, and basic information security with HelmetJS. There are also modules on Python, SQL and Bash forthcoming. Each of its modules (there are currently six) has around 5 projects each, so anyone who works through the whole thing will have a pretty solid portfolio provided they take their time and treat it seriously. Upsides: - The JS stack will never really go away, and it's a great starting point because all of its component technologies are in use somewhere. Downsides: - FreeCodeCamp's exercises are very hand-holdy in that you're doing all of them in a browser, which can be confusing when it comes time to actually write your own code. - Long. I think they estimate that the entire program - if you have no prior programming knowledge - will take you 1800 hours, or 313 8-hour days. The Odin Project. Has three tracks available: full-stack Ruby on Rails, full-stack JavaScript, and front-end only. The full-stack Ruby on Rails is the most mature of the three, and the one I went through to get my job. The main differences between the Odin Project and FreeCodeCamp are: the Odin Project is more of an aggregation - each lesson is preface, followed by a set of resources and an assignment, versus the in-browser mini-modules of FreeCodeCamp; Odin forces you to install everything on your machine from day 1, and push all of your projects to GitHub as you go - all code you write is done on your own machine, in your own development environment; everything in Odin is project-based - by the time you finish out the first module of either of the full-stack courses, you should have three "big" projects that are culminations of what you'd learned in the preceding modules. Upsides: - More comprehensive than FreeCodeCamp because it gives you the option to choose between a couple different tracks. - Ruby on Rails is BIG in certain areas, especially for minimum-viable-product development. Downsides: - Depending on your OS, getting a proper development environment set up can be a challenge. Mac OS X or Linux is recommended. - Long. Like FreeCodeCamp, will probably take the better part of a year to get it all done. - Since Rails handles your database for you (for the most part), Odin's Rails track does not have as much emphasis on the database side of things, from what I recall, though this may have changed. Mozilla. The Mozilla Developer Network offers a quasi-bootcamp that teaches the JavaScript stack, as well as Django, the Python backend framework and some other incidentals, including the HTML5 canvas library, web forms, accessibility and testing. Upsides: - Teaches some things that aren't really covered in much depth in the other courses, such as web forms, accessibility, testing. - A full Django module is a real boon, especially with the popularity of Python. Downsides: - Less comprehensive in some ways. As far as I recall, there's only one or two full-stack projects (one each for Django and Express) and they're both essentially the exact same thing. Frontend frameworks such as React, Angular and Vue are not touched on at all that I could see - everything is HTML, CSS and vanilla JS. - No modules on getting hired, etc - both FreeCodeCamp and Odin include this. Full Stack Open (current version is 2020). A massively open online course (MOOC) hosted by the University of Helsinki. Teaches the "React Stack" - React, GraphQL, Express/Node, MongoDB. Composed of 9 modules currently, spanning everything from testing React apps and Express servers, React router, Redux, GraphQL and TypeScript. GraphQL and TypeScript in particular are hugely popular right now. Upsides: - An actual course with an actual professor - if you sign up and submit assignments, they get graded. - Teaches GraphQL and TypeScript, both of which are very popular right now. - Teaches the MaterialUI React library, which is also popular. - End-to-end testing with is included - a pretty important skill. - Forces you to use your own development environment. Downsides: - University credit & job interview promise are only valid for Finnish citizens. - No modules on getting hired, etc. An honorable mention goes to App Academy Open, which teaches a lot of the same stuff as the Odin Rails course. I have not taken it, so I can't comment on how comprehensive it is or isn't. Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think! [link] [comments] |
I want to create a Tik Tok scaper but I don't know exactly where to start. Any help? Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:05 PM PDT |
What's the Best Website to learn and practice Big O notation? Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:32 AM PDT I'm trying to learn big O notation and algorithms and data structure from free sources but I can't find a good one so If anyone knows a source that I can learn and practice, please send me its link. [link] [comments] |
Need help deciding between two University classes Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:42 PM PDT Hello, The classes are: Introduction to Operating Systems - Overview of operating systems: functionality, and design issues. Operating system principles: structures, abstractions, APIs, resource allocation, proximity, virtualization. Concurrency: process state, context switches, process communication, synchronization. Scheduling: preemption, schedulers, processes, and threads. Memory management. Security and protection. File systems. User interface. Distributed algorithms: consensus, termination, and fault tolerance. and Database and Information Retrieval - Information management: concepts and applications. Motivation for database systems. Components of database systems. Data modeling: conceptual, spreadsheet, relational, object-oriented, and semi-structured models. Querying and database query languages. Caching and transaction processing. Other topics include distributed databases, physical database design, and information retrieval systems. I plan on going into a combined Business / CS field. I think the database class may be more helpful in automating tasks using excel spreadsheets. The OS class is interesting because it seems more like the essence of computing. Both seem valuable. If you had to pick just one, which would it be? Thank you. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:28 PM PDT Im making an cpu scheduling simulator in C++ and i need my ready process to do several things. Firstly to get information of all processes from new and then sending information of a specific process to running based on scheduling algo selected. Secondly ready can algo get a process back fron running if its quantum is completed. Thirdly ready can also get a process fron blocked. Ive had several ideas of how to implement this but they all fail at some point. Any help would be appreciated. [link] [comments] |
What free courses/YouTube videos would you recommend to learn how to make an Android app? Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:41 PM PDT I am looking to create my first app and can't find any updated material that works well and shows me what I need. All the help is welcome. Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
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