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    Friday, April 10, 2020

    Is trying to learn many CS related things ok? I am insecure about the variety of stuff I feel obliged to know. Ask Programming

    Is trying to learn many CS related things ok? I am insecure about the variety of stuff I feel obliged to know. Ask Programming

    Is trying to learn many CS related things ok? I am insecure about the variety of stuff I feel obliged to know.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    I'm doing masters degree in CS with OS major and I feel kind of lost about the variety of tech that interests me. For some time I have done majority of my coding in C++ (modern standards) and Python. I am mostly interested in embedded devices, Unix like system programming and computer vision with deep learning. I am by no means advanced, but I am doing my best to learn a lot and do some projects. I know that stuff I mentioned kinda goes together when it comes down to embedded computer vision systems like ones in autonomous vehicles. But it already feels like too much stuff to grasp at once. C++ has a lot of complexity, I invested time in learning CMake, Python and machine learning requires knowing some math and keeping an eye on a lot of libraries (Keras, TF, PyTorch, sci-kit, Pandas, the list goes on...). And there's even more stuff that I feel I should be familiar with – compilers, kernel programming, devices drivers, shell scripting, build systems, some CI/DC tools, I use Vim so I want to learn Vim script one day... This is even more stuff :C

    What's more C++ is getting old and is very clunky so it will (and should) be replaced by Rust. But this is another rather complex language to learn. And all the Unix guys constantly say that you should learn Go. So I want to learn these two languages too. I know that becoming proficient in a language is not only about knowing syntax but also about the environment, tools and doing some projects to get the hang of using the language in practice. So again it seems like a lot to learn.

    And all of this stuff interests me and I genuinely like it. However, I am worried that I am creating a time consuming void that will lead me to nothing.

    Does all of the stuff I mentioned come together anyhow? I feel like I am spreading myself too thin. On the other hand sticking only to C++ and Python feels like a very narrow-minded and not so far-fetched idea. I know that my question is kinda imprecise, but I am not sure if I am planning my career the right way. I'll appreciate any advice :))

    submitted by /u/maciejzja
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    How do I study MATLAB as a beginner?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 10:11 PM PDT

    Looking for C++ developers who want to make a small game using SDL game library . You dont have to be professional (because i am not, just started learning) . I could make a small team across the globe develop games.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 08:56 PM PDT

    As i said , you don't have to be professional (you wouldn't be joining this group). we could have our own slack channel for communication and share files and all. possibilities are limitless.

    Doesn't have to be a game ,it could be anything .there will be no hierarchy ,everyone will have equal value.

    Do message me if you are interested!!

    submitted by /u/The_Latent_Heat
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    Converting from an Integer to a String using Streams

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    how do you generate a stream of Strings from an Integer?

    For example if I am given 3, I want to get "321" as a stream

    submitted by /u/oxypixie
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    Help me clone from a bare repo!

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    Hi all!

    Please redirect me if I am in the wrong place, but I'm having a lot of trouble finding a straight simple answer.

    I have a raspberry pi on which I have a bare git repo. I can push, over SSH, from my laptop to this bare repo on the pi. Now what I want to do is get all of the project files from that repo and into a different directory on the pi. I have tried to clone the bare repo into the new directory but when I do so it only clones the top level files and no directories or files that are within those directories.

    How do I get the folders and sub folders from my project inside the bare repo to appear when I clone it? I feel like there is something fundamental about git that I don't understand but I'm having a ton of trouble finding the answer and would love some help!


    submitted by /u/recnexus
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    I know your time is valuable and you probably don’t enjoy wasting it on noob questions like this, but I’m building a very basic HTML/PHP/JS/SQL website and I’m struggling to wrap my head around the necessary steps I need to take next.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    I appreciate you taking the time to help me out. A little background:

    The type of site I'm trying to build is a miniature "social networking" site for about 100-1000 people in my community. It's going to be extremely bare bones in regards to it's functionality and looks.. Especially it's looks.

    What I'm stuck on is my first step toward building a type of template page which almost all other pages will be based on. The only thing that will change is what data will be loaded depending on who's logged in.

    I have the template page designed, and placeholder text where I want links to be. But I don't know exactly what my next step is? Perhaps I should build the database out with the relevant points of data that will be necessary? But I'm just not 100% sure and I'm looking for some direction and someone to easy my anxiety a little bit so I can stop worrying and make some progress.

    I appreciate the help. Thank you

    submitted by /u/TryingToBeActive
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    Publish/Deploy C# project that uses references

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    How can I get out of an array who has failed, who has good grades, etc? javascript and html

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    my problem consists in that the user will introduce in an input what length he wants to give to the array, after having the size of the array, in a `prompt` (already with the length imposed by the user previously) the user will introduce numbers of notes, and the code has to print to me in a `</h1>` the following

    1. Failed grades (greater than zero and less than or equal to 6)

    2. Good grades (greater than 6 and less than or equal to 7)

    3. Very good grades (greater than 7 and less than or equal to 9)

    4. Excellent Notes (greater than 9 and less than or equal to 10)

    How could the code that separates the data from the array and classifies them in the fields of: very good notes, failed, good notes, etc.

    my HTML code is this:

    `` ''

    <! DOCTYPE html>

    <html lang = "en">


    <meta charset = "UTF-8">

    <meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1.0">

    <title> Notes </title>

    <script src = "work js / array.js"> </script>



    <form action = "">

    <label for = ""> how many arrays will there be? </label>

    <input type = "number" name = "quantity" placeholder = "insert number of notes" class = "form-group">

    <input type = "button" value = "send" onclick = "capturepika1 ()">


    <h1> array length is: </h1>

    <h1 id = "quantity"> </h1>

    <h1> how many failed </h1>

    <h1 id = "failed"> </h1>

    <h1> How many good notes </h1>

    <h1 id = "good"> </h1>

    <h1> how many very good notes </h1>

    <h1 id = "very good"> </h1>

    <h1> How many excellent notes </h1>

    <h1 id = "exelent"> </h1>



    `` ''

    and my javascript code is this:

    `` ''

    function capture pika1 () {

    var size_array = parseInt (document.getElementsByName ('quantity') [0] .value);

    var array_notas = [size_array];

    var add_notes = 0;

    var very_good_notes = 0;

    var exe_notes = 0;

    var x = 0;

    var failed_notes = 0;

    var good_notes = 0;

    while (x <size_array) {

    var general_notes = parseFloat (prompt ('enter notes:' + x))

    array_notas [x] = general_notes;

    x ++


    x = 0;

    while (x <size_array) {

    if (array_notas) {



    document.getElementById ('quantity'). innerHTML = array_notas;

    document.getElementById ('failed'). innerHTML = failed_notes;

    document.getElementById ('good'). innerHTML = good_notes;

    document.getElementById ('very good'). innerHTML = very_good_notes;

    document.getElementById ('exelent'). innerHTML = notes_exelente;


    `` ''

    submitted by /u/carlos4wachin
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    Is C++ Still the Top Language for Desktop Applications?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Just wondering if the world is trending towards anything else or if C++ is still the standard. I haven't made a desktop app and am looking to branch out.

    submitted by /u/Medium_Ground
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    Is it possible for a beginner to create an iOS app that allows communication between devices on the same home network?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 06:35 PM PDT


    I'm in CA where the state is shelter-in-place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    My girlfriend and I are both currently working from home and as we're both coffee/boba/tea lovers (and as I love making drinks), I was wondering if it'd be possible to develop an app similar to a heavily stripped down Starbucks app where it would work something like this:

    1. Gf opens app on iPhone.

    2. Welcome Screen is displayed.

    3. A categorized list appears (w/ pictures) of different drink options (e.g. Teas, Coffees, Specialty Drinks, etc.).

    4. Gf selects drink option from list.

    5. App pings my phone and thanks her for her selection.

    6. App returns to the initial list.

    I'm not even thinking about a Recently Ordered list or anything yet as I want it to be as simple as possible. I'm curious as to how this process would look like from a programming perspective and if it's feasible for a complete newb like me to try making.

    submitted by /u/albekashi
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    Would you recommend learning DS&A in a language that permits direct memory access?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    With a background of a CS1 class, I need to study Data Structures and Algorithms, and am considering doing so outside the formal classroom. (I am not majoring in development/CS, and only need the knowledge, not the credit hours.)

    As such, I could study them in any language I can find resources for. I originally went looking for resources in Python, as it is a language I will be using professionally, but was advised by an admitted fan of Python that I would be best served by studying these topics in a language that permitted direct memory access, as doing otherwise generally wouldn't allow "getting at" the lower-level data structures.

    That said, a number of resources, including university courses, do teach this coursework in languages like Java, etc, that do not permit direct memory access. So, I thought I would ask you knowledgeable people for your opinions.

    Bonus points if you can suggest specific resources for whichever you'd recommend.

    submitted by /u/kovlin
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    Way to learn recursions.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Hi there,
    I am struggling with recursions.
    I have an understanding of what is happening if I see the code. But II find it super hard to develop a recursive function by myself.

    Are there any good ressources help me understanding the way "to think like a recursion"

    submitted by /u/kasu27
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    In Need of Help C Program

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    In need of help for my C program. I need to prompt user for a string that contains two strings separated by a comma. Examples of strings that can be accepted:

    Jill, Allen

    Jill , Allen



    Enter input string:

    Jill, Allen

    I also need to report an error if the input string does not contain a comma. I want to continue prompting until a valid string is entered. If the input contains a comma, I will assume that the input also contains two strings. Ex:

    Enter input string:

    Jill Allen

    Error: No comma in string.

    Enter input string:

    Jill, Allen

    I will also extract the two words from the input string and remove any spaces, storing the strings in two separate variables and outputting the strings. Ex:

    Enter input string:

    Jill, Allen

    First word: Jill

    Second word: Allen

    I'll extend the program, using a loop, to handle multiple lines of input, continuing until the user enters q to quit. Ex:

    Enter input string:

    Jill, Allen

    First word: Jill

    Second word: Allen

    Enter input string:

    Golden , Monkey

    First word: Golden

    Second word: Monkey

    Enter input string:


    First word: Washington

    Second word: DC

    Enter input string:


    Here is my code so far:

    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <string.h>

    #include <stdlib.h>

    #define BUFFER_SIZE 1000

    void trim(char *str) {

    int i, begin = 0;

    int end = strlen(str) - 1;

    while (isspace((unsigned char) str[begin])) {



    while ((end >= begin) && isspace((unsigned char) str[end])) {



    for (i = begin; i <= end; i++) {

    str[i - begin] = str[i];


    str[i - begin] = '\0';


    int main() {

    char input[BUFFER_SIZE];

    int i =0;

    while (1) {

    printf("Enter input string:");

    fgets(input, BUFSIZ, stdin);

    if (strcmp(input, "q\n") == 0) {



    for (i=0; i<strlen(input); i++) {

    if (input[i] == ',') {





    printf("Error: No comma in string.\n");

    printf ("\n");



    int k=0;

    printf("\nFirst word: ");



    if(input[k]!=' ')




    printf("\nSecond word: ");




    if(input[k]!=' ')







    return 0;


    submitted by /u/Techreddituser123
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    Create classes etc. without manually writing the lines?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    When I'm writing a class in some language the process is usually to create a new file, write the class and start adding methods and properties.

    Is there something that can automate such processes? Like I don't care where (as in what line) in a class a new method gets added, all I care about is wether it's static, private etc. And then fill out the body of the method.

    So is there any tool out there that lets you just generate a class, generate a method and possibly browse by them as well, just ignoring the whole what phsyical line is it on aspect of it?

    The closest thing I've found to this is things like snippets, do you don't have to write out the whole thing, but you still decide what line it is on etc. Which I would like to just abstract away. VS Code also allows you to browse by symbols to some extent which is also kind of in the wheelhouse.

    Anyone know if there is some kind of tool out there that is taking this approach of just abstracting away physical line numbers in file and just going by symbols etc.?

    submitted by /u/wholeandswole
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    How can I make more people know about this open source project?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    I don't know if it's the right place to ask, but I have developed this open source project, I have already push it to GitHub and made it public. It's an Safari extension, I think it might be useful to many people, but I don't know how to reach many people.

    submitted by /u/Nabucodonosort
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    IntelliJ IDEA plugin development API

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    I'm currently developing a plugin for IntelliJ platform products (mainly targeting WebStorm). I'm wondering if there are any concise docs on the api itself.

    I know of https://www.jetbrains.org/intellij/sdk/docs/basics/getting_started.html but I couldn't find any general and concise docs summarizing all the methods that could be invoked on particular classes (something along the lines of https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html).


    submitted by /u/damjanst
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    How can I get a specific windows application's audio amplitude value in c++?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a way to get the current audio amplitude value from a specific application in order to send it over USB to an Arduino.

    Would anyone know how I could go about doing this or point me in the right direction?

    for Windows 10 and in c++

    submitted by /u/DutchGoldblum
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    This won't compile properly and idk what I'm missing. Help?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    // Bank2.java

    // Stage #14 of the <Bank> class

    // The <Bank> is now placed in its own file, which is better program design.

    // Because of this, <Bank> must now be declared as a <public> class.

    public class Bank2


    private double checkingBal; private double savingsBal; 

    public Bank() { checkingBal = 0.0; savingsBal = 0.0; } 

    public Bank(double cBal, double sBal) { checkingBal = cBal; savingsBal = sBal; } 

    public double getChecking() { return checkingBal; } 

    public double getSavings() { return savingsBal; } 

    public void checkingDeposit(double amount) { checkingBal += amount; } 

    public void savingsDeposit(double amount) { savingsBal += amount; } 

    public void checkingWithdrawal(double amount) { if (amount > checkingBal) System.out.println("Insufficient Funds! Transaction Refused!\\n"); else checkingBal -= amount; } 

    public void savingsWithdrawal(double amount) { if (amount > savingsBal) System.out.println("Insufficient Funds! Transaction Refused!\\n"); else savingsBal -= amount; } 


    submitted by /u/Sir_Mr_Patty
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    Wich Language is worth to learn?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Hey, there. I'm absolutely not a programmer. 1 year ago I started with arduinos but that's all. Now I'm really interested in neural networks and evaluate mass data. I once saw a video of a guy who wrote something that checked a German news website and downloaded all the new articles and the metadata. How would that kind of program be written ? Could I program something so I have all the data sorted in an excel table ? Wich Language is best for such things.

    As I said I'm aswell interested in neural networks. I'm not sure if it goes in the same direction but is it hard to learn to program some kind of software that is able to be set in a certain situation with a target and some options to get there and it try's over and over until it has the optimal way ?

    submitted by /u/Nic0lodeon
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    I think I did myself a disservice.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    I think I have done myself a disservice by spending too much time on self contained coding exercises. I'm really good at coding snippets and stuff like that but piss poor at managing an entire project. I always end up getting my environment half way set up and then end up spending hours trying to completely set it up. Does anyone have any advice or tips on how to get better at this?

    submitted by /u/chrisalexbrock
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    How can I set up a dev environment given nothing but the source code?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, thanks in advance for the advice. I'm a new CS grad and just got a job at a remote startup as the only developer since the last developer left for a FAANG. I've worked in developer roles in the past, but never as the only dev without some sort of transition plan and I'm struggling to get started...

    They've given me access to the source code of their web app and a list of requested features but that's pretty much it. Its written in php and I've gotten some nginx error codes as I've messed around. They also told me they use aws (for hosting I assume) and Mongodb to hold data. Beyond that I'm on my own.

    I get that my first task should be to get a dev environment up and running but I'm just struggling to figure out where to start. How can I figure out the entire tech stack just by the code they've given me?

    submitted by /u/BatmansMom
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    Is there any script or extensions for browser where it removes the recommended videos when I watch a youtube video?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    Location tracker for Coronavirus patients

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    I am looking to build a web app that users would be able to check before going out of their house so that non-infected people don't visit the same place that the infected patient came in contact with. Like a version of the South Korean patient tracker app for the US. How would I obtain the data to make this possible or is it even possible in the US due to the HIPPA? The only public data that I can find is the number of total cases in each state and counties and such.

    submitted by /u/dreadpiraterobertsdd
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    Just bought a wireless mouse, is there a way I can display its battery percentage on my desktop? Opening and closing the software will get annoying.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    I just got the G Pro Wireless and I'm looking for a more convenient method of checking its battery life

    submitted by /u/AceOrigins
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    Quick question for python programmer with cryptocurrency experience

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    I've been fooling around with cbpro, a python module to interact with the coinbase pro API. I need to print out a deposit adress for the exchange to deposit some crypto on it.

    I've searched the documentation for the module and for the API itself but I can't find it.

    Does anyone have any knowledge to donate?

    submitted by /u/AutomaticRadish5
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