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    Saturday, April 11, 2020

    How to go from self-taught to full-time employment as a programmer? learn programming

    How to go from self-taught to full-time employment as a programmer? learn programming

    How to go from self-taught to full-time employment as a programmer?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    I started learning programming late 2019. I'm a bit worried, because I know many companies frown upon self-taught programmers, at least in my country.

    I'm currently not working, so I've been building solid full fledged projects(aiming for 3 or 4) to show potential clients, so I can start freelancing and eventually land permanent employment.

    My reason for choosing the self-taught route is that I can't afford to study computer science or enroll into a Bootcamp.

    I would like some advice from self-taught programmers(web or mobile) who have landed full-time employment without cs degree or bootcamp.

    submitted by /u/the_beezhive
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    Real Projects for Beginners

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Hi there. I'm a long time Ruby dev, and I suddenly have a lot of extra time on my hands thanks to the COVID-19 situation.

    I'm taking advantage of the time to work on some projects I've been interested in for a while as well as learn some new languages/frameworks.

    I decided that I would record myself working through the learning process. I'm building out a handful of real projects in ReactJS, Electron, Node, and Elixir. Since the languages are somewhat new to me, I'm talking through things as I learn them, and I think it should be relatively beginner friendly.

    If you follow along, you'll have some real, substantial projects to show off at the end. Everything is in pretty early stages right now though, so you're getting in at the beginning.

    If you want to follow along, I'm starting with a stock market tracking app in ReactJS. I'm putting out a few videos per day, so it's going to go pretty quick.

    Here's the playlist for that one: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjItgYqIzJ9VOBgwZ82D9kjQ_QtM5R4u5

    If you hit a snag, I'll answer any questions you've got in the Youtube comments.

    I hope somebody finds this useful.


    submitted by /u/r_lizard27
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    I think I'm gonna fail my grades.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    I'm an IT student and I'm never worried about grades, but the problem is, in my college I can't carry any failed subjects. This period has been tough with quarantine, remote working and misscomunication between students and teachers.

    If I fail, I'm gonna be waiting the next year to return. I'm having my practices in a company and I like it but I'm not really sure if they're gonna hire me all this year as developer if I don't have my degree.

    I'm not really sure if I want an answer but I want to expres myself. Any words would be welcome tho. Must say I'm a little overwhelmed. I'm not from US, Canada or Europe where they give you oportunities without a degree. It would be awesome but, as things are going on today, it seems far away.

    submitted by /u/princealiabawa
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    Is it a waste of time practicing leetcode type of questions and algorithms problems?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    I do it mostly for fun instead of me playing video games. I'm still a beginner and in college and I'm not sure if they teach me bad habits or are just a waste of time. I like these smaller problems that doesn't require me creating a new project with a few classes etc. I find them entertaining even if they are hard.

    submitted by /u/Cute_Bubble
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    Discord Server For Leetcode/Technical Interview Practice

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I created a Discord server for collaboratively working through leetcode style algorithm problems and sharing resources. Staying motivated while grinding algos can be tough and I find going at it in a group helps me a lot. We're all very serious about becoming better programmers, and are a mix of current students, job seekers, and working software engineers. If you're also serious about getting better at technical interview questions and think you will benefit from a community, feel free to join. All skill levels welcome but ideally you already know the fundamentals of programming and are comfortable with a programming language of your choice.

    Here's the link: https://discord.gg/3EkdrE2

    submitted by /u/gettingthatbread69
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    Discrete mathematics study guide

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, so I made a discrete mathematics study guide for dummies quite a while ago and worked on some improvements based on feedback. However, I realized, since my knowledge and skills are limited, that the study guide can greatly improve if competent people can contribute to it.

    Feel free to join the crowd-sourced discrete mathematics study guide project and pitch in your knowledge and skills. Here's a link to it. Fork the repository, make changes, and submit pull requests (Just like any other open-source projects) and for non-contributors, feel free to utilize the study guide for your benefit!


    submitted by /u/jeff6812
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    I have started many things and haven't finished any

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    Are you guys like me? I have started so many courses and tutorials and can't seem to make up my mind on what to focus... Already went through C#, Python, JavaScript... Why is it so hard to focus and master only one thing? Is the grass always greener on the other side? The programming world is so overwhelming that it's very hard to choose something and go along with it...

    submitted by /u/MarcCDB
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    How can I make a site like this?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    I'm trying to make my own website and I really like monokai's site: https://monokai.nl/2019/japan/

    What are the skills/libraries I need to get started?

    submitted by /u/andiwonderr
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    Creating a list of lists using list comprehension in python

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    I need help creating a list of list using list comprehension that's a 3x3 and has the diagonal with all 0s.

    If anyone could help that would be great.

    submitted by /u/BBNTJ
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    Reprogramming The Wind Waker

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 07:08 PM PDT


    As a series that I've played and enjoyed ever since I was young, The Legend of Zelda will always have a special place in my heart. Two of my favorite games in the series are The Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time. As a college freshman that has moved back home due to quarantine and will most likely not take part in a summer internship, I've decided to pursue one of my long-term goals of recreating Ocarina of Time in the style of The Wind Waker. More specifically, I want to do so by creating a GameCube .iso file that I can play on the Dolphin Emulator.


    I guess this sort of begs the question: is this even possible? Based on my initial research, I've learned that it would be extremely difficult to reverse engineer The Wind Waker, or any Nintendo game for that matter. Furthermore, the amount of game design knowledge required would be immense (which I, unfortunately, have little to none of). I am willing to go to great lengths to accomplish this dream of mine, but I still have to be realistic.


    Regardless of whether this is feasible, I still want to learn more! If you could send resources my way that helped you when starting out with video game design and programming, that would be much appreciated :) I couldn't find that many resources relating to my specific goal, so info related to GameCube/Dolphin/The Legend of Zelda is nice, but not required. Finally, if possible, I'd love to be able to reach out to you for any clarifying questions I have. Thank you so much!

    Personal Programming Knowledge

    Just so you guys know where I'm at (and how much more I need to learn!):

    • Experience with data representation, machine-level code, computer arithmetic, elements of code compilation, optimization of memory and runtime performance, and memory organization and management
    • Proficient: C, C++
    • Familiar with: Java, Python

    P.S. If this is the wrong subreddit to post this kind of question, please let me know where to post instead!

    submitted by /u/JakeJLLee
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    Pygame on Sublime text 3 not displaying window

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    I only know the basics of python so I'm trying to learn more. As such I decided to challenge myself and make a simple game (like snake, pong or even space invaders) and learn how to do it in the process. So I downloaded and set up python 3.8.2 in Sublime Text 3. Everything works fine. After that I went to the console and installed pygame 2.0.0.dev6 and did a simple code (from the internet) just to display an empty window. import pygame pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500)) I runned this code and it gave no error, so it should mean that everything is correctly installed right? Tho there was no error, nothing appears, no window. Can anyone help me or please? Thanks in advance. 

    Edit: in python 3.8.2 shell it works perfectly

    submitted by /u/brunovicente
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    Hangman function advice (Python)

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    I've started working on a hangman project, and I've completed the function for drawing the hangman. However, I feel like my code could be cut down further. I don't use Python often, but I feel like there's a shorter method.

    Here's the function:

    def drawHangman(counter): if counter == 1: drawHangman(counter + 1) print("^") elif counter == 2: drawHangman(counter + 1) print("!") elif counter == 3: drawHangman(counter + 1) print("^") elif counter == 4: print("O") 

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/PresidentLap
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    How do you update node packages to be compatible with a required version used in a different package?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    Sorry if that's confusing. To be 100% honest I don't fully understand what exactly is going wrong.

    I have a react app where I used a outdated and modified version of create-react-app supplied by my Bootcamp that I recently graduated. After getting the app up and running on github, I decided to tinker with animations. I installed react-spring and after a few days, got some basic animations going.

    Finally decided to deploy the app, so I ran the script, npm run deploy, which from what I understand, does a build and pushes it to gh-pages. When I ran , I encountered this error:

    ``` hangman-client@0.1.0 build /Users/Joe/SEI/projects/Hangman

    node scripts/build.js Creating an optimized production build... Failed to compile. Failed to minify the code from this file: ./node_modules/react-spring/web.js:7

    npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 npm ERR! hangman-client@0.1.0 build: node scripts/build.js npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the hangman-client@0.1.0 build script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /Users/Joe/.npm/_logs/2020-04-10T20_32_52_964Z-debug.log ``` And so I started trying to debug and figure out what was wrong. I searched the issues of react-spring's github, and found a guy who said it had something to do with babel-runtime being out of sync. So I did some digging around my package.json and package lock, and found this in my package-lock...

    "react-spring": { "version": "8.0.27", "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/react-spring/-/react-spring-8.0.27.tgz", "integrity": "sha512-nDpWBe3ZVezukNRandTeLSPcwwTMjNVu1IDq9qA/AMiUqHuRN4BeSWvKr3eIxxg1vtiYiOLy4FqdfCP5IoP77g==", "requires": { "@babel/runtime": "^7.3.1", <========= "prop-types": "^15.5.8" } },

    And this in my package "babel-runtime": "6.26.0",

    So my best guess here, is that the outdated template I used uses an older version of babel-runtime, and react-springs uses a newer version, and that it only clashes when making a production build for some reason. I tried a package called babel-upgrade but it left it at 6.26 and didn't fix the problem.

    I found that create-react-app has a v2, and that all you need to do is update react-scripts in package... But this is a custom template, and I don't see it anywhere.

    This may be a dumb question, but I was so proud of figuring out these springs, can somebody please help me get my deployment working?

    submitted by /u/joe10994
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    Which of these 2 lines of code is better practise for creating a function?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    Forgot to add language to title, this is for C++.

    Below I have 2 sources that do the exact same thing. I'm just not sure which one is better in the long term.

    Should I use a double that does all the calculations within the function and returns it to a variable outside the function or should I use the void that does all the calculations within the function and returns it to a variable also within the function and prints from there?

    I'm just trying to build good programming habits early so I don't get into trouble down the line where it really matters.

    Void function

    #include <iostream> void add(double a, double b) { double result = a + b; std::cout << std::endl << a << " + " << b << " = " << result; } int main() { double num1, num2; std::cout << "Please enter first number: "; std::cin >> num1; std::cout << "\nPlease enter second number: "; std::cin >> num2; add(num1, num2); std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0; } 

    double function that does exact same thing:

    #include <iostream> double add(double a, double b) { return a + b; } int main() { double num1, num2; double result; std::cout << "Please enter first number: "; std::cin >> num1; std::cout << "\nPlease enter second number: "; std::cin >> num2; result = add(num1, num2); std::cout << std::endl << num1 << " + " << num2 << " = " << result << std::endl; system("PAUSE"); return 0; } 
    submitted by /u/8yelloweggs
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    How do you make a random number generator in assembly (x86)??

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    Just a forewarning, I am very new to assembly and not really great with it. A random number generator that isn't really hard to understand would be super appreciated!

    So, I am working on my final project in assembly and am trying to simulate a small scale D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) fight. I have been desperately searching the internet for days trying to figure out how to get a random number generator to simulate my dice; values 1-20,1-8, and 1-4.

    I have found code for generating values 1-10, but can't figure out how to do it 1-20 and modify it to be any range I need it to be. When I have modified it, sometimes it spews out random characters like "?","=",">".. So I'm not 100% sure why it's doing that. Can anyone help me out? I have to have this done in three days and am struggling.

    Here is the code for the rng for values 1-10:

    random macro rVal

    mov ah,0h ; interrupts to get system time

    int 1ah ; CX:DX now hold number of clock ticks since midnight

    mov ax,dx

    xor dx,dx

    mov cx,6

    div cx ; here dx contains the remainder of the division - from 0 to 9

    add dx,1

    mov rVal,dl ; call interrupt to display a value in DL


    submitted by /u/Raitoningu-Chan
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    ELI5: In C 'for loop', why do we use another variable in initialization statement? (Code below)

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    I have started CS50 and am learning C. I have a doubt. I am building a program that asks for a number and then prints that many asterisks. In the initial statement in 'for' loop, why do we use "i"? Where does the system know what 'i' is? I am attaching below the source code.

    TLDR; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) - In this code, how does the computer know what 'i' here stands for, when it has never been given a value?

    #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int n; do { n = get_int("Enter width. \n"); } while (n<1); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("*"); } printf("\n"); } 

    submitted by /u/brownputin
    [link] [comments]

    [Java] Help fix the recursive method?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    public static String toStringHelper(Node current) { if (current == null) { return ""; } toStringHelper(current.getLeftNode()); System.out.print(current.getPerson().getName() + "(" + current.getPerson().getStringDateOfBirth() + ")" + "\n"); toStringHelper(current.getRightNode()); return ""; } 

    Currently, this works and prints all my nodes in the correct order (Left to Right) from the Binary Search Tree.

    Here is the current output:

    Tom(1/2/1935) George(5/27/1943) Sarah(1/2/1945) Adam(8/12/1972) Norah(11/23/1985) William(6/4/1998) Sam(9/12/2003) Andrew(4/20/2019) Emily(2/28/2020) 

    Which is great! But instead, I want to actually have this function return to the original toString() method instead of just printing to the console.

    Here is my current toString() method as well:

    public String toString() { // Sends the root node from the Binary Search Tree to be processed. return (toStringHelper(this.root)); } 

    I tried changing it to:

    return (current.getPerson().getName() + "(" + current.getPerson().getStringDateOfBirth() + ")" + "\n"); 

    but obviously that would end the recursion and not go through the rest of the Binary Search Tree.

    Any help would be appreciated, if you need more info, just let me know, THANKS!

    submitted by /u/PrimePlaya24
    [link] [comments]

    Websites to help sharpen python skills?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    What website do you guys recommend that give python challenges or puzzles that help you learn.

    submitted by /u/TheQuestionGuy_001
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    Is there a reason why express.js use es5 instead of es6 out of the box?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    Just wondering why that's the case. Especially since majority of es6 features are available in latest version of node.

    submitted by /u/dangerblown
    [link] [comments]

    C Program Help

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    I need help with my C program. I need to prompt the user for a title for data and output the title. Ex:

    Enter a title for the data:

    Number of Novels Authored

    You entered: Number of Novels Authored

    I also need to prompt the user for the headers of two columns of a table and then output the column headers. Ex:

    Enter the column 1 header:

    Author name

    You entered: Author name

    Enter the column 2 header:

    Number of novels

    You entered: Number of novels

    I also need to prompt the user for data points. Data points must be in this format: string, int. Store the information before the comma into a string variable and the information after the comma into an integer. The user will enter -1 when they have finished entering data points and the data points will be output. String components of the data points will be stored in an array of strings. Integer components of the data points will be stored in an array of integers. Ex:

    Enter a data point (-1 to stop input):

    Jane Austen, 6

    Data string: Jane Austen

    Data integer: 6

    I need to perform error checking for the data point entries. If any of the following errors occurs, output the appropriate error message and prompt again for a valid data point.

    • If entry has no comma ◦ Output: Error: No comma in string. • If entry has more than one comma ◦ Output: Error: Too many commas in input. • If entry after the comma is not an integer ◦ Output: Error: Comma not followed by an integer. 


    Enter a data point (-1 to stop input):

    Ernest Hemingway 9

    Error: No comma in string.

    Enter a data point (-1 to stop input):

    Ernest, Hemingway, 9

    Error: Too many commas in input.

    Enter a data point (-1 to stop input):

    Ernest Hemingway, nine

    Error: Comma not followed by an integer.

    Enter a data point (-1 to stop input):

    Ernest Hemingway, 9

    Data string: Ernest Hemingway

    Data integer: 9

    I want to output the information in a formatted table. The title is right justified with a width of 33. Column 1 has a width of 20. Column 2 has a width of 23. Ex:

    Number of Novels Authored

    Author name | Number of novels


    Jane Austen | 6

    Charles Dickens | 20

    Ernest Hemingway | 9

    Jack Kerouac | 22

    F. Scott Fitzgerald | 8

    Mary Shelley | 7

    Charlotte Bronte | 5

    Mark Twain | 11

    Agatha Christie | 73

    Ian Flemming | 14

    J.K. Rowling | 14

    Stephen King | 54

    Oscar Wilde | 1

    The information will be output as a formatted histogram. Each name is right justified with a width of 20. Ex:

    Jane Austen ******

    Charles Dickens ********************

    Ernest Hemingway *********

    Jack Kerouac **********************

    F. Scott Fitzgerald ********

    Mary Shelley *******

    Charlotte Bronte *****

    Mark Twain ***********

    Agatha Christie *************************************************************************

    Ian Flemming **************

    J.K. Rowling **************

    Stephen King ******************************************************

    Oscar Wilde *

    Here is my code:

    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <string.h>

    int main(void) {

    char title[50];

    char col1[50];

    char col2[50];

    int point[50];

    char names[50][50] = {'\0'};

    int count = 0;

    char dataPoint[50];

    int commas = 0;

    //Variables for holding values

    int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, p = 0, len;

    int intFound = 0;

    char integerValue[5] = "";

    int commaAfterInt = 0;

    printf("Enter a title for the data:\n");

    fgets (title, 50, stdin);

    printf("You entered: %s\n", title);

    printf("Enter the column 1 header:\n");

    fgets (col1, 50, stdin);

    printf("You entered: %s\n", col1);

    /* Removing new line character at end */

    len = strlen(col1);

    if (len > 0 && col1[len-1] == '\n')


    //Placing null character

    col1[--len] = '\0';


    printf("Enter the column 2 header:\n");

    fgets (col2, 50, stdin);

    printf("You entered: %s\n", col2);

    while (count < 50) {

    printf("Enter a data point (-1 to stop input):\n");

    fgets (dataPoint, 50, stdin);

    if (atoi(dataPoint) == -1) {



    commas = 0;

    i = 0;

    intFound = 0;

    strcpy(integerValue, "");

    commaAfterInt = 0;

    while (dataPoint[i] != '\0') {

    if (dataPoint[i] == ',') {


    if (intFound == 1) {

    commaAfterInt = 1;


    } else if (commas == 0) {

    names[count][i] = dataPoint[i];

    } else if (isdigit(dataPoint[i])) {

    intFound = 1;

    for (j = 0; integerValue[j] != '\0'; j++);

    integerValue[j] = dataPoint[i];

    integerValue[j + 1] = '\0';




    if (commas == 0) {

    printf("Error: No comma in string.\n\n");

    } else if (commas > 1) {

    printf("Too many commas in input.\n\n");

    } else if (commaAfterInt == 1) {

    printf("Comma not followed by an integer\n\n");

    } else {

    point[count++] = atoi(integerValue);

    /* Extracting string from data point */

    k = 0; p = 0;

    strcpy(names[count], "");

    //Iterating over data point

    while(dataPoint[p] != ',')


    //Copying char by char

    names[count][k] = dataPoint[p];




    //Placing String termination character

    names[count][k] = '\0';

    names[count][k+1] = '\0';

    printf("Data string: %s\n", names[count]);

    printf("Data integer: %d\n", point[count - 1]);



    printf("\n\t\t\tFORMATTED TABLE\n");

    printf("\n %40s \n", title);

    printf("\n\t %-20s | %20s \n", col1, col2);

    printf(" \n -----------------------------------------------------\n");

    i = 0;

    while (i < count) {

    printf("\n\t %s | %10d \n", names[i], point[i]);



    printf("\n\n\n\t\t\tFORMATTED HISTOGRAM\n");

    i = 0;

    while (i < count) {

    printf("\n %s \t", names[i]);

    j = 0;

    while (j < point[i]) {







    return 0;


    submitted by /u/Techreddituser123
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    Virtual Box or Bootable pendrive for Linux which is better ?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    Can downloading virtual box for linux slow down my PC ?

    Are there any other ways to do it ?

    My PC specs are

    Pentium processor 1.9Ghz

    Ram 8GB DDR3

    and BIGBAD Intel HD graphics card .

    submitted by /u/Need_job_coder
    [link] [comments]

    MEVN CRUD Stack Question

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    For background- I am a junior level Comp Sci major who is taking a web programming course. We are using MongoDB, Express, Vue.js, and Node.

    I am having trouble figuring out how these work together. I am unsure of which is client side and which is server side, and how the routes and scripts to run the server work. I know that is a lot, but I have many resources both from lecture, Youtube, and varying Github posts. For some reason, I just feel like those tell you what to do and don't explain why or how, leaving anything more than copying a mystery. I would like to understand so that I can apply the knowledge.

    If it is easier, I am available to video chat, discord, etc. Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/fireandfeist
    [link] [comments]

    CodeAcademy pro expiry?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    Does if anyone know how to check when the pro for codeacademy will end for an account? I have absolutely no idea where to find it :thinking:

    submitted by /u/HowlingOblivion
    [link] [comments]

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