• Breaking News

    Sunday, April 12, 2020

    I made a John Conway's Game of Life implementation. web developers

    I made a John Conway's Game of Life implementation. web developers

    I made a John Conway's Game of Life implementation.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    Twitter (Eary Days)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    [Showoff Saturday] Portfolio & Resume WordPress Theme - Dark Mode Showoff

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:44 PM PDT

    [Showoff Saturday] COVID-19 visualizations. Made with React + VX

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    I've created a website to visualize COVID-19 statistics. You can graph and compare data from any countries and share the resulting graphs. Testing data is also available. You can find data sources in the footer.

    Website: https://pandemicstats.net/

    Country comparisons: https://pandemicstats.net/global-comparison

    Tech used:

    • React

    • VX (a D3.js wrapper)

    • Emotion

    • Few small utility libraries

    I've tried to keep the design minimal to avoid distracting users from what's most important - data. Any feedback is welcome!

    submitted by /u/_lethal_
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    Js - Spread operator with square brackets

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    Im having a little trouble understanding how this code is returning an array with the values set to each index number eg [0,1,2,3......]

    function myFunc(n){

    return [...Array(n).keys()]


    So i learned that a spread operator will expand an array into its elements(Im yet to see this work for me though),The [] are for defining an array and keys() will return the property names of an object.

    I really cant see how these are all working together here to produce the result.

    Could anyone shine some light upon me?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Crick84
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    Node.js or Python backend for video processing TikTok videos(ffmpeg and opencv)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    A friend of mine and I are building our first website together. The goal is to process an input url for a TikTok-video, do some ffmpeg-magic (cut detection etc) and some opencv magic (shape recognition) and then return pictures from the video to the user. We have our processing scripts ready in python, but we don't know if python is the correct backend language to choose. Any recommendations or experiences are welcome.

    submitted by /u/letschib
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    Immutability in Js

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    I originally learned that in Js primitive data types are pass by value and and objects are pass by reference but have since found out that they are both pass by reference (right?) - What does it mean when we say primitive data types are immutable because i am still able to change the value of a string and a number in js by incrementing it - How are they immutable?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Crick84
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    What to do next?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    I'm sure this has been asked a million times before, so apologies in advance if I'm asking a stupid question. I've found these links already, which have been helpful, but haven't quite taught me what I need to know.




    So I've spent some time learning HTML/CSS/JavaScript and would like to apply what I've learned on a real site. I've spent time making mock websites on codepen.io and on my own, local machine using visual studio code, but I'm very lost on how to get these things actually up and running on the web. Does anyone have any information or direction on how to proceed? Is the general process something along the lines of the below?

    1. Buy domain name
    2. Buy server space/register domain name with hosting service
    3. upload code to hosting service?

    I'm truly lost on how to proceed and any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/BigBirdsVodka
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    Help with HTML and CSS website

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I made a website using html, CSS, and JavaScript, but when I try to resize the website's window, the text and border to the text go in crazy positions, and they don't just shrink. Is there a way to make everything just shrink and not change positions? The website only looks good with a screen resolution of 1600x900. That's what I want to change, so it shrinks or expands depending on the window size.

    Let me know if there is any HTML/CSS code I can add to make everything resize and shrink instead of moving on the page, as I spent a long time programming this website. Any help is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/inventord
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    [Question] When scroll top and onscroll doesn't work, yet the page is scrolling!!

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Edit: Solved!


    So I've built a pretty complex page whose body and html have overflow:hidden but then have child containers with overflow enabled.

    Now, I want to detect a scroll event. And something is scrolling!! However window, document, document.body and the only element (whose height is greater than the view-port) appear to not respond to onscroll events, nor do they return anything other than '0' after scrolling and calling element.scrollTop.

    Any ideas what I could do??

    Something is shifting up and down, as I navigate either the scroll bar or through any other means, and I would like to add an event listener to that intent.

    submitted by /u/Im_Justin_Cider
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    How can I get api.foo.com to point to 45.xx.xxx.xx and get nginx to reverse proxy it to port 3000?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    Question for you please about nginx and DNS.

    • I have a domain, foo.com, which is managed by now.sh.

    • I have a Linux box on vultr, with an IP address of 45.XX.XXX.XX

    • That Linux box is using PM2 to run a Nuxt server at localhost:3000.

    • My goal is to get that Nuxt server on 45.xx.xxx.xx (on port 3000) to handle https (443) requests to api.foo.com (whereas now.sh will handle requests to foo.com).

    • I'm using the nginx config generated by https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tools/nginx

    To that end, I have created an A-Record on foo.com pointing from api.foo.com to 45.xx.xxx.xx.

    And in nginx I've set the server_name as 45.xx.xxx.xx.

    Unfortunately this fails.

    Any ideas on how to solve this?


    [Edit: As /u/BehindTheMath suggests, I had also tried api.foo.com for server_name and it also fails]

    submitted by /u/Proud-Masterpiece
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    [Question] What is the most common mistake a PM/P.O makes ?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Regarding any interaction that you have, what is the most common/annoying mistake/misinterpretation that PMs/P.O make?

    submitted by /u/Ralphabc
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    Leaderboard website - how to server static pages with rankings accurate from the last hour

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Let's say I want to create a website which simply displays a leaderboard.

    The rankings are constantly changing within my backend's Postgres database which holds all the data. It also has a REST API that lets me query the database.

    My website client could have javascript code to request fresh data from the backend using API calls.

    However, the rankings barely move in an hour, so it makes much more sense to simply serve static files that are updated every 30mins/hourly, rather than rely on each client making their own requests.

    It seems very simple but I actually don't know how I would go about this. I would obviously need my website's server to be making the API calls and updating the static files, but how can I do this?

    submitted by /u/mortalisx
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    Is there an alternative to jQuery Mobile for creating mobile web apps with app-like screen transitions and menus?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    Apparently jQuery Mobile hasn't been updated in a while and the project has been abandoned. I keep hearing bootstrap mentioned as an alternative, but Bootstrap doesn't really do what jQM offers (page transitions, swipe detection, etc.).

    Foundation 7 looks promising, but supposedly it's doesn't perform well on devices (especially compared to jQM). Surely there must be other alternatives.

    submitted by /u/GloriousEmu99
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    I built a framer motion package to easily move a bunch of items across screen

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    [Showoff Saturday] MultiPurpose WordPress Theme App Showcase Demo

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    Difficulty understanding redux

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    I've been working with react for quite some time now and decided to go for redux. I followed some tutorials but cant ssem to get a hang of it. Can anyone suggest how to go about it? Thanks..

    submitted by /u/itsdad13
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    Which of these Uni choices would likely be the best?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    So I got accepted for 3/5 of my Uni choices, I am left with the following subjects which I can't decide between:

    Computer Science with Web Development

    Web and Mobile Development

    Computer Science

    I feel like Computer Science with Web Development would be helpful, as it isn't fully restricting me to Web development in case that doesn't work out. But because it is the career I would like, I think the Web dev / mobile app one would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/TKK_TKK
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    WordPress or building websites from scratch as a freelancer?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    I wonder does it make sense to offer services from scratch or these days most of the clients want modified WP sites anyway?

    submitted by /u/picpaca
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    my personal website got cracked today - first time being victim in more than 10 years since I started web development

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    This afternoon I visited my website as I wanted to update it, but it threw HTTP 500. I signed into the web server and found out that unknown code was inserted into my .php files.

    Cause of attack

    After initial investigation from web server log files I found out that the attacker signed in into my WordPress backend this morning and used the plugin editor to put code into it, possibly with some manipulation using phpMyAdmin before.

    All my passwords are composed of mixed case and numbers so brute force is unlikely. After further reading the log file I found out a GET request at https://blog.miklcct.com/wp-config.php~ . I opened the link in my PC and Viola!!!!! The whole config leaked!!!!! including the database user name and password!!!!!!!!! I have run the server for a few years already but forgot to block access to ~ files automatically generated by text editor! My phpMyAdmin is wide open because I have legitimate use of it as I'm using my VPS as a general data store for my non-development life (like my financial data, my transport records, my records as a taxi driver, my competition results, etc.), which I have a dedicated user account for that.

    In the system, only the web server account www-data, and the app account in MySQL are compromised. The normal user accounts and the MySQL account which I use for non-development purposes are not cracked.

    Action done

    This incident has made my backup plan essential - I wrote a set of rsync scripts to automatically back up my server (full FS backup) 7 years ago which today it is run on my file VPS to automatically back up my site VPS weekly. In additional I have also installed automysqlbackup on my web server. I removed the polluted folders and restored them from my latest backup before the attack happened. I also dropped the cracked database and restored it from the latest backup. I stopped the attack vector by changing my Apache config, changed the passwords of the app account in the MySQL database and the www-data account in my OS and restarted the website.

    For further details, please read my blog article.

    submitted by /u/miklcct
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    Custom CSS framework

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Hi folks, I hope everyone is doing well !

    I have one big question for you :

    We have developed a whole web platform with approx 20 pages and used Bootstrap 4 as a CSS framework. We recompiled it so the color variables are with our color scheme and so far it was good.

    But recently we paid a team to redesign the whole platform and now I have Adobe XD file with all the CSS value of the new components.

    My question is : should I recompile Bootstrap with the new values of all my custom element so it's still easy for me to develop using the Bootstrap « API » or should I make a custom CSS file from scratch (Using Sass) to develop my own « framework » ?

    I hope that My question is understandable and that you have some advices on it !

    Cheers, stay safe


    submitted by /u/gingah_picsell
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    Do you guys have/use a web dev roadmap?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    I find myself jumping around a lot and I'd really like to have a specific series of tasks to complete with every new site. Is there anything you guys use to make sure you're always set up a site the same way every time, at least in areas that are applicable?

    submitted by /u/FriskySteve01
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    What are some of your go-to websites/blogs for web development related news/articles?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    I've been self-teaching web dev and I'd like to find some good blogs and websites that I can check periodically to learn new things, stay up to do, and maybe glean some useful knowledge and vocabulary from. I think when one is learning something new it's important to be immersed in it, and I think this is a good way to contribute to that immersion. I also think reading about concepts, even if I don't necessarily understand them now, will contribute to my overall comprehension down the road.

    submitted by /u/LeftHandOfDanknesss
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