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    Friday, February 7, 2020

    Resources to get to a decent enough level to pass JavaScript interview in two weeks? learn programming

    Resources to get to a decent enough level to pass JavaScript interview in two weeks? learn programming

    Resources to get to a decent enough level to pass JavaScript interview in two weeks?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:38 PM PST


    I dont really have much experience with JavaScript but I did a bit in first year uni which was like 4 years ago. I know how to program in Python, C, and Java so I'm not a complete beginner in programming. I would to ask if someone can give me a reference to study from for the interview, any online course you recommend? Programming challenges? Books? I have two weeks to prepare and I will be putting around 3-5 hours daily. If you have any rigorous/solid methods please recommend them as well.

    From what I know, the job uses vue for frontend and node for backend.

    Sorry, English is not my first language. Also please dont tell me that I should not have applied for a Job I cant do, at this moment in time I just wana be able to feed myself.

    submitted by /u/MaleficentAmount8
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    Which is the most beginner friendly language to develop Android Apps?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:08 AM PST

    I just started with C and I got interested in Android app development but cannot find a language for it. Please help.

    submitted by /u/TitaniumChloride
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    What is the best way to self-teach algorithms to ace technical interviews at companies like google?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:41 PM PST

    I am asking as a Javascript coding bootcamp grad, who struggles to understand hackerrank questions. I'd love to hear success stories and time spans, as well as recommended plans of attack.

    submitted by /u/excursioneer
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    How important is recursion?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:45 PM PST

    I've been doing some recursion problems and they're such a brain twister. They seem like the kind of thing a less confusing loop would do and I'm wondering how much they're used in a most work? or how complicated they get for data work?

    submitted by /u/WacomPen
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    Is it normal to feel very overwhelmed?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:02 PM PST

    I want to learn, I really do and I've been saving a lot of posts that seem helpful but I'm so overwhelmed on what I have to learn first or what to do. I know everything takes times and there's some terms or things I don't understand. My ultimate goal is to leave my mark on this Earth and I chose to do so with software engineering, how? I have no idea but I have to start at the bottom. Would giving Harvard's CS50 another try be the correct first step into the programming world if I have no prior knowledge or experience?

    submitted by /u/SpectacZ
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    Tracking API?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:07 PM PST

    So I am working on a website that creates appointments for different clients who are looking for a "Service to house" (Think Uber, Postmates but for Handymen). These clients can go onto the website and see the different services that these handymen can do and if they like it, they can make an appointment. Now the part that has me thinking is the price of the visit is determined by the distance of our office to the client's house. How would you go about tracking your client's location and calculating the price for that specific client?

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/ThatDudeInNavyBlue
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    London based Administrator with no experience wanting to start a career in programming

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:50 AM PST

    Hi all,

    Once 2020 started I've basically done a whole u-turn on how I want my career to go and it's been pretty scary not knowing what I've actually wanted to do.

    I was advised that programming might be of interest to me and as I've looked more into it, it something that I would want to pursue.

    However the problem is I have no experience and I don't have the funds to pay for 10k+ courses.

    I just want some advice on how to gain knowledge and experience to kickstart my career.

    Any advise would help ☺️

    submitted by /u/Totoro_3590
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    Can someone help me understand the logic of a double nested for loop in Java?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:29 PM PST

    In my Java class we have a project involving creating ASCII art patterns using nested loops and class constants. I am starting to get the hang of them, but having three for loops in one is really tripping me up, like a loop within a loop within a loop. I can't seem to follow the logic in my head so I haven't used one in my assignment even though it is required. Also, I have heard it isn't good practice to have a doubly nested for loop in your code, but since it's a requirement I am forced to use it in this case

    submitted by /u/rellektam
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    Did my first exploratory data analysis on Kaggle

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:53 PM PST

    I have posted the analysis on my Github. Will love to hear some feedbacks! Thank you all!

    submitted by /u/kiwiboy94
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    What code goes where? Or: How do I organize my code/projects?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:16 PM PST

    Whenever I need to write some sort of logic, or make certain functions, I usually don't have much of a problem. It might take a lot of googling and reading of stackoverflow questions, but I'll eventually get it working.

    The problem I have is where to put what code? When do I need to make a new file, where should that file go, what specific code should or should not go in that file? It's all so confusing to me. I have a habit of shoving as much logic into one file as possible, even if it's somewhat unrelated.

    Is it all for readability? Are there security reasons? I just don't know 😔

    submitted by /u/holybuttwipe
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    How is the following function working in JS? Isn't the condition wrong?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:11 AM PST

    If random < 1, won't random be less than 2 as well? So, shouldn't the program output 'rock' and 'paper' both?

    function computerPlay() { let random = Math.random() * 3; return random < 1 ? "rock" : random < 2 ? "paper" : "scissors"; } 
    submitted by /u/mmddev
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    Web App Development and Design questions

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 05:52 PM PST


    I am looking to create a dating site that incorporates (at or near) the speed of a static site (like one generated via Gatsby) and would like to involve a survey as one part of user profile generation (user profile store would be in either MongoDB or Postgre). I have researched a small bit of time into comparing Frameworks such as Next.js vs Gatsby (if only for the SSR vs. StaticGen) to see what is applicable to my goals. I'd like to target about 1000 users with this to start (assess viability and then decide if this scales nicely and is sustainable growth wise).


    • Am I describing succinctly what I hope to achieve?
    • Are there better Frameworks to consider for my goal? (not on the basis of choice but more closely with what I have shared)
    • Should I instead be considering something like the MERN and MEAN stacks for such a task?
    • Do I need to consider a CMS in this process? (Mainstream like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla; or niche Premium like Oxwall; or Open Source like Jcow?)
    submitted by /u/Rommsey
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    C++ - Pushing variadic template class object into vector

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:17 PM PST

    class Base { public: virtual void foo() = 0; }; class A : public Base { public: void foo() override { std::cout << "A\n"; } }; class B : public Base { public: void foo() override { std::cout << "B\n"; } }; class Registry { public: static Registry& instance() { static Registry s_instance; return s_instance; } void register_foo(Base* foo) { m_vec.emplace_back(foo); } private: std::vector<Base*> m_vec; }; template<typename ... T> class Foo : public T... { public: Foo() { Registry::instance().register_foo(this); } void test() { (T::foo(), ...); } }; int main() { auto f1 = std::make_unique<Foo<A, B>>(); auto f2 = std::make_unique<Foo<A>>(); f1->test(); f2->test(); } 

    As you can see I have a Base class, class A and class B.

    A and B inherit from Base. Class Foo is a template class, which is with a variadic template. The idea is to be able to pass class A and class B into Foo. Then this Foo is registered in the Registry class / pushed into a vector.

    The problem is the following - as you can see I can have both Foo<A> and Foo<A, B>, or Foo<B, A>. How can I have such a vector which can accept all possible types of Foo?

    submitted by /u/ChrisPanov
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    LinkedIn Skill Assessments

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:33 PM PST

    Does anyone have any advice or encouragements regarding LinkedIn Skill Assessments? I just took the ones for C++, C#, Java, and React.Js, and failed all of them despite either having several years of academic experience(C++) or having written at least one successful business application in those languages/frameworks(C#, Java, React.Js). Are these tests just bogus, or is my knowledge really that lacking?

    submitted by /u/Aleph_jones
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    How is code run on programming websites?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:51 AM PST

    For example, how does a website like HackerRank execute the code you've written? Does it send it to a server where the program is run and the results are returned?

    submitted by /u/sensei_jake
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    Jump starting your brain after work

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:28 PM PST

    I'm trying to learn programming on the side of my 40hr side-hustle and can get pretty mentally beat by the time I get home in the evening. I would like to put in about 6-8 hours a week at least on weekdays, weekends vary by how much. Does anyone have helpful tips they've found in their learning to jumpstart their mind again after a work day to put in an hour or two of focus and study before bed?

    submitted by /u/newishspice
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    Best sites to pick up Python

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:23 PM PST

    I'm about to graduate from a bootcamp and i've really wanted to pick up python. Not really sure where to start. very familiar with OOP and MVC framework so really just want to hunker down on syntax and algorithms so i can take interviews in python if needed. thanks

    submitted by /u/GucciKaisa
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    I am goign to be working as an intern this summer in a web dev role and was wondering if anyone here could reccomend any resources for learning ruby as my school sadly does not offer any classes in it anymore.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:02 PM PST

    The owner of the company told me to know "Perhaps just software engineering-- javascript always is right down the middle Ruby helps as well." My advisor recommended that i take either web dev 1 or interactive web scripting to help refresh myself on these topics as I have not taken any classes about this in a couple years and to finish the requirements for my teaching endorsement.

    submitted by /u/Crazyleprechaun87
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    Good java guide for returning java programmer

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:46 AM PST

    Hello. I have recently got a new job as a java programmer, but the latest years I've been a c# programmer. Is there any good intermediate guides for a returning java programmer?

    submitted by /u/OhNoesRain
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    I wrote my first (extremely simple) Python program without any outside help, could someone give me suggestions on how to make it better?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:45 AM PST

    So I have been seriously struggling with grasping the basics of Python. Don't get me wrong, I can get stuff done but that always requires excessive amounts of Googling to achieve that.

    I know there is nothing wrong with Googling and reading through the documentation, especially when you're learning. But still, I have felt a bit down since I have always felt I can't achieve even the simplest of thing without consulting the all-knowing Google.

    But today, I decided to look into beginner projects and I wrote this (so very, very simple) number guessing game. The reason why I feel so happy, is that I wrote it without looking anything up. This might seem silly since it is a really basic program.

    But anyway, was thinking of anyone could give me some pointers and tips. How could I improve this code to be more efficient? Or just give me suggestions on what I could add. I really want to improve so all practise is more than welcome!

    import random guess = int(input("Guess a number between 0 and 20! ")) number = random.randrange(0, 21) while guess != number: print(f"The number is {number}!") print("Try again!") guess = int(input("Guess a number between 0 and 20! ")) number = random.randrange(0, 21) print(f"Congratulations! Your guess was {guess} and the number is {number}!") print("You have won amazing prizes!") 
    submitted by /u/_Astan_
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    With coffee dripping in our veins, what’s the best way to solidify coding knowledge?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:32 AM PST

    Currently at a bootcamp and just really wanna get some learning advice on how to soak it all in real quick!

    What's your go-to technique for getting concepts to stick and wrap your head 'round them — enough to apply it fast into some code?

    submitted by /u/thebantz
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    Leetcode: My code runs fine in the Playground debug section, but when I copy and past the exact same code onto the page where I submit my answer there's a compile error, why?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:47 PM PST

    This is very frustrating. If I am copying and pasting the exact same code it should run the same right?

    submitted by /u/gtrman571
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    Finishing a tech diploma but having trouble finding a analyst job off the bat. What are ways I can practice my SQL while I finish school/work in a support role.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:35 PM PST

    My end goal is to be a systems analyst or .NET developer on my way to project management. I figure it's no use taking management and scrum courses this early on in my career, but I would like to do something with all the free-time unemployment has given me.

    C# is easy to practice because I can just work on my personal projects, but I'm not really sure how to keep fresh with SQL. I obviously don't have a large database I can readily use, nor do I have any instruction on what I should be using said database for. I didn't have a ton of trouble with my SQL course in school, but looking at interview questions online it seems there is a big gap between what I was taught, and what employers would be looking for.

    EDIT: In case it helps at all, I learned pretty much everything you can about c# in school (4 straight classes on it), as well as some C/C++, some introductory PLC ladder logic, some introductory SQL obviously, and some HTML/CSS/Javascript (which I hate).

    submitted by /u/ljackstar
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    Am I missing something in web dev that's not in desktop?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:10 PM PST

    Hey all,

    I've been programming since ~2016 doing mainly python until this spring when I started my computer science minor in school which is all in Java. I am really comfortable with basic algorithms, creating simple apps on the desktop, GUIs and all.

    However, I've stayed away from web because it just never interested me.

    Lately, I've felt like I should learn the basics of HTML/CSS/JS just in case since it's so in demand. So I sat down and figured, hey, I can make a task manager in python in less than a day that would look decent. But so far I can't even get past making text on the page append properly to a UL.

    I think I just don't get how HTML and Javascript interact - in Python or Java, even making GUIs, it's all unified because it's all one language, but in web I have no idea where the visuals and the underlying logic start and stop. I can write javascript logic and functions because it's just programming, but I don't know how to work that and HTML/CSS together to produce an interactive front end. All the tutorials I've found are either how to program 101, which I can do, or are a combo of Node.js/React or 1000 other frameworks way above my understanding. I can't find any that really explain how to structure a website or how to pass information between the logic and what the user sees.

    My goal right now is I want to make my girlfriend a little site that randomly generates her quotes and kind words, but I'm lost on how to do that or how to host just the html/css and JS files.

    any guidance or tips would be appreciated.

    (P.S. here's what I have so far of that task tracker app I mentioned: https://github.com/John123Allison/TaskJS/blob/master/app.js)

    submitted by /u/CuriousDwarf
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