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    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    How do you stop coding even though you are not in a satisfying point to quit? Ask Programming

    How do you stop coding even though you are not in a satisfying point to quit? Ask Programming

    How do you stop coding even though you are not in a satisfying point to quit?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:05 AM PST

    I am having a very weird problem now as I code professionally. I can't stop working or think about my program unless I am at a satisfying point to quit.

    I can't really stop either until the work is done. I can kinda walk away when I know I have at least figured out how to finish the program.

    This problem is so severe I could not take on large programming projects like working on a full stack website project.

    I stick to doing scripting and sub 100 lines of code program. Making a living that is very hard.

    Even if I walk away I can't stop thinking about about the code.

    How do you even stop, rest and continue after extended period of time?

    PS: I probably don't have add or ocd or Asperger's

    submitted by /u/anyfactor
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    Regarding web Application Flow

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:26 PM PST

    Hi Folks..! I'm a java fresher in start-up company so I don't have guidance to where to start with real-time projects in java so please help me with basic questions like How do I connect my frontend code to backend code and how the backend response to frontend and what are the tools they are using to connect, please help me with this and suggest me some sites to get clarity about the flow of web Applications.

    Thanks in Advance

    submitted by /u/joysonate
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    Interesting Challenge problem

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:45 PM PST

    I was given this challenge problem, thought it'd be fun to share it.

    Given any number of points (3~10) on a plane, find a same number of points that are equidistant, and that the given points could move the least to form that new set.

    submitted by /u/Gon_ExplodeOnMyChair
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    Broke path when editing zprofile

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:00 PM PST

    I'm on macOS Catalina and I accidentally added the line: export PATH=$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH before exporting ant_home to my users directory. I deleted the line and wrote it out but I still have to type /usr/bin/nano ~/.zprofile in order to open it up. How do i get rid of the /usr/bin part?

    submitted by /u/Vtaky
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    Constant table's content update from database

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:35 PM PST

    I'm writing a Java Spring Boot web app using .JSP files and I'm going to use Google Visualization library to draw some charts, basing on data from (MySQL) database. I thought that it would be a nice feature to implement if the graph would constantly update to the database state, without need to refreshing the page or button event. What are 'modern' ways to achieve this? What are the limitations of this kind of feature, and what needs to be considered while implementing it?

    I found some topics at StackOverflow but most of them are 8-10 years old. I can think of a solution that is JavaScript timer which calls the URI, returning a JSON, possible this URI runs on a separate microservice so main user app does not need to handle sending.

    submitted by /u/zanstaszek9
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    Is Java actually used by companies?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:13 PM PST

    I'm in college and my main coursework is in Java. It seems like an old language and I'm kind of concerned that it's not actually going to help me. Do any programmers actually still use Java? What should I learn on the side to get more practical knowledge?

    submitted by /u/Toast247
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    Programming Language Recommendation

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:12 PM PST

    I am currently looking into the possibility of teaching myself a new language this summer. I am currently studying computer engineering in college, and have previously used MATLAB (not a fan), and I'm currently learning Python in a class this semester (currently just as a MATLAB replacement with data analysis). I would say that I am definitely most skilled in C (intermediate-advanced level) and use is the most for my complex programming classes (i.e. Data Structures).

    I really enjoy using C, but I want to teach myself a new language that could both be fun to work in/with and look good on a resume. As a little bit of more information, I'm not entirely sure of what I want to do career-wise, but I plan on taking higher-level classes in things like AI, Compilers, Operating Systems, Software Engineering, and Computer Security.

    I've currently been looking into Java or C++, but I would greatly appreciate the advice of those with experience in these, or other, languages. Many thanks!

    submitted by /u/jhelf
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    Binary number help

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 05:59 PM PST

    Hi so I'm Really New to programming. I just wanted to know what the answer would be to 0b10 + 0b10 using two bit precision would be? I thought the answer was "can't be represented using two bit precision" since that sum equals 4 which can't be represented using just two bits.

    submitted by /u/perezjorge39
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    Error: "object '.' not found" in R

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 05:32 PM PST

    I'm writing a function in R and get this error when i call it. The thing is there arent any '.' in the function. I even moved it to a seperate file with no '.' in the whole document and still get this error. Any ideas?

    I will dm the function text to anyone who wants to see.

    submitted by /u/Statslifter
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    Show/Hide <h:form> when using <h:commandLink>

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:52 PM PST

    I need a new language...

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:06 AM PST

    So my colleagues have convinced my boss that vbscript to r/w local databases is dead and going to be "not supported" in the next version of windows. I realize that it is not really supported now, but hey, it still works on the machines. Boss now wants a new client side, script-like language that is "supported" that does not need compiling so us noobs can easily customize the code on the fly for our customers. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/chicken___joe
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    How does this all scale up?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:31 PM PST

    On mobile so sorry for bad formatting. I'm studying A Level computer science (AP in the US) and the projects we're doing now are quite simple. Currently they're all in C#, and we haven't tackled many high level concepts. We only recently began learning about OOP. We've been doing simple things like making a card class and reusing it in different programs to make card games. This is all besides the point though. I wanna know what this is like at more complex levels. How does what I'm doing now translate to the code that professionals write? How do I go from text based programs to graphical interfaces with buttons? It all seems like magic right now. It seems like two completely different subjects. Thanks, and sorry for the lengthy question.

    submitted by /u/Calamumu
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    Expression Validation in PHP

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:23 PM PST

    So, what I have to do is:

    Password should start with either X or Y, followed by an even number with a maximum of 3 digits and then, if the first letter was an X, it should have an A or a B to finish it up.

    I did the first 2 like this: [X-Y]|[x-y][0-9][0-9][02468]

    and it works, but how can I do the last bit? How can I check if the first letter was an X to know if I should have another letter at the end?

    Hope you guys understand and hopefully someone can help me, cheers

    submitted by /u/joaomftorres
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    I want to create a game similar to angry-birds except it has to run 1000 times faster cuz theres an unusual time travel gameplay involved and it has to compute the future a few seconds from now from each moment in the present as the present continuously changes. What to sacrificed for efficiency?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:10 PM PST

    For example, if theres only 2d polygons and bombs and projectiles, and much fewer number of polygons, then a projectile launched at them might converge to everything laying still in 3 seconds, so might need 1000 physics cycles during that. If I want that to happen 30 times per second as the player varies their input, thats 30k physics cycles per second. This severely limits the complexity of the objects involved. A GPU cant even do that many cycles per second, seems to do 1500 cycles on an old computer, and 20k cycles on a new computer, not to mention needing multiple gpu cycles per physics cycle due to sparsity. So probably whatever it is would have to run on cpu. Maybe voxel physics instead of triangles or blocky objects? What are my options if I need 30k physics cycles per second?

    submitted by /u/BenRayfield
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    Pure Python Trace-route Problem

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 01:48 PM PST

    As far as I know, a trace-route to a specific IP working with ICMP echo request/reply can be created by keep sending request packets with an increasing TTL (starting from 1) until you get an echo reply of an ICMP error code of 11 (destination unreachable).

    If this is wrong please correct me.

    The problem I got is that everytime I send an ICMP echo request packet to a specific IP using gethostbyname() with a specific TTL, unless the TTL is equal or higher than x (depends on ip), I get absolutely nothing in return and timeout. With the TTL >= x, I get an echo reply, thus a ping, but it doesn't help at all determining the trace-route.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/PCK11800
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    What are the best programming socks in your opinion?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:22 PM PST

    I'd like a nice pair of striped socks and one nice pair of solid socks. Maybe an extra pair, pattern irrelevant, that are a bit thicker for winter.

    I'm looking at this classic pattern for stripes atm just wondering if that's a good brand.

    submitted by /u/KPop_Poster
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    How can an INTERSECTION in relational algebra be expressed through UNION and MINUS?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:13 AM PST

    Hi there!

    So I'm currently reading about the basics of the basics of database management, and I'm currently reading about how to implement operations in relational algebra. When reading about the set operations UNION, INTERSECTION and SET DIFFERENCE, I came across a section in the book that states this:7

    R⋂S = ((R⋃S) - (R - S)) - (S - R)

    I can't be too bright, since I have a hard time understanding this. Let's go through the equation from left to right.

    If you operate UNION on relations R and S, you end up with a result showcasing all the tuples of the respective relations, with all duplicates being eliminated. If you were to then subtract the result from R - S, which in itself would eliminate all the tuples from relations S and leave you only with those from relation R, you would end up with the UNION of R⋃S minus the tuples from R, which would effectively leave you with a result consisting only of the tuples in S.

    Then, you take the tuples from S and subtract the result from (S - R), which would be the tuples from S, and you're left with S - S which leaves you with... nothing?

    Very difficult. Much advanced problem. Please help.

    submitted by /u/CattitudeLatitude
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    Entity Framework can find rows in own table, but not others

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:12 AM PST

    I made a stackoverflow post here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60101573/database-first-orm-mapping-not-including-outside-tables but sometimes I find better answers here.

    My basic issue is that I am working with Entity Framework and I am able to get json back over the rest api, but in the fields that map to other tables it won't work. In one case it does work, if the field is an entity of itself. What I mean by that is I have an employee class that has a 'manager' of type employee. If i call that object back over the rest api, I see the employee information of the manager.

    So my problem lies in the fact that I can't seem to access OTHER tables of data. I have a feeling this is some sort of setting or enabling (public/private) I don't have but I am having a hard time phrasing it on google.

    any help would be most appreciated !

    submitted by /u/dev123321
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    Is Go a good prototyping language?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:59 AM PST

    Do you think Go is a better prototyping language than Java or Python?

    Do any of you use Go for prototyping?

    submitted by /u/ioaioaen
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    Released new version of app on Play Store and iOS. What to call the old app before we sunset it?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:59 AM PST

    Let's say app is called Frogger, so now we have two apps called Frogger on the Play Store. We are trying to get new people to download the new app rather than the old app. What is typical to call the old app and prevent it from being downloaded too often?

    Some ideas I've had for names:

    • "Frogger - Legacy"

    • "Frogger - Basic"

    • "Frogger - Old"

    Surely some of you have done this before and found a good name?

    Also, what other measures if any to keep it from being downloaded? Limit who can see it on Play Store by email? I don't have iOS phone so what to do there?

    Also, how to get the old version off of devices?

    Links to articles that address this are just as good as comments.

    submitted by /u/ChipDilderman
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    [HTML JS CSS] How would you display a table, and how would you offer input of a new entry?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:15 AM PST

    Ok, first, let's assume we have a table that looks like this:

    var table = { column_name: ["ID", "Name", "Surname", "Highscore"], column_data: [ [1,2,3,4], ["Joe", "Mike", "Jerry", "John"], ["Joeson", "Mikeson", "Jerryson", "Johnson"], [1234, 5678, 9012, 3456] ] } 
    1. Is my table object ok, or should it look different? Like, also the column_name being in the same 2-d array as the data? Or something else?
      Now, we need to display it. The only thing that comes to mind right now is a CSS Grid. Though, I am not sure that is the correct solution. Putting it all into one element would be shorter, but how would you ever align the columns, unless you counted letters and found out the longest word of a column? Don't tell me the solution is a <table> element? I thought those were forbidden and everyone tells you to go back to 1997 if you use it.

    2. How would you generate this table?
      And we come to the next part - input. I would just put <input type="text"> boxes at the bottom, aligned with the columns, and a "submit" button to add it to the table and update it. Buuut that would look weird, wouldn't it? Is this how you do it, just people make the input boxes look fancy, or is there a better way? Another way is to make a popup form, but it would be fancier if you could just look at the table, and add new stuff.

    3. How would you make a "new entry" system?
      And finally, and this has also been bothering me - I thought about an "edit" button next to a row when you hover over it. But it would be too much to generate 20 edit buttons if you have 20 rows. How about one button, but it is somehow always in the row that you are hovering over, and somehow gets the row id right. And then it opens a form. Can't think of any other way. Maybe you can.

    4. How would you implement an "edit" button for any given row?

    Any advice helps, and you don't need to answer all the questions. I know this is a big one, but it all connects together.


    submitted by /u/awwwes
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    Wanting to create a pre populated user form

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:02 AM PST


    Im wanting to create a populated form/program that allows users to open it and input text into and then will create a text document out of it.

    I used to dabble with Java, and wondering if this is still the best language to create something like this in?


    submitted by /u/xenzu
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    Question about Reddit mirrors that archive deleted posts/ comments.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:46 AM PST

    Hi there,

    Its anyone here familiar with the Reddit archive/ mirror sites that capture deleted and censored posts from an API or backend perspective?

    How do these sites work?

    Are they just polling r/new every 5 seconds, or monitoring a handful of top subs, then archiving what content exists?

    Or are there API calls to they are using to show flagged content?

    I'm curious about the backend of these services work.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Gemini421
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    FCM Messaging Service for a Chat App using Firestore for Notifications

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:00 AM PST

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