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    Tuesday, February 18, 2020

    How to gamedev from Blender to Unreal in 1 minute!

    How to gamedev from Blender to Unreal in 1 minute!

    How to gamedev from Blender to Unreal in 1 minute!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 05:31 AM PST

    Game Engine Development talks in London

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:56 AM PST

    At the University of Greenwich (UK) we have organised a group of talks through February 25th - 28th around Game Engine Development from the NovelRT Group. These talks are free to attend and each one will focus on different aspects of the development to meet different interests. They are:

    Down the Game Dev Hole: Engine Design

    How to prevent Self Hatred: An Exploration into the UX of Games Development

    Version Control Primer: A Git Cheatsheet for everybody

    But I Swear This Worked On My Machine: Cross-Platform Development

    We hope that these talks will be helpful to everyone interested in game development or those who are interested in creating their own game engines.

    submitted by /u/banananaman91
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    The State Of Steam Discoverability: February 2020

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 10:00 PM PST

    How do I go about "starting" to build a game?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:29 AM PST

    I know what I want to do but I'm unsure of the order of operations to build a game. Should I create the tilemaps and characters first? Or is it possible to go code only then add assets later? What if I want to change the way they look?

    What's the absolute fundamental and basic information I need to plan out first before getting into the more complicated things e.g. formulas and background calculations?

    submitted by /u/TheSixthVisitor
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    Monogame or sfml

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:59 AM PST

    I am a college student looking for some fun little project to learn gamedev and handling bigger projects. C++ or C# is not a barrier, I just want to ask which framework of above two had more active community and which one gets the work done faster and efficiently.

    submitted by /u/nikhilCad
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    Aiming and firing projectile along a parabolic path

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:15 AM PST


    Im working on a boat game and am looking at having the ability to aim and fire via a porabola.

    I would like some help on how to approach this problem. Initially, I tried using a rigidbody inside the physics system but this left me with a half working system, and a lack of control.

    My mathematical ability is pretty rubbish, but I'm really trying to improve it, and am hoping going about it in a more mathematical sense will also improve my mathematical ability, understanding and give me that control I'm wanting. I'm aware basic porabolas are in accordance to the function

    y = x2

    This is all well and good. I get this. It's simple and useable, but I'm not sure how to implement a lot of the things I want. Having experimented with trying to make porabolas via gizmos I've realised it won't take into account the rotation of my turret (eg if I'm looking 80° into the sky it will travel a short distance but will travel high. Something like 45° would make it fire a lot further)

    I'm really wanting to be able to actually understand how to implement this on my own, and on how to tackle issues like this on my own in the future, so I would love a more full explanation to some code pasting.

    Thank you all so much!

    submitted by /u/TrueWinter__
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    Does this count as shipping a title?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Hi, Im still very new to the industry, and am currently working in an external qa company, which I am currently looking to leave.

    A lot of companies ask you to have shipped atleast one title, which I'm not sure with the work I did I could really count due to reguarly rotating projects.

    However there is one project which I worked on for a month that my name is in the credits for, would this count as a title I shipped? I never really interacted with the devs much.

    Would love some thoughts on this, thanks

    submitted by /u/Nilmor
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    Free Tileset - Infernus

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:08 AM PST

    I just finished up a set of tiles that I would like to release for free to anyone who wishes to use them!

    You are free to use them in any game or project you want, you are free to edit them.

    You can grab them over on itch here: https://pvgames.itch.io/infernus-tileset

    These assets are created with a combination of hand-drawn techniques and using 3D renders (some custom, some paid for) to achieve something of a modern version of a Ultima-Online type of view (same 1:1 military perspective).


    submitted by /u/PVGames
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    Character Modeling in ZBrush (Time-lapse)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:16 AM PST

    How do you go about programing something complicated?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:27 PM PST

    When I try to model out a complicated idea it often turns into a spaghetti code nightmare that is only half of what I wanted to make and hard to keep working on.

    I feel like I usually don't have a good plan when I start so I just start chipping away at small pieces of the idea which causes problems down the road.

    Are there any resources I can read or watch to learn more about planing before you code?

    I also is there any good resource for learning about best practices for keeping code organized and readable? (C# in unity)

    Any advise on how better to attack complicated projects from scratch?


    submitted by /u/Cobra__Commander
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    Question in comments!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:57 AM PST

    Can the main game loop be an 'ECS system'?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:46 AM PST

    I am currently trying to design and implement an (hybrid?)ECS game engine in JavaScript as a learning exercise. I think that I have the basic layout mostly covered, but I am having some difficulties deciding between two implementations for the main game loop class.

    Regardless of the chosen implementation, the game loop class would be responsible of all normal expectations: timing and managing the ECS system(I/O systems, rendering systems, etc).

    I can:

    1. Implement it as a standalone class; the classic implementation.
    2. Have it implement the 'ISystem' interface which would theoretically allow me to add a game system inside another game system (think of minigames). I know that this can also be implemented by loading multiple scenes together, but seems like having another self-contained game would be a more elegant solution. However, one problem with this approach is timing. Specifically, the base game system will already have it's own timing mechanism. Should the child game have a separate timing mechanism (controlling it's own update loop)? Would this lead to the child game running at a strange speed or possibly hogging all resources?

    I hope that what I wrote makes sense. Thanks for reading :)

    EDIT: Eh, I might have just solved my problem. What if the base Game class only does timing and scene management, and then each scene is the actual ECS manager with an update loop? The original Game class would just notify each scene when it's time to update/fixedupdate/etc.

    This way, you could have a main scene and a minigame scene running together. However, how would you solve the problem of having to repeat systems in both scenes? Should they both have independent I/O and rendering systems?

    submitted by /u/thewildnath
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    Ridiculously cheap depth of field effect for lines

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:29 PM PST

    I need to read about game graphics (vector parallexes and the rest of math / gemotry and application in game development)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:28 AM PST


    I've been playing with the idea of building my own videogames for a couple of years now. I've went through unity tutorials, c# tutorial (still based on unity), python (libtcod) and I also did a little bit of network programming.

    But one thing still drives me crazy. Name things for what they are. Parallaxes / Vector graphics / Transformation. How do I learn about all these things without have to stumble upon them while trying to describe them in a google search box.

    Is there a good generic book (I don't need to know how to by exampole implement them in unity -- I'm sure the unity documentation can help me out once I know what I should look for) you would recommend for a total beginner on computer graphics.

    To reiterate I would like to read about the concepts and then figure out the implemenatations.

    submitted by /u/giskarda
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    Getting to know LMMS

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:12 PM PST

    Looking for References for Body Shapes similar to Yoshi/Chocobo

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 12:02 PM PST

    Currently, I am in the beginning stages of designing a bird-like character for a 2D platformer. As the title said, the body shape is similar to that of Yoshi or a Chocobo. I'm trying to focus on the general movement of the character first, so I'm trying to find other potential references to draw inspiration from. If anyone has any recommendations to check out, I would appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Shredjeep5
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    Wanting to game develop but.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:54 AM PST

    I have always wanted to get into game development but I really have no development skills other than creativity. So how can I start?

    submitted by /u/barrettsword
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    Building the basics of an impossibly large game - a quick update on an RTS we’re making which explores space and time on massive scales

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 05:15 PM PST

    What things to keep in mind to develop a game like LORDS Mobile

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:53 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I am trying to create a game just like LORDS mobile but I haven't made such game earlier. My choice of engine is Unity3D. I want to ask you guys that what are some essential steps, design pattern, approach, multiplayer plugin should I choose. I am trying to achieve a most minimalistic version of the game which will have all the core mechanics, maybe not all but essential mechanics to make it up and running with multiplayer. Any kind of help will be highly appreciated. TIA :)

    submitted by /u/imranbinazhar
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    Xsens or Nansense for game production mocap?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:31 AM PST

    I would like to buy a motion capture suit, I recently met Xsens and Nansense

    Xsens looks extremely good, because movies like Black Panther used it.

    But I can't choose between Nansense and Xsens, so I came to ask for help for more experienced people in this area to help me choose

    And know that budget is not my problem now, I just want the best option available. I also know that regardless of the choice, what matters is the "final touch on animation" made by hand in software such as Blender or Maya, but if I am going to spend my motion capture budget, I want to spend on the best possible option.

    Also feel free to discuss and even recommend other options, each opinion matters a lot.

    (i'm not a english native speaker, i'm using google translator)

    submitted by /u/MiniDarkOF
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    Looking for an assistant direction position

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:27 AM PST

    I'm wanting to get into the director field, and I thought this would be a good place to start. I'm looking for a small, but still effective role. Please know that due to school, I may have a response delay due to school, but nothing effecting the long run. Just contact me, and we can talk.

    submitted by /u/barrettsword
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    Player.GetAxis Not working?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:27 AM PST

    GDC Thread Meetup

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:33 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I suggest all the people going to GDC post a comment here to try and meet up with each other. It would be a good opportunity to finally meet the community.

    I used to be the guy not going to GDC and I understand this will be frustrating for people who cannot attend. It's totally ok to not be here, there are other very interesting events all over the world :) You are an awesome game dev, even if you don't attend those pricey events...

    I suggest we use this format

    • Who are you
    • Who / what are you looking for

    I'll start:

    I'm Tavrox, producer for Goblinz Studio. We're both game developers and indie game publisher. We work on Legend of Keepers, A Long Way Down, Seeds of Resilience, Iris And The Giant and more.

    We'll search for games to publish in late 2020-2021. We're also looking for partners in any field that want to help us improving our publishing pipelines! I love meeting new people so even if you want to just grab a coffee during GDC, I'm okay with it :)

    submitted by /u/Tavrox
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    Novice questions relating to game development network side

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:16 AM PST

    I have a few questions that I'm hoping experienced game developers on the network side can answer to.

    i: Is a tick based system on the server side necessary? Should all packets be queued then processed per server tick? If it is necessary what's a fair tick rate but also good to compensate for latency.

    ii: Should each player's incoming packet be pushed into a packet que then removed after it is processed or should the server every tick process every player's packet even if it's empty. So an idling player for example, should the server include them in the tick que process with like a NO_ACTION packet or just skip them until they send a packet to the server.

    iii:In the case of a projectile how should I handle collision? If a bullet is fired from player A to player B. What exactly should the client send to the server? Should it send like a shooting packet, along with its vector rotation and position, should it also send what the client believes to be the target or let the server decide that? For instance if the server received a shooting packet, should it need to go through every single player in that instance and check if the bullet collided with their vector position? Is there a more efficient way of doing it?

    iv: Going back to what should the packets contain, in the case of a simple game that allows player to move with left click and fire with right click, should the client be sending anything to the server at all? Or just not send anything until the player performs either a left click or a right click action and in that case let the server process it? Or should the client every frame be sending an empty packet, or no action packet.

    v: How should I handle continues actions? Like some games allow you to start an action then it continues on its own until the player sends another action? This kind of ties into my second question is what if a player is performing a continues action but not sending anymore packets. How should the server process this action every tick?

    vi: Do lobbies and internal game play run on separate servers? Do they need to ? In the case both lobby and in game play uses tcp protocol is it even necessary to switch servers?

    vii: How should I handle player disconnections? Should the server not delete the player instance if they've been disconnected? How should the client reply to the server after a reconnect so it could be linked to the same instance again?

    viii: How do I handle character rotation? Do I just send a rotation packet to the server for every change in the vector rotation? Should I wait on the client side until meeting a certain threshold before sending it to the server? How should the server process rotational changes in a tick based system which wouldn't process every rotation packet instantly assuming the player is running a 120fps on the client side but server tick is 60fps.

    If anyone could answer these questions that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/lolkatonetrick
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