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    Wednesday, January 22, 2020

    I got a job! Now I'm thinking about how to prepare myself for when it starts in 10 days. learn programming

    I got a job! Now I'm thinking about how to prepare myself for when it starts in 10 days. learn programming

    I got a job! Now I'm thinking about how to prepare myself for when it starts in 10 days.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 04:54 PM PST

    So: December 2018 I decided to learn myself programming and get a job that way. It was a long road and I didn't get as much done in the past year as I'd hoped.

    I was pretty much ready to throw in the hatchet of teaching it myself and to start pursuing a degree but, at the encouragement of my partner, I took one last shot at a job. And it worked out! They know I'm really inexperienced and they want to take me on and learn me the ropes. They said they decided on me because I'm still a blank slate and I can make their envisioned style and workflow my own that way.

    I want to spend the ten days before my job starts making a webapp that uses a lot of the technology and architecture I will use at the job. I'm going to work with dotnet core with an angular frontend and a microservices architecture, I'm also going to familiarize myself with docker. The apps they make use IBM datacap to handle document flow in large organizations.

    I won't use datacap yet though since it seems to be (from the limited understanding I gathered) a product that require a license to use it. But they did say that a lot of ODM software is written in Java. I don't know how the dotnet/angular side will communicate with the java side though. And I have a complete lack of awareness of the nature of document management software. If anyone has any experience with software like that I would love to know your story/view on how that works on a high level. Then I can think of a practice project for myself that also uses a little java.

    submitted by /u/Shaman6624
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    Cool way showing the difference between '==' and '===' in JavaScript

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 10:27 PM PST

    i found this cool table on github and i think it's worth sharing cause at the beginning that got me really confused and it also compared equality of stuff i've never thought of


    submitted by /u/hamohuh
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    Computer Science or Computer Science Engineering for programming?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:25 AM PST

    Whats the difference? Once school teaches CS the other CSE. What should I chose?

    submitted by /u/dizson
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    I'm a programming tutor and need some advice teaching logic to others; my students understand the language syntax but they can't "solve the problem". Would you mind sharing your problem solving process?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:50 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I hope that you can help me be a better helper to my students by answering a few questions.

    For the most part, the students seem to understand the syntax of the language (C++). Where they get stuck is the logic and "solving the problem". This puts me in a hard spot because obviously I can't tell them how to solve it (e.g "Find the fastest runner" AKA lowest race completion time) but I also want to be able to guide them to the solution and show them how to think logically.

    I try to guide them by asking questions like "What are you trying to accomplish? How does [this code] help accomplish that? What steps will you need to take? What is the next step? Does anything need to happen first" etc. because these are the questions I ask myself when I'm programming. Unfortunately, that approach doesn't seem to be helping them.

    My questions to you lovely folks are:

    1. Do you have a process or approach to solving a problem that I could share with my students?
    2. What questions do you consider when solving a problem?
    3. Can you think of any analogies that might help them?
    4. Was there anything that helped you learn logic / problem solving when you were first getting into programming?
    5. Are there any resources that the students could consult or exercises they could do?

    This has been a tough one for me, thanks in advance for any ideas you have!

    submitted by /u/DreadKnot606
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    What's the daily work life of a programmer like?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:36 AM PST

    What do you do on a daily basis? Do you enjoy it? How difficult is it to get a job in programming and how is the work-life balance? Thinking about going back to school for CS degree, would be interested to hear the basics of what it's like to have a job in programming, pros and cons, etc.

    submitted by /u/freerealestate
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    Went to my first college hackathon, didn't win a prize but all the self-learning paid off!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:50 PM PST

    I went to a couple hackathons back in highschool and couldn't even get a simple webpage out. It brought me down a lot and I dropped programming for a few months but then I put my mind to it and been continuously self learning during my time in college.

    I finally decided to go to my first hackathon 4 years later and was unfortunately unable to find a team. But within the 24 hours I managed to get an ios/android app out using react native and redux for the frontend, ruby on rails for the backend, postgresql for the database, and node.js for the socket.io server

    Everything was made from scratch but the authentication is done through the devise gem, which does most of the work for me. I just slapped a token based auth on top of the devise gem by referencing a blogpost


    submitted by /u/ArmJS
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    I am desperate to build software

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:31 PM PST

    i'm a current masters (not CS) candidate very passionate about writing code and building software. i only started writing code somewhat seriously in the past month when i started my program. i don't care about the salary, i just feel so desperate to get a job where i can write code and ship software. sometimes it just makes me anxious because i'm coding so hard to get a coding job where i can code more without worrying about wanting to get a job where i want to code

    just had to get that off my chest

    submitted by /u/desperate_toCode
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    Stackoverflow sucks for learners. Is there a better place?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:14 PM PST

    I feel like Stackoverflow is too up its own ass. I ask a question, and get harassed about there being a similar question already, but often time that similar question caters to the specific need of the person asking, and their specific application. Half the time the only answers that i get are links to the same answers I've already scrolled through. Is there a better place for asking questions, that is a little more responsive than Reddit? I get really good advice here, but oftentimes have to wait for a few hours before I can progress in my code.

    submitted by /u/laurajoneseseses
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    Anyone gone from self taught developer in an object oriented language to working professionally in robotics?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:57 AM PST


    I program in Java and C#. I would ultimately like to work in robotics and in whatever language is used. I was wondering if anyone out there working professionally in robotics now would be willing to talk about their educational background and experience on the job. If anyone out there was able to do this through self-teaching, I would really appreciate to hear from you.

    Any input is appreciated. Many thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/adagioaranjuez
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    Good places to learn recursion in c++ with examples?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:12 AM PST

    Hi, I have the basic concepts pat down. I made a simple program which calculates the factorial of a number via recursion. I'm looking for a website which has exercises for me to perform since I can't come up with any problem. I will be grateful for any suggestions.

    submitted by /u/veslier
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    Best website/software to practice typing?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 04:33 PM PST

    What's the best website/software to practice typing with code?

    submitted by /u/dracothedragon12
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    Starting my first programming job. What courses do I need to learn?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:03 AM PST

    After a long journey, I finally got a job as a Software Engineer. I did not study CS for undergrad, so this is a big career switch for me!

    *About the job*: I'm joining a very small team at a startup. The job is primarily Javascript - they mentioned I'd be doing full-stack with a focus on React, since that's what I'm the best at.

    I want to spend my first year learning as much as possible, both on the job and through online courses. I also want to be careful about choosing the right courses and pace myself so I don't burn out. In terms of _fundamentals_ for a web developer, what topics or online courses should I take? My current list (goal for this year):

    - Networking (taking Stanford's Intro to Computer Networking course)

    - Operating Systems (basics of linux, file systems, hardware, etc)

    - One low-level language like C, C++, or Go (?)

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/fireflux_
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    A Newbie Asking Questions About PC and Android.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 10:19 PM PST


    I dream of writing a program that will allow wireless file transfer from any android version (at least 4.0, if not older) and old computers running Windows 95. My aim is to develop an application that can allow direct file transferring from phone to machine, vise-versa. The problem these days is the lack of official driver support in many smartphones. Without an official driver, a computer cannot have a direct USB file transfer (this also affects some Linux distributions, I think). Alternatively, someone's phone usb port may not be stable enough to do a file transfer.

    I want to develop something like SHAREit for Windows, then try making it compatible with other OSes.

    My Basic Idea:
    **Win32 Executable (64-bit version too)
    **Wifi transfer method
    **Bluetooth transfer method??? (if possible)
    **Each computer and smartphone has a temporary code used to allow communication with each other.

    For Development....
    **Use Codeblocks (retain Windows 95 compatibility)
    **Need to understand how to target old versions of android too

    EDIT QUESTIONS: *Would I have to use an old version of Android Studio or is there a good alternative? *We must I start to learn how to connect two applications? **Is there anything else I need to know?

    submitted by /u/XiaoSpence
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    Pretty good in python, should I shift to C++ to crack interviews/competitive programming?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:30 PM PST

    As the title says, I have been coding in Python from the past 1.5 years making projects and learning Django for fun along with solving problems on hackerrank etc.

    Now as I'm about to graduate in a few months, I looked up some resources to step up my competitive programming game to improve my chances of cracking the interviews and a lot of people suggest to use C++ instead of Python as the CP language because of issues "you'll understand when you solve complex problems".

    Upon googling I realize that Python has some speed issues. But aren't the code evaluators on sites like hackerrank wise enough to normalize the aggregate speed of all languages used? Should I start learning C++ or should just keep improving my problem solving skills in Python?

    submitted by /u/snusc
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    Python Training Course and Knowledge Base - please give feedback

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:44 PM PST

    I am currently developing a complete course and knowledge repository for people learning Python.

    I am interested in any feedback as to the format so far. Please take a look at the video I have created so far and let me know if there are any changes you would want to improve the material.


    I am not certain if it is appropriate to mention it here. If not, I apologise. But if it is of any help to anybody then please pass on my kickstarter page.


    submitted by /u/johndunning
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    What are the components of a web application?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:53 PM PST

    I am planning to build a small blog post web application using microsoft dotnet stack (mvc core, web api, ef core, sql).

    I have experience as a web developer but the applications I have worked on in my employment are little old and I want to build something as per today's standards.

    So my question is what should i keep in mind and implement in my application. Things I want to look into while developing are security, caching, cdn, entity framework, cloud, authentication, entity framework, architecture (microservicies), docker, CI/CD etc.

    Please let me know if I am missing something from above components and is there anything else i should implement in my app. I might use React in future but as of now I will go with MVC Core.

    submitted by /u/keyursheth
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    Need projects to do.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:19 AM PST

    ShortVersion: I need a couple of projects to work on as im learning python, im a beginner. Any youtube video , article , website would help. Thank you

    Hello, Im a highschool student , going to major in CS next year in college , i wanted to start learning a little bit about programming before getting started with my major so i decided to pick up the 'Automating the boring stuff with python'. book At first i was really enjoying it , i really liked how programming works and all that stuff. As i got further into the book (Chap8) i started getting bored , like reading through book. Maybe because it was starting to get harder and harder i don't know. The other day i was watching a video about "The best way to learn how to code" and the guy said that i should work on a project or something i wanna do (website , a game , etc). I was skimming thro reddit the other day and i saw a couple of posts talking about this too. So maybe i should be picking up a project to work on , but i cant seem to be finding any time-consuming projects. Most projects ive found took an hour or less to finish. I like doing gamedev , but my stupidass started out with python cs 'iTs A rEaLly EaSy LaNgUage' as most people say...And dont think its worth switching up to C# or Javascript only for doing games.... Anywaysss if you guys got a project or anything of that kind , i would really appreciate it if you could drop them down in the comments.

    submitted by /u/Bobolet12312
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    Stupid question, but what programming language should I learn to automate a daily email "newsletter" that retrieves data from a predetermined list of variables?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:18 AM PST

    Let me clarify, it's a long story. But I want to make a program that automatically sends a daily email to two predetermined email addresses that retrieves data from a list of variables. Here's an example:

    "Hello x,

    The task of the day is y.

    Thank you for participating."

    Where x=person and y=data from the predetermined list of variables. I currently have next to no programming experience, so which language would be the easiest to learn to do something like this?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Lodethi
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    Opinions on C vs. Rust as a first low-level language

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:31 PM PST

    I would consider myself an intermediate python programmer. Python was the first language I learned. I have experimented and learned the basics of perl, php and I am decent with bash scripting. I am looking to start learning a low-level language to better understand what's going on "under the hood". I have done some research and seems like C has alot of issues that Rust resolves but I'm looking for opinions from people with experience in both languages. Would I be better off to learn C first and use that knowledge to better understand Rust later? Or could learning Rust first make C easier later? I should probably mention my goal is to be in the cyber security field if that sways the opinion one way or the other. Like I said I am still learning but I would like to be able to analyze compiled programs and reverse engineer software. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/TxIronworker666
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    How much will you learn with an A.A in CS

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:20 PM PST

    I'm going back to school after a five year hiatus. I took a programming class back when I was younger and I liked it a lot. How much will an A.A teach you and will it land at least a decent paying job? Or is learning by yourself better? Trying to decide on a major. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/HousePappas
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    How can I learn to apply concepts

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:58 PM PST

    So I don't have much trouble with understanding things and following other people's code, in fact that's where most of my knowledge comes from. If I can study it then I can implement it. What I struggle with however is creating things on my own (coding a priority queue with bst for example).

    How could I improve this, especially in relation to data structures? Would leetcode be a way?

    submitted by /u/balloonboom
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    Did any of you current coders/programmers struggle with math before learning how to do this?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 05:48 PM PST

    Let's just say my brain decides what days it does calculations, and forget having me explain it along the way, because it won't make sense.

    I don't know much about programming or coding, but I have some interest. I'm worried about math involvement, if there really is any.

    submitted by /u/Wonder_Lauren
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    Is W3Schools.com any good?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 10:00 AM PST

    r/AskReddit Basically I want to learn programming and my computing teacher suggested w3schools as a website to use. Is this any good?

    submitted by /u/owxnbxntxn
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    Import hyperlink from excel to datagridview

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:26 PM PST

    Using c# windowforms, sqlite

    I have a hyperlink in an excel file that shows me a picture in my files. I want to be able to click on the hyperlink in the datagridview. My datagridview_cellclick code is only able to get the string and click on it but not be able to show the picture.

     private void dataGridView1_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) //fills textbox when clicking on datagridview { foreach (DataGridViewRow r in dataGridView1.Rows) { if (System.Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(r.Cells["Expiry"].Value.ToString(), UriKind.Absolute)) { r.Cells["Expiry"] = new DataGridViewLinkCell(); // Note that if I want a different link colour for example it must go here DataGridViewLinkCell c = r.Cells["Expiry"] as DataGridViewLinkCell; c.LinkColor = Color.Green; } } } 

    I tried following Hyperlink cell in Winforms DataGridView. The first part of the answer set a column and binded it but my code is such that when I import the excel sheet, the datatable will follow exactly as the excel sheet and the column I set will disappear.

    DataGridViewLinkColumn col = new DataGridViewLinkColumn(); //set column col.DataPropertyName = "Contact"; col.Name = "Contact"; dataGridView1.Columns.Add(col); private void cboSheet_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) //remove all columns in datatable and put excel columns instead { DataTable dt = tableCollection[cboSheet.SelectedItem.ToString()]; dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; } 
    submitted by /u/timetoquitcoding
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    Is there any cheap and recognized CS online degree for international students available?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 05:18 PM PST

    Lets say I eventually wanted to apply for an H1 visa, but CS degree here is crappy and over 5 years and you still want an alternative to accumulating over a decade of experience for the visa. What would be the option?

    So, an affordable degree that would be recognized for the H1 that you can do from outside the US. It doesnt matter if the university is from the US or not. Is there something like it?

    Sorry if the question is out of place. Is not exactly that I would choose this path, but I would like to know given the case what options would I have. Thanks

    submitted by /u/simonbleu
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