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    Tuesday, January 21, 2020

    ELI5: What's the difference in terms of storage technicalities between CMS's and a self-built back-end server? Ask Programming

    ELI5: What's the difference in terms of storage technicalities between CMS's and a self-built back-end server? Ask Programming

    ELI5: What's the difference in terms of storage technicalities between CMS's and a self-built back-end server?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 04:56 PM PST

    So I'm fairly new to programming. I'm in the middle of coding bootcamp right now, and we're learning how to build our own backend using Django + PostgreSQL. While I was doing some research, I stumbled upon CMS's, which, I believe, is basically a back-end-as-a-service sorta deal (please correct me if I'm wrong).

    Then I started to think what the technical difference is between a self-made server using something like Django + PostgreSQL and an already-built back-end like Wordpress or Contentful.

    Is there no difference in terms of storage / retrieving of data? Is the only difference between a self-made back-end and CMS's that CMS's basically make the process faster / let you have full-stack-like functionality as a front-end engineer?

    submitted by /u/raymond_poist
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    Adding a value to a sorted array in C++

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:23 PM PST

    I can't seem to figure this out but what is wrong with my code for inserting value to a sorted list?

    bool Insert(int* List, int& listSize, int value) { for (i = 0; i < listSize; i++) { if(value > List[i]) { for (j = 0; j < listSize; j++) { List[j+1] = List[j]; } List[j] = value; return true; } } return false; } 
    submitted by /u/AaySquare
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    How do you care for your eyes when programming?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 01:02 AM PST

    I hope this topic belongs into this sub...

    In critical weeks I have to spend ~8-12 hours programming, because of my job and my university projects and I experience exhaustion of my eyes after ~2 days. Therefore I do:

    • Turn IDEs into dark mode

    • Wear glasses that filter blue light

    • drink enough water

    • try to sleep enough

    I know, its not very healthy to spend so much time programming, but sometimes you gotta what you have to.

    I was wondering how experienced programmers deal with that? Any recommendations or experience?

    submitted by /u/LordLoeffel
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    Need advice on determining best course of action for developing a mobile game!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:45 PM PST

    Hey guys. I'm not sure if this is the right subreddit but I looked around and found that this and WebDev are most likely the best places to post in and thought I'd post in both.

    I've recently completed creating a game design document (GDD) and proceeded on approaching developers to start making my game. The developers came back to me with a cost + time estimation that was way out of my budget and I'm currently looking for alternatives (approaching other developers is one) but I'm also considering hiring my own full-time developers). Before doing so I need to determine the requirements and prerequisites of my game so that when I'm speaking to developers, I can tell if they're taking the best approach or if I'm hiring, I know exactly what to look for. I'll share with a game that is somewhat similar to what I'm doing along with the questions I have about it.

    Here are the links to the game mentioned above:Web Version https://world.triviador.net/index.php?iOS https://apps.apple.com/us/app/triviador-world/id1001043187Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.triviador.trxe


    1. What kind of programming language did they use to develop their web and android? (If you don't mind telling me how you found out that'd be great so that I can do it on my own next time). I'm assuming its Swift for iOS. For android I'm going to assume C++ and/or java. Web version - no idea.
    2. Is the development method they used the optimal approach? I'm asking because I'm looking to release my game on iOS and Android only in the beginning and in the later phase I would like to add a web version. The game above, players on iOS, android or web can play together and that's my goal eventually so I'd like to know what I need to keep in mind to be able to advance to my later phases (adding a web version, more mini games, more features etc.) rather than being told the developers made it in a way where I can't make that many changes to it and need to develop it from scratch which happens a lot in my country.
    3. If I'm looking to hire developers, what kind of developers would I need to hire? I'm assuming the answers to the above questions will answer this question but thought I'd ask in case anyone missed anything.
    4. Is there anything else I need to keep in mind when taking on this project? Anything you think I should know about that I might have not considered?

    I hope I'm not asking for too much. I actually did study programming and cybersecurity however I've been working at a cybersecurity company for the past 3 years and unfortunately lost touch with my programming side so I came here looking for advice. Thank you all in advance!

    Edit: Link to the /WebDev post - https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/es74eh/need_advice_on_determining_best_course_of_action/

    submitted by /u/CaboWabo7
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    Are there any programming languages for analyzing and visualizing geospatial data?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:16 PM PST

    This question might be too niche for this community, but going to try regardless.

    I work with a lot of data; analyzing, visualizing, building statistical models, etc. I mainly use Python (Pandas, Numpy, ScikitLearn, Statsmodels) and R, but occasionally use software like QGIS for visualizing geospatial data (e.g. density maps, movement tracking).

    I find QGIS to be very irritating, akin to using Excel for tabular data analysis. Doing things requires a lot of clicking, leaving you with no replicable code at the end of the day. This is especially annoying because most of the analysis one would perform in QGIS is very repetitive.

    I need advice from anyone with experience working with geospatial data. What do you use? I have heard that there is a QGIS Python API (PyQGIS). Is this any good? I would much rather exclusively do analysis as code than mess around with a confusing piece of software right in the middle of things.

    Please help (or point me to another subreddit).

    submitted by /u/UnrequitedReason
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    If something COULD be done with recursion, should it?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:01 PM PST

    I'm a junior dev. I recently read a story posted on /r/learnjava about a guy who was given a coding challenge that required he write a program that prints out the first 30 or so numbers of the fibonacci sequence.

    Without looking at his code, I tried to complete the same challenge. I ended up with a small program that accomplishes the goal:

    public class Fibonacci { public static void main(String[] args) { int fibonacciNumber = 0; int firstPreviousNumber = 1; int secondPreviousNumber = 0; System.out.println(secondPreviousNumber); System.out.println(firstPreviousNumber); while (fibonacciNumber < 5000) { fibonacciNumber = firstPreviousNumber + secondPreviousNumber; System.out.println(fibonacciNumber); secondPreviousNumber = firstPreviousNumber; firstPreviousNumber = fibonacciNumber; } } } 

    But when I shared this program with other people, their opinions seemed divided over whether the program should have been written using a recursive method. In this specific example, recursion saves a few lines.

    So my questions are:

    • How will I "know" when to use recursion instead of iteration?

    • Resource-wise, is recursion faster / lighter than iteration? What are some arguments for / against its use?

    submitted by /u/Java_Junior
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    How do companies benefit from making their own programming languages?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:39 AM PST

    An example is Google making Kotlin instead of using Java from . There may be rivalry and distrust between Page/Brin at Google and Ellison at Oracle but that doesn't mean that Java shouldn't be used.

    Google could just make their own Java compiler and make their own equivalents of all assets provided by Oracle if they're worried about Oracle spying on them through Java.

    I went to high school with a guy who is now a Google employee and could probably make a Java compiler for them.

    How does it benefit Google?

    edit. Apparently Jetbrains made Kotlin, not Google, but Google makes heavy use of it through Android. However, Google did make Go so they do make their own programming languages.

    submitted by /u/Idle_Redditing
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    Encryption Key for Tekken 7 Sound Track

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:55 PM PST

    I am trying to mod soundtrack files for the game I play Tekken 7. For some reason though, the soundtrack is encrypted, so an encryption key would be needed to change anything. Currently, only a handful of things can have bgm changes (some stages to be exact). everything else is locked behind an encryption. is there any way to find this encryption key? I tried asking someone on fiver and they said that it would be an extremely complicated process and couldn't help me ( It was a very far stretch from what he did so I can't really blame him). I am asking is this possible to pull off? if so, how? It's for me and a community of players who have been struggling to get this to work so any steps towards the right direction will greatly help.

    Here is the mod modders are trying to finish: https://www.deviantart.com/a5tronomy/art/Tekken-7-Jukebox-Version-0-1-Mod-818623314

    for context, it's a jukebox menu that allows you to change music. It's a ps4 exclusive but with cheat engine can be accessed. However, only a handful of songs from Tekken 7 work and the modder said he needs access to an encryption key.

    ps: my knowledge of encrypting is extremely lackluster so please educate me on anything I need to know

    submitted by /u/npc_character
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    Python Max Min Number Without Using List

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:40 PM PST


    I am trying to figure out how to write a program which first prompts the user for a number (3 for example). Then asks for 3 numbers and spits out the max and min numbers from those 3 numbers. I wrote the following but I keep getting 0 for min and the last number for max. Can you please help me with this? Thank you.

    numint=int(input("How many integers would you like to enter?"))

    print("Please enter ",numint," integers.")

    while numint!=0:


    if (maxnum<num) or (maxnum is None):

    if minnum>num or minnum is None:

    numint = numint - 1
    print("min: ",minnum)
    print("max: ",maxnum)

    submitted by /u/junychun
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    Preprocessor to deal with tens of thousands of ZIP files and their contents

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:02 PM PST

    Pending server migration and transition to new ECM system. Client has dumped their documents onto a server. There are 7 folders total. Within each folder is over a hundred thousand files (at least). Some of those are ZIP files (could be about half, so 50,000). The file names contain identifiable info that will be used to categorize them in the new ECM system. The ZIP files are also named that way but the contents of the ZIPs are not. The name of each ZIP needs to be used to tag each of the files it contains (I.E. each file within a ZIP will likely need to be renamed and prepended with some of the text from the ZIP filename). Some initial research has told me not to try and rename the files within the ZIP because they likely need to be extracted to be renamed, then re-ZIPped. We already have a way to create an index file of the non-ZIP files to extract the keyword data but it's dealing with the large volume of ZIPped files and how to rename their contents that has us scrambling. I am trying to get clarification on if the ZIPs can be stored in their own folders or if they need to be extracted to their parent folder as they are extracted/renamed.

    Typing out this scenario has helped make the situation a bit more clear to me, but curious if anyone is aware of any automated tools to assist in this process.

    submitted by /u/pigskins65
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    How to save arrays as excel/anything files and import to python to plot with matplotlib?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:38 PM PST

    So turns out matplotlib is messing with my numpy installation, (like i uninstall matplotlib and the problem disappears, reinstall it and it comes back)

    So im setting up a seperate environment with matplotlib and want to save the array seperatly and import it into the new environment to be plotted.

    Is that possible?

    submitted by /u/billybobjoe179
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    Help with method writing

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:55 PM PST

    Can someone help me in writing this method using LINQ

    A method to display all course registrations for one student to the console based on a student number parameter.

    This method should display student name, course names and course codes

    submitted by /u/rainarav
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    Anybody know where I can get a Windows 7 VM for testing?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:43 AM PST

    Microsoft supplies free VMs but have removed Windows 7 (and 8) since they stopped support of Windows 7. Does anyone know where I can get a copy of a Windows 7 VirtualBox VM? (or any other format) I assume they are still legal to use, but just are no longer available for download.

    submitted by /u/funbike
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    How do you synchronise your entire work environment (IDE/settings/code) between two machines

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 04:26 AM PST

    I'm trying to get my head around the best way to sync everything between my work laptop and my home machine. I already use git and bitbucket extensively, but ideally on both machines I want the same folder with all the code I use in, that has the same set of repos in the same state. So if I clone a repo on my home machine at night when I go into work I'd like that repo to be cloned already. Also ideally I don't want to have to remember to push code when I finish on one machine.

    For the IDE I'm using vscode at the moment with the sync extension which seems to work ok.

    submitted by /u/chrisv650
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    How to submit code for peer review that has sensitive data (API keys/email accounts)

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:04 AM PST

    I need tips on how to improve my code, while it is functional I'm sure there are tons of things I could and should be doing better.

    My program would not work w/ that data, so how can I get honest feedback from others if I block off keys/password/accounts?

    submitted by /u/fnmikey
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    .Net program has exited with code 0

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:49 AM PST

    I am working on .net program and when i run the program nothing shows up in console and in terminal it shows the program has exited with code 0 (0*0). Can anyone help ?

    submitted by /u/rainarav
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    Howto integrate javascript dependency management tools in existing monolithic application

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:30 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    A couple years ago I developped a POC of a web application for a customer and as the application (and its user base) is growing, I'm trying to bring the code to an upper level of quality. I'm still working alone on this so I have a lot of freedom when it comes to changes.

    I'm more of a dev enthousiast than a professional developer (I work in security). Although I can write both backend and frontend code I'm more comfortable with backend stuff.

    Here is the current project frontend organization.

    The application backend is written in Java. It's a monolithic maven project and it's using the spark web microframework library and freemarker to serve the frontend. There is a static folder in the resources folder which holds all css and javascript files from both libraries and internal code. (Libraries are in static/{js,css}/common and application files are in static/{js,css}). I try to follow the MVC pattern so each view of the application is associated with a class in the views package. In each of these classes, I enable the javascript libraries I need (bootstrap/jquery is enabled by default and if the view requires another library, I add it manually in the constructor). Then I add the view's specific JS files and that way each view gets only the JS libraries and files it needs.

    For example :

    public static class Users extends Admin { public Users(Request request) { super(request, "admin.users.title"); addValidator(); addBootstrapTable(); addBootbox(); js_files.add("admin/users.js"); } } 

    Example of an addXXX() in the base view class :

     private boolean _added_boostrap_table = false; protected void addBootstrapTable() { if (_added_boostrap_table) return; _added_boostrap_table = true; js_files.add("common/bootstrap-table.min.js"); js_files.add("i18n/bootstrap-table-"+lang.name()+".min.js"); css_files.add("common/bootstrap-table.min.css"); } 

    I don't use dependency management for the javascript libraries (I tried webjars early in the project but at the time it wasn't compatible with the way the application was deployed). I download the JS libraries I need, add the files manually in the static/common folders and create the addXXX() method in the base view. I don't have too many of them so it's manageable for now but it's a lot of manual work, JS libraries are commited to git, it's definitely not scalable and that's what I'm trying to improve.

    I tried to read some tutorials on npm, yarn and other tools but my lack of experience in those holds me back as I don't want to make bad choices to start with. I'm willing to learn this part but I want to start properly.

    What would you suggest me to do ? Thanks a lot for your suggestions.

    submitted by /u/SCMouettE
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    Differences between PHP intermixed/ intermingled with HTML , and HTML intermixed/ intermingled with Java/Python?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:05 AM PST

    Can't get my .gitignore to work

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:33 AM PST


    I created a ASP.NET MVC project and wanted to add it to a git repo. So i created a .gitignore file, and added the .vs folder.

    But now everytime I open my project it creates/updates files in the .vs folder and wants me to push it, instead of ignoring.

    What am I doing wrong? Example Image


    submitted by /u/SmackedRS
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    Cleaning up a Gradle build (X-post)

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 04:55 AM PST

    Really dumb basic question or two about programming in general. Any takers?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:22 AM PST

    So, I know next to nothing about programming. Just a little HTML from back in the day. But I kind of want to begin, even though I'm older now.

    So the biggest question I've always had. How hard is it to learn another language after you've learned your first? Is it a situation of learning German, then learning Spanish, or is it a lot easier to cross over to a new language than that?

    Which brings me to my other dumb question. Where do I even start?. Let's say I want to actually have a career in coding at some point. What is the best place to start in 2020, that will allow me to learn other codes in a fairly easy way?

    I've always wanted to get into it, but one thing would stop another, but I think I might actually be decent at it, if I gave it a go. As far as programming as a hobby, I do actually want to learn some game dev, to make some story driven game ideas I've had in my mind for years. Things I've never seen done, just simple stories I have. But writing it out as a story seems a lot easier than using something like Unity to write out the actual programming for it.

    Lastly, how long would it even take to be even mildly decent at coding in a language? I know it's different from language to language, but I'm just curious if there's some way I can proficient in it in less than.. you know. A decade or something. If I regularly practice, naturally. (I'm not really old, but I'm definitely not a teen anymore)

    I'm sure all of you have heard these questions, but maybe my context is different. I'm not sure. Just looking for some way to both learn some simple game development or some way to actually know a language that's profitable at the end of the day, and can allow me to learn other languages.

    Thank you guys.

    submitted by /u/appleparkfive
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    Mingw-w64 C++ compiler version in Anaconda 3 won't update

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:41 AM PST

    I've been attempting to pip install package which has been leading to compiler errors. I have downloaded and run installers to update mingw on my system but none of these seem to be having an effect on the version within anaconda. I feel like I'm missing something here so any help would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ManeshHalai
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    Which stack should I consider to learn/use to create an e-commerce website in 2020?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:26 AM PST

    Greetings everyone,

    I would like to get some insights about what technologies/stacks should I use to create an e-commerce website? I do not want to go on a YouTube video and do something that I don`t have the control over the whole system. I want to get my hands dirty, I want to learn it and build a portfolio out of it but as a fairly new graduate I have not much idea of web development besides casual HTML 5 CSS and a tiny bit of JS.

    submitted by /u/YungWithNoSoul
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