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    Friday, December 6, 2019

    Spotify made this amazingly! web developers

    Spotify made this amazingly! web developers

    Spotify made this amazingly!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:38 AM PST

    What would I be doing on the job during the first month as a junior full-stack developer?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:21 AM PST

    I'll start applying for jobs in January and I keep wondering what would I be doing on the job during the first month as a junior full-stack developer? I doubt I'll be put to work on a real project instantly so I have no clue what to expect.

    • Some sort of training?
    • Reading existing codebase so I can learn stuff?
    • Help senior developers with basic stuff?
    • Turn designs into responsive pages?
    • Create APIs on the back-end?
    • Consume APIs on the front-end?
    submitted by /u/Bozhidar95
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    Wondering if this is a problem worth solving

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 04:07 PM PST

    I am currently building a community chat widget for news sites and bloggers. I want to bring community chat as a widget, so website visitors do not need to leave the site to email/discord/slack/telegram to ask questions, talk to the team/site owner and converse with other visitors.

    It will also create a group chat for every page/article/blog post. So it will encourage conversation on every page of a website. This is what it will look like

    Do you think this is a problem worth solving? Because if this is something people don't really need I don't think we should pursue in this direction.

    submitted by /u/mono1s2
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    Beginner question about webhosting - What should I have to access and edit .css file of the hosted website?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:16 PM PST

    One of my friends friend messaged me that they need something changed on the frontend, something that can be easily changed in .css file. However they just gave me their username and passoword. This is a online store and they have admin privilege to add blogs, add images etc. However I can't access the files that I need to edit. The website is written in PHP and thats the only thing that they've told me.

    I do have coding experience however I never published a website on domain or hosted it. I know that I have to have the access their webhosting platform to access those files and edit them but what exactly should I ask because I really never done this and they are not that tech-savvy?

    submitted by /u/nEYncI
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    Now you can use a Tailwind CSS color picker.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:00 PM PST

    Now you can use a Tailwind CSS color picker.


    The color picker

    I repost this because it was wrong posted a couple of days ago and I should have posted on Saturday. I post it again for those who did not see it so they can use it too. I hope you enjoy it.

    Have a great day everyone !


    submitted by /u/Michael_andreuzza
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    About Ghostlab and Browsersync?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:37 PM PST

    Which one would you use for your cross-browser _ cross-device development flow, and why theses tools are better than a localhost with some router or proxy setted on the web to make webpack-dev-server remotely accessible?

    submitted by /u/JoonDoe
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    What browserstack means by " Unlimited Automate Desktop" in their subscription's page?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:26 PM PST

    How did the author write these tests?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:36 AM PST

    These tests: https://github.com/acornjs/acorn/blob/master/test/tests.js

    It feels much to cumbersome to have gone through line by line, writing each word, indenting each item.

    submitted by /u/mementomoriok
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    AI Dungeon 2

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:15 PM PST

    The Future Of Programming: Changing Technology is Easy; Changing How People Think is Hard

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:03 PM PST

    noUiSlider - a lightweight JavaScript range slider library with full multi-touch support. It fits wonderfully in responsive designs and has no dependencies

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:03 PM PST

    How to find a link on my website?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:53 PM PST

    I work for a small non-profit. Until recently, we used an outside organization for online gift processing. That meant that they clicked a link that took them to another website to process their actual gift.

    This spring, we engaged in a complete redesign of our giving page. We used gravity forms to build our own form that connects to Stripe. Now, when a donor makes a gift, they never leave our site. It was a big hit!

    We just did our big fall fund drive and we had one donor make a gift through our old portal and I'm trying to figure out how the hell they found it still. As a non-profit, we have dozens and dozens of links on our site to our giving page, but I thought I had found and relinked them all.

    I spoke to the donor thinking they might have simply had the old page bookmarked, but he said he did not. Is there a way to search my site for the old link? We use Wordpress with Fusionbuilder.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/boyfromthenorth
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    Loving PWA's but struggling with Workbox Caching

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:30 PM PST

    Hey Guys,

    I'm learning about building PWA's and have been converting a little project of mine. I have set up workbox to help with caching and its working great with all the basic assets. I would however like the JSON data from an API i've made to be "network first" as much as possible since the live data is the most important thing with cached data showing when offline. I have the file below (sw-src.js) injected into the service worker but the php file doesnt seem to be working. Can anyone suggest a better way of service this file as network first.

    importScripts("https://storage.googleapis.com/workbox-cdn/releases/4.3.1/workbox-sw.js"); workbox.routing.registerRoute( new RegExp('**/*.php'), new workbox.strategies.NetworkFirst({ cacheName: 'api-cache'}) ); workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute([]); 
    submitted by /u/Cavemanuk
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    Creating a news portal website for the first time

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:21 PM PST

    I am in my final year of my Bachelor and I have this idea of creating a news portal where there will be mostly "positive" articles of every day news.

    Now, I want to create this web portal but I only have some basic JS/CSS/HTML experience from my web course and I have some knowledge of Wordpress.

    I want this to be like my personal project where I will explore web development in order to create this news portal.

    Now, since I am not very experienced I need some guidelines from you. Should I build it from scratch or should I "cheat" and use some Wordpress templates and have my job done in seconds. Will I have trouble, will I spend a lot of time if I code it on my own?

    All kinds of tutorials, guides will help me, but I want to talk more about the approach and how should I code the website. Do I need to follow some legal stuff about copyrighting or something if I want to create this web portal?

    submitted by /u/vilipche
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    How much should I charge to create an online curriculum?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:19 PM PST


    I have recently been offered the opportunity to help teach others 'Web Dev' focused technologies and I am curious as to how I should price my services. I don't want to disclose too much, but essentially I will be creating a curriculum revolving around guiding students from complete 0 to understanding HTML/CSS/JS/DOM and Git. I will be creating this curriculum by myself and it should span about 40 hours for the students to complete.

    Beyond that I will also be independently creating the website portal that the students will be completing this curriculum on and I anticipate this project taking at least 2-3 weeks. I was thinking somewhere in the ballpark of 15,000$ for the entire package together all said and done, is this too much?

    I have never been hired to create a complete standalone website let alone a complete curriculum to go along with it, I have absolutely no idea what the correct market price for these services are. Any information, resources, or references would be highly appreciated. Thanks!

    EDIT: I plan on using React/Redux with Node.js/Express.js on AWS, this website will not have a ton of traffic and I am confident that Node will suffice for the time being. In the future if need be, I will refactor to .NET once I have enough working knowledge.

    submitted by /u/SolarDensity
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    How do I present my first paid project on my resume?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:35 AM PST

    I was recently tasked by a friend of mine to rewrite her relative's website. We settled on a price according to what we found online for freelance developers. The thing is, I'm still a uni sophomore in CS. Once this project is complete how would I go about adding it to my resume? Would I consider it a side project or as a freelance job? Does that mean I can use the title of Freelance web developer? Any input is appreciated! Thanks

    submitted by /u/Rovue
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    Making a portfolio

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:33 AM PST


    In the past week I was interested about making a website that will showcase my work, a portfolio.

    I don't have a lot of experience with coding and I don't really want to start learning how to code HTML at this specific time.

    I fluttered around and found softwares such as Adobe XD and Frigma but the both of them are very limited with their options..

    I wanted to include some simple animations that I made and will make for that purpose and to showcase many screenshoots of games I've created and such.

    I was wondering if anyone could give me his insight about web development, is there a software that could serve my needs, or should I just learn how to code the things I want from scratch?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/eyalchen
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    What are good web hosts for someone who wants to copy paste text AND images?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:09 AM PST


    I am trying to find a Web host like Weebly, Wix, etc... that allows one to copy and paste in text with images. The only one I've found that allows me to do that is Google Sites but you can't monetize it via adsense. I have a lot of texts and images in a word doc and I just want to copy it in. I'm not looking to create a fancy website. I really just want to upload my word docs and basically convert it into a website, then add some ads around it. That's it. I'm not even looking for it to be formatted nicely. I just want the information online.

    I don't want to manually insert images one by one, or text boxes for each paragraph. I don't want to manually upload each image into the media drive of the host, find it and put it on the right page.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/MatthewNagy
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    What is the most popular Free way to Deploy a full stack Node app?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:05 AM PST

    I´m trying to deploy my little app to Heroku but it´s giving me all kind of errors in the API calls (the front end runs just fine).

    Some sites says you have to install a certificate (and therefore pay for it) but others they seem to deploy their apps just fine withouth paying a dime.

    submitted by /u/ObviousBudget6
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    Moved my website to VueJS and I got a large decrease in the number of users

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:45 AM PST

    Hey Redditors,

    I launched a website more than a year ago on my free time, and built some SEO with links and a lot of work, in the last two months I've reached 200 - 300 daily unique visitors regularly (my website is local so I'm not shooting for thousands).

    I decided to build a more featured version with a nice dashboard and other features, I decided to move all the frontend into an SPA with VueJS. After working on it the last two months I've recently launched it with the exact same domain, except that I've changed my link structure, but I made redirects on old links to the corresponding new links so users coming from search engines won't have a 500 error or a 404 error and it works like a charm.

    However I noticed very large drop in the number of daily visitor from ~250/day to 80-100/day only and this has been going since I launched a the new SPA version (a week ago).

    I first thought that the problem was with google not being able to scrape my website, so I looked into some SSR solutions, but I found it very hard to transform my current project into an SSR one, especially that I'm using python (flask) on the backend, so I think I will probably avoid SSR.

    After inspecting google analytics, and did several tests with it to make sure that it's working correctly, I noticed that the drop was mainly in the direct traffic given that search engine traffic remained constant.

    I'm wondering what could be the reason, few things I guess:

    • Users don't have an updated browser or are using very old browsers that don't support vuejs

    • I do not have an HTTPS website, so maybe they have problems with chrome warning them that my website is not secure (working on adding HTTPS very soon).

    I'm clueless, and I hope you point me in the right direction, what's the reason you might think of this drop in traffic (direct traffic). ?

    Link of website: http://khbich.com

    submitted by /u/hugeburger
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    Meta Description Length and Google Search Snippets: Lesson learned the hard way!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:44 AM PST

    I am a Realtor as well as a front-end developer (self-taught, so I learn a lot through trial and error). I built the website for a fellow Realtor who is the head of our realty team. My bio, as well as all of the other team member's bios, are on the site. I get an email this morning from my broker that when the site shows up in a Google search, my bio is the snippet associated with site and they want me to fix it. Because they don't know how Google chooses their snippets, that looks really bad, like I did it on purpose! :(

    I went in and made the meta description longer, with her bio. I also added the "data-nosnippet" attribute to my bio. I explained this to them, but I think it still looks bad. Why did Google have to choose MY bio over everyone else's??!! https://megarealtyteam.com

    submitted by /u/shilohsheree07
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    If you know a framework like Angular/React/Vue, you might as well just head on over to Native App Development

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:19 PM PST

    I started off as an Angular Developer before getting into Android Development. I'll be learning iOS soon. I was planning to make an app in Ionic but with all the problems and performance bottlenecks that comes with web views and hybrid frameworks like these I just said screw it and decided to learn Native. I've found most of the concepts from Angular transfer over to Native Development. I'm glad I took the time to learn it too because it's much more powerful and I have access to much more than Ionic or any other hybrid framework would give me. If you already know a framework and you have the time; In my opinion, you should just switch over to Native if you haven't already. It's been one month and I already have the hang of it. It'll probably be easy for you guys too.

    submitted by /u/A4_Ts
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    Help with Lightboxes and ACF JavaScript API

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:27 AM PST

    Howdy, all. I work for a web design company where I am the sole JavaScript coder.

    . We use Advanced Custom Fields, and "The Grid" plugins in a Wordpress environment.

    So, my problem:
    . When you click an image in a grid, it opens a lightbox of that image. Except, our client desires that, when the image is clicked, the image in the lightbox is different from that of the grid. I originally went about this by attaching an .on("change") field to the lightbox div element that would simply append "-lightbox" to the end of the image name to make it point to the alternative image, and that worked perfectly.

    . The problem is, my team wants to instead used Advanced Custom Fields for this to be more maintainable. Now, every image in the media library has a "lightbox image" field that points to an alt image. I am having trouble figuring out how to use the ACF API to:
    . 1) Figure out the item ID (within the media library) of the image that is getting clicked
    . 2) Then access the item's "lightbox image" custom field to get the URL of the alternative image

    What I have tried so far:
    . The ACF API documentation is of little help for this problem
    . I have already scowered the internet for anything helpful that already exists.

    Any help would be much appreciated!
    . Thank you

    submitted by /u/Deccidie
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    Looking for advice on how to hire a freelance webdev for pair/tutoring

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:15 AM PST

    I'm working on a project that uses web interface to control and manage a multi camera photo booth. I hired a dev and spent a year building out our v1 prototype. It was developed in PHP/C using LAMP stack. The original coder has moved on and and I am left with a prototype that works, but is held together by gum and duct tape. The original coder is a lone wolf style coder, who works quickly to get things up and running, but did not really create maintainable code. Variables are mysteriously named, there is very little commenting or documentation and since he did not believe in version control so there is a bunch of additional code and superfluous files.

    I'm looking for recommendations on how best to find and evaluate a freelancer. I would like someone to pair with me and be able to teach me using screenshare.

    I don't write code, but I am learning some foundations. I can mess around in bash, but for all practical purposes I am a noob. I'm looking for a cost effective developer who is both knowledgeable and good at teaching, to pair with me. I'd like to achieve the following:

    1. Understand how the system and code flow works.
    2. Create a repeatable development environment (currently we are working on the production codebase) which includes the linux setup and dependencies. My assumption is that a docker like solution is probably needed here.
    3. Be able to add or sunset features.
    4. Properly comment and clean up some of the worst offenses. (unclear variable naming etc..)
    5. Get a sense for best practices and what 'clean code' should look like.

    I will ultimately bring on a CTO at a later date, but I would like to go though this so that I get some experience.

    My ideal budget would be 25-35 an hour. They don't necessarily have to be local, or even in the US, (though time zone is a consideration).

    My priority is to find someone at my budget range who knows best practices and can write clean code and can read spaghetti code. I really don't want to learn bad habits. I would consider paying more, but would prefer to keep close to my budget.

    My goal is to get more familiar with what I have, and continue using it as a wokrking prototype. I will likely need to rebuild using different architecture, but I see a great deal of value in developing this as a prototype to help me understand the pain points and make better decisions when it comes to choosing the right architecture.

    submitted by /u/camwrangles
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