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    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    I feel burned out. Ask Programming

    I feel burned out. Ask Programming

    I feel burned out.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 11:42 AM PST

    Hi !Recently I landed a job in a huge corporation, I thought it was great, but after just few weeks of working there I must say that it's a shitshow. The head director doesn't know a thing about home automation, all they have are just 6 to 10 year old desktop apps that dont even support all of their products.

    I was meant to be a C#.NET Core developer, instead after a week of not knowing what to do, and basically sitting around for 8 hours a day drinking coffe, the head director gave me a task to rewrite their core software from C# to NodeJS because he heard it's a 'hot language' I told him that I'll need some time since I never worked with NodeJS or JavaScript, I'm a C/C++ developer. So anyway I started reading the legacy code, and decided to use TypeScript since it transcompiles to JS anyway. The legacy code is a pure hot garbage, circular inheritance, lots of bug, no code structure, everything is just a mess. I received no guidance or a plan on how the software should look, what it should do. All I was told is that they want a REST api to run on top of it. After just two weeks when I'm about 25% done, they want a presentation tomorrow and expect the product to be finished. I've had few meetings and they didn't know what to say, like what the fuck.

    What should I do, I'm really stressed out and I know that I'm no way near even getting to the REST part of the api, and they expect me to get it working by tomorrow.

    submitted by /u/Adamant32
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    Do you know some good audiobooks,podcasts to listen to for frontend, web development, things to learn about UX, what to focus on, what attracts people etc.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:51 PM PST

    Languages for quick prototyping desktop applications on Linux

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:57 AM PST

    Is there something better and easier to prototype desktop apps on the Linux desktop than Python with Tkinter?

    I am kind of hesitant to use Qt even with PyQt it's a hassle to set up.

    Do you have some experience in this area?

    I am looking for something to make a little to middle sized GUI apps quickly without a lot of typing etc.

    submitted by /u/chachaturyan
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    So, since everyone is in agreement that Electron is terrible, how come there aren't any worthwhile competitors that everyone could switch to?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:55 AM PST

    I was gonna make my web app with electron, but everyone is moaning about how Chrome sucks, how Electron sucks, how it steals your RAM, and how it has memory leaks, and your computer explodes when it reaches max RAM, and apeople made it by slapping random other programs together with a "works well enough" attitude.

    And yet everyone uses it. From normal people to mega corporations.

    So what's up? Either one side is overreacting, or the other side doesn't care to make their programs work efficiently


    submitted by /u/asssed
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    A Mail server bot to track projects

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:10 PM PST

    Backstory: Our company uses an archaic method of logging data requests from the 'analysis group'. basically no one uses it because it amounts to data entry. So how can leadership get a sense of the magnitude of requests and variation?

    My idea: a serverside 'bot' to listen to each email and group them based on (1) subject and (2) sender/recipient. and define the request by subject and keywords in the email. Then mgmt can access a simple dashboard to see the results in table/chart form.

    Is this even feasible? I know next to nothing about mail server security and bots.

    submitted by /u/bravo_ragazzo
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    What do you guys like to program?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:30 PM PST

    Totally independent from job markets or school projects, what do you enjoy programming? For me it's data visualization websites, though game dev looks really cool, might dip my feet in that soon.

    submitted by /u/alrightfrankie
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    Would it be dumb to try and get a job cross country right away?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:11 PM PST

    I currently live in the Minneapolis area but I've gotten myself pretty excited to move far away from my parents to have a little independence after college and specifically I want to move to Seattle after graduation if I can manage it. However I got 6 months between May and the people coming to ask about my loan payments and I've never really had a professional job search before so I have no clue what to expect. Should I just look for something local and hopefully transfer at a later date or would it be possible to get something set up over Summer?

    submitted by /u/RoadTheExile
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    How get python experience ?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:55 PM PST

    Hello I'm learning pyrhon programming at the university and i cant understad what should i do, i never learnt programming before and we are now solving "little" problems with list and thing what start with deff justtheexample(): ..

    My real question , can anybody tell me what is the real way to be a good programmer ?

    Thank you if u read my drama. And also sorry for my bad english

    If u leave here a comment i will be very thankfull :)

    submitted by /u/Madztrx
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    At wits' end with this class

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:05 PM PST

    So at this point, I feel as if I should have just learned programming on the side because so far the only thing the classes I am taking have done is make everything harder to understand. The courses are split up into five-week periods, and then we move onto another programming language. So far I have "learned" the basics of Python, Java, C++, and now we are on something called Coral. I say "learned" because we haven't gone back to any of the previous languages and we spent so little time actually using them that I don't feel like I actually learned anything.

    Basically, a TLDR would be I need help with this set of assignments because I am at wits' end and starting to question whether or not this is a good way to learn programming.

    The 3 assignments I need help with: https://imgur.com/a/4ySfjW0

    submitted by /u/SG_Zodiac
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    Homework help!!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:29 PM PST

    Im a real noob at this stuff but i was hoping some 5head people on here can help me with my homework. What i need help with is at the bottom of this program, and ive highlighted it. I want display what month it is depending on what the index is. Ive tried doing if (name == 0) cout << "Jan"; but it dosent work. Im really bad at this :(. this is the program:

    #include <iostream>

    #include <iomanip>

    using namespace std;

    int main() {

    double rainFall[12];

    cout << "Please enter the total rainfall for every month."<< endl;

    for(int index=0; index < 12; index++)


    cout << "Total rainfall for month"<< (index+1)<<": ";

    cin >>rainFall[index];

    if (rainFall[index]< 0)


    cout << "Please enter a valid number."<< endl;

    cin >> rainFall[index];



    double totalrainfall = 0;

    for (int index = 0; index <12; index++)


    totalrainfall +=rainFall[index];


    cout << "Your total rainfall for the year is: "<< totalrainfall<<endl;

    int highest;

    highest = rainFall[0];

    for (int index = 1; index < 12; index++)


    if (rainFall[index] > highest)

    highest = rainFall[index];


    cout << "Your highest rainfall for the year was " << highest<<endl;

    int lowest;

    int name;

    lowest = rainFall[0];

    for (int index = 1; index < 12; index++)


    if (rainFall[index] < lowest)


    lowest = rainFall[index];

    name = index;

    if (name==0)


    cout << "Jan";




    cout << "Your lowest rainfall for the year was " << lowest<< " in the month of "<< name<< endl;


    submitted by /u/WazirAzir
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    What programming books would you recommend to read in 2019 aka what book to buy as a Christmas gift?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:45 PM PST

    For your language or framework or stack you program in. Let's say Java or Python, or Vue.js, or Qt, or RPi, or Vulkan, etc. .... whatever language you are familiar with. Or if you don't read such books anymore - meaning you are a pro - what other , at least slightly, programming related book do you recommend?

    What book would you recommend to read the newcomer to that language?

    Perhaps we could create a Christmas 2019 shopping list when it comes to programming books.

    submitted by /u/chachaturyan
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    [Java] Generating all the possible 3x3 matrices with the range of values [-3;3]

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:38 PM PST

    I am trying to generate all the possible 3x3 matrices that have a range of values [-3;3]
    However, I don't want these values to be integers. Basically i want to include in the permutations the matrices with values 2.7 2.8 2.9 (only up to 1 floating point). This makes it a little complicated for me. I am using 2d arrays for the representation of the 3x3 matrix in java, but I am really having trouble generating all the permutations.

    I came up with this thing: https://pastebin.com/4nxatjKA

    But it is far from accurate. It is only generating around 5000 matrices when in fact there should be 30^9 matrices.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Teabx
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    any official info about when java ocsf framework was created/last changed?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:59 AM PST

    Google develop console?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:47 AM PST

    Hi Reddit I wanted to start a developer account in google but my country is restricted by google and I have to use vpn to open the page. I want to know if there is a problem with different IP addresses that the vpn give me each time. I mean will google ban me after registration and paying the 25$ for using different IP addresses each time?

    submitted by /u/dexter_morgann
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    How can I add something OpenRefine does to a program, and then make that program more functional?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:24 AM PST

    I'm new to programming. I use coding to make my life easier (automate the boring stuff, etc). I work in digitization within archives and special collections. I've got a set of steps that I take in order to create a SIP (submission information package) that contains a .tif file, 2 .xml files containing MODS metadata and Dublin Core metadata.

    These steps are lengthy. I work with 2 things: a scanned .tif file, and a workbook in Excel that contains 3 sheets. 1 sheet is where my volunteers enter what they see in their words. The other 2 sheets sort out their words into MODS and Dublin Core element sets.

    1. I save the info from the MODS sheet into a csv.
    2. Open that csv in OpenRefine
    3. Apply a template to it in OpenRefine, and save it. This spits out one long sheet of XML metadata code for several images
    4. Run a python script on that xml sheet. It cleans and separates each instance into its own file, named for the .tif file.
    5. Repeat these steps for the Dublin Core sheet in Excel.
    6. I then move all of these files into the same folder, so I'm looking at 3 files per object. 1 tiff, 2 xmls with similar names.
    7. I run a batch script that sorts each "object" into its own folder, named after the image number.

    What I'm wondering is this: Is there a way to bundle all or most of this up into one program that I can run without using the command line? I'm trying to make this something that someone else could do, so that the workflow doesn't fall apart if I'm not here. I've never created a full on, executable program, so I'm nervous as to how this can work. I love batch scripts, because you click them and boom.

    Thanks for any advice!

    submitted by /u/GREGORIOtheLION
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    Why do some programming languages use println instead of simply print?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:12 PM PST

    Geekwise Academy, Scam or not?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:51 PM PST

    Really want to learn how to program and get a career in this field but everytime i try to teach myself i just can never seem to grasp the important parts. This place near me has these 3 courses you can take ($250 each, $750 total) each tuesday or thursday night for a semester but you dont get any kind of certificate or degree. Would this be frowned upon by employers? Or would the ability to show that I am able to perform the tasks that they need override any certificates?

    submitted by /u/thrash_1981
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