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    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    How to fight back against Google AMP as a web user and a web developer web developers

    How to fight back against Google AMP as a web user and a web developer web developers

    How to fight back against Google AMP as a web user and a web developer

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:22 AM PST

    How does my portfolio stack up?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:51 AM PST

    I know many of us are new to web dev and programming here, but there are lots of subscribers I've seen comment about how they work in HR, etc. I just finished up my portfolio for now and was hoping for more critique from you guys.


    The design comes from a guy named Dev Ed, he just released a course to help HTML and CSS, though I'm quite good with them already. In my opinion, I need to add a few full stack applications to my projects section, using node and backend tech, and I should be job ready. Any thoughts?

    My goal is to build a fitness app. Just don't know how to start.

    Thanks all

    submitted by /u/HungryPiccolo
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    Web-assembly powered WYSIWYG LaTeX Editor, supporting nearly all LaTeX package

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:00 AM PST

    vscodium - binary releases of VS Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:20 AM PST

    I kinda like the look of old website designs

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:34 AM PST

    This is an unusual post. I kinda like the look of old website designs. I don't necessarily prefer the old designs over the more modern ones, but it has its charm in my opinion. I also perceive them as fast (maybe because they often are).

    Websites I like that have this kind of design:



    http://www.analabsinc.com/ (i had to)

    submitted by /u/HodeMann
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    Comodo SSL, Sectigo SSL or is it Instant SSL? Seems like an identity crisis

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:43 AM PST

    I just got an email from Comodo telling me I need to renew my SSL. So I logged in and then got redirected to Sectigo. This confused me so I picked up the phone and call the support number. They then redirected me to the InstantSSL website where I needed to purchase a new SSL. But I bought my SSL through Comodo.

    Why 3 companies? This seems ridiculous and doesn't instill trust one bit.

    Can I get a recommendation for a good SSL provider that isn't going to be so convoluted?

    submitted by /u/lamordnt
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    CommonJS / ECMA Modules / .ejs files / import / export - webpack, how do these things relate together and what is the bare minimum that a beginner should know?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:11 AM PST

    An Introduction to Variable Fonts

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:23 AM PST

    Where We Go From Here: 10 Thoughts on the Immediate Future of the Web

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:14 PM PST

    Tips for making a canvas script more performant?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:02 AM PST

    I am working on a canvas for a client, and I don't have a lot of experience working with it. I have a start, but before I get too deep I am hoping some of you fine people can help me out with some pointers about how to make this more performant. I don't think it's terrible right now, but I don't want to go down the wrong path.

    Here's what I have so far (its a hexagonal grid with random tiles fading in and out).


    Eventually I would like the "camera" to slowly pan over a larger area of tiles, so if you have tips for that as well it would be much appreciated. Also, I realize this is a 2D canvas, but is there a way to transform this so that it appears to be viewed at an angle? Like a camera panning over a landscape.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/t0mbombadil
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    How do I fetch data through an API and display it in my React app?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:58 AM PST

    I currently have a nodejs file that is able to request data through an API successfully. I assumed I would be able to move this nodejs file (that does the API stuff) into my React project easily however React doesn't like the way I read in my certificates via readFileSync(). I then assumed that maybe I could move the API stuff out of the src folder however React doesn't like that either. This led me to believe that I need to make my own Express(?) backend. React would then fetch() the data from this backend that then fetches the data from the third party API like I've been doing? I'm a bit confused on the chain of command. Am I right in thinking it is something like this:

    1. React will fetch a route that I've set up in Express. For example, fetch('/soccer_scores').
    2. I'll have a route in express that will app.get('/soccer_scores') with a callback function that makes the https.request (should I make this asynchronous?)
    3. This will hopefully feed the data back to the React component for soccer_scores that will set the state to the JSON returned and hopefully I will be able to display it.

    Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ilovetoprogrum
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    How to keep video playing when user changes page?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:28 PM PST

    On youtube the video keeps playing on a picture-in-picture overlay frame when you change the page (for example, click a link or the previous page button in the browser), as long as the new page is still on youtube.com. It seems this feature was added fairly recently.

    How is this done? It there a support for this in recent versions of HTML and/or JavaScript? Or does is somehow overload the actions of links etc. so that you always stay on the same page and it dynamically updates its content?

    submitted by /u/tmlnz
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    Web developer - Career guidance

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 10:26 AM PST

    First of all, huge greetings to all developers and the community itself for being the best community in the world!

    The last three months i am working in a company as a front-end engineer, i love my job and i'm constantly looking to learn new technologies and to become a better programmer. I need some guidance about whole web development and what to do next to improve myself as a developer.
    Right now i have been assigned on a big project and i am one of the three fe devs who are creating the admin panel for this website from scratch (I don't know if i'm allowed to talk about it, so i wont mention the name of the project).
    I have knowledge in :
    HTML5 ,CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular, RxJs, TypeScript, Webpack, Bootstrap,Materialize
    - My goal is to become a full-stack dev so on my free time i'm also learning java/spring/thymeleaf.
    Lately i have been searching for another half-time dev job to improve my skills (in any area) so i was willing to do volunteering work just to boost my "CV" and my skills, until i met someone who told me that every good developer should get payed for the work they do, and told me not to do that and instead search for open source project.
    Right now on my free time i am looking for OpenSource projects on GitHub.
    I looked for some OpenSource projects on GitHub and inspect in the code, but i'm afraid i got the feeling that i'm not skilled enough to work on that.

    I also found Upwork and i have been thinking about freelancing in my free time.

    I need help, what should i do ? Should i watch another tutorial? Should i build a project? Should i go for 0 payment dev job for some company to make profit of my work?
    Should i contribute to OpenSource? Should i go freelance in free time ? Should i ignore all of this and focus on my actual company? Please help me <3

    submitted by /u/Eternalhonorx
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    Good examples of "Privacy by design" in regards to user portals?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:50 AM PST

    I'm working on a user portal where users can get an overview over their personal data and the customer relationship in general. I'd like to see some good examples of other similar user portals to get an idea of how other have solved this and for inspiration.

    Any great examples that comes to mind? Please share a link or screenshot! :)

    submitted by /u/skyggespill
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    ELI5: What is a shadow Dom and should we be using it?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:20 PM PST

    As a programmer, I had to create an advent calendar for my GF

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:50 PM PST

    How to acheive this clipping effect?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 04:24 PM PST

    How to acheive this clipping effect?

    Hello there, Look at the orange parralellograms


    This is a picture I designed using Adobe XD, I acheived most of this effect, this creates a parallelogram

    .parallelogram{ margin-right: -20px; display: inline-block; background-color: var(--AccentOrange); width: 50px; height: 53px; clip-path: polygon(0 0, 40% 0, 100% 100%, 60% 100%, 0 0); position: absolute; } 

    at least in shape (not necessarily in properties, better approaches are very welcome!)

    and My navigation bar is nearly the same but


    I want to acheive the effect I made on adobe XD, those parallelos have transparent space in between, and the rest of the navigation bar to their right is also transparent, those parallelos are you've guessed are inside the <nav> tag so if I used clip-path they are clipped too, Help needed folks, Thanks for your time

    submitted by /u/A7mdxDD
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    Is there a browser extension to change CSS preferences?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:37 AM PST

    Hey all! My question is if there is a browser extension which allows me to change CSS preferences?

    Example: I am using dark mode systemwide. CSS' prefes-color-scheme is thus dark. If I want to test the light mode, I need to change my color preference systemwdie. Is there a way I can temporarily override this behavior on this website with a browser extension rather than on my whole system?

    Not only do I want to use this for prefers-color-scheme but also for prefers-reduced-motion and others.


    submitted by /u/MaximumMLG
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    Making a donation section for a website

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:39 AM PST

    I need to make a donation section for a website, I'm not sure the best way to create this and what library/languages to use. I am comfortable with the front end side of things, but I agreed to make a website for my friend and not sure how to do this part.

    submitted by /u/curlyromantic
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    What is the most efficient way to create a webgame?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 04:00 PM PST

    I have a game design for a webgame. Now I'm searching for the best way to develop it. It's a very simple game, so I want to use default javascript, so no external libraries. The question I'm trying to get answered is: What is the most efficient way, in terms of computing power / reaching most FPS?

    It will have simple abstract graphics, think Pong, Break-Out, etc. So I'm looking for creating the graphics in code, not with images.

    I also want to apply model-view-controller, in that light, I'm thinking about using CSS to create the graphics instead of javascript to have this separation almost naturally.

    So I started to search for whether it would be efficient to do it in CSS, because if it isn't, I shouldn't do it anyway. After searching the web for the answer, it doesn't come clear to me what is most efficient as there are seemingly opposing theories.
    So I thought to ask it here.

    Is it more efficient to create the (interactive) graphics through javascript or through css?

    Does anyone know?

    submitted by /u/PlayJoyGames
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    Is It Bad Practice to Animate on the :focus Pseudo Class?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:55 PM PST

    Hey all,

    I have been using the :focus and :active pseudo classes to animate elements on pages and wanted to ask people more knowledgable/experienced than myself whether this is considered bad practice.

    To give an example: https://makingstuffs.co.uk -- It is just a construction page for my portfolio (I have been pretty snowed under with work and a couple projects I am completing for clients so haven't had time to finish it yet).

    As you can see I am using the :focus pseudo class to add my CSS animation and then using the :active class to remove it, which gives a 'pop' effect.

    I was going to write a post about it on my blog and possibly use it on client projects but thought I should reach out to the wider community to see whether this is generally frowned upon.

    Any input is really appreciated, I just like to be sure before I give bad advice in articles and, equally, before I implement ideas.

    Thank you all in advance.

    Edit: Used a ' instead of ` -- Syntax error ahoy!

    submitted by /u/ImJustP
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    Is creating a website on Elementor bad for performance and SEO?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:38 PM PST

    Title. I haven't found a lot of info on this. It's said that Elementor is optimized well, however, I would like to hear other opinions!

    submitted by /u/Austere_Wolf
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    Do I qualify as a “developer”?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:10 AM PST

    I know CSS, HTML, some JavaScript, some PHP, and have advanced (I like to think) design skills. Plus, I have years of experience and full access to all Adobe products.

    I'm starting to learn JavaScript and PHP properly, but can already get by with the help of ye olde google machine.

    Do I have enough experience to start charging for web site design? I have websites I've made, so a portfolio won't be a problem. But I've used plenty of resources—not hand coded everything from thin air. And I've used tools like Elementor for Wordpress sites.

    I know I don't have the skills yet to get a full time in-house gig, but do you think it's reasonable to get paid to do this for a living as a freelancer? I'm currently a copywriter, but I'd like to switch and doing so now would make my continuing ed study time even more valuable.

    submitted by /u/4th_and_Inches
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    posts not being "saved" after editing - JS

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:50 PM PST

    When I create a new post, it gets saved to my db and posted normally on my website. But when I edit them, the edit is not saved, whether it's the title or the content, however comment edits are saved. There are no errors in terminal or help out. Any ideas?

    Here's the middleware code: https://pastebin.com/raw/Fey4Yn2J

    routes/posts: https://pastebin.com/raw/aKp7ncRB

    views/posts/edit.js: https://pastebin.com/raw/pARkRJWP

    submitted by /u/nightcrawler99
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