• Breaking News

    Friday, December 6, 2019

    Edge lighting for pixel art

    Edge lighting for pixel art

    Edge lighting for pixel art

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:22 AM PST

    Gamedev company files vague patent for pre-existing noise idea

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:52 AM PST

    Found this patent application the other day. I thought it sounded familiar, so I made a post on the community sub about it. I also made a post on their forum, but the first post requires moderator approval so we'll have to see how that goes.

    I thought this idea was a minimal-insight extension of the concept of procedural noise when I came up with it. They probably hadn't seen that post. But either way, the company thinks it's patentable, and that patenting is the right approach for it.

    I've had to design around patents before. It's what caused me to write OpenSimplex noise. The Simplex noise patent is finally expiring in about two years, but now there is this patent in the works threatening to block ideas that I want to implement and share. I'll be in my 40s by the time it would expire.

    What do you guys think about software patents? Do they do more to benefit or harm the game development community?

    submitted by /u/KdotJPG
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    Make sure that you are taking care of yourselves physically.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:19 AM PST

    Just a friendly reminder:

    • Take periodic breaks to stretch, take a walk, close your eyes, etc. Even just getting away from your desk for a moment will have a positive effect. Besides, the minute you get up and do something else is when you will have that epiphany that solves the problem you are stuck on.
    • Eat when you need to, don't skip or delay meals!
    • Drink lots of water!
    • Get the proper amount of sleep. Getting enough, and quality sleep has huge impacts on your physical and mental state. Lack of sleep causes / exacerbates depression. And I think we all know this profession can be quite depressing.

    Take care of your bodies. I've been without a desk for a few months, and I thought I couldn't afford a new one, so I was working on a small table, and it is fucking racking my body. Guess what, it wasn't worth the money I saved. I didn't notice at first, but mistreating yourself in even the most minor ways will build up and impact you in the long run.

    You will be a better developer, and a better person in general if you are healthy.

    submitted by /u/gojirra
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    I made a Minecraft skin-grabbing tool in Unity using the Minotar API

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:19 PM PST

    I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end... well I can't give up now so I'm just going to bitch and moan to complete strangers on the internets.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:38 AM PST

    Truthfully I think my game is going pretty good, and this has caused me to commit a great deal to this project. I have done nothing but throw away every penny, sanity, and physical well-being countless days since its inception.

    I'm close enough to maybe putting out a demo (I don't even know wtf i'm doing any more) that my brain keeps telling me to just finish this up and worry about the rest later. Been in this spot for years now, just 2 more weeks! The hell ride is almost over, game is showing promise!. I've told myself i'm 2 weeks away from a solid demo for about 2 years. I'm Bill Murray in groundhog's day after he's lost it, the novelty of working from home is gone, the fun of making my own project. It is now deja vu every single day where I wake up from some fantastical dream where i'm off naked at school, didn't do my homework, and my teeth are falling out, but I realize with dread that I am back to this running joke of indie dev because I had the cocky notion that I could handle this and now here I am tail between my legs asking for second hand determination or that everything will "be ok".

    Tonights a bit worse than usual, a few months ago I just went numb to the terrors of indie dev. "This is life now". At least I don't feel like i'm on the verge of a mental breakdown every day. But at the same time the passion that would cause me to burn 12 hours into massive fits of progress is gone. Every day I will wake up in this cave, begrudgingly get a bit of work done, or I will drink myself silly using money I don't have in the hopes that the coming hang-over will distract my brain from the project for long enough that I can continue working in the following days as I engorge on worthless second hand youtube content trying to experience some semblance of outside culture.

    Crazily, and to repeat myself. Despite this self described waking nightmare, I think it's going pretty well, I think I might be roughly 2 weeks (I'm not trying to be snarky, this is how my brain has worked for 2 years now.). I'm trapped. I can't leave this. And it seems INSANE to be in this situation. Working on such a hairstring budget on something that I have in my madness convinced deserves more backing. I yearn for the old days when I would wake up and someone else would have contributed something. An animation, some new code, UI. Anything. Something to make me feel like this doesn't all fall on me.

    I thought about posting this on an alt account but that just seemed like too much effort and also I kinda see this Reddit account as a bit of a chronicling to some degree of the trials and tribulations of making this game which should it ever be anything but an abject failure could be interesting to look back on, to see how far I had come. Fuck even if i'm working at a gas station 5 years from now I could look back on this post and think, yeah at least you're not in that shit hole any more.

    I never thought i'd be the type to post this sort of sniveling cry for help kind of shit. I've bitched and moaned to myself for a while, but I think i'm actually hitting post on this embarrassing cry for help/ encouragement.

    This has been such an incredibly trying and long slog if I could do it all over I would have changed the entire structure of my life up to this point. And yet the project feels like it's going well enough that I can't let go. I'm not shackled to this rock that I push up the mountain every day, I do so willingly, at least think I do.

    I ran out of money some time ago and it's just been me working on this nightmare for a long time, no one to vent to, no one to share small milestone success with. Thinking I was working on something eternally 2 weeks away that I would finally be able to show the world to some level of "oh hey that's kinda neat". "Why take the time to post now? The game sucks? Besides it's only 2 weeks away from not sucking." Groundhogs day, every fucking day.

    ...and after showing it to some friends FINALLY after thinking it was FINALLY not terrible, and getting lukewarm feedback for the first time I'm thinking. "Oh shit, the past 3 years of your life may have been the greatest mistake you've ever made. You have dug a massive hole for yourself and it might take you months to emotionally rebound after months of more of working towards what may be an inevitable failure." It's a special kind of self made hell, something I may be so damaged from I can't even return to this industry professionally again. I have absolutely no idea what the future holds, but I'm paralysed thinking it holds no return on an idiotic investment.

    It's not a total wash, I'm excited to try again to fenagle some core systems and make something out of this. But I've been going hard on this thing for 2 fucking years in this god damned cave and I needed to finally just vent one fucking time before I get this core milestone over with. Maybe it goes well, maybe it doesn't, just felt compelled to float this post into the endless internets for some damned reason...

    Maybe this helps others to second guess committing to indiedev too hard, or overscoping. Maybe someone else having a rough go of it reads this and at least feels like they're not alone in the belly of this big white indifferent whale.

    This gamedev can be a real mother fucker.

    Keep kickin' ass everyone, you're only 2 weeks away from the game being awesome ;)

    (Fuck it i'm posting this, WTF do I have to lose?)

    submitted by /u/IllTemperedTuna
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    Blender To Unity For Beginners by Grant Abbitt

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:57 AM PST

    Insights on making great concepts from the artist behind Okami, Bayonetta and Evil Within

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:05 AM PST

    Riot Forge: Riot working with other studios to make new League of Legends-based games.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:23 AM PST

    How Game Designers Create Systemic Games | Emergence, Dynamic Narrative and Systems in Game Design

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:29 AM PST

    Video Game Industry Questionnaire

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:15 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I'm a UX Designer trying to break into the Video Game industry and I have a series of questions regarding how to get freelance work within this industry.

    If you work in the Video Game industry and are one of the following I would really appreciate it if you could answer this questionnaire:

    • Hiring Manager
    • In HR
    • Recruitment & Talent Acquisition
    • Creative, Design, or Art Director
    • The Founder or Owner of a business

    Survey: https://forms.gle/vetE63GaEnRyyvk18

    I'm looking for the insight of people responsible for hiring, delegating, managing, or outsourcing work at a video game studio.

    I can share my findings with you if interested too. Just lmk

    Thank you so much!!

    submitted by /u/Design_97
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    Make Your First 2D Game with Godot: free beginner course

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:13 AM PST

    Good 3D level editor?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:01 PM PST

    Is there an easy/good level editor out there oriented towards 3D? My level designer complains about Blender's complexity

    submitted by /u/TheNextJohnCarmack
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    Added few more Open Source Visual Effects To My Unity project with Visual Effect Graph and Magic Leap (GitHub URL in comments)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:30 AM PST

    Need some suggestions

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:42 AM PST

    Hello redditors, I am student, studying programming. I know basics of python, java, kotlin. I don't know c++ or c#. After watching anime SAO(Sword art online, it's about mmorpg) I decided to create something like this in Unity. Yesterday made some character creations with UMA 2, but i stuck and I don't know what to do after. I guess I am starting with hard things like creating some mmorpg game and I don't have motivation to do it. I need some suggestions what to do, from what to start. Also want to create something analyzer for LoL(League of Legends) in android where AI can analyze your perfomance and suggest some tips. Can you guys help me out what to do? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/mr_r0b0t1337
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    Ebiten in 2019 (2D game library in Go language)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:57 AM PST

    Fantasy Sword Texturing Tutorial

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:40 AM PST

    First day as an indie

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:13 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I just started to follow de indie game creator path, I hope to share my prototype with everyone, really soon, my itch.i

    submitted by /u/CastroIndie
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    I wrote an article about using Silhouettes when developing a Fighting Game but it can be applied to other genres as well

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:30 PM PST

    How combat systems are programmed?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:43 AM PST

    Be it fighting game or stylish action game, games that have advanced cancel mechanics fascinate me. I was curious if anyone knows how these kinds of things are approached from a programming perspective: do you need to design each specific interaction in a move such that combos can happen, or do the cool interactions sort of need to arise from their inherent characteristics of a command?

    For example, would I program a move in a fighting game to look for an input that would be a combo, or would I make the move have a short enough animation such that the enemy is in hitstun for a long enough time that another move can be started? Would I need to give a move a property like 'is jump cancel-able' or 'is crouch cancel-able' or do I work that out of the animation lockout property of the move?

    Should I be designing all the combat interactions beforehand and programming them or should I just be designing the moves and see how they work together inherently - tweaking the properties of each move to facilitate or deter interactions I want to happen or not?

    submitted by /u/Ridley_Prime
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    Photogrammetry is the Future! So Don't Be Left Behind with Jonathan Holmes | GduX.me

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:36 AM PST

    How to start modding Reach on steam (MCC)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:16 AM PST

    How would I go about starting to mod and playing around with the code? Is there some kind of CDK or dev kit I need? I have intermediate experience in web development/programming, both frontend/backend and writing scripts, but have never really messed with game development or modding.

    submitted by /u/thotpatrol
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    Any tutorial to lock a .pak file?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:59 AM PST

    I made some content but I want the thing to work but I do not want people to take out the file and use it for other things without my permission.

    Is there a way for me to lock my .pak file but still being accessible for the game?

    submitted by /u/BlackWolfOne
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    AI Dungeon 2 – AI-generated text adventure built with 1.5B param GPT-2

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:59 AM PST

    The Twilight Tavvern, a discord community for artists of all types

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:39 AM PST

    Love art? music? games?

    Come on down to the twilight tavern, its opening day!

    a meeting ground for the creative and for the lovers of expression


    submitted by /u/DynamiTsunami
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