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    Tuesday, December 3, 2019

    Animated CSS Background Generator web developers

    Animated CSS Background Generator web developers

    Animated CSS Background Generator

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:13 AM PST

    What’s your favorite udemy course?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:06 PM PST

    I really enjoyed the following and I would love to hear your favorites. 1. Jonas Schmedtmann's - Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3. 2. Jonas Schmedtmann's - The Complete JavaScript Course 2020. 3. Anthony Alicea's - JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

    I liked Jonas's in depth explanation and he had some wonderful graphics throughout where he explains a concept and does a great job with it. Anthony's graphics were not as pretty but extremely in depth and he does a fantastic job getting down to the nitty gritty. These were my first purchases of udemy and I'm interested in compiling a list for learning even more. So please share your favorite course (in regards to any webdev stuff)!

    submitted by /u/aflyingho
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    Publishing my website

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 02:26 PM PST

    I need to publish the website that I built in Dreamweaver somewhere, preferably free. It's a final for my web design class, and it really only needs to be up for a month or even less, just long enough for the professor to see that I published it. I checked Squarespace and Wix and I couldn't find an option anywhere to do that. Could someone here help me, if you know somewhere I can publish it for free?

    Edit: Thanks for everyone's help, issue is solved :D

    submitted by /u/OrbitalOdin
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    What is the best way to make a Dark Mode for your html website?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 02:09 PM PST

    Hi, as the tittle suggest, I want to know what is the best way to make a Dark mode for my website.

    It is only html with small javascript parts.

    One way I was thinking is to have a button that when pressed, it will load a version of the site which is designed in dark theme. And have a cookie/session which will check in which form was the site previously before it was closed last time.

    But this doesn't seem really efficient for me, Is there any other way or tool to do this?

    submitted by /u/BTEK9
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    Does problem solving using an algorithm change when using a framework?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:21 PM PST

    I have written an algorithm for a simple booking system. It is more of pseudocode than an algorithm but it solves the booking problem.

    I want to hand this over to a programmer friend of mine to have it developed. He said that he will be using Laravel to develop it.

    I know Laravel is a PHP framework but got no idea of its working or problem solving. I can visualize how my algorithm will turn out in plain PHP but I don't know the same with Laravel.

    Does Laravel need a completely new approach as compared to what I've done?

    submitted by /u/fbenmart
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    Twelve Days of Front End Testing

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 09:50 AM PST

    24 Days of Functional Programming

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:14 PM PST

    Observations about performance and reliability of 14 web service technologies

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:44 PM PST

    Sinkholed - A DNS Horror Story: How I Lost My Domain Name Under a ccTLD and Then Regained It

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 06:17 AM PST

    Have you tried Cloudflare image resizing service?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:20 PM PST

    Currently generating our responsive image `srcset`s with Lazy Sizes RIAS.

    There are a few companies that allow for resizing of images with a URL and automatically selecting the right image format for the user's browser, e.g. Cloudinary, Imagekit, imgix.

    Earlier this year Cloudflare added a similar service. However it's documentation is sparse and almost no one online talks about their experience using it. Since Cloudflare doesn't allow for trials or refunds, it'd cost a minimum of $200 to test it.

    Anyone have any experience with it? Or recommend one of the half dozen companies that do this?

    NB: not looking for anything from employees or representatives from companies. I'm looking for feedback from actual developers with actual live websites.

    submitted by /u/freshprinceofsf
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    The .Org Fire Sale: How it sold for less than half its valuation

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:26 PM PST

    How do i scale my websites to make them mobile friendly?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:36 PM PST


    for example it looks good on full screen, but when i scale the site to it's smallest position everything gets smushed and doesn't look good anymore. I want the picture to be at the top and the text right below it. I'd appreciate some help, thanks!

    submitted by /u/cudder17
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    Industry Standards and Best Practices heading into 2020 -- from a nervous JR

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:39 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I've been at it about a year now. Maybe more. Self taught through a variety of online resources, paid and unpaid.

    My portfolio is being redone and I've got ample projects to put inside. Mostly front end and JavaScript related. My goal in 2020 is to build an app and a web app (combined) for a fitness company (mine).

    By the start of next year, I'm going to apply for jobs in Canada. I think I know enough but imposter syndrome is very real. I am most experienced and comfortable with CSS, SASS, JavaScript, node, Express, mongo. and am in the process of learning React (I'd like to build my fitness app in React).

    ALL that being said, I feel I need to secure a job in order to fast-forward my learning. I feel like a tiny fish in a giant aquarium, looking out at all the other baller fish building all kinds of cool shit, and I have this inkling that I can't do it.

    Working with a team in a professional setting should hopefully alleviate some of those feelings.

    SO, in order to achieve my goal of getting a job offer - I come to you guys with some questions.

    What are MUSTS in the development world today? When interviewing, what are things I absolutely HAVE TO know? I'm a very particular person and try to have all my bases covered, but this career change is a big risk. I'm just confident it will work and am looking for any advice and best practices heading into this new decade.

    Sorry for the long post, but I'm a mixture of 1000% motivation and 98% self doubt, so I'm trying whatever I can. This is a crazy industry. But most jobs I see leaning towards React development so that's what I've got my sights on. I also have this itch to learn Python, though I'm not sure why. Hence the confusion and messy post.



    submitted by /u/HungryPiccolo
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    Is my code even close?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:16 PM PST

    Am I close to correctly executing the code?

    Here are my instructions:

    In this example, you are going to take the ternary operator example we saw earlier and convert the ternary operator into a switch statement to allow us to apply more choices to the simple website. Look at the <select> — this time you'll see that it has not two theme options, but five. You need to add a switch statement just underneath the // ADD SWITCH STATEMENTcomment:

    • It should accept the choicevariable as its input expression.
    • For each case, the choice should equal one of the possible values that can be selected, that is, white, black, purple, yellow, or psychedelic. Note that the values are case sensitive, and should equal the <option>element valuevalues rather than the visual labels.
    • For each case, the update()function should be run, and be passed two color values, the first one for the background color, and the second one for the text color. Remember that color values are strings, so need to be wrapped in quotes.

    The code:

    const select = document.querySelector('select'); const html = document.querySelector('.output'); select.onchange = function() { const choice = select.value; // ADD SWITCH STATEMENT } switch (choice) { case "white": function update("white", "black") break; case "black": function update("black", "white") break; case "purple": function update("purple", "white") break; case "yellow": function update("yellow". "black") break; case "psychedelic" function update("psychedelic", "white") break; } function update(bgColor, textColor) { html.style.backgroundColor = bgColor; html.style.color = textColor; } 
    submitted by /u/Schopenhaur1859
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    Which Udemy courses should I get to accelerate my learning for both front-end and back-end web development?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:24 AM PST


    I have been learning about web development with night classes since this year February and while I do know some of them mainly Module 1 (Java Fundamentals), Module 2 (CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery) Module 3 (CSS5, HTML3, Bootstrap, Angular) Module 4 (RDBMS, MySQL, CRUD in MySQL, Intro to MongoDB) Module 5 (Intro to JSP, JDBC, Struts CRUD) I find the night classes doesn't teach me in depth and hardly scratches the surface which I fear that doesn't help me in getting an internship.

    In the midst of Udemy "Cyber Week" low pricing right now, what Udemy courses I should get to learn both for front-end and back-end to get my very first internship offer next year? Ideally I would just like to get an internship as web developer, be it front-end or back-end or full-stack. I just want to get one to solidify and also accelerates my learning.

    These are the courses that I have already bought (but have yet to do):

    The Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele.

    The Complete JavaScript Course 2020: Build Real Projects! by Jonas Schmedtmann.

    The New Modern Javascript Bootcamp (2020) by Colt Steel and Stephen Grider.

    The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 by Rob Percival and Codestars by Rob Percival.

    Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers by Tim Buchalka, Tim Buchalka's Learn Programming Academy and Kevin McClung.

    JSP, Servlets and JDBC for Beginners: Build a Database App by Chad Darby.

    JSF 2.2 - Java Server Faces for Beginners - Build a DB App by Chad Dharby.

    I was thinking of getting these:

    Spring & Hibernate for Beginners (includes Spring Boot)

    The Complete Web Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery

    I have read the web developer road map earlier this year as well and from what I gathered, I am missing quite a few like React, Vue, etc.

    Please guide me on what courses to get because I am unsure what lessons will help me. Also, in regards to MOOC, I find the lack of voice and video doesn't help. I remembered trying to learn via FCC 3 years back and did a few of the projects, it's kinda long-winded and the lack of voice doesn't hold me down (which is my fault by the way). Have yet to re-visit FCC since quite a lot has changed too, they even included a lot of YouTube videos.

    P.S. - The night classes that I had only teaches how to do 1 web application which is to create a platform for job seekers and calling out databases and such, which to be perfectly honest, made me even confused as it was rushed. They even promised to get an interview for internship which I would not count on it either so on that front, I am going to be all alone learning and finding my own job interviews for internship this coming 2020.

    N.B. - I am from S.E.A. and won't expose which academy I am learning from.

    submitted by /u/Riou_Atreides
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    5 videos in a matrix of bitchute embeds return 403 errors when hosted on netlify but work fine from local html file

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 02:52 PM PST

    https://wiiztec.netlify.com/tmd videos 1, 10, 11, 12, & 14 return 403 forbidden errors when my html file is hosted on netlify but don't when I open the html file locally in my browser

    submitted by /u/wiiztec
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    Technical debt

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:24 PM PST

    What states are good for web devs?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:58 PM PST

    Hi, how is you? I'm new to this web dev thingy. But I really like the idea of front end web dev.

    Back end just doesn't really seem interesting, sure pay might be better, but eh.

    Anyways, I live in Arizona. And after living all my life here (21 years old) I need to get the hell out. Arizona isn't really that great for young person, lets be honest. I just need to get out.

    So what states are good for web dev stuff?

    submitted by /u/VampiricGoddess
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    Speed Up Your Website With WebP Images

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:42 PM PST

    How do you decide on auth?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 09:56 AM PST

    When you're building a new project, how do you decide what to use for signup, login, user management, etc.

    Do you like to build it yourself or use off the shelf, and what is your opinion on the difference?

    submitted by /u/AllModules
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    Questions from a native application developer about the overall modern structure of web apps

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:32 AM PST

    I come from the native application development side. As such, I am used to toolkits such as Qt5. To me, user interface development involves either writing something like a QML file and write hooks into it to interface with my application, or create C++ widget objects. This implies that I am used to having a set of widgets implemented by the toolkit.

    So, I was quite confused when I saw that in the web development landscape, user interface architectures are apparently very different. For example, React is described by Wikipedia as "a JavaScript library for building user interfaces", even though it does not have its own widgets.

    After digging through articles about it, I have come to this understanding:

    1. React keeps a application state and UI in sync.
    2. Redux manages application state.
    3. Widgets are implemented as custom web components, like the KendoReact TreeView. The web component implementation will take care of data binding to the application state via React.

    Is this roughly correct? Does anyone perhaps know an article like "web development for native application developers" or "web development from a native toolkit perspective"?

    submitted by /u/dv_
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    Future Accessibility Guidelines—for People Who Can’t Wait to Read Them

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:12 AM PST

    Why isn't justify-content: center; working in this case?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 04:59 AM PST

    Hi guys

    I'm making a tribute page as a project for freecodecamp. Now I'm trying to use as much flexbox in this as possible so I can get used to it. However I'm stuck, since I can't get my content to center.



    Probably doing something really stupid...

    submitted by /u/Lupus-Solus
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    I built a GraphQL testing GUI with automatic variable inference, schema/syntax validation, request chaining, assertion methods and more

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 08:42 AM PST

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