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    Saturday, November 2, 2019

    Turn any website into an API in seconds ⚡ [showoff Saturday] web developers

    Turn any website into an API in seconds ⚡ [showoff Saturday] web developers

    Turn any website into an API in seconds ⚡ [showoff Saturday]

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 03:36 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I've built a Chrome extension that turns any webpage into an API: Simple scraper.

    You select the data you want, create a recipe, and after a few seconds you have a URL endpoint that you can query for results. There's some demos on the homepage.

    (there's also JSON and CSV download options but I think the API part might be most interesting to people in this sub)

    Hope it adds value to your future projects.

    Note: posted this on a weekday but was advised to repost on Saturday so here we are. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/welanes
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    Made my own personal website after a long time of not doing static sites. What do you think?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 08:01 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I made this: https://fantinel.dev/

    I used Jekyll and barely no JavaScript to provide a really fast and friendly experience.

    It supports dark mode and is fully responsive. What do you guys think of the design and overall experience? I'm not a designer but think it turned out pretty well. I'm here to get some feedback though.

    submitted by /u/TheMadcapLlama
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    Me and a bunch of friends made a web-only version of Splitwise that requires no login

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 08:39 AM PDT

    script tag preventing page from rendering, even though it is placed at end of body. async not helping either

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    <footer> <hr class="my-4"> <p>Copyright &copy; AS:JHDASKFAH</p> <hr class="my-4"> </footer> <script src="script.js"></script> </body> 

    I've also tried:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js" defer></script> 

    As well as:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js" async></script> 

    I understand that the script tag should be before the closing body tag as to let the page load before it reads the JS file. I don't understand why this above code is preventing the page from loading until I complete the prompt code that I have in my script file. Even after async and defer it still won't render until the prompt is completed. Any help is greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/washedupdino
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    Question: Is it possible to create a LAN based interactive quiz?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    I'm a stand up comedian who hosts interactive quizzes. A lot of the venues i perform in don't have wi-fi which essentially means i can't do the routine i want to do a lot of the time. I currently use https://www.mentimeter.com/ however considering that an internet connection is required i would prefer to make my own.

    I basically want a server and router which people connect to, then from the landing page they can put a display name and them participate in a quiz controlled by me.

    Essentially I need to make an offline version of the site i mentioned before. Is this possible?


    submitted by /u/whosthatmemer
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    Having fun with variable fonts

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:26 AM PDT

    Having fun with variable fonts

    Just jumped ship and started my own freelance design + development studio and had some fun experimenting with variable fonts!


    Edit: here is the link to view it in action: https://studiojvckson.com/

    submitted by /u/btjackso
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    Reputable webdev freelancer platforms

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 06:52 AM PDT

    Which freelancer platform do you consider most legitimate, reputable and reliable from both the dev and hirer standpoint ( e.g. Upwork, Guru, Toptal, Freelancer, et al) and why?

    I'm going to be dishing out a lot of small/medium overflow work (front end and back end) in the coming months and am looking to do so with the least amount of friction. I want to avoid over-priced agencies and the beaurocratic hassle of 1099s. Also will be looking exclusively for U.S. devs to avoid extreme timezone differences and language barriers.

    If you have any experience with these platforms, which one(s) do you think are best for webdev work outsourcing? Any advice?

    submitted by /u/dfeld
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    How does Stripe make these awesome, interactive "screenshots"

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 07:52 AM PDT

    The Landing page for my app's website

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:38 AM PDT

    Finished creating a (free) full language learning service called LangCorrect

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    You can write journals in your studying languages and receive corrections from natives for free.


    Please critique me and let me know if I should improve or change anything!

    submitted by /u/MrPiethon
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    As a full stack developper I created "url render" to gain time, now its time to share!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 12:40 PM PDT

    Don't if it's the right place to ask, but something weird happened with my php foreach() loop

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:56 AM PDT

    I'm trying to build an array of 10 value, but my foreach() add a 11th information

    My code:

    $allScore = array(); foreach($_POST as $key => $value){ echo "{$key} {$value}<br>"; $allScore[$key] = $value; print_r($allScore); } print_r(sizeof($allScore)); 

    My result:

    q1 10
    Array ( [q1] => 10 ) q2 10
    Array ( [q1] => 10 [q2] => 10 ) q3 25
    Array ( [q1] => 10 [q2] => 10 [q3] => 25 ) q4 5
    Array ( [q1] => 10 [q2] => 10 [q3] => 25 [q4] => 5 ) q5 10
    Array ( [q1] => 10 [q2] => 10 [q3] => 25 [q4] => 5 [q5] => 10 ) q6 10
    Array ( [q1] => 10 [q2] => 10 [q3] => 25 [q4] => 5 [q5] => 10 [q6] => 10 ) q7 10
    Array ( [q1] => 10 [q2] => 10 [q3] => 25 [q4] => 5 [q5] => 10 [q6] => 10 [q7] => 10 ) q8 10
    Array ( [q1] => 10 [q2] => 10 [q3] => 25 [q4] => 5 [q5] => 10 [q6] => 10 [q7] => 10 [q8] => 10 ) q9 5
    Array ( [q1] => 10 [q2] => 10 [q3] => 25 [q4] => 5 [q5] => 10 [q6] => 10 [q7] => 10 [q8] => 10 [q9] => 5 ) q10 5
    Array ( [q1] => 10 [q2] => 10 [q3] => 25 [q4] => 5 [q5] => 10 [q6] => 10 [q7] => 10 [q8] => 10 [q9] => 5 [q10] => 5 ) envoyer Envoyer
    Array ( [q1] => 10 [q2] => 10 [q3] => 25 [q4] => 5 [q5] => 10 [q6] => 10 [q7] => 10 [q8] => 10 [q9] => 5 [q10] => 5 [envoyer] => Envoyer ) 11

    How do I stop my foreach() from adding this [envoyer] => Envoyer to my array ?

    submitted by /u/Forummer0-3-8
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    I need advice with creating an online store

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 03:52 PM PDT

    Hello everybody, please forgive any noobiness on my part, I've been learning HTML, CSS, and JS for a month or two.

    A friend of mine who is a musician asked me to make him a portfolio website as a favor, and I accepted. However, he said he'd like to have a store page where he can sell old equipment that he has lying around.

    Is there a way I can implement something like this without an over-abundance of technical knowledge? There is no set deadline, so if it would help to learn a few things beforehand I can, but I would like some guidance as to how I might go about this.

    Thanks everyone in advance!

    submitted by /u/pingin107
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    Magic Date Ball - A web app I made with Vue.js, Laravel, and the Yelp API

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:57 PM PDT

    Hi fellow devs, and Happy Saturday!

    I have been working on a web app that I call "Magic Date Ball", and I am looking for some feedback. The idea stems from the common problem that couples run into when they want to find somewhere to eat out for dinner, and I thought this would be a simple, but fun problem to solve. This app uses the Yelp API to search your local area (with some additional/optional parameters) for places to eat, and randomly selects one for you. It's basically a date night roulette!

    Technologies used are:

    Laravel, Guzzle, Vue.js, Vuetify, and Animate.css for animations

    Check it out at the link below:


    Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/cdt87
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    How do you get motivated to learn, given how transitory the usefulness of knowledge is in this field?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 03:48 PM PDT

    2-3 years ago I learned Jquery because I heard that was an important library to learn in javascript... Only when I finally joined a community dedicated to web development and actually looked at job ads, the majority require knowledge of React/Angular.

    Now all of my JQuery knowledge is near useless. Then I spend time learning React and wrapping my brain around how React class components work, only for it to be completely replaced by React hooks.

    Now I'm trying to learn AWS, but while cloud computing is interesting, I'm not entirely enthusiastic about learning now, because in the future, for all I know AWS will be replaced by Azure, or maybe another cloud service. Or maybe AWS will evolve to the point where DevOps will be completely automated, making everything I've learned all for naught.

    I just feel like I'm in a field where the effort you put into gaining more knowledge is just... Like running on a treadmill. You put in the effort to keep your value from decreasing, rather than increasing your value over time. It's like if you were to transport a senior developer from 20-30 years ago to present day, he/she would be completely lost, and would probably be worst off than a recent Bootcamp grad.

    submitted by /u/Okmanl
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    Not learning anything new anymore

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 06:58 AM PDT

    Hi guys, just thought id ask for your insight to this.

    I am 18 years old, based in the U.K. I recently secured an apprenticeship as a software / web developer, the company uses a few cool technologies that id like to pre learn before i start e.g. React, Java, Spring.

    Basically, i have been going through courses the last 2 months to try and impress when i get there. I have nearly got through Codeacademy's JS Course, which has taken me a while, but i feel like i am not learning many skills that i can put into practice. I know concepts now like Loops, objects, ES6 Syntax, Classes, JS OOP principles, but i just really dont know how to to use them. My CSS knowledge is terrible and i always struggle to design / layout pages, and i really just have a lack of knowledge about full stack development and how to apply skills to make something cool. Any guidance on this matter is appreicated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/BradMkek
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    Beginner dev asking for help again?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 03:22 PM PDT

    Hey, I'm feeling a bit lost & asking for help again.

    The client asked me to backup his website, off of the server. I'm not quite sure which parts to back up... there's at least 30,000 files. I know in Node you can safely ignore the Node_Modules folder, but I'm not sure what he's using.

    He also asked me to add some features. I thought it would be simple but I can't find where some of the data is coming from. It's a Django app, & this variable seems to pop up from nowhere.

    With so many files, I'm not even sure how to begin. I'm hoping once I download this um, 25gb, that I can create a local database & figure out how to create a new model.

    submitted by /u/agent_wolfe
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    My Personal Website

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    Hi, I've been working on my personal website this last month and I think it's well designed and I would love to know your thoughts. I am still working on the projects section but i think it looks nice.

    I hope you like it!

    submitted by /u/EtherealUnagi
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    How to build site that has customer profiles/data

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    I'm a beginner/intermediate JS learned with very little professional experience, though I was an offered a barter opportunity. I'm tasked with building a site to manage a business's online client platform, which would require a database to store user information, programs, etc.. What's the best way to approach this data storage? Build something from scratch with node or is it better to user something like Firebase? I'm not even sure Firebase is the best option for a situation like this.

    submitted by /u/thesilverleo
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    Algorithms for signing and encrypting JWT

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 02:09 AM PDT

    I am trying to learn JWT tokens in depth and found out about a lot of algorithms that exist in JWT. However, I am not a security expert; so, I would like someone to help me understand differences between different signing and encryption algorithms:

    What are the differences between RSAES and ECDH-ES? Why should I choose one over another?

    Is EdDSA algorithm sufficient enough? It is claimed that EdDSA has the best performance. What about its complexity in terms of security?

    Can I mix and match different types of algorithms for encryption and signing? For example, can I use RSAES for encryption and EdDSA for signing? Are signing and encryption different processes? Or if I am encrypting with RSA, do I need to also sign it with RSA based algorithm?

    Is there a point in allowing different types of algorithms to be used by JWT? If yes, what is the point? Why not just use the most complex algorithm available? Is it because performance needs to be accounted for? I am reading through some resources online and it is mentioned that HMAC is very performant and can be sufficient if you are authenticating internal services (e.g different parts of the API). However, if the shared key cannot be kept in secret (e.g Browser or mobile app), it is better to use public/private key pairs (RSA or ECDH). Is this why some services provide different types of algorithms to encrypt and sign tokens?

    I am mainly building my OIDC server using node-oidc-provider and this provider has an entry for EncryptionEnc values? Supported values are the following:

    'A128CBC-HS256', 'A128GCM', 'A192CBC-HS384', 'A192GCM', 'A256CBC-HS512', 'A256GCM' 

    What is the point of these values? I understand the meanings of these values but don't understand how these values apply to OIDC? In short, what are the differences between encryption algorithm and encryption encs?

    submitted by /u/GasimGasimzada
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    What's the easiest way to incorporate blog into website?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    I have a simple website for work and am ready to incorporate a blog into it now. If people can comment on my posts, that would be great, too, but it's more likely that I will end up with something like Paul Graham's Essays, except mine will include pictures and math symbols.

    I hired someone to write the code from scratch and I have access to it over GitHub, but I really don't know much HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.

    What is the easiest way for me to incorporate a blog into that website? Here's what I've considered so far.

    • Links to publicly viewable Google Docs. This seems by far the easiest, but least professional. Guides people away from my website.
    • Link to a Medium. Probably user-friendly. Guides people away from my website. Might cost a little money.
    • Link to articles on some other blogging platform.
    • Learn a bunch more HTML and CSS and write the raw code myself. This seems like a lot of work for customization that, other than the math symbols, I don't think I will need much.
    • Other?
    submitted by /u/BravoMath
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    Do you create a new repo for a more serious project after finishing a prototype or just refactor/restructure the existing one?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 08:09 AM PDT

    I wonder how people do it after finishing a prototype. Do you create a completely new repo and copy the code or just refactor/restructure the prototype?

    submitted by /u/numice
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    CSS Login Form Animation With Wave Placeholder Text Effect - CSS3 & HTML5 Tutorial for Beginners

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:58 AM PDT

    Made a halloween themed crazy golf course with Socket IO!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:29 PM PDT

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