• Breaking News

    Thursday, August 29, 2019

    More than 140 modular tiles and towers for Tower Defense-like game (3D models and 2D sprites, public domain)

    More than 140 modular tiles and towers for Tower Defense-like game (3D models and 2D sprites, public domain)

    More than 140 modular tiles and towers for Tower Defense-like game (3D models and 2D sprites, public domain)

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    Hey all! More free game assets, this time a package for Tower Defense-like games which includes numerous tiles, towers and even some enemy UFO's (why not). The package includes 3D models in 5 file formats plus 2D isometric/side renders - should be compatible with all game engines on the market.

    License: CC0 (public domain), completely free to use in personal, educational and commercial projects (no permission/credit required). Download includes license file.

    If you can, consider getting one of my bundles or supporting on Patreon, those are greatly appreciated and ensure that there will be plenty of more assets in the future (6 years and counting!)

    submitted by /u/KenNL
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    Joe Rogan Experience #1342 - John Carmack

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 08:20 PM PDT

    Free Material Pack - 10

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 08:13 AM PDT

    EnTT v3.1 is out: gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable Entity-Component-System (ECS) and much more

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    I made Bitmelo, an editor for making small pixel art games that runs in your browser.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 07:06 AM PDT

    Hey y'all I just launched Bitmelo, game editor and engine for making small pixel art games. You can code, draw tiles and tilemaps, design sound effects, view the documentation, and playtest your game, all without having to break focus by switching applications.


    Bitmelo was born from my desire to have the most friction free game development experience possible. It's heavily inspired by fantasy consoles such as Pico 8 and Tic 80, however while I love the simple nature of their API's I wanted to have a development experience that wasn't constrained by the same limitations as the games you make in them.

    submitted by /u/impatient_bacon
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    How I Improved My Programmers Art!

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 02:49 PM PDT

    Anyone need music for your games?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 02:12 AM PDT

    Hey, I have been making music for little over a year and I would love to make some music for someones game.

    I will do it for free since I am only looking to do it for experience. I usually make jazz/japanese style music but I am down to try new stuff. I am not that good but I wouldn't say I am bad either.

    If anyone is interested just let me know!

    submitted by /u/kalleponken2010
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    Our take on grid-based tactics AI: Overview

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 11:03 PM PDT

    In the next couple of weeks, I'll be going over our games AI- the general concepts that make it tick as well as how we adapted those concepts to fit our needs. In this first part, I provide a general overview of all the systems in place. I'll go over each of those systems in depth. Since no two games are the same, this won't be a step by step guide on how to achieve the same results as us. It's more of a showcase of general ideas and approaches when designing game AI. The ideas I discuss can be applied to most games, but I'll be focusing on how we used them in our turn-based tactics game Herald of The Order(Link in comments). As a quick disclaimer I am neither an AI expert, nor am I an expert programmer, so nothing I say here will have much academic backing. I'm just sharing the solutions our team found useful in the hope of at least giving you a good starting point for projects of your own.

    Utility AI

    The main concept behind our games AI is something called utility theory. In layman's terms, it's the idea that every action a unit can take in the game can be graded with a normalized factor between 0 and 1 and different multipliers can be added to these factors to incentives certain behaviours. If you want a more professional explanation, I highly recommend checking out the works of Dave Mark(Link in comments). He is the author of "Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI". And has several great talks on the subject of utility theory in game AI in the GDC Vault(Link in comments). In our game, a unit can move, use an ability or end its turn. Each of these actions has several considerations, that factor into them. The most important of them is the danger map.


    Influence Maps

    The main idea of the influence map is that every unit has a zone of influence around them. This influence can be given a numeric value which is positive for members of its team and negative for members of the opposite team. These values overlap giving each position on the map a favorability factor. Using this map your AI can know which positions it's safer to be in and use that knowledge in all of its decisions. You can find a far more in-depth look on the subject around the web, but here's one article I found particularly useful: (Link in comments)



    Behaviours are what we used to tell our AI how to use the information it has. They took all the factors for a given decision and added multipliers to them depending on how we wanted the unit to act in a given situation. We have simple ones which simply use a list of preset values and more advanced ones which calculate factors of their own for when we want to add another layer of logic to the actions of a unit, such as patrolling around a certain position or moving towards the player. We also wanted the AI to be able to adjust its behaviour according to the player's actions and so we needed a blast from game programming past.


    Behaviour Trees

    Although they're considered outdated, and they are outdated when it comes to low-level decision making. Behaviour trees are still a useful tool for controlling the AI's overall strategy. In our case, the AI goes down a tree of conditions at the start of each turn. Some examples of these conditions are: "Am I being attacked?" or "Is there an enemy in range?". Depending on if a condition is met or not the tree branches off. A branch can either be another condition, in which case it keeps going further down the tree, or a behaviour, in which case it knows how it has to act during this turn.


    The bumbling to come

    That does it for the mile-high view. In the next couple of weeks, I'll take a more in-depth look at all the different parts discussed above. As I mentioned, in the beginning, we're reaching an important milestone in our games development. The first chapter of our game(6 story missions) is almost done. We'll be releasing it for free by the end of September. We hope that this will help us generate a large enough following to justify the work needed to finish the rest of our game. If not we'll just have to leave it as a passion project sacrificed at the altar of real life.


    submitted by /u/ArcheanGames
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    Well I'm teaching video game and I need help

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    I'm still preparing my courses for this year and I'm stuck on something:

    My students will have to realize a Rogue-like game during this year and I have to give them a clean definition of what's a rogue like (and basically, what they'll have to do). The thing is, I can't find one about "modern" rogue like games.

    I've read the one from Berlin (a very precise one, but also a very old one), and I know some "modern" rogue-like doesn't fit to this definition. I'm looking on the internet since a few months, here and there and on Steam, and it's seems really complicated to have a clean one.

    For example, if you tell me about procedural generation, Minit is considered by some people as a rogue-like, and I can understand why. Same for some other games, and that's why I'm trying to find by myself what define a rogue like today.

    Now, I think it's something about playing, dying and trying again with something more (stuff, equipments, xp points but also simple knowledge, etc), and this "feature" is generally added on an already existing genre. For example, Binding of Isaac is a Zelda-Dungeon style game + procedural generation of the environment and the loot you can find. Rogue Legacy is a Metroidvania game + procedural generation of your stats and the map. About Minit, we can say it's a Zelda-like + a "die & retry" feature, which force you to do multiple runs to understand what you have to do to progress, which can be considered as a rogue like feature.

    So if you guys have any idea about how to "synthetise" all of this into one simple definition, it would help me a lot!


    submitted by /u/ThomasLean
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    Should I get back in the game?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    I was a game developer (except I wasn't I good one).

    For some context, I was constantly finding myself struggling to work and finish games, primarily due to just how my brain works. For some more explanation, here: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/cvcum4/what_are_your_weaknesses/ey3dxtw?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    A while back, I quit game development entirely, in fear of history just infinitely repeating itself. But the thing is........ As much of a mental struggle it is...... I want get back into making.

    Game development has been on of my biggest dreams and aspirations, but at the same time, I feel like the dream is dying from past failures.

    Should I get back in the game? Should I grab my dusty potato laptop and get to work, or was I just not made to do this task?

    submitted by /u/Tonyof10s
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    My Friends and I want to make a game. How do we handle the money/business side of it?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 07:39 AM PDT

    We have a simple project idea that we dont really expect to make much money but i've seen too many things messed up by people handling money/business wrong with friends.

    We plan to put the game on steam eventually. Ive never made a company or anything so I dont know how we should handle this.

    Thanks for any advice.

    submitted by /u/ataraxic89
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    Searching for a game that I forgot the name of. Help!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 11:19 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    About a year ago I was following the development of a game that is something of a town-builder/simulation game where you start out with a few villagers in the stone age and evolve (kind of like stonehearth). It's being developed by one guy, and has been going on for about 3-4 years I believe. He's released updates every few months/years on his progress, and was hoping to be able to release a playable version around this time. I just remembered it, but I can't remember the name of the game or find his youtube channel. I figured I'd post here and see if anyone knows what I'm talking about? I vaguely remember the game being called "humanity" but I may be very wrong. Any suggestions for help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/theOrangeYak
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    The open source tech stack of Rogue Legacy iOS

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 11:19 AM PDT

    Technical Interview Advice

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 11:08 AM PDT

    I've got a second interview for a Technical Designer position. At this point I've already had a Skype interview where they asked about my previous work, my time at university, what sort of tech-stuff I like making and why. I've also completed a tech-test where they gave me several mechanics to implement using and a time-limit to do so, which I submitted along with a document explaining how and why I did what I did in the tech test.

    I've never gotten this far for a Technical Design role, and I've no idea what to expect.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Fred_Undead_
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    I feel myself not yet ready to become a mid level developer

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 10:57 AM PDT

    I've been working as a junior developer for 6 months now. When I came in I started my position with a very small salary but was promised that I will get a raise after passing my probation. So a week ago I passed my probation and also finished a project that I was working on alone without any help from any senior or anyone as I'm the only person that knows how to code in Java in the company.

    I asked my boss for a probation review and my salary. During the meeting my boss said that my perphormance is really good and stuff and that I will get a raise but not that much what we had agreed on (300$ less). So I of course desagreed and said that I was promised that I will get xxx amount so I want the amount that I was promised. He accepted the amount they promised to give me but he said that my responsibilities will change and that I won't be a junior anymore.

    Now the thing that worries me is that I've been working as a junior developer for only 6 months and I think I'm still a junior and that I'm not yet skilled or ready to become a mid level developer and now that they paid me the amount they promised me, they will be waiting a lot from me and my perphormance and because of that I don't want to disappoint my boss. What do you suggest me to do? Talk about my worries with my boss or take the money and accept the responsibilities? What if I don't succeed with my new responsibilities?

    submitted by /u/Boozer1188
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    Want to create demake of certain CCG game by retaining only balance (cards balance without flavor text and names), rules and mechanics while stripping everything that is patented/trademarked/infringe on copyright. How can I find out what is fair use and what not?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 04:00 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    as avid Hearthstone player I want to make singleplayer version (free of charge ofc) of HS in very strict environment of TIC-80 Fantasy Console, so it will be demake of the game.

    Let's get basics out of the way. I understand that I can't use any copyrighted names/trademarks so for example:

    • I can't use name Hearthstone
    • I can't use card names (as those can be trademarked and could belong to Warcraft/WoW world)
    • I can't use any flavor text (as it is part of art package and can also link to other properties)
    • I can't use any art/music

    From what I see in the industry over the years, looks like mechanics and balance itself (that there is card with 3 attack, 5 hp and this specific special effect) can be cloned. Also demakes itself seems to be more acceptable, but imho it looks like it depends on company holding rights and what it decides.

    With that in mind what I want to copy:

    1. Having 9 classes (and neutral cards) which are now called 0-9, each of this class have hero power that have specific behavior in game (example: class 1 can heal unit for 2 hp each turn for 2 mana cost).
    2. Cards are divided over expansions (sets) that now are called simply A-Z, and those cards belong to one of 10 classes.
    3. Card name would be combination of class, expansion and id of card, so for example A432 would translate to 32th card of expansion A from class 4.
    4. Each card will have same stats as corresponding HS card and have same tags/type/special effects. Example: A432 is 4 hp, 2 attack minion that have battlecry (do something when card is played) effect that heals selected minion for 2 hp.
    5. Same game flow and rules: Your deck can have 30 cards. Start with 1 mana, get 1 more each turn, max at 10 mana, can have 10 cards in hand at once, getting more 'burns' the card(remove the card from play), get 1 more each turn, when your deck gets empty you get 'fatigue' dmg (instead of drawing card at start of the turn, you get dmg), you win by killing opponent hero by reducing HP to 0 from 30 (starting value). You can reduce HP by spells doing damage or minions (that can be 7 at once on each side) attacking enemy hero.

    And this 4th and 5th point is what I am not sure of what I can and can't use. And my question to you, how can I find it what is a fair use regarding 4th/5th point?

    While it may be common knowledge that I can use freely terms such as Attack or HP, my questions are for more specific things. Like is 'fatique' mechanic itself a problem? Or is a name of it subject to change? Is it enough that I change 'fatique' to 'exhaust' or 'battlecry' to 'shout' or does mechanic itself is patented (how can I find this out?) generally or in this specific context (CCG game with HS game flow/rules).

    TL;DR: Want to create demake of CCG game (Hearthstone) in NES-like fantasy console to be played for free in single-player only. I understand that I can't use any copyrighted names/trademarks, art, patents. I want to use mechanics, rules and balance of that game but not sure what can be copied and what is patented/infringing copyright. How can I check that?

    submitted by /u/dagondev
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    I am planning to create a Tabletop simulator like Roll 20 & Fantasy Grounds, license issue.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    I am planning to create a Tabletop simulator like Roll 20 & Fantasy Grounds, my question would be with regards the licenses.

    Can I just create an app and provide bought assets and let the players use D&D rules and monster stats? Will I be sued for this? I will have my own arts, sounds...etc and not include any media of D&D in my game, does this conform to the OGL?


    submitted by /u/night-robin
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    Discussion about Game Title

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 08:29 AM PDT

    Out of curiosity, what thoughts run through your head when you hear a game title called "Morris's Dream Land"? I wanted to hear what the audience's may think when they hear the name

    submitted by /u/Lord-of-Pennies
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    is it possible to reuse a killing animation for multiple similar enemies?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 07:33 AM PDT

    so i'm tryna make a game about a vampire, and naturally he sucks blood out of humans. can i like make the vampire suck on air, then layer death animations behind the vampire to kind of reuse the killing animation? if that makes sense at all lol

    submitted by /u/DepHea
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    Is art truly subjective?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 07:15 AM PDT

    I have had people tell me my game looks fantastic and some say it's a steaming pile.

    As a solo game dev, what should I do with these feedback? How do I know who to cater to?

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/GobiKnight
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    Any good resources to improve 3D skills?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 07:03 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I'm a junior 3D environment artist looking for some 3D online courses/nano degrees/whatever to improve my skills on 3D for videogames (especially environments). Do you know any?

    I'm currently taking some Maya online courses but they always teach the basics over and over.

    Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/NaruKennedy
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    Student game, a unique mechanic

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 07:03 AM PDT

    Hi, I am a game design student heading into my final year of university. I am making a third-person adventure game in ue4 using scripting. The game will center around a more exploration and map oriented experience than heavy combat experience. I was thinking about having an NPC such as a four-legged animal follow the player about or even just a smaller character follow the player about, so they can reach impassable areas, solve puzzles ETC...

    I really want my project to shine through the aesthetic features such as meshing, lighting, level design aspects ETC. I am not the best with the tech side of ue4 and work better on the level design aspects, so do you think that this idea will work well. Is this a feature that will cause more hassle than worth for me in the end? has anyone ever implemented a mechanic like this before and if so what were the big climbs when developing it? Thanks!!

    submitted by /u/R1ddl3r1997
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    Starting a game with everything already unlocked, only to remove everything after the prologue

    Posted: 29 Aug 2019 02:14 AM PDT

    In so many games the story starts with the player characters abilities already unlocked. Only to have the prologue end with everything being ripped away from you.

    This is a terrible way to introduce the game in my opinion. Doing a playthrough of Prototype (2009, Radical Entertainment) and this wont stop bugging me.

    How come so many AAA-games incorporate this?

    submitted by /u/AnalParalysis
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