• Breaking News

    Wednesday, August 28, 2019

    Microsoft: Your Pa$$word doesn't matter Computer Science

    Microsoft: Your Pa$$word doesn't matter Computer Science

    Microsoft: Your Pa$$word doesn't matter

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 12:41 AM PDT

    How to get into reversible computing as an undergraduate?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 06:29 PM PDT

    My background is pursuing BSc CS, Math minor, computational biology minor (note: lack of physics, EE, CompE expertise). How do I get involved in reversible computing? Are there any opportunities that I should know about?

    I searched "reversible computing" under NSF REUs and there was nothing. Also no professors do research in this field at my university except for one, who is on sabbatical at Brown University.

    submitted by /u/psdanielxu
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    Common Systems Programming Optimizations & Tricks

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 05:29 AM PDT

    Assembling an Ideal Team to Build AI Chatbots

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 04:54 AM PDT

    Request: Tips on creating a MSc dissertation presentations for a Software Development project

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 04:14 AM PDT

    How do i structure my presentation for a software development project. Do I need to talk about why I decided to use certain IDE and frameworks and libraries. I am using an already developed algorithm and using that to develop a GUI in Javafx

    Any tips on the overall formatting of the presentation.

    submitted by /u/keyboard1ish
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    Project ideas

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 04:30 PM PDT

    Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone had any good ideas for topics for a final year compsci project ? Trying to think outside the box but the ideas just aren't coming

    submitted by /u/dontuseyourreal_name
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    Python 3.7 IDE

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    Hello, I am in search of a good python IDE for school as the one I am currently using, Spyder, does not look too good in my opinion. Any suggestions for this would be helpful.

    Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm using Windows 10. I will be sure to check out any already mentioned.

    submitted by /u/JoDavAG
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    A curated list of gradient boosting research papers with implementations from the last 25 years

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 07:37 AM PDT



    A curated list of gradient boosting research papers with implementations from the following conferences.

    Machine learning:

    1. NeurIPS
    2. ICML
    3. ICLR

    Computer vision:

    1. CVPR
    2. ICCV
    3. ECCV

    Natural language processing:

    1. ACL
    2. NAACL
    3. EMNLP

    Data Mining:

    1. KDD
    2. ICDM
    3. CIKM
    4. WWW

    Artificial intelligence:

    1. AAAI
    2. IJCAI
    3. UAI
    4. AISTATS
    submitted by /u/benitorosenberg
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    Top 10 Data Science Use Cases in Energy and Utilities

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 06:32 AM PDT

    People who did good in CS in college, help a brother out!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    Hello guys, it is gonna be a long one so please bear with me

    I attend a 3-year university and I am doing my bachelors in Computer Science. I had no programming experience before I joined the university and also I was diagnosed with ADHD in my first year of uni - it took me the end of the first year to get help and am currently in the process of finding my medication and the dose that works for me. I struggled a lot during my first year because of my ADHD as I couldn't concentrate in class and couldn't sit still while learning programming language. I was able to get average marks in my 1st semester but things started going downhill in my 2nd semester, I was really struggling things started taking better of me and I was depressed. I am taking medications for my ADHD now and am ready for my second year but the thing is that second year is like the toughest year and to add more load I still need to give two exams of my 1st year in 3rd and 4th semester.
    In my summer break I took care of myself (I was suicidal, my parents have invested a lot for me to attend this university and not being able to perform well was making me suicidal) I am better now I am on talk with a psychologist for my ADHD and will be joining university soon, I need to work on these things during my 2nd year:
    1) Be a better programmer (code, code and read book by Stroustrup to be a better programmer)
    2) Do well academically ( I need to ace this year academically, I will have 3CS modules)

    3) Find an internship for next summer
    I have identified my problem the main one being ADHD but I will be grateful if you could provide me some tips to do well academically and in terms of programming. It would really help me

    Thank you for reading, sorry if it is all over the place

    submitted by /u/davie505
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