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    Friday, August 23, 2019

    Free Material Pack - 08 is available!

    Free Material Pack - 08 is available!

    Free Material Pack - 08 is available!

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 05:21 AM PDT

    Creating an Action RPG in Unreal Engine 4!

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 05:55 AM PDT

    Things I learned creating a voxel engine + tech demo

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 07:31 AM PDT

    The topic of creating your own engine vs using other engines has always been pretty controversial. Now the reason many choose to make an engine is to learn from the experience, and I learned a lot. I'm really glad I did it, and my entire perspective on game engines has changed. The thing that got me most is the amount of work it takes for the final stages to release something that is somewhat stable and usable. For example I managed to break the renderer like this close to release: https://twitter.com/Spectrallic/status/1156324613909098496. It really helps to have someone other than yourself use the program to see where it breaks.

    Some of the main takeaways:

    • Code generation is a really powerful tool to create repetitive boiler plate code without bugs. This is what kept me sane connecting the C++ backend to a C# frontend. I used C# text templates for generation, you can find an example in the ECS article below.
    • C# has a very powerful reflection system that, even though very slow, can save you a lot of time creating editor tools.
    • Thinking ahead about architecture can save you time in the future, but can cost you time by overengineering simple things.
    • Debugging GPU code is quite tricky. It's easier to write a thoroughly tested CPU variant and then only having to port that to GPU code. I spent way too much time printing out debug statements and commenting code in kernels to find where the issue was..
    • Timemanagement is important. Prioritize, and stick to something.

    I have been fascinated by the power of ray-tracing and still am to this day. Just like other experimental voxel tech out there I think this realm opens op so much possibilities for the future, both for simulation and rendering. For example doing volumetric rendering will be a lot easier using voxel models that can describe the volume and not only the boundaries like triangle models. In the long term I'm going to make a game using my newly made engine to make it more usable and to see where I can push this tech. If you want try the tech demo yourself, you can download the demo here or look at some of the features in the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYglY_zQ-9c. Note that I currently only support Nvidia cards since I used CUDA for development on the GPU. I want to support all types of cards and even CPUs in the future by porting it to OpenCL.

    In the near future I plan to release the code for the editor (C#) so you're actually able to change parts of the engine and script in some game logic. You can see a quick overview on how I designed the engine here. In the past I wrote an article about designing ECS (Entity Component Systems), and while I don't really agree with the complexity of the design anymore it can still be a useful resource if you're starting out. The engine is an ongoing project that I regularly post updates about on Discord. I'd like to invite all of you who are interested in voxel rendering, game-engine design or GPU programming to join in.

    Feel free to ask me more questions!

    submitted by /u/Spectrallic
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    Making an OpenGL first-person demo for DOS (256 colors, dithering, OSMesa)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 07:37 AM PDT

    Game mechanic explorer

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 08:53 AM PDT

    I have found this site some time ago, and in my opinion it can be really useful for game developers (especially for 2D games, for obvious reasons), regardless of language/engine. Examples are using js/Phaser, but code is quite clear so it can be easily "translated" to any language.


    submitted by /u/aethronic_dz
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    Made some pipes for mah game! yey or nay?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 12:33 PM PDT

    How to make my dash more horizontal (Unity) (Info in comments)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 07:16 AM PDT

    Composition for video games

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 11:07 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I am a french music composer of 25 Years,

    I dream of working in the business of music to image for video game or movies, I want to share with you my work if some of you are interested in my music for their game and for working with me.

    Here my link : A video game set : https://soundcloud.com/angora26/sets/musique-pour-jeux-videos

    And a piece for piano set : https://soundcloud.com/angora26/sets/pieces-pour-piano

    All your returns are welcome, don't hesitate to contact me if you desire,

    Thanks for your attention,

    submitted by /u/Angora26
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    Resources or tutorials for making card-based games?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 10:16 AM PDT

    I really enjoy Dream Quest, Slay the Spire, Dominion, Eminent Domain and many other card-based games. I would like to make something similar, but don't have much experience with this genre.

    Are there any toolkits, open-source projects, or tutorials that would help someone with some coding experience but little graphics experience put together a deck-building, rogue-like, card-based strategy game?

    submitted by /u/MrWonderful
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    Where can I learn more about this kind of game math?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 05:42 AM PDT

    I'm interested in developing a firm but basic understanding of 3d geometry math related to positions and directions, and the kind of code I'm looking is stuff like:

    Vector3D VectorProjection(Vector3D a, Vector3D b) { if (Vector3D.IsZero(b)) return Vector3D.Zero; return a.Dot(b) / b.LengthSquared() * b; } double VectorAngleBetween(Vector3D a, Vector3D b) { if (Vector3D.IsZero(a) || Vector3D.IsZero(b)) return 0; else return Math.Acos(MathHelper.Clamp(a.Dot(b) / Math.Sqrt(a.LengthSquared() * b.LengthSquared()), -1, 1)); } 

    As you can see they decided that using something called a Dot product was better than using something called a Cross product, but no explanation as to why. They use Acos() and use LengthSquared() instead of Length() with no explanation as to why.

    Basically, I'd like to learn what they learned in order to be able to write this code so I can properly document it and modify it to suit my needs. What kind of tutorials did they google to understand this stuff? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/PeggyHillOnDrugs2
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    Shader Basics Godot 3.1 Tutorial

    Posted: 22 Aug 2019 10:04 PM PDT

    Any suggestions for an artist interested in game development and concept art.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 09:28 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I posted this on the indie game subreddit and I don't see any harm in posting it here too. I'm an artist that's been pursuing a career in illustration but I've been considering starting a separate portfolio geared towards concept art and I was wondering what indie game devs are looking for in a concept artist. How big of the process is visual development for some of you guys? Do smaller teams even look for someone specifically for art or are they looking for someone that can do art along with being able to help with other parts of the process?If so what do you guys consider desirable in an artist? Any advice or suggestions would be amazing!

    submitted by /u/GabrielcM94
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    Kickstarter is one week old, lessons learned.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 09:29 AM PDT

    I've posted here before, but I thought an update might be interesting for people who are thinking of starting their own Kickstarter at some point in the future, which I imagine is quite a few here.

    My Kickstarter is now over a week old, and I have only 16 backers, but it's actually not that bad.

    I've got Google metrics recording the page from the start, which I actually recommend absolutely everyone does, it allows you to discern truth from fiction in an effective way. Kickstarter not only allows for it, but recommends it, and has Google Metrics built into its launch wizard (you still need to start an account with Google to set it up)
    All in all I have had about 300+ visitors to my Kickstarter page, and out of those 300 about 10 sales. (The remainder are friends and family). That's 3% purchase rate, which is actually pretty damn good. The number 1 issue, like all promotion on the Internet, is about being noticed.

    Also, it's important to mention, I haven't really been promoting. I've been dedicating this week to testing, and research. Getting feedback, sometimes super harsh feedback, taking it all on the chin, and trying to discern, once again, fact from fiction. It's super easy to critique, and when you see a project doing poorly, everything they do seems stupid, when you see a project doing well, everything they do seems brilliant. That's human nature. We are attracted to success.

    So I've remade the Video, twice now, the last one, the one that's up now was launched today, and its the most "funny" one. I'll explain why I did that in a second.

    This is mostly a learning experience for me. If the Kickstarter is successful, obviously it puts my life on the trajectory I want it to be on, I'm not gonna lie. But even if it fails, I will have learned as much as I can from it anyway. I succeed or I learn, as the I believe the saying goes. And this is fascinating stuff. At least to me.

    So what DID I do to get the few backers I have.

    I tested some adds on Twitter and Reddit. And I spent a lot of time streaming on Twitch, where I decided to Review OTHER Kickstarters, as a kind of live Talkshow/Podcast.

    This is not the first time I've done that, I made my first 200 followers on Twitch interviewing OTHER small and beginner streamers. It's a neat trick, just project what you are doing through other people. This Kickstarter podcast got me to Twitch affiliate, so I'm not complaining.

    But I learned a lot about what a successful Kickstarter looks like, and what it doesn't look like.

    So, what ARE the Lessons learned.

    Ok, all that to get to this. First the basics.

    Point 1:

    The BIGGEST indicator of Kickstarter Success is coming in with an audience.
    No, it's not fair, but there it is. Obviously most us haven't somehow gone Viral already, but whenever you see a project getting backed in 48 hours or less, and going to hundreds if not thousands of percent. They had an audience coming in, they announced their Kickstarter weeks, maybe a month in advance, they probably had a launch party, some kind of competition, short term special rewards, etc... Of course that works. Good for them.

    The reason why I point it out is, when you watch most youtube videos of people telling you how to launch a successful Kickstarter, it's from people that have already launched successful Kickstarters, Obviously. And most of them seem to assume you already have a baked in audience.

    Which of course, the vast majority of us do not have.

    So how to launch a Successful Kickstarter with no Audience?
    As I said, my BIGGEST issue seems clearly to be promotion. So a trick that SOME new Kickstarters have tried is to back other projects before they launch their own. And try to get in touch with them. This is obviously hit and miss, but it bears to know that most Kickstarter backers, are people that have backed before. So going to existing Kickstarter backers is obviously a good strategy.

    Point 2:

    It doesn't matter how professional you look.
    This one was counter-intuitive for me. But I've watched plenty of professional looking Kickstarters that utterly fail. They fail to sell the game, they might even have an audience, but not an audience for the game they are selling. "Professionalism" as a look is over rated. As a solo developer, or a member of a small team, you might feel like you need to present yourself in a certain way to be taken seriously. This is actually not as important. Present the product, and let the product speak for itself. If you fail to do that, any attempt at looking professional will just make you look scetchy.

    Point 3:

    Funny videos seems to do the best.
    It's not THAT important to show off every feature of your game in the video, that's what the About page is for. The Videos number one goal should be to entertain, that's it. In fact, so far, I've found very few "funny" videos that have not succeeded. Take that for what its worth. And I guess that explains my video.

    Ok, this got too long. Thank you for reading all this way. Feel free to ask me anything. I am going to make a video about Ads I think. I want to demystify a little bit how Ads work, and different tactics for using them, even with a very low budget.

    submitted by /u/Aurelio_Aguirre
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    Pixel Art: Creating Monsters - Speed Art Tutorial

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 12:44 PM PDT

    More new pixel art timelapses! I got here an animated spinning blade trap that I made for my indie game, Dungeon Marauder. Made with Pixaki on the iPad

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    Is it possible to configure an older mmorpg game to use all core?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 11:24 AM PDT

    Not sure if this the place to ask about this (do correct and guild me to the correct subreddit if it is not), Is it possible to configure an older mmorpg game to use all core when the game itself is poorly optimized, is cpu heavy and doesn't use all cores? I saw a 3rd party software that apparently gives options to make this game use all cores. how is that done?

    submitted by /u/ConceptionFantasy
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    Rhythm Games - How to store the song/beats?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 11:20 AM PDT


    I've just started creating a rhythm game in Unity, in the same vein as DDR (notes scroll up the screen, you press them to the beat etc) - but I have no clue how to actually store the notes for each certain song.

    I don't really want to have hundreds of these beats saved in a scene and then just have them scroll up in time with the BPM as this would most likely cause the scene to lag a lot - so I was thinking of a method of say spawning in the first 4 notes, then the next 4 and so on until the song is done.

    The only idea I've really got at the moment is reading in beats & rest notes from a notepad file but this seems... pretty inefficient imo?

    (I really hope this makes sense - thank you in advance!)

    submitted by /u/Cybikitty
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    Where do I go from here? (beginning developer)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 10:55 AM PDT

    Right so, I first started any remote development in the ROBLOX engine (yes, you can laugh) and I'm very proficient in Lua, as well as I understand the fundamentals of programming and what makes it tick. My problem is that I don't know any other language syntax-wise nor the advanced specifics, Lua was very forgiving. I want to go further, but I don't know where to start. Do I pick an engine to learn? Do I start reading tutorials mindlessly? What language do I learn? What do I do?

    submitted by /u/Vamosity-Cosmic
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    What's the legality behind adding a few skyrim quotes to my mobile game?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 10:55 AM PDT

    "Looking to protect yourself, or deal some damage?"

    submitted by /u/thecenozoic
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    I'm looking for a project planning app with some specific features. Any recommendations?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    I've done a little bit of research, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for (Or at the very least, none of the programs I've looked at mention that they have what I'm looking for). I've been developing my game without any proper scheduling for a while now, so I want to get serious about that and make one. The problem is, I want a few specific features and I'm not really sure which of the many programs out there will work best. The main things I want are:

    • The ability to list planned features and categorize them.
    • The ability to break features down into separate steps, and give each step a due date.
    • The ability to select a future date, and see how many features in each category should be finished by then if I remain on schedule.

    So for example, I'd love to be able to go to a calendar view, click on say, December 1, 2019, and see how many characters, items, etc. will be finished and in the game by that date (Again, assuming I remain on schedule).

    Mainly though, I just want something that I can set up so that each day I begin work, I can look and see what needs done that day.

    So, anyone know of any software with all those features? Any help is appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/mystman12
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    What is your workflow to create smooth edges on your gameassets?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2019 06:37 AM PDT

    As far as I know there are 3 ways.

    - Bevel the egdges (creating more triangles)

    - Smooth the edges (by bevel or sculpt or smth elese) and bake a normalmap

    - Paint the edges to hide the hard edge

    I would love to hear how you do it and maybe with a screenshot of some of your assets because I'm not sure how I should do it

    submitted by /u/DasEvoli
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