• Breaking News

    Wednesday, July 10, 2019

    Our GitHub open source repos are under attack. Any experience? web developers

    Our GitHub open source repos are under attack. Any experience? web developers

    Our GitHub open source repos are under attack. Any experience?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 03:30 AM PDT

    Our GitHub open source repos are under attack. Any experience?


    Our open source projects (e.g. https://github.com/akveo/ngx-admin) are being spammed with tons of fake issues by some bots. We have already disabled interaction with our repos for "new users", but this looks like a temporary solution. The most annoying part about this story is that people who watch this repo receive the notifications by email when every fake issue is created.

    Right now we're developing a script, that would help us to remove all spam issues via GitHub API. I was wondering though if anybody got a similar experience and how did they fight against that.

    One other topic is that I don't understand the motivation of the people who do that. We develop and distribute our products free of charge and it's pretty annoying that we need to work on removing all of these issues instead of improving our open source products. Any ideas why some people could do that?


    UPD: Looks like GitHub support removed all the spam issues.

    submitted by /u/lugovsky
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    How to handle staring at screens for 10+ hours a day?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 10:37 AM PDT

    I know this isn't directly related to webdev, sorry about that. r/Programming does not allow text posts.

    I work 8 hours a day, I try and get out and walk for 20 minutes during my lunch break but I am essentially looking at my screen for more than 7 hours.

    When I come home I work on my tech startup, I try to put already a hour in.

    Then I watch YouTube or browse reddit for a while until I go to sleep.

    I will definitely try and cut down on YouTube and reddit but the others, I don't really know what to do. What would you recommend?

    I am concerned about what this will do to my heath over a prolonged period.


    submitted by /u/haulwhore
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    Web Accessibility Guidebook for Developers

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 06:28 AM PDT

    Netlify introduces Netlify Analytics

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 06:17 AM PDT

    Thought this was worth sharing

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 01:37 PM PDT

    Anyone tried Toptal?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 06:05 AM PDT

    Has anyone here applied to be a freelancer on Toptal, whether accepted or not?

    What was the process/experience like?

    Any advice?

    Also, are there any less rigorous, yet still somewhat restrictive alternatives to Toptal that you like.

    submitted by /u/codeyCode
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    Wordpress or PHP for website selling info products?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    If I am creating a website that sells info products, have reviews that I want to upload in, and selling online courses - what is the best technology to go with? Wordpress, wix, php, etc?

    I might also want to do video embedding and create a membership down the road. If I want to build on the website and eventually create membership, and stuff like that. What's the best choice?

    What are good qualifying questions to ask devs to see if they're a good fit? Anything specific I should educate myself on more before hiring a dev?


    submitted by /u/aimal1st
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    JS /CSSLibraries for Dragging and Dropping Input

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 03:45 PM PDT

    Hi all. I'm looking for a library that will allow for elements to be chosen from a "bank" of elements and placed in a specific order. After this, I should be able to parse the order the user has placed elements in. Ideally, users would easily be able to switch the order of elements within a list, similar to the final example(under heading "examples") on this page.

    Does anyone know of such libraries?

    submitted by /u/throwawayAcc16777216
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    Is there an ebook or a course that teaches web app deployment from start to finish?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 11:55 AM PDT

    I want to start coding this web app but I can't get to it!

    Just when I think I am ready to start writing this I learn of nginx. Or kubernetes. Or security groups. Or build tools. Or database design. Or mocking. Etc etc etc till I lose my sanity.

    Sure I can google everything. But every concept is dependent on another concept. It is really hard to piece it all together when I have had no experience in a team that delivered web app software.

    I searched keywords relating to "web app" + "deployment" in sitepoint, amazon and google. Bloody crickets. It all tells you how to program, not how to plan the project or deploy it effectively.

    There HAS to be some book or course that takes you from "i know to program. Just tell me how to deploy this thing" into "ok now I know".

    Mind you, I don't mind the programming part. I can handle the backend logic and designing the frontend. Its the deployment part that is eroding my sanity.

    submitted by /u/BigBootyBear
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    JS Prototypal Inheritance or Composition?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    I've been using JS for a while but I started asking myself how can I write better, maintainable and TESTABLE code. I went on the web and I found this guy: https://medium.com/@_ericelliott. Read some of his articles and I agree on using the functional capabilities ( FP ) of JS but when he started talking against classical inheritance that really confused me.

    1. He is saying that I should avoid using the `class` keyword or `extends` when using JS but wait since JS is prototype based wouldn't `class` be just syntax sugar and everything under the hood is basically the same? And why would I bother writing it the old way? Are there any benefits?
    2. Now onto the gorilla/banana topic.. Is this actually applicable to JS when we are actually `pointing` to the parent's prototype? If so aren't there any `prototypal inheritance` solutions to it? For example in PHP you can easily solve that by implementing the Strategy pattern. Concatenative inheritance ( composition ) or Factory Functions are one way, should I just use them instead?
    submitted by /u/KristianWEB
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    Stay with Drupal? Switch to Wordpress?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 09:36 AM PDT

    The site I manage at work is in need of redesign and upgrading. It's in Drupal 7 and I am revisiting the decision to go with Drupal 8 or switch to Wordpress. I have two smaller sites in Wordpress so I have some familiarity with both CMSs.

    Staff do add content and there are quite a few content types, plus a room booking/event module that has been bandaided for years and ready to break more than likely very soon ;) We have hundreds of events in our calendar and that of course is very important. We also enter and maintain our organization's stats on the staff only part of the site which is another big aspect but one i'd like to move out of the site.

    Overall I'd like to transfer a lot of the older content to keep as an archive but also pare down what we have and add more functionality -- for one thing event registration.

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts on staying with Drupal or switching to Wordpress?

    submitted by /u/stephshea
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    Question about CSS property 'prefers-color-scheme' and dark themes

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 05:40 AM PDT

    So soon, all major browsers will support the 'prefers-color-scheme' property, allowing developers to easily create light and dark styles for their website.

    Is there a (simple) way to override this property with a toggle in the website to allow users to switch between the light and dark theme?

    I'm not sure how many others prefer it this way, but I would rather have all reading websites (blogs/news) in a light mode, and other websites (videos/images sites) in a dark theme. Although I keep my OS in the dark theme, I'd rather have most websites in a light them. So that's why I was wondering if there is a way for the user to toggle a dark/light theme on a website without changing their OS theme

    submitted by /u/themindstorm
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    Is my web app eligible for Google Adsense?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 03:19 PM PDT

    Googles adsense requirements say that your site should have unique and interesting content. I'm developing a web app that is unique and useful, but the content itself is a collection of links to videos that are available elsewhere on the internet (on multiple different websites). So, in essence, the applications content is not "original", though the function of the web application itself is novel, useful and should theoretically attract users. Also, the videos are hosted on YouTube (not mine), so I'm not sure if that would affect their decision

    Would such a site be eligible for adsense, considering their original content policy?

    submitted by /u/chillermane
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    Firefox site compatibility

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 03:03 PM PDT

    I made a tournament bracket. Im having an issue getting the bracket connecting lines to display properly in firefox. I can get everything working fine on all other browsers, on iphone and on android, but no luck with firefox. Is there a compadibilty line of code i can put in?


    submitted by /u/mitch1618
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    Where to include purchased library license in commercial app?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    This is gonna sound noobish but I have never done this for commercial apps... I just purcahses a commercial license for this animation library : https://ianlunn.github.io/Hover/. I received a pdf license file, and all the source files. Where exactly would I stick this license in my app to make it valid? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/mrich6347
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    PHP or Node.js for React Native API

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    I recently got a job to create a React Native app (and a website) for a small utility company.

    The app will allow employees to enter their hours. Management can access the hours through the app or website. I'm thinking about trying to automate a hard copy of hours to, through CUPs.

    I've worked with PHP exclusively on the server side.

    What advantages would there be to write the app in Node.js / Express as opposed to PHP / Laravel?

    submitted by /u/bkabbott
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    An Intro To Screen Reader Testing for Sighted Developers

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 02:12 PM PDT

    Connecting to mysql using node for an api

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 01:57 PM PDT

    I have a node application that has an api. The api uses mysql. I find it tough to find a good solution for properly managing the connection. I have multiple files. I have found some solutions where the connection is returned and then if the connection ends you just connect again. This seems like a pretty bad way of doing things. What is best practice to manage mysql connection if there is any!?

    submitted by /u/Benna100
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    Refactoring a slew of old sites

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 01:56 PM PDT

    I have a bunch of old sites under management that I'm lobbying to turn off. Prior to that tho, my boss has asked me price out what it would cost to outsource the refactoring / rewriting of the sites. Some were written in ColdFusion 5 and have a MSSQL backend. The structure of the sites and graphics would stay the same and would be written in something modern and supportable.

    I have maybe a dozen of these things.

    Is it feasible to outsource this work to a firm? Anyone know of any on NYC area?

    submitted by /u/Shujolnyc
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    Understanding front end in 2019

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 06:50 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I'm trying to understand how front end frameworks like emberjs, react, angular work, why we should use them and not just use standard boilerplate frameworks like rails, or django? Do these front end frameworks fill a need for all modern day web applications? If so, what need do they fill? Should I personally use one of these frameworks? How do I know which to choose? How do I know what they are for? How do I know when and when not to use them?

    I am increasingly confused by all of these new things I'm hearing about, and I was hoping someone could maybe help me out with some of my questions above. Now days we have so many! Emberjs, React, Angular, and more! I'm used to only having front end stuff in basic html with a templating engine (ruby on rails has ERB), and then basic javascript and css, with my backend in rails.

    What's all of this stuff with coffeescript? SCSS? Compiling of css files, and more. It seems like such a mess, so much to know. Also, what is sass css? What about Less, and Stylus? Why should I use these? Should I care about these? Why do they matter?

    I may have more questions, but I think this is good for now.



    submitted by /u/TheRealBdoom
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    help clicking readmore on card(box) also extends the second

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 12:35 PM PDT

    i have a 2 by 2 (4 boxes in total) box layout, each shows a specific amount of text, to expand this you would have to click readmore, in either box 1, 2 , 3 or 4.

    The problem: Each time i click readmore on one box, it automatically expands the second box with empty white space,

    i.e if i click box 3, box 4 would also expand.

    what steps i have taken: I have tried to use a max-width, but this only allows text to overflow depending on the content, available. setting overflow to auto isn't an option .

    I have put the link to the codepen below.

    Thank you.

    codepen https://codepen.io/tickatop/pen/WqPyxR

    submitted by /u/lanrayx2
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    Are there any tutorials to learn C++ for people that already know JS?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    I cant seem to find any material on youtube or udemy that is geared at people that already know what a variable, loop, functions, 0-indexed arrays, etc are. You would think that I could simply skip to a part where "the C++ begins", but the problem is that these tutorials have C++ specific tidbits mixed in often, so I cant just skip it.

    submitted by /u/StreamPanel
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    What's your experience with Vultr?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 03:12 AM PDT

    I created two Vultr VMs few months back. Since then one of those has been rebooted quite a lot. And it always comes with some downtime.

    Here is the schedule of reboots:

    • 14.04. 18:40
    • 04.06. 17:30
    • 16.06. 04:32
    • 24.06. 21:32
    • 06.07. 01:59
    • 10.07. 04:30

    The other node has only been rebooted once

    • 17:04 18:55

    Maybe that's not an issue for people having a farm of nodes, but for me each project runs on a single VM, so downtime for the VM is downtime for the project.

    Is your experience similar? Or is that one VM on an unlucky node and I should try to transfer it to another? And if so, would it be reasonable to ask Vultr to move my VM to a more healthy node or I should just recreate the VM and hope to be more successful?

    submitted by /u/Tontonsb
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    What's a good, secure php script to take data from a contact form and send it off in an email?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 11:55 AM PDT

    I've been away from the world of web dev and am wondering if there's anything like an industry standard for this. I just want to do the basic task of having a form on a page that users fill out and the results are sent to an email. But of course I want this to be secure and not be used for spamming etc. I found this which looks good, albeit old: https://www.tectite.com

    Anyone have a go-to they use for this sort of thing? My only caveat is I want the form itself to have an html extension (not php. The values should be sent to a separate php script.) Doesn't have to be free though that's always nice.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/wilforbis
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