• Breaking News

    Thursday, July 11, 2019

    I want to help you get a job, so I'm giving away my LeetCode interview bootcamp learn programming

    I want to help you get a job, so I'm giving away my LeetCode interview bootcamp learn programming

    I want to help you get a job, so I'm giving away my LeetCode interview bootcamp

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 05:59 PM PDT


    Hey folks,

    My friend and I recently finished our LeetCode Interview Bootcamp for software developers, and I've made it available for free!

    Yes I'm 100% serious, there's no catch, and no, I'm not selling anything.


    I created this course because I was extremely frustrated with all the low-quality videos/tutorials/forum posts when I was studying for my own technical interviews. I combined my passion for teaching and programming to create the course I wish I had when I was studying for my own coding interviews.

    It's free because I want that one person out there who really needs it to have access to it. Coding interviews suck, so here's to making them so easy that even your grandma 👵🏻 could get a job at Google.

    PS this course was designed with beginner/intermediate developers in mind, so if you are a rockstar engineer, then this probably is not the course for you.

    (Apologies in advance if this isn't allowed. Please let me know and I'll take it down.)

    edit: formatting/grammar

    edit2: Thank you for the silver kind stranger! :)

    submitted by /u/fastily
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    My mom wants to learn programming but due to a car wreck when she was young she only has one nearly fully functioning hand (right) with low dexterity while the other has zero dexterity (left). What are her options?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 04:15 AM PDT

    She recently has been trying to learn python on her own because she has some ideas for some programs that would help teachers. She just retired from teaching this year. Every time she makes a mistake though it takes her forever to go back and fix it and she's ready to give up. Are there any keyboard/mouse alternatives out there that might be worth looking into? Or a talk and type program that would work for writing code? Are there any one handed programmers out there willing to give advice?

    Thanks in advance!


    Wow! Thanks everyone so much for all the advice. I'm going to go over all of these options with my mom when I see her next and see what she thinks will better able her to compute more smoothly and without pain. I'm heart-warmed by all the positive feedback from this post. You guys are awesome!!!

    submitted by /u/beat1706
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    Build on big shoulders: Learn programming and become a great developer

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    Dear developers,

    Almost two months ago, I have started a Discord Community to guide developers through the tough times of programming. We do support all languages. Our mentoring can be divided in a few tasks:

    • Ability to request a private mentor as well as public mentors
    • Request exercises
    • Request code review/feedback on code
    • Participate in group projects
    • Ask questions
    • Hang out and make friends!

    Discord Link (Garbage Collectors): https://discord.gg/bhSwuDS

    submitted by /u/programmerjules
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    What is your opinion about Udacity's Java Developer Nano Degree

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 11:08 PM PDT

    Can you please read the syllabus of Udacity's Java developer Nano degree and let me know your opinion? Do you think it is worth it study? Is the syllabus good for 2019?


    submitted by /u/textssg
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    I only know C, C++, and JavaScript from Uni, should I learn Python or Java for leetcode?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 10:47 PM PDT

    My uni teaches everything in C or C++ basically, except for its web dev course which included HTML/CSS/JS. I've been practicing leetcode in C++ and haven't had too much issues since I've primarily been focusing on easy questions only. However, many seem to recommend not using C++

    Java has very similar syntax to C++ so I was thinking of learning that or maybe Python since it seems to be the most popular. My question is, is it worth it to learn a new language for leetcoding? I don't plan on interviewing until Sept/Oct. Just from doing the easy questions in C++, it seems like only needs to know the basics of a language to solve problems

    submitted by /u/OneCartoonist3
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    [Java] Where to learn programming past AP Computer Science A?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 07:12 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm going to be attending university for computer science in the fall, and I want to gain more Java experience before then. I learned a Java through AP Computer Science A in high school, but I don't know where to continue on from there. Are there any good courses/resources that teach more Java past that point? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/MrSoch
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    Starting a programming course today :)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 10:02 PM PDT

    Off to Glasgow to start a part-time full stack development course -I got the last place!

    We are going over Javascript, including Node, databases as well as stuff like HTML5 and CSS3 which I should know better.

    Apparently we are to take notes on paper though? I guess they don't want everyone staring at their laptops.

    submitted by /u/pete_codes
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    Is there a free or somewhat affordable Jenkins option for personal use?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 05:43 PM PDT

    I was wondering if there was a way to set up automatic builds for software at home. I have some programs I run every other day, and I was thinking of scheduling it somehow.

    I wanted to try and make or buy (if its affordable) a personal Jenkins type of service.

    Does it exist, or should I just look into making a cron job on my PC?

    submitted by /u/RatherPleasent
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    In September i'll be going to university for computer science, i have 0 coding experience and am having second thoughts about my choice, any advice?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    Hi there! So a bit of backstory I have never actually coded anything outside of print ("hello world") in python and that was around five months ago, I have an educational background in medical science but have never gone to university. I've been interested in the subject for about ten months, and I'm still really interested in the topic, but I feel like I'm too far behind to start at a university level with almost 0 experience. I've tried to learn as much as I can through Youtube and a site called brilliant.org, where I have been looking at some fundamentals such as big O notation, arrays and some algorithm work.
    I don't feel like I have much of an issue with the theoretical stuff as I did a lot of work instead in the physics side of medicinal science and that was mainly all theoretical. My anxiety comes from trying to implement these theories into a real project such as an app or a website etc. etc., and I don't even really know how to use a text editor.
    TL: DR - I have minimal experience in real-world coding experience if any and was wondering if there was any point in me jumping straight into a CS degree that I have been offered in September.

    submitted by /u/Dwarfkiller47
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    I Just Want To Give Up. I Don't Know How To Learn/Study.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 01:10 PM PDT

    I have been programming in c++ for about 9 months and I have some projects that I am very proud of. I went from "Hello World" to creating heat simulations over 2d and 3d objects, and I felt confident sorta. It was painful, stressful, and I wanted to pull my hair out at times but I made it to where I am now. I am now in the next class cycle and I just feel so stupid. I go to stack overflow and I am an idiot, I go to my classes slack page and I'm an idiot, and lastly I read my email's to TA's and I feel like an idiot. I'm losing whatever is driving me to learn to program, and I just want to quit because I love to learn but I don't like feeling stupid all the time. I don't know where to go to just learn, it seems like its too basic or too complicated nothing in the middle.

    tldr: I am a pity party beginner whose confidence/GPA is completely shot. I feel lost and like I just can't learn how to prog, maybe it's just not for me... S O S.

    submitted by /u/Username_was_Censord
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    I made an AI ( Augmented Intelligence ) tool for learning programming

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 12:37 AM PDT

    I made a little tool to help you programming. You can ask it code questions inside your code editor, and it responds with code examples from stackexchange. It's pre-alpha, but I just finished some improvements this week and I would love your feedback on it. https://github.com/irthomasthomas/helpmecode


    submitted by /u/noplacetosit
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    Any good online courses to start all over again?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 11:46 PM PDT

    Alright, sorry for the long story, i tried to make as short as possible lol.

    I've been studying computer science for 6 years (i mean last year was my last year but the uni added 2 new topics that we needed to do to get the degree) and on 2017 we needed to do the thesis and make a program with user managment and it needed to print a ticket or something like that, it didn't have to be a big project just a small one as long that it has the requeriments.

    So i teamed up with 2 classmates and we didn't know what to do, at that time i was building my pc and i was really into computer parts so i said that we should make a pc parts online store, it was the only idea so we went with it. I was the only one who knew a bit more of programming so i started coding and the second i opened NetBeans and created the project i went all blank, i literally forgot how to code, started looking up some old excersices just to make a template but i couldn't understand anything, started looking on stack overflow and some videos on youtube just to make a login window and i didn't understand anything, i blamed the uni because of the way they organized the topics for the 4 years, at the last year we ony had business related topics and nothing of programming. We had like a month left and we didn't had anything so we told out teacher that we cannot present it, he told us that we can try again in 3 months, it was the end of the year so i waited the holidays to ask the other two what we are going to do and they told me that they cannot continue because they "didn't had enough time at their jobs".

    My teacher said that i could join another classmate and start with their project, i joined with one and we didn't really made any progress fastforward to this year and we had a meeting with another teacher that offered a tutorship and said that the last date that we can present something finished was on June 14 if we don't show something by that date we would have to repeat the class (or the topic, idk how to say it in english) and finish it by the end of the year, so my classmate said that the best thing would be to just start all over again, and we went with that option.

    Now if we repeat the class we can do it alone or with someone else, i said to my teacher that i wanna do it alone and the only problem that i have is that i literally forgot everything about programing (it's been like 3 years now that i haven't done any programming) and that was the only thing that is holding me back, he told me that he and the other teachers can help me if i'm stuck on anything, i don't see how that could help since i forgot everything so i wanna take an online course so i could learn everything or at least the basics again.

    I don't wanna go to a local course because most of what i've found are only for 2 weeks and it's only PHP or C++, so my only reliable way would be an online course, i was thinking maybe taking some courses on skillshare but i've read that it's not that good?

    Also i have an idea for the project, a nav system for delivery drones that has an argumented reality where it shows the destination. Which language is the easiest to work with argumented reality?

    submitted by /u/Utinnni
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    How is Freecodecamp in 2019 and which new certifications to pursue from Front End development?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm looking to take the leap into front end development without prior experience with the exception of a computer science course in college.

    How does FCC stack up in 2019 for full time self learning for a career in Front End Development vs code academy, etc.

    Also, which certifications should I pursue out of the 6? They sunsetted the front end development cert. Which ones are the replacement?

    Thank you for the help.

    submitted by /u/SplinterGear
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    Good use cases for microservices?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 07:47 PM PDT

    So I'm not real sure when is it a good idea to use a microservices architecture and when is it a bad one.

    I'd like to know a few cases in which it is beneficial and some in which it isn't.

    I see a lot of people talking about this as if it were the greatest thing ever. I don't think anything is the greatest ever and than more often than not it's a pros vs cons thing.

    I'd also like to know what is the alternative to microservices in the case it isn't appropriate.

    submitted by /u/Tarsonis181
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    Where can I find information regarding Coding Bootcamps??

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 07:30 PM PDT

    I recently made the decision to go to a Coding Bootcamp. I just finished my 2 year degree, and before I transfer to get my bachelor degree, I think I am going to do a Coding Bootcamp just so I can start to get into the work force. I started to look up some information but I am having trouble finding some around the area I live (Northern New Jersey.) I want to find a Bootcamp that I go to in person, I personally just learn better that way. So, I have a couple of questions if someone can be so kind to help me or either point me in the right direction.

    Does anyone know any good websites that will show available Bootcamps in my state along with reviews?

    Are there any Bootcamps that are known to be very good?

    Do Bootcamps help you find a job after you finish?

    Does anyone know, or can lead me to a website, that will tell me the most in demand skills in the industry currently?

    If anyone has any more important information that you think I would like please send it this way!

    Thank you everyone!

    submitted by /u/BubbaBlount
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    Dudes i need help in c++ for csgo

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 11:09 PM PDT

    If u can help me add me in discord Castiel#7119 pls

    submitted by /u/Castielzinho
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    International online CS degree ?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 11:00 PM PDT

    Looking to apply for college for the first time, due to certain circumstances in my life, i can't leave where i am. Any recommendation of reputable online degrees ?

    submitted by /u/NoobDeGuerra
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    Can an unsecured web app get infected by some random malware marauding the internet?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 10:35 PM PDT

    Right now I am struggling with building a personal web app. I don't even have a domain - i just upload it to AWS beanstalk and iterate. Its a playground, which is yet to be anything serious.

    Can some malware pirates scope my insecure web app and attack it? What is the worst that could happen if that occurs? Can it spill into my personal machine? Also, can a web server get infected in some way that requires a reformatting of the software like a PC?

    submitted by /u/BigBootyBear
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    [Python] How can I improve my heightmap generator?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 10:32 PM PDT

    So I'm relatively new to Python and programming in general and I thought this might be a fun project to tackle. It's a simple little program that generates a 2D heightmap of variable size and outputs it to a text file. One problem I've noticed is that most of the maps generated end up looking fairly similar (attached a few pictures for reference.) Other than that, is there anything I could do to clean up the code, bad practices I should fix, etc.? Any help is much appreciated.

    Link to the code: http://ideone.com/eFaxdG

    A few generated outputs: https://imgur.com/a/3Q68Yfb

    submitted by /u/Fuze4
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    Learning multiple technologies at the same time?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 06:32 PM PDT

    Currently i am a senior in computer Science doing an internship in SalesForce for a mid-sized company. I am trying to learn too many technologies at the same time and do not know what to learn first or if i should focus on just one thing?. This a list of the things i'm currently doing or learning:

    1. Leetcode, Algorithms and data structures for future interviews
    2. Python, Django, HTML, CSS and some JavaScript
    3. Learning Machine Learning and AI ( Fun and more math so i like it and improves my python)
    4. Android Development ( Got a certificate for this and was decent programmer but wanna to improve so i don't completely forget.

    Is this too much to kinda put into my week? also the internship is part-time so i got more time during the week.

    submitted by /u/THECRYINGSHITTER
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    Dr. Java Downloads As A File Not As An App

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 06:32 PM PDT

    I need to download Dr. Java for my AP Computer Science A class. When I download it saves as a file, not as an app. It doesn't show up in Launchpad or in Finder < Applications. It just stays as a file in downloads. Strangely I cannot find a single thread with the same problem. Have anyone encountered such issues? Can someone explain how to fix the problem?

    submitted by /u/F_Abdinov
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    Android Fragment Design Patterns - Looking for Resources

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 04:18 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    So I'm trying to further my Android (Java) skill by going from "hey, it works!" to something along the lines of "hey, it works, and it's fast and pleasant to use!". I'm wondering if someone can recommend a good intermediate or above resource for learning design patterns/best practice using Fragments in Android. I've been working with Java for a few years now so I have a decent grasp on the majority of the development itself (or at least I can figure it out), but Android seems to be changing so fricken fast, resources from 3 years ago are often a step backward in good design. Can anyone recommend a GitHub or article or series or...? Anything really so I at least know I'm heading in the right direction.


    submitted by /u/KneeDeep185
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    Learning Python and JavaScript, but my biggest problem right now is terminology.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 11:06 AM PDT

    I have some pretty basic programming skills. Some Python, some Javascript, and a tiny bit of exposure to other things like PostgreSQL and HTML. I'm teaching myself more stuff right now for the purpose of boosting my GIS skills, namely building webmaps. My biggest problem is that since I have zero computer science background, there is so much terminology that I just don't understand. I can't think of lots of good examples right now, but it's been things like token, API, and REST. Of course I can look these things up as I go, but I would really love to have a better foundational knowledge of programming / computer science. What are some good resources I can use?

    submitted by /u/flowersermon
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    Purging files and SQL database logs using Factory Method in C#

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 09:28 PM PDT

    I am building an application (in C#) using Factory Method to be able to purge files and databases logs that are older than a certain day. I want it to go through multiple directories and database tables to purge these files and logs. I would like to use Factory method because I think it would be handy in allowing me to contain all my purge processes in one central location/application.

    Here is what I have so far: https://pastebin.com/Ub4fC2Bx

    I'm not sure how I would pull in the logs/files and have it know which type of purge it should run.

    I've never worked with the Factory pattern before, and I would appreciate any help in explaining how I would get this to work.

    The application would know what to do by the type. The application would query databases tables to build the proper objects and execute the purges.


    -What to purge
    -How To purge it

    submitted by /u/Mynameisazam
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