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    Thursday, July 11, 2019

    I need some tips on how to talk to my SO who is a programmer. Ask Programming

    I need some tips on how to talk to my SO who is a programmer. Ask Programming

    I need some tips on how to talk to my SO who is a programmer.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 07:41 PM PDT


    Forgive me if this is the wrong place to put this. I am dating a guy who works in web development. He programs a website/software in the mortgage business. I would love some tips on what to ask him about his job. When he talks about his day, I try to ask probing questions but its difficult because I know next to nothing about programming. My go to questions are "That sounds tough! How long will it take?" or "Do you feel confident about what you're doing?" or "What kind of projects do you have going on?"

    To you who work in programming, what do you wish your SO would follow up on? What are some other probing questions I could ask that would make him feel heard about his job?

    submitted by /u/Dallas9010
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    Where to start learning C

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 03:05 PM PDT

    Starting CS in the fall and I want to get a head start. Any free resources to start learning with no programming experience?

    submitted by /u/jtl727
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    What is the inverse of a functional map?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    A functional map looks like this:

    values = [1,2,3,4] mapped_values = [f(x) for x in values] 

    I recently needed to do this:

    functions = [f1,f2,f3,f4] functioned_values = [f(x) for f in functions] 

    which feels like the semantic dual of a map

    does this idiom have a name?

    submitted by /u/7Geordi
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    How can you determine the mode of a string of characters? PLS HELP

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 09:30 PM PDT

    I need help determining the mode of a string of characters in c. Can somebody pls help me?

    I´m starting to learn coding in c for my electronical engineering class in college. pla help.

    submitted by /u/ironclose_19
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    Automating actions within a browser?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 12:47 PM PDT

    So sometimes at work, I have to do some pretty repetitive tasks within the browser. I am a CS student, so I am quite sure there's a solution for the tasks I'm doing, but I don't really know what language/what applications would be necessary to do them, but I would imagine the coding for them wouldn't be terribly difficult.

    To give an example of a task, I have to create folders within Google Drive, namely, 38 of them all named, say "Lesson_S01", "Lesson_S02" all the way to "Lesson_S38". (I would also have to create subfolders similarly named). I would also like to extract the link for each folder to link it at certain places in other documents. So I would like to get the link for each lesson folder from Lesson_S01 to Lesson_S38 (and perhaps put them into a .txt file in order so I can manually figure out where I want to link them).

    I am not asking for a coding solution, I am simply stating the tasks I am trying to do to try to give an idea of what I am trying to accomplish. What programs, if they exist, would allow me to accomplish such tasks within a browser?

    submitted by /u/andrew502502
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    Sanitization and db logging on network data source layers

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 12:43 PM PDT


    I'm struggling a bit with the "clean" aspect in a particular area of our code.

    It's a backend application.

    So, here we have c `PlanClient` class, it's more of a ~~data source~~ remote interface - it downloads `Plan`.

    That downloaded `Plan` has wrong data mixed in it - invalid dates, invalid items.

    We know how to filter out and modify the `Plan` so that it becomes correct.

    We have to log in the database every `Plan` downloaded.

    The `PlanClient` is used in several parts of the application - the wrong should not be used and is harmful in those other parts of applicaiton.

    We have made a class `PlanSanitizer` and injected it into the `PlanClient`.

    We call its sanitize methods just before returning the sanitized `Plan` from `PlanClient`.

    So, what we have is sort of clean: the `PlanClient` doesn't care about exact sanitization rules, it's just 1 line of code.

    But we have concerns:

    1. The client is triggering database-access. This one seems easy - it's a cross cutting concern - we do it for the logging (we actually store both the original `Plan` and the sanitized `Plan`).
    2. The client is calling sanitization. Seems pecualiar - in our codebase what we call `Client` classes, are usually just some "rmi clients", not "sanitized rmi clients".

    If we try to move sanitization and/or database-access out of the `PlanClient` class,

    we are now required to duplicate the code across all users of the client class.

    There's also an option of making a wrapper class, that calls the original class, then does the sanitization, like a decorator of some sort, but it needs some forwarding, and the naming game is hard :D.

    What would you do in this situation? (even if it's a long-term refactoring plan)


    submitted by /u/cowancore
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    What are some interesting problems that were solved by keeping it simple?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 01:42 AM PDT

    Just learnt how random numbers are generated in DOOM. Also see link to video explanation.

    Would be interesting to know how someone solved their programming pains by a simple solution.

    submitted by /u/suryadavinci
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    Is Apery a bad idea?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 01:12 PM PDT

    I'm a long time programmer and a newbie has latched to me, asking lots of questions.

    He is using Apery and php and MySQL.

    My and his concern is his legacy Apery program and converting to something else.

    Is Apery bad programming? Is this going to teach him bad habits?

    submitted by /u/nice1work1
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    Asking for a specific analogy.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 12:25 PM PDT

    I'm trying to explain to a friend with absolutely no programming knowledge that I know how to code python, but I don't know how to make GUIs. What's a good analogy?

    submitted by /u/Evosity
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    Using AWP or similar function to compare CSV files with different values

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 11:02 AM PDT


    I have 2 different CSV files, "A" and "B". The columns in question contain the name, location, and "count"(tracked value) of different hardware. What I am trying to do using the Name+Location as a key, check if it exists in both files. If it does, check if the "Count" field has changed. If it has, print the Name, Location, and Count value from File "B".

    If the name+location only exists in one file, whether "A" or "B", I don't want it to print.

    If the count doesn't change, I don't want it to print.


    Name Location Count





    Name Location Count





    Expected Output

    Red Here 4

    I've tried the following code, but it seems to be giving results where if only the Name or Location exists in both files, it still gives me a new result.

    awk -F',' 'NR==FNR{a[$1,$2]; next} !(($1,$2 in a);next) !(($3) in a){print $1","$2","$3"}' A.csv B.csv > C.csv

    submitted by /u/OMGMajorRager
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    Noob Starting a New Online 3d Rendering Project - Advice Needed.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 10:59 AM PDT

    I'm an amateur (some ability with C# OOP) looking to start a project and would like a bit of advice on what technologies to consider or resources to read. What programming languages and hosting services should I consider?

    The project will be a website a user logs into, creates a 3d rendering and saves that rendering to a list of projects.

    Any advice on how to proceed?

    submitted by /u/dvereber
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    Rails API Authentication

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 03:13 AM PDT

    I'm new to Rails. Just started programming on Rails and I have developed an API. I have developed token-based API authentication using JWT and Devise. Right now every user who creates an account in my application can get token and get access to API but I want to give full access of my API to a particular app or a specific user. For example, I want to give full access of my API to user xyz only or abc app and block other users and apps. Can you guys tell me how to do it , what kind of gem to use or just provide me tutorials for it? It would be a great help for me cause I have been stuck for few days. Hope I have explained it clearly!

    Rails Version: 4.1.8

    submitted by /u/apriliabloom
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    How can I create a web form that can automatically populate a SQL table, or output the data in a CSV format?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 07:33 AM PDT

    I'm looking to use this form for people to fill out on a webpage that will allow their input to draw associations for me.

    For example, I have a list of a catalog of books and the web form would ask people to put in their first name and select from a drop down list one of the books. Once they click 'Submit' I would like to be able to see on the back end something similar to:

    "Futureyoufromthepast", "1984"

    I'm mainly hoping to be pointed in the direction of some resources that will help me get started.


    submitted by /u/futureyoufromthepast
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    Ideas and suggestions for developing an e-book reader.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 11:53 PM PDT

    Hello chaps!

    I am a uni student and I was suddenly and unexpectedly given an assignment in which we have to design our own project and develop it.

    Well, after thinking for a while I figured I'd do an e-reader capable of reading popular non-propietary e-book formats (EPUB, MOBI) AND properly display comics in CBR/CBZ formats. (and btw, if someone knows of an e-reader capable of displaying both, please tell me)

    Ok, so here's the real issue. Where do I start? Now, I don't think I need someone actually writing code for me or anything of the sorts, but I am stumped in the sense that I really don't know where to even start.

    So, I'd like ideas on suggestions on what kind of language do you think would work best for me, considering I am planning to do a cross-platform app (at least Win10 and Android) capable of touch screen controls, I eventually plan to add some form of database for user logins to store their preferences and I want to work with e-book formats and comic formats.

    Besides, and probably most importantly: What kind of features would you like to see on an app such as this? If it were up to me I'd just display the book, lol, I dunno what stuff to add to it. And the UI, I might need some real help designing a proper UI, but I am just asking tips and hints from you chaps, I don't expect or want anyone to do the job for me.

    Why am I seeking for help? Because I never ever have done a project from zero to deployment of my own design, and I am absolutely lost here. I don't think I am bad at programming, I am probably just above mediocre, but I do want to improve, and this is a pretty good opportunity, but I am at a loss.

    Apologies if this is not the proper subreddit for this kind of questions.

    submitted by /u/ichbinhangry
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    C++ code for taking user control away from Windows Firewall

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 11:10 PM PDT

    Sorry if this is the wrong sub

    Ive been working on a project for my internship, and one of the requirements is that my program, when running, should not let the user use Windows Firewall, and instead rely on my firewall only.

    I have gotten so far as being able to turn windows firewall on/off, but the user can still control it and turn it on while my firewall is running.

    Is there someway i can take control for the windows firewall away from the user?

    Ive tried googling a bunch and found this, but it isnt working as needed, and ive opened Qs about this code elsewhere. So i came here to see if there is another option/code that can do what i need it to do.


    submitted by /u/the_tech_dude_
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