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    Wednesday, July 17, 2019

    Advice for new developers, or Things I wish I had known when I started programming learn programming

    Advice for new developers, or Things I wish I had known when I started programming learn programming

    Advice for new developers, or Things I wish I had known when I started programming

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    There are a lot of fo things I've learned in the last couple of years that I wish someone told me when I started learning. Things like the fact that I don't need to obsess over which programming language to learn, and that the principles behind software design and CS are way more important. Or about how important people skills are in this profession and why it's important to dedicate time to learn more about these things.

    So, I started writing a series of articles where I share all the things I wish I'd known when I started to program. Because this subreddit has many people in the early stages of their careers, I thought it could be useful for someone.

    Also, feel free to ask me things about a career in software development. I'm not the oldest programmer around, but I've learned my share of useful things.

    Thank you, and I hope this doesn't read as spammy or weird, I'm new to Reddit. Oh yes, the articles:

    Advice for new devs 1

    Advice for new devs 2

    Advice for new devs 3

    submitted by /u/juanorozcov
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    RegEx wizards, how did you learn RegEx and how did you get it to stick?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 02:52 AM PDT

    I'm so bad at remembering RegEx; any tips, tuts, or pointers? It's such a great tool that I'm not using because I don't use it enough to remember it. But I don't use it enough because I can't remember how to write it, and it's not always easy to research how to write a particular expression. I'm in a regex death spiral here. Send help!

    Edit: Reddit, you're the best. Plenty of great answers in like an hour. Thanks so much!!

    submitted by /u/Jerryrad
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    Transitioning to C#

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 06:18 PM PDT

    Hello, I hope everyones having a great day.

    I'm trying to learn C#, coming from Java Script, C# is very confusing. I breeze through the normal stuff like, variables, types, loops, functions and parameters. I kinda understand how classes works too, the using word, its like an import.

    But after that, the tutorial I'm watching got really confusing like using static? Words like that, I really don't get what it means.

    At first I ignore this because its everywhere, but after a few lesson it did not appear on some parts like:

    public int Name{ set{ name = value;}}

    I kinda get this, its like a function without parameters, but why is there no static? Any advice? I really want to learn this language but alot of words are just confusing, thank you so much,

    submitted by /u/dranzeleaf
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    Two phone interviews tomorrow, first ever interviews for a dev position, looking for advice!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 11:05 PM PDT

    So, needless to say, I am pretty excited. I had a recruiter reach out to me a few weeks ago for a front end position, essentially creating website from Photoshop mock-ups, and there isn't really much else in the description. Then today, while on the phone with the recruiter, he got me another interview back to back after this first one, with position at Apple
    - both positions are temporary and seem to be skewed more towards junior/lower end developers, requirements were 1 year of web development w/ HTML CSS javascript. This was after I passed the technical test, so I feel pretty good that I got passed the first wave

    Anyway, without getting too far off topic, what are some tops, advice, etc. etc. you have for phone interviews when it comes to web development? Any and all information is helpful, like I said, this is my absolute first opportunity I am getting right now, and even if I don't land it, still great practice.

    Thanks guys! :)

    submitted by /u/jester070993
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    Can you recommend a compiler's design MOOC by a reputable uni?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 08:45 PM PDT

    I am trying to get into compilers design and I wanted to start reading the Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools 2e book but skimming through the contents I felt like there was a lot to digest and maybe it'd be a good investment to supplement it with a strong lecturer. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/hackermaw
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    Practical Introduction to Neural Networks with Python

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 10:10 PM PDT

    What is a neural network ? And how to write one in Python (with Keras) ? Basic introduction for beginners.

    What is a neural network

    Simplest Neural Network

    submitted by /u/rishi_devan
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    Authors of programming guides & tutorials - can you please share your workflow?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 11:57 PM PDT

    Hi folks, my friend and I have been working on a new tool that aims to make reading & writing coding articles a much more pleasant experience.

    We got annoyed by the state of current programming tutorials. Particularly, we're not much of fans of coding tutorials on Medium-like websites since the UI and features don't have code in mind besides some basic formatting. But those are places where you find coding articles the most though.

    We think there should be a better way of sharing your programming knowledge. We're making something like Medium but with code interactivity and the features that come with your IDE.

    Could you please share some insights into your workflow when writing a piece that involves source code?


    • What annoys you most?
    • Do you write right inside your IDE? Or what app do you use?
    • Do you create new projects containing article text + source code that can be run?
    • Do you always run that code or are you confident enough it'll run?
    • Do you copy the code into markdown or use pictures?

    If you don't feel like writing you can also share your response through this Google Form. It shouldn't take more than 3 minutes.

    Feel free to ask & discuss anything in the comments sections.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/mlejva
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    How do I use OpenGL?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 05:17 PM PDT

    I understand programming with OpenGL, the whole state machine shtick. I understand that it's a specification and not an API in and of itself. But if graphic cards support OpenGL, how can I make use of/ access that? Usually it involves getting some sort of library with bindings for it, but leaving all the work to a library just makes it more mysterious. How are these libraries and their bindings made? If the libraries can use OpenGL without any further dependencies, shouldn't I be able to too? (Even if it might be complicated).

    submitted by /u/TastyDumplingSoup
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    ~$200 dollar courses for $11.99

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 10:06 PM PDT

    I found this sale on Udemy (Not sponsored). I picked up 4 classes worth around 200 dollars each (2 about python and 2 about C++) for under 50 dollars.

    This is my first post on Reddit please be gentle.

    submitted by /u/CoochieThrust
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    C# Make a Toolbox Item Public for all forms

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    Hey, I am new to coding and I'm starting to feel the pressure of being a coder. Anyways, I want to know how do you code a object in C# from the toolbox located on a form (lets say Form2) so you can code on it in another form (Form3).

    I tried with the modifiers section turning it public but it did not work.

    How do you edit it in another form

    Thanks, Andres Fuentes

    submitted by /u/fuentes2395
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    Preparation for a Computer Science Degree

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 03:07 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I just graduated HS and I'm going to study Computer science at a local university.

    Summer just started for me and I have a question - are there any particular things that I should do or learn before my freshman year of college starts?

    My main language is going to be C++. I already know some HTML and CSS, but still very new to programming.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Dropixs
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    how good is khan academy coding practice

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 12:23 PM PDT

    started with codeacademy for python but i dont have pro. Khan doesn't have python I don't think but it has website making and im pretty interested in that. Is khan good or better than codeacdemy

    submitted by /u/brandan0987
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    What are the similarities between programming languages and why is it that learning one makes learning others easier?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 04:44 PM PDT

    I've just started with python, and I was wondering whether lists, dictionaries, functions and classes existed in other programming languages or are they just specific to Python? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/lil-Dwarf-monei
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    How to get real time updates based on specific keywords from a website?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 11:54 PM PDT

    For a project, I need to make a script that goes to some websites (I'm given a list of links), looks for pages with certain keywords, then emails them to X address.

    This script should run periodically, and X should automatically receive something like a newsletter of links/articles from the specific websites.

    Unfortunately, these websites don't have API's; I need to manually scrape them looking for keywords.

    How would you go about solving this?

    Many thanks.

    submitted by /u/MelancholicFox
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    Questions about http response codes and JS

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 11:32 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I am new to JS and I am trying to find out a way to return a http response code along with the error code message and the I'd of any failed users in a group I am uploading to my site.

    I am then sending this list of failed attempts to my email along with the failure codes and failure message.

    I am sending the emails just fine but I am having issues with responses. I tried reading up on it and looking for videos that might help but so far I am not getting it. Do any of you have any suggestions on a good resource or can any of you help point me in the right direction?

    TLDR: I am not understanding how to get information from http responses.

    submitted by /u/Cynical_Salamander
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    Is this to much to handle?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 11:13 PM PDT

    So I have to take 5 classes to be able to graduate next summer and I was wondering if it's to much? I will be taking Java, web development, intro to mobile app development, than intro to swift development(which they told me it's just mainly playground messing around) than the last class is an online microcomputer operating systems class that is just stuff I do online and can finish in a week.

    submitted by /u/DeteminedButUnmotive
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    Managing a large set of routes in a react app?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 11:08 PM PDT

    I'm in the middle of converting a somewhat large Rails app over to use a React & Redux frontend. There are a lot of different pages, lots of forms, nested dynamic routes, so forth.

    I'm not sure how one is supposed to manage a large set of routes like this. I'm using react router v5 but there is no support for management of routes.

    I define all the routes in Routes/index.js but the actual paths i define in a large nested object under Routes/constants.js.

    For example:

    routes: { model01: { index: { path: '/model01/:id' } } } 

    The routes are also absolute at the moment. Iv written a few helpers to replace the ids with values. I use these when creating links in buttons and such.

    The issue is that this is just becoming very unwieldy.

    For example, for a nested form like: /model01/:id0/model02/:id1/edit

    I have to build up the entire URL just to create a cancel button for model02s form.

    There is as far as iv found, zero information on this on the internet.

    Are there recommended highly used libraries people use? Do people just write there own solutions? I'm confused because i cant possibly be the only person with this issue.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/fozz179
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    Keyboard key event to change image input in OpenGL using SOIL

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 11:01 PM PDT

    I need to perform pixel manipulation from images in glut OpenGL (I know it's old, but I'm bound by many other reasons). I need to change the image several times while showing them at the same time as well. I'm trying to use key event to perform that. Also, I'm using SOIL library to load my image.

    static void init(void); static void mainLoop(void); static void keyEvent( unsigned char key, int x, int y); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { init(); image = SOIL_load_image("Images/img1.jpg", &width, &height, 0, SOIL_LOAD_RGBA); if(image == NULL) exit(0); argViewportSetImageSize(vp, width, height); argViewportSetPixFormat(vp, AR_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA); argViewportSetDispMode(vp, AR_GL_DISP_MODE_FIT_TO_VIEWPORT_KEEP_ACPECT_RATIO); argSetKeyFunc(keyEvent); glutIdleFunc(mainLoop); glutMainLoop(); } 

    Key event :

    static void keyEvent( unsigned char key, int x, int y) { if( key == 'a' )image = SOIL_load_image("Images/img2.jpg", &width, &height, 0, SOIL_LOAD_RGBA); //other key events } 

    I notice how the key event works for any other command (manipulate pixel value for example), but doesn't work for changing image input. Is there any way I can achieve this ?

    submitted by /u/pixie_laluna
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    How can I fix this PHP issue? Contact form not getting emailed to business owner

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 10:55 PM PDT

    So I'm new to programming and not very technical. I know some html, css and javascript, but not a lick of PHP. This moving company I worked for wanted me to go into their cpanel and fix a few visual elements cause the previous webmaster did a crappy job. He then wanted me to add a drop down menu to the quote form on the website. I looked at that PHP file and it seemed simple enough for what I was doing. Well to cut it short whatever I did broke the whole thing. So now the owner isn't getting anything from the user's end and is losing a lot of money. Here's a link to stackOverflow so you can get some more detail on the question. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56961473/php-form-doesnt-get-emailed-to-business-owner?noredirect=1#comment100468975_56961473 I've been told to read the php.ini file for the error logs, which I can't find? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks:)

    submitted by /u/spabsa
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    Where should I get books about software development at a good price?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 10:14 PM PDT

    Clean code goes for 30$ kindle, 40$ print. Same with the pragmatic programmer.

    A lot of these "development essentials" cost a lot. Is this the normal price for software nonfiction? I mean I will pay for it - becoming a better developer has a huge ROI. Im just wondering.

    submitted by /u/BigBootyBear
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    Pgadmin4 read only box

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 10:08 PM PDT

    When creating a column for a table, it seems like I can edit the SQL code by unchecking "read only" box in previous versions of PgAdmin based on this video.

    However, PgAdmin4 doesn't have any "read only" box. Is there any way to make SQL codes editable like in the video?

    submitted by /u/throw_away_schedule2
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    Text over image

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 10:04 PM PDT

    Hello, I have an image, and whenever I click on it, it adds +1 to a text box and I would like to know how would do it whenever I click on the image to appear the phrase "+1" on the image and then disappear .

    submitted by /u/Donald_O_Pato
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    When exception should be used?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 10:03 PM PDT

    My teacher told at class that we should handle errors (wrong password, invalid user input) with exceptions and even create our own.

    Then I read this SO thread where the majority says that exceptions should be rare and NOT used for control flow. I don't really know what it means. It seems like some programmers pull to one side and some pull to the other. How can I settle this?

    submitted by /u/BigBootyBear
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    C# Tutorials needed

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 09:54 PM PDT

    I am looking for some good books and online resources for learning and implementing c# . Working in RPA and need some basic knowledge for writing code in c# . Bob Tabor's YouTube tutorials are good but now need some more for understanding the fundamentals . Not a CS guy :)

    submitted by /u/aniken789
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