• Breaking News

    Friday, June 7, 2019

    Just an observation. I have been interviewing candidates for a web dev position. A serious lack of knowledge in HTML/CSS. web developers

    Just an observation. I have been interviewing candidates for a web dev position. A serious lack of knowledge in HTML/CSS. web developers

    Just an observation. I have been interviewing candidates for a web dev position. A serious lack of knowledge in HTML/CSS.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 11:38 PM PDT

    I feel like a lot of up and comers are rushing to the cool frameworks: react, vue, angular. However when tested on building a simple landing page, they fail out. I fell down this hole before as well. It's good to make sure you have a solid understand of the building blocks.

    Some key core lackings:

    Semantic elements, Stateful html elements, Box model, Difference between block and inline, Responsive units and @media queries, Browser compatibility, Relying too much on frameworks like bootstrap


    A lot of questions on stateful html elements. Note I have taken this question of my interview a while ago. This is not something you can just Google. I may not have been asking it correctly which is why candidates did not understand. This is referring to elements like inputs and select boxes that manage state of the users input, text, checked, selected options. This state can be consumed by css and javascript.


    I also want to add. I have 4 professional years of experience in building production react web apps. In my opinion, you should not call HTML/CSS "old" methodologies or tools just because you know a js framework. This stuff is important. You can not make custom, good, accessible, responsive web apps with a solid UI without these core concepts.

    submitted by /u/xsequential
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    Election from Denmark results visualized in an interesting way

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 06:37 AM PDT

    Twitter is rejecting posts containing JSFiddle URLs

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 05:12 AM PDT

    A little bit about accessibility

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 07:06 AM PDT

    Was just discussing a few things with my team and realized the WCAG official documentation is a bit hard to swallow for most people.
    This is the filtered one i send people:

    I googled a bit and found this site thought i should share it: https://scotch.io/tutorials/web-accessibility-for-beginners
    It's got a great list of things to do and how to do them, along with other articles and applications to learn how to create good accessible sites.

    submitted by /u/Ravavyr
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    CSSeffectsSnippets - a little collection of CSS animations with one-click copy and paste

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 05:08 AM PDT

    Learning JavaScript since October 2018, but finished my Portfolio using Gatsby on top of ReactJS

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 07:12 AM PDT

    Is there a lot of gatekeeping in WebDev?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 01:48 PM PDT

    Stuff like:

    "Oh you're not using (this or that) technology you're not really a web developer"


    "You need to learn (this) if you want to be good"


    "Get gud loser"


    Anyone experience this when first starting their careers?

    submitted by /u/rayzon2
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    7 absolute truths I unlearned as junior developer

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 07:35 AM PDT

    Any full-time students here supporting themselves with part-time/remote/freelance dev work?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 01:38 PM PDT

    If so, I'd love to hear about your experience of juggling work and school.

    I'd also welcome comments regarding the feasibility of self-studying web dev. as a means of creating the scenario described above - i.e. building adequate skills/experience to obtain a position that pays enough to sustain oneself while also being flexible enough to enable full-time study (of a non-CS-related discipline ultimately leading to a non-dev. career FWIW).

    Thanks in advance for any general info/advice/criticism/etc. you can provide!

    submitted by /u/2yolo2learn
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    Do I have unreasonable expectations from my company?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 01:31 PM PDT

    I was hired at a startup software company last year and some questionable things have been happening that are starting to really get on my nerves and I'm wondering If I should just bail and move on to something else.

    When I interviewed for the job I was told I'd be able to work a couple of days a week from home. Once I started, I wasn't working from home at all until I got my bearings and once I did they only let me work 1 day from home instead of 2. Only recently (about 6 months after starting) was I allowed to have my second day.

    You would think as a software startup with a bunch of developers they would provide good computer setups for working at the office and at home. Well, they have us log into our work computer remotely through GoToMyPC from home. I don't know if other people have used that before, but since using it, it has been an absolute nightmare to work on. Originally, I only had a mac book, which wasn't that compatible with GoToMyPC. Super slow, tons of input lag, freezes, etc. Not to mention that if the host computer gets powered off or updates or restarts or freezes, I have to hope someone is at the office and have them reboot it for me so I can reconnect.

    I have invested in my own setup at home to get it to work better (new computer, hardwired connection, better internet, etc.) and it still runs like shit. The guy wouldn't even pay for the fucking Windows OS on my new PC that I built for work.

    I've brought up how bad it is multiple times and now instead of figuring out a way to get my setup to work efficiently or changing the way we do things, he has threatened to take away my work from home days.

    Side note: apparently he is intentionally going and tracking my activity on our platform to see if I'm using it as often at home, and is saying I'm not being productive enough. I reminded him that I'm on their shitty connection at home and I avoid doing page loads and other actions as often because it's so slow. Once again he threatened to take away my WFH days and make me come in 5 days a week, which was promised as part of my bundle when accepting the job.

    I'm borderline on telling him to stop being so cheap and invest in his developers a little extra money for a decent work environment, or just quitting altogether because I'm not too keen to being monitored like a child on top of this.

    In my view, it seems like common sense that if you are going to spend all the money hiring a developer, you'd at least go that little bit extra to provide them with the best setup you can so they are as productive as possible.

    Am I being reasonable in setting these expectations? Should I be paying to upgrade my stuff like this because they haven't provided me the hardware that I need? Am I being unreasonable? If not, what has been your experience dealing with something similar? Thanks for any feedback!

    submitted by /u/d0ntjudg3m3
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    Front-End Developer Component Positioning

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 09:54 AM PDT

    So I just got started with front-end web development not too long ago, and one thing that frustrates me the most is positioning. To make a some-what asthetically pleasing website, I would imagine it would take me at least half a day through CSS trial and error. Is this how it is supposed to be as a UI developer?

    submitted by /u/iTxchnology
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    Is not having any sort of technical interview a red flag?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    I'm interviewing with a small company with one dev who I would be replacing.

    I had a phone interview, and I'm meeting them in person next week but he said specifically there would be no technical interview.

    I havent had many interviews, but all of them have had technical aspects.

    This job is high paying and I would be one of 2 technical people in the company.

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/moonsout_goonsout
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    Help with how to make a matchmaking system, somewhat like Tinder's

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    Hello all, I wasn't really sure where to ask this, but it seems there's quite knowledgeable people here.

    CONTEXT: I have a question as to how I would make a game-like matchmaking system for an application I'm planning out. My system aims to be a gamification app to find other people in real life of similar arbitrary rating. I want to make one similar to Tinder's, where it would give you choices based on location and other parameters (ELO and some other constraints).

    RESEARCH and PROBLEM: I have looked and found a service called Playfab which would honestly fulfill my needs, but would also do 100 other things that I do not need at all. Worst case I will use this. I have also seen Google's Open Match, but that is also a little more complex than what I need (I think). I do not have much experience with DBs and this is a side project, so I would preferably find a library or service to piggyback off of, rather than building my own. With that said, I would build it myself if there is no good solution.

    If anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear them. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Seamonster13
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    How I backup my VPS servers to a AWS S3 bucket

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 11:00 AM PDT

    Have you tried Flask? A colleague recommended it to me and I want to know if it is worth my time.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 08:44 AM PDT

    TL;DR I have done a bit of research, watched a tutorial here and there, but how good is the Flask microframework really and how well does it work? Is it worth my time?

    I used to be really into Python in Middle School and have kept some of it up throughout High School. I started getting into Web Development and Design a little while later. I learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and am currently working on my PHP. I worked with WordPress to start and get my foot in the door but now I want to start writing more of my own code instead of relying on things like WordPress and varying plugins. A colleague heard that I wanted to do more on my own and they knew that I worked with Python for the longest time and so they recommended Flask to me. My question is for those who have some experience with it and I want to know how it turned out. Should I invest my time in it or should I do something else. If the latter is best, what would you recommend?

    submitted by /u/RealReagatron
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    Cattle Grid | A simple, configurable CSS Flexbox Framework

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 05:07 AM PDT

    I built this website to help online students get real work experience.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 03:47 PM PDT

    Hello there!

    Before anything, I want to invite you into a story to experience something that happened to me that left a huge mark on my life. This experience also led me to pursue a solution to a problem that is very prevalent in the online community.

    Last year, I was scheduled for a Skype interview with a respectable firm, I had mentioned prior to my interview that I'd taken an Online Marketing Course (which took me 2 months of diligent studying to complete) and was hoping they'd ask me something regarding that course….. They mentioned nothing. I went as far as asking my interviewers if they wanted me to talk about what I've learned during that course and how it could help me further their marketing goals... Laughingly, they disregarded my online learning efforts. I felt the need to show them how well I've learned...but, my hands were tied. I couldn't prove anything to them.

    Feeling that all my efforts had been dismissed, I wanted to find a solution to that and also see if others shared that same feeling of dismissal with me, after contacting the people at Coursera I realized they too didn't have answers. They published surveys and collected data, and reached the same conclusion I'd reached: as it turns out, most online course takers suffer from this problem. After waiting for Coursera to solve this problem and getting nothing from them. I set out to try and find a solution on my own. More directly, the problem is that the certificates we get for learning online are mostly ignored and undervalued by employers since they don't provide a solid form of proof to show that real learning has happened. They are just there to remind you that you've completed a course. You can't get a job using them.

    From my findings, the only way to get credit for learning something is to show people how you've applied that learning. Don't show people what you've learned, show them what you can do with what you've learned. My journey has led me to build an online platform called Tendoledu.

    Using Tendoledu, you can:

    • Collaborate with other online students on jobs posted by actual startups. (sort of like gigs on freelance websites)

    • Share a document that contains your rated and reviewed projects with your future employers.

    That's It,

    Impress your potential employers by showing them what you can actually do! Please Check out the website by clicking here.

    If you think this might be of help to you, SIGN-UP and don't forget to leave a comment telling me what you think!

    I appreciate your consideration!

    P.S: I know that 99.99% of Redditors don't appreciate self-promotion ( I don't ! ), but for those out there who share this problem with me and countless others. I really hope this helps!

    submitted by /u/eddiehamo
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    How do these client-server configurations differ in communication middleware, security, user performance, and network traffic?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 03:43 PM PDT

    Embed JSON inside of JSON?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    Say I have a form where I collect say your first name and last name, and you can represent this in JSON as such

    { "fname":"test", "lname:"test2" } 

    However, the server is expecting the following:

    { "request": { "fname":"test" "lname":"test2" } 

    Note that the logic should be able to apply anywhere so forms can have more or less fields etc.

    How would I go about embedding this?

    submitted by /u/namehimjawnathan
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    Should I physically walk into a company to ask about a job?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 03:34 PM PDT

    There is a big company near where I just moved to that has a lot of developer jobs listed online. I have applied to them a few times and have received an email saying "no" every time. However I will still see the job posted online and I am more than capable of doing this job so I'm confused about why I'm being rejected.

    Is it normal for people to walk into big companies and ask about a job opportunity? Should I not waste my time? Any advice is much appreciated. :]

    submitted by /u/PlagalDeceptive
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    Memory Efficiency: MVVM vs SSR vs React

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 03:29 PM PDT

    Sorry for so dummy question, I'll understand if it will be closed

    But, did I get it right:

    1. In case of MVVM (Model–view–viewmodel), we get double memory usage (client's RAM), since data is rendered on page and at the same time stored in JavaScript model
    2. In case of SSR (Server Side Rendering) we use memory only to store page's content
    3. In case of React (sorry, did not even try it, just heard that it makes virtual DOM) - like in case of MVVM we also have some double memory usage (or extra)

    So, in terms of efficiency of memory usage, grades are:

    1. SSR?
    2. MVVM or React? Or depends on particular framework?

    Big thx

    submitted by /u/maxkoroteev
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    tool to track users activity on webpage

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 03:15 PM PDT

    Is there any free tool to track users activity such as which page they are visiting, how long they are spending time per page?

    submitted by /u/mohlmos
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    Need a little help guys

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 01:21 PM PDT

    Guys i have some basic knowledge about html and css and this is my final year in highschool and i will go on university. Also, i did a small break from coding and now i want to get me in again. Can you tell me what languages are most wanted which i can take classes for.

    submitted by /u/anevskii
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    PHP Framework Trends

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 09:34 AM PDT

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