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    Tuesday, June 11, 2019

    Java or C#/Microsoft .NET/AJAX/JQUERY Ask Programming

    Java or C#/Microsoft .NET/AJAX/JQUERY Ask Programming

    Java or C#/Microsoft .NET/AJAX/JQUERY

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 04:43 PM PDT

    Hi, Redditors! So If I had to choose between a Java programming college course or a C#/ Microsoft .NET/AJAX/JQUERY/ASP.net college course, which should I do first?

    submitted by /u/Helnurath102
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    How will testing for a pre-processing script which converts audio to images look like?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 09:11 AM PDT

    I want to know how other people building a machine learning pipeline test out the work they've done? Like suppose I've created a script which converts audio files to its spectrogram images, how will I test it out?

    submitted by /u/ZER_0_NE
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    Good Resources to Learn Updates to Java

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 07:07 PM PDT

    I am most familiar working with Java 6 and Java is now up to version 12. Most of the books I have on Java are out of date. We have just recently begun to start using streams and collectors. I was wondering if anyone had any good reference material to see the conceptual updates / new common patterns to Java over the versions?

    submitted by /u/sd2iv
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    Bootcamp Suggestions in Seattle Area

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    I'm a software engineer in the Seattle area, and my company has been gracious enough to pay for any 2 Bootcamps that I'd like to attend. I'm interested in ML (specifically Tensorflow) and Angular framework.

    I'm looking for recommendations for quality Bootcamps focusing on these respective topics.

    submitted by /u/whiskeymop
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    Where can I find a list of American English words, without obscure/archaic words, without proper nouns, and with all verb tenses?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 04:48 PM PDT

    Alternatively, where can I find a database of English words with enough metadata that I can generate this list myself?

    submitted by /u/blindcolumn
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    Can I quit internship a week after starting?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 12:15 AM PDT

    So I just got into an unpaid internship and it seems completely different thing than what I expected. It's partly their fault as I sent CV 2 months ago and did not know what position I was getting until last week. I am interested in web development (like JavaScript and stuff) but this is all about Microsoft dynamic NAV. Just few days ago I found much better vacancies which are exactly what I'm looking for, so can I leave this internship like a week or two after it started?

    submitted by /u/GioNatro1999
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    What are some words / terms you use for sections of content, variables, etc frequently?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 07:34 AM PDT

    Note This is a broad subject, so I'm looking to gather a list of what people often use or times they've run into this.

    Context I'm terrible when it comes to naming things; which a lot of people are. I'm currently in a situation where I'm dividing up some content within HTML and I have some headers with icons I need to name.

    It's going to be a template file with a stacked icon and an H1, so my initial thought is "PrimaryHeader" but it's not really the most primary. So I'm starting to lean towards "SectionHeader,"... but anyway

    A friend of mine and I often have conversations like this where he'll say "Hey, I'm trying to come up w a name for an aggregated list of X, Y that represent Z. What would you call something like that?"

    After my Primary/Section Header thing, I thought.. I wish there was a /r/coolguides type thing where people list of what they name various things that one could defer to in order to get ideas for naming; similar to a thesaurus but with more of a programming focus. Maybe like a mix and match system:

    "Primary, Secondary, Tertiary..." -- "XL, L, M, SM" -- "Major, Minor" --

    Subject might be too broad. I don't know, we'll see what happens in the thread. It might not be worthwhile/valuable.

    submitted by /u/mattkenefick
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    What is the algorithm behind the process that auto fills job application from a resume?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 02:40 PM PDT

    A lot of job sites nowadays have the option to let you upload your resume file which is then used to automatically fill most of fields for you. How does that work? how can I implement in with Python?

    submitted by /u/detectivepayne
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    [Windows Forms C#] how do I make the window expand when a button is pressed?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 02:30 PM PDT

    Hi when a button is pressed some features which are not visible become visible, however since the window size is only accommodated to show visible features they are still hidden unless the user expands the window, I also want the window to become bigger. thanks.

    submitted by /u/techimechi
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    AJAX call to the server is holding up my WebApp

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 06:43 AM PDT

    HiI have a single page web application, I use ajax to do everything

    now I have a situation where I want to call a script in the server (this script will need about 5 second to finish)i don't want any response from it I just want to call it, it will do its thing and that's that,

    the is problem is when this script is called it delays anything that comes after it, anything after it will be pending

    This is an illustration of what's happening imgur.com/a/AMPn3T9

    I tried using a promise but same thing

     let response = await fetch("./shopify_product_sync.php", { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({}) }); 
    submitted by /u/yamyoume
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    Windows 10 Screen Projecting

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 11:07 AM PDT

    Hi all, for a windows app I am building I need to be able to connect to another windows 10 computer and use it as a secondary monitor. Do any of you know if this is possible and would be able to point me in the right direction?

    I know that there is an existing feature in windows for this where you can project your screen using miracast. This feature is easily used manually but I haven't been able to figure out how to use the API (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/display/wireless-displays--miracast-). Not even sure if it would even work or if it is the best route for me to take.

    I'm kind of a noob with the windows stack because I usually program on linux, so I have pretty limited knowledge in this area.

    submitted by /u/void_horizon
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    What inspires you about programming?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    how can i define a function Preceded by = in js ?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 10:35 AM PDT

    the code i am trying to run

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p id="demo"></p> <script> var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); var params = 'frashnum=&action=login&Frm_Logintoken="+results+"&Username=admin&Password=test'; var url = 'http://page/'; http.open('POST', url, true); //Send the proper header information along with the request http.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); http.onload = function () { let str = (http.responseText); alert(str) let pattern =/\bgetObj\("Frm_Logintoken"\)\.value = "([^"]+)";/; let results = console.log(str.match(pattern)[1]); return results; } console.log(results); http.send(params); </script> </body> </html> 

    i am trying to return the results variable to use it in Frm_Logintoken from the params but it says results is not defined . where clearly it's defined... so i tried to remove the equals sign before the

    function and this part too http.onload = and it worked but the rest of code didn't ... so is there a way to fix this ? please don't mention answered questions links .

    submitted by /u/minanageh
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    Face recognition in the webcam lens

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 06:39 AM PDT


    Have the following idea:

    I'd like to create an application for the blind that can write video from a webcam.

    But that's not all.

    The blind can't know whether his face is in the lens of the camera.

    I'd like to make an information alert when the user's face is in the camera lens.

    How can face recognition be implemented on camera? What is needed for this? What programming languages should I use?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Jonikster
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    Self Networking and career advancement

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 12:09 AM PDT

    So I'm a computer science major who came into college not knowing what I wanted to do in regards to a career path. I was bouncing around engineering majors until I was required to take an intro to python class and I realized how much I enjoyed the class and programming in general. I want to be able to make whatever ideas that I may think of without being held back by the lack of knowledge and experience. Over this summer break I have been watching tutorials and coding in my free time with my current project being a website resume sort of deal. I want to create a professional looking website that I can show to companies and kind of showcase some of the skills that I've picked up. Ive been using a lot of html/css styling with JavaScript functionality. Right now all I have is a home page about me section kind of thing then a nav bar link to a couple simple games I programmed in JavaScript. Im looking for some ideas companies would like to see on this website and what different packages I could use or skills to look into.

    submitted by /u/cbeamers
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    How can I make my own Instageam unfollower tracker?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 12:48 AM PDT

    Please don't jump on me with the 'obsessing over social media followers is unhealthy thing', I know.

    That being said, how difficult would it be to build one of these programs that outline/alert whether someone has unfollowed you on social media? The Google Play store is full of them but I'm not enthusiastic about handing passwords over to some weird third party.

    I have basic understanding of HTML/CSS but I imagine this won't help. Thank you!

    PS: I didn't know what flair to use sorry mods

    submitted by /u/OjamaCyan
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    I want to create an application, which program should I use?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 10:13 PM PDT

    So, I am creating an application for my school, which helps the school to organize events and allows people to register to the published event and even has some function for the school to mix up students into groups, etc.

    Which development environment should I use?

    submitted by /u/bracaco
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    Implementing checkout without registration in e-commerce site.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2019 03:58 AM PDT


    I have built a functional e-commerce site with laravel.

    I have implemented cookie based cart in which the cart information is stored in cookie and later migrated to database
    as orders after the user checkouts.

    Now i want to implement checkout without registration, because looks like no one wants to register to yet another website just to buy few products.

    I wanted to know the technicalities of this system. Basically How to implement this system. How to track the orders and if the orders can be merged once the user registers later on.


    submitted by /u/SijanBhattarai
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    Want to make a comic reading Program. Where to start?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 10:08 PM PDT

    I want to make a comic reading program, just like a PDF viewer. showing 2 pages of a comic pdf file (or maybe other file type) and automatically zoom in to the upper left panel, then scrolling down to keep reading. the amount of zooming in will depend on how big the upper left panel is (no need for the program to evaluate the panel size itself, I'm thinking the author will be the one who choose how much zoom for each panels)

    the program will be both downloadable and in-browser for webcomic purpose. I'm not sure if it is necessary to make a new program or the existing PDF reading program with a little bit extra coding can achieve this effect. any answer is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/kasuyagi
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