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    Monday, June 24, 2019

    Is it worth getting a 2nd BS in CS to 'break into the industry' if you are fully capable of learning everything that a 4 year program can teach you by yourself? + additional question [FULL DETAILS IN TEXT] learn programming

    Is it worth getting a 2nd BS in CS to 'break into the industry' if you are fully capable of learning everything that a 4 year program can teach you by yourself? + additional question [FULL DETAILS IN TEXT] learn programming

    Is it worth getting a 2nd BS in CS to 'break into the industry' if you are fully capable of learning everything that a 4 year program can teach you by yourself? + additional question [FULL DETAILS IN TEXT]

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 05:38 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I have a BS in biology from a few years back and currently work in healthcare. I learned a lot about myself and have come to the realization that computer science fits my personality more than anything else and would like to make a full career switch at this point in my life.

    Ive been browsing this and a few related subreddits and there have been people who have literally gone back to school to pursue a second bachelors degree, this time in CS. There are three problems (for me personally) with this, 1. expensive 2. time consuming. and 3. tech world is notorious for hiring non-cs degree holders. Skill > everything else.

    From the three points above, especially 3, I have a few questions for this subreddit:

    1. is it worth getting a second degree if an individual is fully capable of learning everything that a 4 year program would have to offer by themselves? [I understand that a lot of companys want to see "that piece of paper" but what if you have REALLY good projects that demonstrates proficient skill level in 'replacement' of a cs degree?]. Extra note: ive read that like 90% of people cannot learn programming by themselves, this is why they enroll in a 4 year program. But what about the ones who have the intelligence, determination, and passion that do end up getting to a very high skill level completely self taught and have things for employers to see?

    2. I am aware that some CS fields are 'easier' to get into compared to other places. For example, from what ive read, there are a lot more non-cs degree holders in web development compared to software engineering. If an individual simply gets his "foot in the door/industry", will a transition from one cs field to another (example again, working in web development for 2 years and then getting a job in software development [assuming youve also acquired x skills for both jobs]) be easier since companies see that youve had a cs related job (web development initially) in the past? Hopefully this question makes sense.

    These few questions are something that i have been wondering. Any information/advice in regards to my questions above will help a lot in terms of my pathway to a full career switch hopefully in the future. Thanks again to any help i can get.

    submitted by /u/whitecat69
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    How exactly do multiple languages (or web technologies) work together in large projects? [Maybe someone explain interoperability between languages as well?]

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 04:36 AM PDT

    I've always heard/read that real world projects require multiple technologies in order to operate. (Things like a LAMP stack, web technologies databases, etc), but I've never understood how these things actually work together to make a functioning program. How exactly is this accomplished?

    Also, I've understood that you can write scripts in one language and then use them in conjunction with another language (I think that's what's called interoperability? Correct me if I'm wrong.) Could someone also explain how that's possible?

    submitted by /u/BlackThunderEX
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    For those looking for a good subreddit for collaborating with other programmers, r/ProgrammingPals might be of interest to you

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 08:01 PM PDT

    r/ProgrammingPals is a relatively newer subreddit, but its main purpose is to allow programmers and developers to interact and collaborate with one another to create projects. We are currently trying to build up a community of programmers willing to interact with others and build things together, so if you're interested in learning from others or just want to create things with other developers, I would highly recommend checking it out :)

    submitted by /u/Falsaidi
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    Has anyone succesfully switched from gaming all the time, to coding/learning to code all the time?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 08:03 PM PDT

    I play games a good bit (~15hrs a week), I like playing them, but i feel it isnt very productive. I was wondering if anyone has gone from loving and spending a lot of time playing videos games to falling in love with coding and learning other languages?

    submitted by /u/Dooodledude
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    How Auth in frontend, when you have auth in your backend?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 12:10 AM PDT

    Hi guys, this seems like a silly question but I am not really sure what's the „best" way to implement auth when you already have auth in the backend.

    So for my case I have a finished api with session based auth and I am returning Status unauthorized when you can't access this endpoint. So I just thought I would make a condition in the frontend that when I receive this status code I would forward to /signin or something like that. But is that the correct way? I found multiple implementations for frontend auth.

    I could also implement the whole session based auth in the frontend too, but wouldn't this be redundant?


    submitted by /u/Mxfrj
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    Python - Can I scrape information from another open program, without it pulling forth to the front of the screen/intrusive?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 04:29 PM PDT

    Hey all!

    So - right now I'm in the middle of creating a Python Application. Still getting the hang of specific things.

    Right now, my objective is to take my Python Application GUI - and as a light example.. be able to press a button, and have it interact with a specific Application to pull data and temporarily store and let me use it within my Python Application.

    So - I would press the button on my Python app, it will pull data from a program (very small, and always in use) that simply displays basic form information in almost a Spreadsheet like appearance. (NAME: XXXXXX ORDER: XXXXXX.

    I simply just want any of the Order Numbers to appear in my Application GUI. Then I want to be able to assign checkbox tasks to be able to interact with them. Such as save them to an external Document, etc. Then I can go from there.

    I believe the program it will be working with is maybe WinForm/WPF based. I am guessing WinForm.

    I do not have the Source Code for this Application, and it won't be sending anything TO the Application. I just need to parse/scrape information from it for my Automation tasks I'll be developing.

    Everywhere I search, I only find results about Webscraping or interacting with Word/Excel...

    submitted by /u/Ikarostv
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    Left coding bootcamp, now what?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 06:36 PM PDT

    Hi, I left a coding bootcamp because they were teaching the frameworks before the fundamentals. It also moved way too fast for me and I'd like to know the basics of computer science before jumping into HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc. Anyone know where to start? I feel so overwhelmed and lost because I thought bootcamp would be great but now I'm back to zero. Thanks so much.

    submitted by /u/whamowham123
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    Suggest me free online (re)sources to learn programming for absolute beginners?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 10:05 PM PDT

    Any or all of these programming languages :C, C++, C#, Java, SQL, Python, R,.NET, Ruby etc.

    Any sources like websites, YouTube channels and book pdfs. The whole course should be free and should give help me achieve intermediate level programming skills.

    submitted by /u/Proud6incher
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    Backend developer trying to make a mostly frontend personal project. Need some recommendations

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 05:53 PM PDT

    I am a Java backend developer (first job, 1 year experience). The front end for the project I work on is jsp and JavaScript, but I barely touch it and I have been told that they don't need me to work on it in the foreseeable future. I am basically only writing java and sql at work, so I would like to start expanding my skill set.

    I have an idea for a beginner personal project. It would be an interactive tutorial for teaching some basic music theory. The interface would just be a piano and some text. Keys would light up (change color) to illustrate a scale or chord. Then the user would click them in the correct order. That's the very basic idea. Obviously I'd expand on things in the future.

    I fiddled around with this idea in javafx since java is the language I'm most comfortable with, but I need to leave my comfort zone to learn more. I figured I could do this with just HTML/CSS/JavaScript (perhaps react), since there's no need for a database or logins. I'm also considering using Django because python seems to be in demand.

    Any recommendations? I'm really just trying to get my feet wet, but also have a starting point that I can keep building upon. Ideally this wouldn't be a "dead end" project. I would just be able to keep adding to it and keep learning more front end skills. Thank you

    submitted by /u/friendlyguyrick
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    Where can i find (computer science )programming related podcast?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 08:04 AM PDT

    I would like to listen to cs related podcasts.

    submitted by /u/Biblomaniac
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    Need some ideas for side projects

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 08:48 PM PDT

    So im looking to create some projects over the summer to add to my personal portfolio. I just need some good semi-complex ideas of projects to make.

    I would prefer something i could write in C but any ideas are good, thank you for your help :-)

    submitted by /u/pathetic_millenial
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    How can I change this simple "checkout" page to validate that the credit card expiration date hasn't passed using PHP?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 12:15 AM PDT



    I'm not great with PHP but I'm thinking if there's a way to get all the months into an array and then check to make sure month <= currentMonth and year <= currentYear? I can compare months using the default 0-11 keys that PHP would give me.

    I'm not sure how to go about doing this though. I just started learning PHP a week or two ago. Any guidance would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Ndemco
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    How does plagiarism/copyright work with code?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 12:14 AM PDT

    So basically I always wondered this, I assume if I copy the entire interface layout for say facebook I'd be in trouble? But can I copy bits or functions etc?

    Obviously googling and using pther peoples code seems to be fairly common, can I use entire fuctions from other projects etc?

    TLDR; What can I copy?

    submitted by /u/ilikebananayoghurt
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    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 12:07 AM PDT

    Hi Everyone!

    I am sharing the GitHub link to my project 'Image Classification on Fashion-MNIST dataset using CNN' . I have tried to write a well commented code, so that anyone can learn from it. I have also added some presentation slides for better understanding.

    The project is done on Fashion-Mnist dataset which can be downloaded from Kaggle.


    Feel free to give suggestions and reviews.


    submitted by /u/harsh_sagar
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    Non-mathematically inclined people: How did you learn recursion?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 11:55 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I recently had a few coding interviews where I was forced to do recursive problems and completely failed them. Sad thing is I have been averaging an almost perfect GPA in my school coursework but simply cannot get my head around recursion (after 2 years of relentlessly banging my head against the table).

    I'm currently trying again and was wondering how you all understood it? I get that it clicks for people who are more mathematically-inclined / more logical. However, I am not mathematically-inclined or naturally smart at computer science. I simply do well in school because I work really hard so I need to go take a longer route in understanding this. Anyone else in the same boat and overcame this obstacle?

    I'm currently trying to reverse a string using recursion and am drawing the stack frames out but still don't really understand it. Any tips, advice or resources will be appreciated. I feel like I understand it when I draw the call stack for simple problems then for bigger problems, I realise I don't understand it. I am trying my best to understand this and will appreciate it if people suggest real advice (I am very willing to learn) rather than telling me that to understand recursion, you need to understand recursion because I do understand the concept :( Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/definitely-trying
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    What would it take for an existing open source text-to-speech or speech-to-text program to rival proprietary equivalents from Apple, Google, etc? Would thousands (or even millions) of hours of training data be enough?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 11:37 PM PDT

    It seems companies like Apple throw machine learning at all of their problems and they can afford to have huge server farms processing lots of training data. Is that what gives an edge with text-to-speech or do they also have better algorithms?

    submitted by /u/the_bookmaster
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    Advice about this stack (Flask/React) before moving forward with a project?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 11:05 PM PDT

    I just went through a tutorial on React. I really want to practice with it, so I'm planning on making a craigslist type site using Python - Flask as the backend and React as the frontend. Users should be able to browse listings and register/login to post or inquire. I'm planning on storing user listings in a SQL DB.

    I've never used React before, so I'm not sure how much it makes sense to use with Flask. I'm really comfortable with Flask.

    Sorry for the vague question, I'd really appreciate any advice about literally anything.. Flask extensions, tutorials.. etc.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this!

    submitted by /u/browat
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    Any good online podcast that focus more on advanced stuff rather than the basics ?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 10:41 PM PDT

    Im looking for an online bootcamp that focus on advanced stuff rather than the basics to help me improve my skills

    submitted by /u/rcm005
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    Question about managing git branches

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 10:26 PM PDT

    Me and another project member are working on different feature branches and we have a master and dev branch. What's the best practice if I want to make sure all our branches have each others' latest changes?

    Should I

    1. Checkout the dev branch then pull/merge both our feature branches into dev
    2. Merge the other branch into mine first before merging into dev

    Is there some special git function im missing that makes sure all current branches have parity?

    Thanks for the advice

    submitted by /u/jamesinsights
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    Web frameworks for c++ (or any other project suggestions)

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 04:25 PM PDT

    I'm a self-taught Java (Spring) developer. I'm comfortable working with Java, C#, F#, Python, and a few other scripting languages. I've always wanted to learn C++ because it's low level (wrt Java atleast) and kind of cool. I know there is Rust and C (and Go if you count that) but I'm more attracted to C++.

    I began learning mostly with web frameworks (Spring, ASP.NET, Flask, etc.), so I would like to dive into a C++ web framework if it makes sense. I know it'll be kind of pointless but sticking with a web framework help me focus on C++, I think. If there are not any cool web frameworks, then any other somewhat challenging ideas that I should consider?

    submitted by /u/gnatbeetle
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    Difference between console.log and return

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 09:58 PM PDT

    Can someone explain what's the difference between console.log and return for JavaScript?

    submitted by /u/MichaelPaulfv
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    Dont know what programming field could like me.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 09:35 PM PDT

    Hi, im from Argentina (my native language is spanish so forgive me if i write something wrong) , im 17 years old, and i got really stressed lately because the next year im going to college for a computer science degree, and my plan is to get a job in second year, but i really dont know in what field of programming i could like to work. I tried to learn web dev. but it just borings me, and almost every job offer i see is for web dev or mobile app dev and this one didnt catches my attention neither, i like to resolve problems (i cant resolve much anyways) i just dont know what work I would like , i guess something really interesting for me is machine learning or a.i but i didnt see a single job offer for that (at least for juniors).

    I tried game dev with c# and Unity, and its fun, but i dont think is realistic to aspire to be a game developer, and i dont want to dissapoint my family or lost time. Also i dont know if i have to keep learning programming right now (i only know the very basics of programming: while loops, if statements, lists, dictionarys, tuples,etc. And i cant do very useful/good things) and i get really stress for that to the point that when im using the pc for playing or so, i feel bad i guess? like if in two years im gonna be unemployed because everyone is gonna be better than me or things like that, also im doubting a lot, i mean, maybe programming is not for me, idk.

    submitted by /u/Ramiroxz
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    What more does it take to write an emulator?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 09:27 PM PDT

    My naive "understanding" of writing an emulator is that you create the basic hardware of the system you're emulating (in software), keep a list of instruction codes and functions that enact those instructions (store x in register dx, etc), and then keep track of the state of the "machine" you built. You would have to use different libraries for input and output, but you would read the inputs and outputs the same way as the actual hardware would. Keep it timed properly and voila, emulator.

    Now in my head this seems way easier than it is, as most of the big emulators are made by teams of people over the course of years, and some of them can't even run certain games.

    So what is missing in my understanding? Obviously you'd need to know exactly how the system worked, or make some good-enough guesses so that the software that was written for the system will still run as-is. But what are some of the bigger challenges when emulating a system. Suppose you knew the hardware inside and out with 100% complete documentation. Would that make it easier to emulate it?

    Any insight on this is appreciated. Thanks so much in advance.

    submitted by /u/Vinicide
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    What's the best online code editor for Github?

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 09:23 PM PDT

    I wanted something better than just pressing 'edit' on the page in Github. I googled and found several different options.

    Top ones seem to be Gitpod , Prose , StackEdit and Atom editor.

    submitted by /u/DisastrousProgrammer
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