• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 19, 2019

    For all those just starting out web developers

    For all those just starting out web developers

    For all those just starting out

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 02:07 AM PDT

    I realized my years and years worth of Codepen experiments might be a good learning resource for those just starting out. I specialize in pushing pixels around on the web which is slightly different from what most devs do during their everyday work.

    There's little to no libraries used and it's all vanilla JS so you can learn how its done, not a library that does it for you. These are just experiments so it's not production ready code and not everything will work on every device/browser.

    A bouncing ball + basic physics


    Multiple bouncing balls with individual bounce + basic physics


    Illustrator to SVG to HTML + javascript modification & animation


    Canvas + Light sensor (mobile only)


    Canvas + gyroscope (mobile only)


    Brownian Motion of multiple circles


    Canvas + Particles + distance detection & visualisation (this is quite advanced)


    Audio reactive typography + drag and drop (this is quite advanced)


    submitted by /u/maxmon1979
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    Colleges improve website accessibility as they are defendants in lawsuits - About 50 institutions are being sued, alleging their websites do not comply with standards from the Americans With Disabilities Act

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 09:27 AM PDT

    GitHub README templates & tips on writing high-quality documentation

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 12:03 PM PDT

    Has this career offered you freedom?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 11:32 AM PDT

    I have struggled my entire life with what I should do. Going from one retail job to the next, I don't want this to be my date but none of the other jobs out there seem any better other than pay.

    I want to travel the world and take days off when I want, is this a path to that life?

    Thanks so much

    submitted by /u/ANomadJoe
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    Great overview and analysis of all major data structures and algorithms, in JavaScript, with code. Good for interviews.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:23 PM PDT

    Web Development - Beginners Roadmap (2019)

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    Coworkers don't use git

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 02:12 PM PDT

    Hi all, one of my co-workers doesn't use git. I do and don't have the authority to force them to use it. Incidentally, this person is the one who tends to change things that cause problems later and it would be very valuable to me to have some kind of way to see what they are changing. It doesn't even have to be the changes themselves sometimes it would just help to know what files were changed when. Should I do this on the (Windows) server itself, or is there a way to do this in git? I'm relatively new to git and I searched but haven't found much on this particular issue. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/alliedeluxe
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    Thinking of offering web hosting services (through reseller hosting) to clients who want new websites, but I’ve read that hosting emails is a bad idea. Suggestions?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 01:38 PM PDT

    I'm still in the planning and research stages of this so I'm not sure how to handle this. From what I've read it seems like people who do this enjoy the passive income they make from people who pay monthly hosting fees, but I've read from multiple people that they don't like hosting emails or that it is a bad idea to try and host emails for people.

    Can someone please explain why this is a bad idea? How would I go about handling a client who really wants an email handle that looks like joebob@reallygoodwebsite.com?

    submitted by /u/Turbopasta
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    Is it possible to pass dynamic URLs Using Puppeteer via command line?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    I have an application which will need to generate HTML invoices. I would like to generate via Puppeteer on the server side and send it to the user via email, while there is an archive of those invoices in HTML. I know there is a solution to manipulate the PHP to pass dynamic URLs reading the javascript file. But is there a way to pass dynamic URLs to puppeteer/node via command line?

    Another question: is this a good solution? We have TCPDF currently working, but the PDF layout is a nightmare to create and maintain. Our front-end styles and content is always changing (scope creep and stakeholders that change their mind all the time).

    submitted by /u/userexperienceguy
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    A Lesson in Functional JavaScript

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 11:44 AM PDT

    How to learn web design as a web developer?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:19 PM PDT

    Let me clarify. I have worked as a developer for years and am completely comfortable with code. Recently I went freelance and now I have to handle the design part as well which was previously not a part of my job. I know I could just outsource it and get it done but here's the thing. I spent most of my childhood playing around with paint shop pro and corel draw and Photoshop when I got my hands on that. I made quite a few graphics for the RPGs and such boards and I loved doing that. I still do.

    So I was wondering, how can get better at web design in particular now that I have this chance to combine both of my passions. I do try to take inspiration from dribble and awwwards etc but I feel I need a little more hand-holding. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/silkblaze
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    Too many css classes?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 03:44 PM PDT


    I learned HTML/CSS long ago, when we used tables for layout and blank image spacers. I would visit csszengarden daily and read (and learn) HTML and CSS from "pros".

    Then I did sysadmins and backend stuff for a few years and now I need to build a simple CMS template for my team but the HTML I see now has tons and tons of classes everywhere, even csszengarden looks different... it doesn't have as many classes as in bootstrap but it's different from before.

    I probably missed something important while doing backend stuff... how did this happenned?

    I did search a bit before asking and found posts about OOCSS and promoting DRY... is that it? Easier for the devs and invisible for the (human-)users? Are there more interesting technical reasons?

    sorry my english is bad

    submitted by /u/teuna
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    Mutation Observer disconnecting unexpectedly

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    I need to observe an element so long as the page is open but the MutationOberserver I create just stops observing after a while. How do I get it to start observing for mutations again once it's stopped?

    Here's what I've tried for far:

    let elementToObserve = ".classname1"; let m = document.querySelector(elementToObserve); let options = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true } function mCallback (mutations) { for (let mutation of mutations) { if (mutation.type === 'childList' || mutation.type === 'attributes') { hideFeed(); } } observer.disconnect(); observeFeed(); } let observer = new MutationObserver(mCallback); function observeFeed() { if (m) { observer.observe(m, options); } window.setTimeout(function() { hideFeed(); }, 3000); } function hideFeed() { let elementsToHideClassName = ".classname1"; // elements are set to "display:none" here } observeFeed(); 
    submitted by /u/_overture
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    Automatic source search during front end browsing.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 03:24 PM PDT

    Hello Webdev,

    I am not 100% sure if something like this exists, if it does - could someone shoot me a link? If not, then I'm out of luck.

    I would like to know if there is a plugin - which operates on Chrome, Firefox or any other (Through plugins or through Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey etc) that will search through the source in the background of any page I'm currently browsing through for pre-defined search terms.

    Example would be -

    If I tell the plugin to find anything with the term "maincontent" > it then scurries through the code while I'm viewing the front end and returns a notification if it has found a match with that term.

    Opening up inspect element or view source on varying pages, of course eats up a lot of time so I'd like to know if there is any method of speeding this up without having to view the source of each page I'm checking out.

    If there is something like this, I'd appreciate if you guys could help me out.



    submitted by /u/IllPanties
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    Platforms for custom web design?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 12:50 PM PDT


    I've built a couple Wordpress sites that were blogs, as a couple forum websites in the past, but I'm looking to make a more "custom" website with features I'm not familiar with implementing. My coding experience is VERY minimal.

    I'm going to spare some specific details about the business, as they aren't very relevant to the scenario and I don't wish to reveal the idea.

    I'm interested in creating a site where people would be able to log in, create a listing (similar to if they were selling something, although that isn't what this is), be charged a monthly fee for being listed, etc. I'd also like to have flexibility to add features, such as offering paid listings that (charged a fee, listing lasts for a certain period of time then returns to a normal listing).

    Many of the specific details don't matter, I just explained them to give a better idea of what I'm looking to do.

    My question is: Is there a platform that I would be able to execute this idea with (I'm willing to learn if I need to), or would I be better off hiring someone (not ideal, short on cash) to do it? Am I able to do this with wordpress?

    submitted by /u/GetaSubaru
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    What type of tech to use for creating a personal home page?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 06:10 AM PDT

    My first "programming project" was my home page on geocities then on homestead. Now I have none and I want to create one.

    For me a homepage was a place to share interesting pictures, list your favorite movies, music, websites, quotes. I used HTML & sprinkled some js magic. I hate to confess that my first homepage was ie6 ONLY.

    Then came blogging, but I don't have anything interesting to say and social media just got too much and I have no control over my data.

    So, now I have couple of problems I am trying to tackle and I am looking for some input & feedback.

    • A platform to organize & browse and own the data: Nowadays, we store the data is various places. Movie reviews in imdb, restaurants & places in Google maps, yelp & zomato, videos & playlist I follow on youtube.
      • I need to pull in all the data I share across various platforms to one place. Then moderate which has to appear on my site.
      • I would like to embed the youtube videos on my site instead of just linking it.
      • When I rate a movie, I want to automate the process of getting links to that on imdb, rotten tomatoes & metacritic.
    • I don't want my whole page to be indexed on google search but share some sections with authorized users who can authenticate via openid or google or twitter. Is that a safe & viable approach?

    Looking at the list of requirements, I feel that I might have to write a tool from scratch and that is last resort as I am mainly uncertain where to start from. Plus I don't want to reinvest the wheel, instead I am looking to contribute to an existing projects as I am sure many tried and are doing what I am going to do. So, I want to learn from them. Better to help maintain an existing project instead of starting from new and abandoning it.

    I feel blogspot & wordpress is more of medium for text self-publishing tool. This is more of a multimedia organizing & sharing tool.

    submitted by /u/bythckr
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    How can I create animations from this website. Like, something exactly like them?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 04:14 AM PDT

    The website. I love how everything slides into place after the page is loaded. Or how the pictures are sliding in. Not to mention how everything 'lazy' scrolls. How can I learn to do those kind of animations? Is it css? jQuery? Something else?

    submitted by /u/edmontom
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    Google Structured Data for Social Profiles

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 11:40 AM PDT

    Copy Element in Chrome Inspect dev tool converts anchor tag href & (ampersand) to & (encoded)

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    In the Elements tab, the code looks normal. When I right-click the div and select Copy > Copy Element or Copy Outer HTML, upon pasting it converts the & in the anchor tag's href URL to & for some reason...


    <a href="somepage.html?abc=345109&amp;def=1&amp;hij=156.00&amp;klm=owijef"> <button class="weoijfj">Update</button> </a> </div>

    This is a crude example, but I'm trying to read code better in an HTML editor and Chrome makes it overly-complicated for some reason... I don't remember any dev tool ever having this issue before.

    What's the deal?

    submitted by /u/redskydav
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    Livechat that doesn't take multiple seconds to load?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 11:10 AM PDT

    Does anyone know of a livechat service that doesn't add 3-4+ seconds load time to web pages?

    To give an example, the rest of my site happily loads in around or less than 1 second. Adding Drift increases page speed to 4+ seconds, adding an additional 38 resources @ around 500kb total combined size.

    Or maybe do I need to think out of the box? Are you guys doing anything creative to work around this?

    Thanks in advance for any answers!

    submitted by /u/searchcandy
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    I'm currently building an open source eCommerce platform, and would love to hear some opinions on what crucial features are needed

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    I'm currently building an open source eCommerce platform, and I want to include the community in building it from the ground up. I would love to get some opinions on what you think are crucial features (for you as developers) are, and what you would expect an eCommerce platform to have.

    I made a quick survey here, it should only take a minute and I hope the answers will really benefit the dev community in the long run.

    Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/joemckie
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    Where does "submit form" data end up?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 11:01 AM PDT

    I am creating a portfolio website, and I am creating a submit form in the contact section of the site.

    Where will this information eventually end up? There is no area in my code that contains my email address so it won't get sent there.

    I have tried searching online but I guess my phrasing isn't great as I haven't found any results.


    submitted by /u/TKK_TKK
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    Is web development for me?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    Hey guys 22 male unemployed, live in Romania. Been serching for awhile for what to do and found programming, web development specifically since i like to design things, mainly in the esthetical sense and i like creative problem solving. Theres a few problema tho:

    • Im lazy in thinking, from what i noticed i like mindless repetitive tasks where you can zone out.

    -My mom and everyone forces me to go to colege în 1 month, for programming/math, But math is mental torture for me and 1 month of studying wont be enough for me to pass the entrance exam.

    -Studying for more than 2 hours feels like mental hell to me and im afraid i will allways be a mediocre programmer and wont be able to find a job.

    -Ive been diagnosed with chronic depression for a long Time and this makes things significantly worse, i struggle allot with programming concepts and begin to get very and quit easily.

    Still programming seems The most practical in order of job security and pay.

    submitted by /u/necropoly
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