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    Thursday, June 13, 2019

    Devs who've been fired, what happened? web developers

    Devs who've been fired, what happened? web developers

    Devs who've been fired, what happened?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 04:34 AM PDT

    Let's air our dirty laundry a bit and share some of our not so happy moments.

    I'll go first. I've been fired once. Last year, it was a remote contract position I had been on for about 2 months. I was the only remote developer, and I had traveled to meet the team when starting. The dev environment was setup by their lead dev and was ridiculously convoluted. I'm talking 20-30 steps, multiple VPN's to get docker images from different sources. Custom certs, volumes, build tools, etc. First time he walked me through setting it up, he had to goof up a few times to get his own commands right. Nothing documented. So my dev environment broke (he changed docker image to new source), and I needed to re-set it up. I kept asking him to take time to help me set it up again, and he wouldn't. On a weekly conf call I mentioned that I needed him to help and they finally told him to take the time. From that point forward, the client was reporting that he wasn't seeing any of my changes/fixes/features showing up on the development builds. I was committing to the repo, it was building, but my changes weren't showing up. This went on and drove me fuckin crazy for about a week. It was very public. My nature isn't to assume anyone is malicious, especially when we work together, so I assumed I did something wrong.

    During this time, they hired a new PM. The PM was extremely new but also shakily trying to establish their power. They demanded that we adhere to strict communication channels. No direct dev->client coms, had to go to the PM. So lost in translation, stuff wasn't being built, new PM establishing their worth. Turns out commit's from me weren't being built at all. CTO and I on the phone discovered this. So the next Friday I get a call, its the PM and the CTO. They start the call off with "We've been doing some thinking, and we think that maybe we should make some changes". I moved the phone down, and yelled to my wife that they were firing me. I kind of expected it, as I didn't see this working out in it's current state, but it was still jarring. I got back on the phone and said "ok cool" and hung up.

    I beat myself up for a few days, several days. I didn't really put it together, but my commits stopped being built after I had to call out their dev and make the bosses make him fix my dev environment. I was kind of shocked at the thought. I just assumed I had done something wrong. I didn't pursue the matter at all, just added the best parts to my resume, and moved onto the next.

    submitted by /u/phphulk
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    Opera GX - new gaming browser supporting CPU throttling

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 07:32 PM PDT

    What CMS do you recommend for simple projects?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 09:11 AM PDT

    I've been in a front-end dev (and design) role for about 13 years now and most of my CMS experience is with really large projects on a MVC .NET platform with a team of people... I don't really do any freelance. Occasionally I've worked with Wordpress and find it to be pretty straight-forward, but I really don't like using other people's plugins because I don't want to worry about potential security vulnerabilities (maybe that is not as much of a concern for smaller projects?). Lately, I've been getting a lot of freelance requests for relatively simple 6 page or less sites and I'd like to start entertaining these opportunities. In the past I used to just straight up build people a site (html, css, js, maybe some php) but they can't edit any content without me making changes in the markup.

    TLDR: I just want something as close as possible to being able to dump a text editor in a paragraph tag that will enable a user to change their content in a CMS. What would you use for a small project?

    submitted by /u/Denzy
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    How often do entry level devs get fired for lack of knowledge? Is there leeway?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    There's nothing more nerve wracking than me going in for an entry level position and not knowing enough and getting fired. There are jobs asking for 0-1 years of experience and I'm afraid that I'll apply, maybe get hired and then they'll fire me because I don't know enough. Is there any Lee way or learning afterwards? I don't mean formal education, I mean just "Oh, just use a vertical-align instead of..."

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    New to freelancing, what hosting would you recommend to a client?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 03:03 PM PDT

    Hey there,

    Client wants a very basic static site, I will be using React and Gatsby.js to create it.There is a possibility that client might want to add on more functionality ( like a contact form), later on.

    I don't want to deal with hosting, but I do want to point my client to a good hosting company.

    I have researched about Netlify, DreamHost ,and SiteGround.

    Out of which three, which would you choose and why.

    I personally use DigitalOcean for my own personal sites/projects. But I am unsure if my client will be able to host on DO themselves.

    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! :)

    submitted by /u/miaawong
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    I've learnt the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. What should I build as my first project? (except games)

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    Opinion: Subdomains vs Paths for routing services?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 02:29 PM PDT

    I'm curious as to peoples opinions on this matter.

    For context, my employer has two separate applications on the main site. Both applications live on different machines, however users are routed to one or the other based on the URL.

    Currently, we're rebuilding the website. I've pushed to have the secondary application moved to its own subdomain instead of being routed via path. The catalyst for my decision, was that the secondary application was using CSS and JS from the main site. Looking from the front end, theres no way to differentiate between resources that are used on the primary application, the secondary application, or resources that are shared between both. On a number of occasions I had made/tested changes to JS and CSS files that negatively impacted the other application, and there was no way to know this could happen.

    My argument of course is that since the applications are in two separate code bases, running on two different machines, developed by different teams, and do not communicate in any way, it does more harm than good to obfuscate that fact. There are no hard rules for routing the paths and no way from the front end to tell what machine you're requesting resources from.

    Just to be overly verbose, we're moving the secondary application from www.mycompany.com/SecondaryApplication to SecondaryApplication.mycompany.com

    The CTO seems to have tentatively agreed to the change, however I think its based more on my enthusiasm than being able to pitch an air-tight argument.

    I'd love to know what you guys think, or if anyone has any resources or write ups on best-practices that might be in favor of (or against) this point of view.

    submitted by /u/mrjackspade
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    What are your expectations for a backend dev as a frontend dev, and for a frontend dev as a backend dev?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 02:23 PM PDT

    I've been a full stack dev from my first internship, so anytime I needed to do any work it was both frontend and backend. So I'm just curious, who's supposed to do HttpRequests from your JavaScript to your insert backend language here? Who decides what type is being returned? Basically any sort of work that could be done by either, where is your line drawn?

    submitted by /u/DWALLA44
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    Which of the two study plans would be best for a complete beginner Web Developer in 2019?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    Background: I am a CS / Engineering grad from a 4-year university who has a Full-Time SWE job working for a large Tech Company. I am simply wondering if I'm missing certain key pieces of technical knowledge for Web Development, and wanted to relearn all the fundamentals from scratch.

    For my specific case, I'm not sure if Freelancing makes sense since I have a well-paying Tech Company job. I'm just curious which of the two paths makes the most sense in terms of learning Web Development if I had to choose one.

    Plan A:

    • Learn foundations of HTML, CSS, JS.
    • Learn jQuery + Bootstrap.
    • Learn React. Then Redux.
    • Learn Node.
    • Learn Express.js.
    • Learn PostgreSQL / MongoDB.

    Plan B:

    • Learn foundations of HTML, CSS, JS.
    • Learn jQuery + Boostrap.
    • Learn PHP.
    • Learn MySQL.
    • Learn Wordpress / Shopify.
    • Learn Vue + Laravel.

    In Plan A, we don't touch PHP at all. In Plan B, we don't touch Express.js at all.

    Is there an advantage to Plan A vs. Plan B? Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/OverMatch4
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    What does Wordpress Dev really mean?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 11:47 AM PDT

    I've been thinking this over for some time. I've never used Wordpress beyond the first install I never decided to actually try out. Since then I've gone the more (less?) conventional route of learning PHP, JS, etc. and pumped out what I would consider an authentic web application.

    But what then does a Wordpress Dev actually do? How deep does one actually go in the development of an app with Wordpress? From the surface, I see a ton of posts about how they only string together plugins and that they really don't do much actually programming making them more content managers than actually programmers/developers...

    I would love to hear what both sides have to say because I genuinely haven't a clue what they are, nor do I really understand what it takes to build a basic Wordpress app vs. a complex Wordpress appoutside of what I already know about a more conventional style to web development.


    submitted by /u/LukeJM1992
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    Should we continue developing for users without JavaScript enabled?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 01:59 PM PDT

    Maybe this is just an antiquated habit from us old-timers who were doing frontend dev since the late 90's, but one thing I've always done is develop a site to still function as seamlessly as possible for users without JavaScript enabled in their browsers.

    Sometimes, this can take considerable time and effort- especially when thinking about the minuscule amount of the potential users this would apply to.

    So, my question is, should we develop taking into consideration those who may not have JavaScript enabled anymore, or do we just chalk it up to 'it's 2019 and if you have JavaScript disabled, you've got to accept the consequences'?

    submitted by /u/jwriv4
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    What's a good bootcamp for someone that just wants a structured course and isn't worried about a "job guarantee"?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 11:01 AM PDT

    I know all the information is available online, I just personally learn better if I have someone other than myself to hold me accountable. Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/ghinza
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    Generate beautiful README files in 10 seconds

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    Is it that difficult to be a FullStack Developer?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 08:30 AM PDT

    3 days ago I had a technical interview for my first job and when the two persons that interviewed me introduced each other, one of them said "I have 4 years of experience in this company, I was previously a FullStack Dev, now just a Front-End Dev". Soon after that I asked him why hasn't he pursued being a FullStack Dev and he told me it's too difficult to stay up to date to all the new technologies that change both in Front-End and Back-End and it's especially difficult to do so if you work on a big project. Is that true? Is it that difficult? I was thinking of becoming a FullStack Dev after I become more comfortable with Front-End, but I don't know, I want to hear your opinions on that.

    submitted by /u/GeorgeKazi98
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    Allowing our customers to create thousands of domains / subdomains with SSL, best way to do this?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 03:46 PM PDT

    Our SaaS is a website builder that will allow our clients to add their own domain / subdomain.

    Assuming that thousands of sites would be live, what's the best way to get SSL certificates issued for all the domains?

    I'm also using Cpanel / Whm on a lamp stack running apache.

    I've looked at Let's Encrypt with AutoSSL on Cpanel, but that seems to have a limit on the number of domains (100 or something). Is there a setting where I could get let's encrypt to work with more than that limit?

    submitted by /u/konstantin24
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    Micrsoft Edge Team AMA!!!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Linkedin Recruiters fails

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 07:33 AM PDT

    Hey, just received this

    Title: VonFuchs, you've been selected for an opportunity

    Message: Hi VonFuchs, Your experience as Senior Frontend Developer at [Company] stood out to me, when I came across your profile on LinkedIn. We're hiring at [Company], and I think you could be a great fit for the Backend developer role. Would you be willing to connect for a brief chat about this opportunity? Look forward to hearing from you!

    Seriously? my experience as Frontend makes me a great fit for a Backend role? surely you didn't copy paste this.

    I mean do recruiters even try to get people? or they just spam everyone until they sign someone and get their paycheck? How often do you receive messages like this in your inbox?

    submitted by /u/VonFuchs
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    Embed 'Title' text on a webpage that leads to create topic?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 03:00 PM PDT

    Is there a way to embed a text field where users can start typing a forum topic on the home forum page or even our Wordpress home page and when a user clicks 'create topic' it redirects to the create topic page w/ their topic title already inputted? And from there, when the guest fills out the rest of the topic creation info (tags, topic body info, etc.) and clicks create topic, it becomes a just-in-time registration?

    Avvo.com has this functionality - see the bottom right 'ask a question box' on this page - this is EXACTLY what I need.

    (Text box embedded on a page to create topic to Just-in-time registration)


    submitted by /u/helpplease12223
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    Starting a small web development agency

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    Any naming ideas

    submitted by /u/alienforlien
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    How do i center the Div boxes to the center of the screen so the six div boxes will be horizontialy centered

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    JSON vs SQLite in an online store ...

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 01:52 PM PDT

    I am creating a website to sell ~30 products, i have some experience coding in python and i want to use JSON files to save all the info of the products (name, description, price, promos, etc.)

    I am concerned about performance, space and update, what are the pros and cons when using any of those?

    NOTE: I already have a SQLite DB with the info.

    submitted by /u/13Burn
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    Created a website with lots of design resources to help in the design process!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 03:58 AM PDT

    WSL 2 is now available in Windows Insiders, making Windows even more developer friendly

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 01:05 AM PDT

    Sublime Text: Making Code Easier To Read

    Posted: 13 Jun 2019 01:33 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I was hoping you would be able to help me, I am currently in the process of learning Web Development coming from a C# heavy games development background in the past.

    I am finding a lot of the content pretty understandable in theory but I am a bit of a code neat freak and I am finding that any HTML I write becomes very messy very quickly (it's less of a problem with CSS and Javascript)

    Ideally I would like to name each section of my page and then be able to collapse them to make it easier to find specific parts. So for example if I wanted to edit the nav bar I could open just that section, change some details and then close it again. I thought about maybe doing this by somehow attaching each section to a comment but havent found anyway of doing this through research.

    I've done a bit of Googling but the results just seem to throw up how to collapse a section or how to collapse all comments as opposed to how to section off your document.

    Appreciate any help!

    submitted by /u/GibboHull
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