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    Tuesday, June 18, 2019

    Coding kinda feels like a super power sometimes. Thank you to all who've helped web developers

    Coding kinda feels like a super power sometimes. Thank you to all who've helped web developers

    Coding kinda feels like a super power sometimes. Thank you to all who've helped

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    I just want to spread some appreciation to this community and everyone I've interacted with that has helped me get to where I am in this career path. I'm sitting here at my desk with a very simple HTML file open and I'm easily able to read everything on it, meanwhile, my co-workers walk past and look at my screen like it's some Matrix terminal that is spitting out gibberish and it really made me think how cool it is to be able to do this and how far I've actually come.

    It all started out on a mini HP laptop 9 years ago with downloading and installing Minecraft mods and now I'm building full scale websites and web apps for international organizations. It's f***ing cool! I often feel overwhelmed when it comes to development because I feel like there is just so much I need to know but taking a moment to look back, even as short as a year ago, it amazes me how much I can actually do completely on my own now.

    If you ever feel burnt out or overwhelmed I'd urge you to just think back for a little to where you began coding. Pull up an old project and just look at it compared to where you are today. Chances are it's terrible when put side by side. You're doing well, you're learning, you're getting better. Don't beat yourself up because you can't learn as fast as the person posting videos on YouTube... he/she had to start somewhere too. This is your corporate superpower. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do

    submitted by /u/chocolate-skittles
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    I built a Spotify visualizer, and a library so you can too.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    Introducing wavesync, a Spotify visualizer rendered with the 2d <canvas>. You can see the project source here.

    NOTE: does not work if you don't have a song playing in Spotify. ;) 

    The Spotify API provides track features & analysis data that make creating audio-reactive visuals possible without having to analyze the audio directly. Each track is broken up into individual intervals: tatums, segments, beats, bars, and sections. Variables like energy and danceability describe the tracks even further.

    I built wavesync using spotify-viz, a project I started so I could focus on visual sketches without having to worry about anything except the main animation loop.

    Would love to get some feedback - tear it apart!

    p.s. here's a simple "hello world" visualizer built with spotify-viz – and here's the source, just to give you an idea of how little work's needed to get something on the screen.

    import Visualizer from './classes/visualizer' import { interpolateRgb, interpolateBasis } from 'd3-interpolate' import { getRandomElement } from './util/array' import { sin, circle } from './util/canvas' export default class Example extends Visualizer { constructor () { super({ volumeSmoothing: 10 }) this.theme = ['#18FF2A', '#7718FF', '#06C5FE', '#FF4242', '#18FF2A'] } hooks () { this.sync.on('bar', bar => { this.lastColor = this.nextColor || getRandomElement(this.theme) this.nextColor = getRandomElement(this.theme.filter(color => color !== this.nextColor)) }) } paint ({ ctx, height, width, now }) { const sinLineWidth = interpolateBasis([0, this.sync.volume * 10, 0])(this.sync.bar.progress) const circleBump = interpolateBasis([0, this.sync.volume * 300, 0])(this.sync.beat.progress) ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .08)' ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height) ctx.lineWidth = sinLineWidth ctx.strokeStyle = interpolateRgb(this.lastColor, this.nextColor)(this.sync.bar.progress) sin(ctx, now / 50, height / 2, this.sync.volume * 50, 100) ctx.stroke() ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)' ctx.lineWidth = circleBump ctx.beginPath() circle(ctx, width / 2, height / 2, this.sync.volume * height / 5 + circleBump / 10) ctx.stroke() ctx.fill() } } 
    submitted by /u/itsappleseason
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    Prisma 2 Preview will be announced later today

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:51 AM PDT

    Check out this new browser game Mario Royale: A 75-player race to the finish within the original Super Mario Bros

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:51 AM PDT

    Found here: http://infernoplus.com/royale/#main. Plays best with a keyboard.

    And here's a video from the creator that describes more about the project. Very cool!

    submitted by /u/pitchingkeys
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    Is anyone here completely self taught?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:48 AM PDT

    I want to learn to code but I get discouraged easily alone and wonder if it's even possible alone.

    Is anyone here completely self taught with just online resources and the like?

    I tried to search this question so I hope my question doesn't get taken down.

    submitted by /u/Jackofdemons
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    Anyone switched from Mac to Linux? Please help me decide if it's a good idea

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 12:35 AM PDT

    I have been a web developer for many years now, and I used MacBooks for maybe the last 10 years.

    I'm developing React apps, using (Laravel) APIs, in a docker environment. Currently using a mid 2014 MBP 15" which really sucks these days. It gets extremely slow and unresponsive, I need a replacement.

    The current MBP would be the natural choice, of course. BUT, I hate how expensive it is, that I get a stupid touchbar, and a crap keyboard. I don't pay for it myself, but still, it just feels wrong to pay about 4.000€ for it.

    Also, I had to send my MBP in for repairs (screen was replaced). I used Pop OS on my PC at home in the meantime as a fallback and I was blown away how fast everything was. Especially docker, running natively on my machine, was impressive. But I really missed my beloved and well known macOS, all the applications I use, the integration with my iPhone...

    I'm sure I'll get used to Linux in no time, even if it's new to me now. I'm doing this for way too long to be afraid of this. BUT, I'm not sure if I'll regret leaving my comfort zone.

    So, did anyone of you switch from macOS to Linux? Do you miss your Mac, did you come back in the end.

    AND, maybe most importantly, is the performance difference even notable on a current gen 8core MacBook Pro compared to something like a X1 Extreme running Linux?

    It has to be a portable computer, I would have bought an iMac already otherwise. But sadly that's not an option...


    submitted by /u/pepedlr
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    Is it possible to take home 4-5K after tax as a monthly salary working as a mid level web dev remotely?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 03:33 PM PDT

    Edit: as an employee or self.

    submitted by /u/Phylose
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    Why are fervid Googlers making ad-blocker-breaking changes to Chrome? Because they created a monster – and are fighting to secure it

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:19 AM PDT

    Can web dev license a website to me that he doesn't own?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    Hi - newish to the sub. Have had an ongoing issue with a web dev. We're currently in settlement trying to regain control and ownership of the website (incredibly long story).

    My question specifically is, does the web dev that "licensed" us our website HAVE TO own the website and code that he licensed to us? Could a third party create the website, license it to our web dev, and then our web dev licenses it to us? Is that possible?

    Please forgive any and all technological ignorance.

    I appreciate your help!

    submitted by /u/hempalmostkilledme
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    Which CSS framework for fast mobile UI (not mimic mobile widgets)?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:56 AM PDT

    I almost exclusively use Bootstrap 3 before for build my clients websites. Now I'm facing the need to start again for a ecommerce site that will be used mostly on mobile (but not pretending to be a native app) plus desktop browsers. This mean all need to be responsive.

    I wish:

    - Fast UI interaction (scrolling, selecting and search) as possible on Android 6+ and iPhone 10+. My customers are mostly on Colombia and can't rely in high-end phones. Android is my main headache.

    - To be used by generating most of the html on server side. This is not a PWA.

    - If possible, not to hard to build the UI controls (or have it availables) for power the frontend and admin backend.

    This is what I have research:

    - I like bootstrap or foundation but wish to have a slimmer build that load fast. I suspect both are too "big"? Also my past experience tell me is hard to bend the css to match ever-changing requirements.

    - I have tried to use http://quasar-framework.org for other apps. The performance is subpar on mobile (aka: Android), and also we don't aim to mimic a native mobile UI. I have looked at framework7 and onsen. I need a more general UI.

    - Have look at https://tailwindcss.com and http://tachyons.io/ but is unclear to me how actually good them are.

    - Also look at so many (light) frameworks, but wish to have somebody else with hands on experience, because the html/css/js landscape is too vast and ever-changing.

    - Probably use vue, but could switch to any other js framework that could deliver faster reactions

    I *think* a lot can be accomplished with vanilla css to target most browsers but looking for a good foundation to not start all from scratch.

    P.D: Browers stats: http://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/all/colombia

    submitted by /u/mamcx
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    Prisma 2 Preview: Type-safe Database Access & Declarative Migrations | Prisma

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    Showing Store Hours as Closed On Holidays That Dates Change Each Year

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 06:37 AM PDT

    Hey Everyone,


    A client would like to show their open hours on their site in a ticker. They are closed on specific holidays in the US like Easter. The issue is that Easter is not the same day every year so I can't simply make an array of dates and check against them. Dates like Christmas etc are fine.


    First I tried to just use an array of dates which worked but the issue was the date change as mentioned above. I suggested to the client maybe adding a footnote that holidays may affect hours would be the simplest solution but that is a no go.

    The best thing I could find is using the Google Calendar to cache the US calendar of events/holidays and check against that. I am not well versed in APIs so I am not sure if the get function of the calendar API would be what I need or if there is something way simpler than using an API.

    Problem I am Trying to Solve:

    The client would like their open and close hours to be automated and account for holidays that both have set dates and ones that do not like Easter.

    submitted by /u/omgdracula
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    Rebuilding a Wordpress Site that has a hundreds of pages built with a page builder plugin

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 10:02 PM PDT

    I think I already know the answer to this but I'd love to hear everyone's opinions.

    I just started a new job and will be rebuilding the company's Wordpress site. Normally creating a new theme would be pretty straight forward... but every page on their site was built using some stupid page builder plugin and every page is different. There is almost zero consistency... there are like 20+ variations of different button styles (multiple shades of the same color, rounded corners, square corners, gradient bg, solid bg, transparent, etc), tons of different fonts, image sizes are all different, etc.

    They also have around 30 different plugins, including multiple plugins just for forms. The site is a complete mess and I've never seen anything like it. They even have a plugin for managing google fonts.

    I know I should just scrap it and start from scratch... but how do I handle all of the pages that were built with the page builder? Rebuilding 200+ pages one by one seems like it would be impossible since there's a lot of content on each page and none of the ids or classes are consistent.

    How would you handle this project?

    Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/BobFiggy
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    Amateur who wants to make his own business site

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    I am a doctor in private practice but I've fiddled with web development on a casual level since I was a teenager. I feel like I have the aptitude to not need to hire a company to make me a cooler cutter site. My plan is basically a storyboard type site all on one page with the exception of the "blog" where I will post articles. I have used Wordpress in the past, is this appropriate for this type of site? Has it fallen out of favor? Should I program my own simple page without a CMS?

    submitted by /u/Produkt
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    How to use a Service Worker to create Progressive Web Applications?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:41 AM PDT

    How did you guys get into web development and what did you use to learn?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:26 PM PDT

    Just curious on the different paths you guys took to learn what you know now. College/Online Course/etc???

    submitted by /u/yo_its_craig
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    SCSS in webpack

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:22 PM PDT

    Quick newbie quesiton! By default, the compiled css is in my bundle.js; is it good practice to leave it as is? or should I use something like extract-text-webpack-plugin to get a seperate css file? Isn't reading scss code enough?

    submitted by /u/badboyzpwns
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    Need a CDN with fast DNS/SSL/TTFB in US/EU

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    By fast I mean consistent sub 100 ms for DNS+SSL+TTFB. Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/holy_serp
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    Curious what this community's favorite forum software platforms are these days?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    Personally, I am a fan of https://www.discourse.org/

    But I don't get out much, and would love to hear what your favorite forum software is and why!


    submitted by /u/grumpyThrifter
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    is Machine Leaning helpful for Web Developer ?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:03 PM PDT


    I am 22 years old studying Computer Science at Tunisia.

    I have already studied for 3 years at university and now I have to choose a major to study for one year.

    In those 3 years I studied ( C , C++ , Java, PHP, Symfony ...) .

    Now should I choose a major as Web Development or Data Science.

    In web development major I will end up as a mean-stack / full-stack developer.

    In Data Science major I will study so much math ( statistics and probability ) and Machine Learning.

    I am more interested in Software Development than Data Science, and I am already doing a summer internship at Software Development and I am enjoying the process.

    I want to know which Major Can be more helpful in my Career : getting one-two years to learn Data Science ( Machine Learning included ) or choose Web Development which I find easy xD ?

    Bonus Question : Do you still think that we should choose the career that we love even if you can go to another career and get more money but without enjoying the process ?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/taherooo
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    How do you value a web application?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:56 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I've been building a web app for a company. It goes from managing plannings, create work contracts, calculate salaries, build and analyze surveys. It works great and they already asked for some new features.

    Now the CEO wants to buy the app and own the source code, which is good news, however I have no idea how to valuate the app or where to start. I've made some research but most of the resources talks about ad-revenue or user counts, which doesn't matter in this case cause the software is going to be used in-house.

    Has any of you had a similar case? I'm kind of lost and about to throw a random number at him

    submitted by /u/fskmaydie
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    Simplest possible API

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:31 PM PDT

    I'm teaching an intro on web development and want to introduce the idea of APIs. I have some good ideas for how to explain what an API is and how to _use_ it, but I also want to briefly show what a super simple API looks like. I thought about using something like SWAPI or an existing API, but all the APIs I found are actually pretty complicated for beginners.

    Does anyone know of any very simple, very easy to understand APIs that could be used to help new students grasp the basic concepts of what an API is? Award goes to the person who suggests the simplest one. :D

    submitted by /u/brentonstrine
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    Prisma 2 Preview: Type-safe Database Access & Declarative Migrations

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    Uncomfortable using "libraries"

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 12:45 PM PDT

    I have this feeling that i'm not really comfortable of using libraries.

    I'm not talking about rocket-science like library such as react, babel.

    I'm talking about "simple" library, such as jQuery, animate.css, bootstrap, etc.

    By simple, i mean that it's not really needed and i know i can achieve the same goal with my own implementation.

    However, i also know that the libraries will save me a lot of time and energy.

    Thus, there's a conflict.

    For example, with bootstrap we can easily use the built in grid system.

    However, we can also use the native grid in CSS.

    Having those two options, i always go with the native options. It does take longer time to implement eventually, but i feel better and having more fun with it.

    What do you think? Do you have the same feeling or you don't care as long as your project is done?

    submitted by /u/NotYourMom132
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