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    Monday, June 3, 2019

    Chromium Edge is... really good web developers

    Chromium Edge is... really good web developers

    Chromium Edge is... really good

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 07:41 AM PDT


    I've been using it a lot lately to develop (and browse), it slashes the chrome bloat by literally cutting off many of Google's crappy services, but still retains a chrome development environment.

    Plus, it is going to have an in-browser Internet Explorer emulator mode, meaning a lot of tech departments are going to be able to finally switch from Internet Explorer (which is required by many older Enterprise web services): huge user-base right there.

    As web developers, I'd think this is the thing to be on the forefront of, especially given that google Chrome has been making questionable moves as of late.

    submitted by /u/boringuser1
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    I was recently rejected for a junior dev role. Here's the feedback I received in case it's useful.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    So a couple of notes up front:

    I have absolutely no formal education whatsoever in web dev, programming or even a loosely related field. I had never hears of HTML before I decided to check out w3schools, codecademy etc.

    The position I applied for was Junior Dev for a small web development agency that mostly works with building Wordpress sites.

    I am comfortable with Javascript, and started learning Python about 3-4months ago. I have been learning web dev on/off for probably just over a year.

    I was initially rejected when I first applied, so I emailed back to ask for feedback. Turns out that they jad made a mistake and had intended to send the rejection email to another candidate. So lesson #1: ask for feedback! They might have realised their mistake even if I hadnt, but I certainly didn't lose anything by asking.

    There were two major pros that they enjoyed about my work: that the projects I decided to showcase to them were made with the intention of solving a real problem, and that even though my design skills were lacking, it was clear that I had the UX clearly in mind. In particular, what they talked about was how a lot of junior devs they see tend to rehash projects that everyone has built - eg to do lists, and that while that isn't a bad thing as an educational project, building something unique and personal shows interest and passion, rather than just going through the motions.

    The major drawback (and what landed the other guy the job over me) was code readability. I had a feeling that this would be an issue because ive only made projects where the code is kind of for my eyes only. But they highlighted that when working in a team, it is incredibly important that team members can read each others' code. While this is obvious, I hadn't really thought about it in a tangible sense, and in hindsight, I should have looked at previous projects to clean them up as I was learning - rather than finishing a project, moving on to the next one, then the next etc.

    They told me that 80 people applied for the job. I made it through the informal meet and greet, passed their technical test, and was one of three to make it to the "final round".

    I initially applied on a whim, and did not at all expect to get an initial interview. So I'm disappointed, but really pleased I got my first bit of experience applying for work in this industry.

    I'm happy to answer any questions if newbies like myself want to learn from my experience.


    submitted by /u/wp_new
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    Apple announces 'Sign in With Apple' for signing into websites using your Apple ID

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 02:48 PM PDT

    Best way to embed a small "SPA" inside a server side rendered website ?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    So I'm working on a server side rendered website using Express and Handlebars and use jQuery for small dynamic things on the front.

    But right now I would like to add a complex form inside of one the pages and prefer to do it using React/Angular/Vue, but I couldn't find examples of websites embedding small webapps or articles showing the best practices.

    What are the recommended ways to achieve that ?

    submitted by /u/skini26
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    Not a bad score for a 43s load time.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    Ruby vs Python

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 02:26 PM PDT

    So I just graduated with my associates in web and software development, and while I'm job searching I'm gonna try to add another language to my toolkit. I really want to do back-end development primarily.

    So I was wondering which is better to learn for back-end web programming. I've been told Ruby is more for web applications and Python is more for scientific programming?

    Any advice would be great!

    submitted by /u/Mnigma4
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    With SwiftUI, would you consider moving to native development?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    Apple announces SwiftUI, a modern declarative user interface framework for Apple platforms

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    I am searching for my first web dev job.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I completed an 8 month web dev schooling program (795 hours) where I learned a variety of languages, and I have been searching for a job for about 7 months. I have been self-studying coding for about 2 years. I apply to everything I can. I get in person interviews every once in a while, not as often as I'd like. I attribute that to the fact that the jobs that I am targeting and ideally suited for come up less often.

    My experience is that the jobs that ask for heavy programming (php, angular) are looking for more experienced devs. So I have decided, after observing that many of my classmates have got their start in front end web design, to pursue that. (HTML/CSS/Javascript) (I am focusing on bootstrap, because my mentor tells me that everyone wants a responsive web page.)

    I have a portfolio web site (www.danielklein18.com) and my resume is on there as well.

    I have included several projects to show off. Two simple bootstrap landing pages, to show off my abilities. One php/mysql database to show off some back end. One Wordpress and a simple angular js app.

    I have done two internships so far. And I got paid for a week to do a job that involves SQL, that wasn't 100% related to coding, but it didn't work out for reasons I won't get into. Other than that, I have not gotten a full time job yet.

    I work approximately 11-12 hours a week during the week to work on projects and practice and study coding.

    I open to any advice/strategy that would help me.


    submitted by /u/Daniel1836
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    Anyone starting a new project and needs help?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    Hey everyone it's me again, I have been looking desperately for a new project to get involved. I have made multiple projects alone and i think it's time for me to try something new. Im a full stack developer, I know node java python, PHP and C# (basics) for backend and the obvious HTML CSS and javascript (native, React and Vuejs) for the front. As most of the devs I know SQL (MySQL, Oracle and DB2 I have worked with all of them) and mongodb. Anyone who is about to start a project and has a good understanding of what he wants (and some motivation obviously) is welcome to contact me.

    A dev dying of boredom here 🥺so please don't hesitate.

    Here is my github and website (I know there are some typo mistakes I promise ill fix them one day...) https://oussamahamdaoui.github.io

    If you are like me and you need a project, you are welcome too, Id be happy to share some of my unpublished work, and yes you can give me ideas too.

    Here is a list of stuff i can do without any problem:

    1 Real time stuff with socket.io

    2 Authentication with JWT or sessions

    3 Reproduce any layout you want (HTML CSS or SCSS if you like)

    4 Set up a full environment (a droplet)

    5 Load balancing (sticky sessions and stateless servers)

    And more that i cant think of it or just don't want to sound pretentious.

    Here is stuff i don't know how to do (or really suck at it):

    1 Everything related to design

    2 Marketing

    3 Games

    4 Native apps (I can make web apps though)

    5 Wake up in the morning

    And much more that i don't want to say because I want you to work with me.

    This is the longest post I ever made so please don't point typo mistakes I swear I did my best not to make any

    Thanks for reading, and I hope we will make something awesome.

    submitted by /u/forg_js
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    Client wants an online store in which we need to connect to UPS to get shipping rates on the fly

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    I thought Shopify would be a good solution, but the cost for the advanced plan is pretty high at $300/month. The advanced plan is the only plan that offers automatic calculated shipping rates by connecting to UPS.

    There is an option to define our own custom shipping rates by region, but that would mean getting quotes for an insanely high amount of ZIP codes.

    Any alternatives? Help would be super appreciated!

    submitted by /u/throw-away-ac-slater
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    Is there a standard of using relational or non-relational databases when trying to store user profile data?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 02:51 PM PDT

    My friends and I are trying to store data such as photos and biography information, ids and etc. That's why we're wondering if there's a standard way of trying to store this type of data in a database. Is there a way to know if we should use a relational or non-relational database for this?

    We're trying to create a website that allows users to search and connect with one another based off of mutual interests.

    submitted by /u/_Argus
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    Best site/code to use for this?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 02:32 PM PDT

    Hi guys.

    I'm trying to set up a form (Google Forms would be ideal) that will send a specific email address a copy of all the form data after every entry.

    The subject line of the email would be various lines from the form itself


    Input your name: Mark date of birth: 27/7/17 postcode: XXX XXX

    Email subject:

    "from Mark - 27/7/17"

    is there anyway that i could do this and get an email sent to a specific email every time a submission comes through?

    I found a " form notification" add on in the google forms but it only allows 20 emails to be sent per day.

    any help would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Feargr0und
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    Python Programming Tutorial | Full Python Course for Beginners 2019

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 08:01 AM PDT

    Pros and cons of Symfony vs Django/Flask for web development ?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 07:45 AM PDT

    Guys hi,

    As the title says i wonder what are pros and cons of Symfony vs Django/Flask for web development ?

    I have experience both in php and python, and will be working on simple app (rest api, user UI, etc).

    How do they compare in

    -development time

    -hosting costs

    -extensibility (plan to add more functionality as time goes)

    -ecosystem and access to webdev related libraries/modules/etc

    submitted by /u/1f1nas
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    Humble Book Bundle: STEM Bookshelf by Mercury Learning

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    What CSS things are better off done with JavaScript + CSS than pure CSS? (Separation of concerns)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    I have been learning to do some pretty cool things with CSS lately, and some of them I am aware for a long time have been traditionally helped out with JavaScript, and that got me thinking, are there some animations with CSS that I'm better off sharing the load with JavaScript? For instance if a check box is checked, do this animation? That kind of thing. Or is this merely a preference thing? I'm thinking about separation of concerns. Are there times when it's faster doing it with JS vs doing it with CSS?

    submitted by /u/Mymar
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    Help - Redirect to specific page depending upon form entry

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 12:50 PM PDT

    Hey all, thanks in advanced for any help and advice!

    For reference, this is a WordPress backed site, here's the process I have in mind:

    Visitor Enters a previously provided PIN -> PIN Matched to Database -> User Redirected to Specific Page assigned to that PIN.

    So requirements would be the database with the information that can be referenced by the solution to check the PIN.

    Anyone ever build something similar or is there a plugin that exists that could accomplish this?

    submitted by /u/cerberustek
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    When you need just a wee bit more than Wordpress?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 08:46 AM PDT

    I got started in webdev doing custom Rails apps and later learned Wordpress. I knew I couldn't be out here doing custom rails apps for every site I build but I was also intimidated by knowing when Wordpress would be a good fit for a project. I feel like I have a good grasp now on the obvious examples but I've got a project now that I feel kinda falls in the middle. 90% of it is ideal for wordpress, but one page I think needs a bit more.

    In this particular case they have a page with a list of organizations and some search filters to pare it down. At this point, fine. Just make an organization custom post good to go. But they mentioned that later down the road they'd like those organizations to be associated with a user who would have access to some sort of user portal. The introduction of users/members has always been a key to me that this might be more than a WP project. Unfortunately in this case the budget just isn't there for more than WP so we just have to do what we can there and if they want more they'll have to pony up.

    TL;DR - What solutions do you go for to make Wordpress be just a little bit more?

    submitted by /u/Cazargar
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    Simple blog with DropConfig

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 12:19 PM PDT

    How do I send my users to a new webpage that extends my current URL?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 12:03 PM PDT

    Hi guys, New developer here. Asked this question on Stack-Overflow, no useful answers.

    For example, Airbnb.com renders a completely different page than airbnb.com/become-a-host/room. This is what I want to do. I know the command window.location.replace("become-a-host/room"), and the React Router, but that still isn't getting rid of any of my homepage content (just hiding it) nor is it actually loading new content (just showing it).

    Another example: www.wikipedia.org vs www.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert\_Einstein](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein) . Two different pages extending the same URL. I feel like this should be really simple, and done commonly in webdev, but I just don't know how to do it.

    How would I go about doing this? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Smashtoblack1
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    anyway to block comment spam from wordpress admin page?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    i have capctha installed on my wordpress blog comment and its worked fine so far. tbh no one ever comments on them, so its no big deal. but when i go to admit page, these spam comments are still recorded by wordpress and the admin gets like 20 notifications and stuff.

    is there a way that they dont reach admin page at all? maybe auto mark every comment as spam? although maybe thats not the best solution if one day i actually get legitimate comments

    submitted by /u/AhrixMercy69
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    Best place to store images and be able to download them?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 11:28 AM PDT

    I am trying to create an app where I can upload images and then download them when I need them. The tricky part is going to be adding custom text (probably using a drag and drop tool)over the image when it is downloaded and then converting it into a .pdf.

    Where would be the best place to store the images?

    submitted by /u/tmpphx
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    Need help with CSS Flexbox

    Posted: 03 Jun 2019 07:41 AM PDT

    Need help with CSS Flexbox

    i am making a tournament bracket in CSS. Im not sure how to code the lines connecting each round together


    submitted by /u/mitch1618
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