• Breaking News

    Saturday, June 8, 2019

    A gameready 3d model of an apple created by photogrammetry. I'm working on bigger pack of fruit and vegetables.

    A gameready 3d model of an apple created by photogrammetry. I'm working on bigger pack of fruit and vegetables.

    A gameready 3d model of an apple created by photogrammetry. I'm working on bigger pack of fruit and vegetables.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 10:23 PM PDT

    Recreated the Shotlock from Kingdom Hearts!! (Link for the video in the comments)

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 06:00 AM PDT

    Sculpting a world out of Perlin noise

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 08:11 PM PDT

    Small trailer for my "first" game -Color Splat

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 07:55 AM PDT

    My first game!.. BluBoy The Journey Begins.. Available on Steam! Link in comment section.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 03:10 AM PDT

    Lines of Code Progression

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 05:54 AM PDT

    Hi, I am probably 4-6 months away from my game, Eighth Day: Advent, being ready to play. I wanted to write a little bit about code progression and what I've learned. First a little background.

    I work full time and have a wife and two kids. About a year ago I realized I hated my job and needed to make it two years in this current role. Somehow, I needed to mentally survive. So I started coming in a little earlier to try to get 45 -75 mins a day to work on a game project I had been working on for about a year and a half on and off. The purpose was not to make a product; the goal was to wake up every morning and pretend I was going in to a job I didn't hate.

    Anyways, I will first post a picture of the current status. The game is a 4X turn based strategy game, but it is not a "Civ like" game. It is geared towards iPad/tablet/Windows touchscreen. I made the game, and in March started paying someone to replace my placeholder art. That part is coming along, but you should easily be able to tell which art is mine. I also am working out the kinks in transition programming of the tile types.

    Shaded areas show territory, black shade is mine

    Anyways, the "game" to me is designed as follows:

    1 independent game that runs with no graphics

    1 independent GUI/UI application that communicates with the game.

    In the design, each has its own thread. The game is C with a minimal Objective C controller object. The GUI/UI is Objective C/Sprite kit, but I used the preprocessor to wrap Apple specific calls in a macro so when I transition to Cocos2D (when I have time) it should be somewhat "smooth." I hardly have much time per day to work on the game so porting is filed under, "will do when everything else is settled." By and large, because I am working in the independent game portion, that is a simple copy paste (with some minor rewrites in objects from Objective C style to C++).

    Lets just say in 2016 when I started, and even in August 2018, I had such little confidence I could complete a game that "not ported to Windows" was a problem I'd like to have. I didn't really start to see it as a potential product until about January-March of this year. It was actually on a whim in March I contacted several artists (on reddit) and started figuring that out.

    The way the game works, it is blind to the human player. To it, the human it a player in the list that it has to wait on. The rest of the game is primarily an "agent based model." In other words, its a social science simulator. As a result of the simulation portion and the AI involved, the code base has grown.

    I started tracking in August 2018

    About 20,000 lines of code deal with graphics and user related tasks. That is the GUI/UI portion.

    The rest, about 45,000 lines of code, are the game itself. This portion, by setting up the preprocessor a certain way, can run without the GUI part and simply output summaries to files (lots of files).

    To get an idea of how far this has come, this is what it looked like in 2016:

    This was the only picture I could find, from April 2016

    The game then had some common elements with the game today. Production is driven by % labor allocations, not by building buildings. Back then as today, you set the labor allocations and what happens is primarily driven by that and land stuff.

    And, actually the map drawing code is almost unchanged from this time. It is actually a minor recurring issue - when I started working with an artist and upgrading the art, I realized how bad that portion of the code was.

    If I am to take this game to its full potential, I expect the code base to surpass 300k. When deciding on what to add for a potential December 2019 target, I stuck with the bare minimum of what I wanted to do. In March 2019 I decided the game rules and such were more or less set, and since have been validating, testing, improving the AI, and making spot improvements.

    I see the final stage as several validation tests:

    1. Does it crash in normal operation?
    2. Does the game do what your intended rules are and are all the accounting systems valid? You don't want to be adding 3 to one tile and subtracting 1 from another when it should balance, for instance. Stuff like that is game breaking.
    3. Given that the game does what you intend, is the game fun? What could be done to improve the game being fun in a short amount of time?

    I believe I passed #1 about two weeks ago. It doesn't mean that during future testing the game won't crash here and there because of something I added, but two weeks ago I was able to say with 99% certainty that I can do whatever in the game and it will never crash. This is effectively saying this: no memory leaks, no race conditions (multithreading), no calling nil pointers, etc. It doesn't mean the game works as intended, but I call #1 a hard minimal condition.

    Right now I am on #2 and #3. I noticed that my time spent coding requires more time playing it. By that I mean, I have to play the game more to see what to code. Before I could just be like, "I need to add this vital system this week!"

    I realized in playing it that the game played sortof slow in some aspects, but also quick in others. However, I am excited this week because a key economic component of the strategy is "validated," in that it works roughly how I intend and does not appear to have accounting error.

    Anyways, my only personal timeline is where I am in my life. I set December 2019 - March 2020 as a hard deadline and planned the features around that. I have been getting up at 4:45 am every morning to work on this for at least 1hr. Every day, for the past 14 months. I missed maybe 5 days total.

    submitted by /u/EighthDayOfficial
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    How to make basic Diablo-like Light Radius in Unity3D under 3 minutes

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    Do you know Google Ads offers $75 advertising credit when you spend $25? Just need to ask Google for it.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 07:50 AM PDT

    If you plan to try Google Ads to promote your games, it is good to know Google Ads offers $75 advertising credit when you spend $25. You just need to ask Google for it.

    A small link on the fourth line on this Google support page: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/6357635?hl=en&ref_topic=6360908

    Hope it helps :-)

    submitted by /u/AppSoGreat
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    What are some things you want to see in an FPS game?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    The economics of making indie games are wack

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 12:57 AM PDT

    fungi.game players amaze me sometimes!

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    The Art and Science of Game Feel | How Game Designers Juice their Games with Mechanics,Pacing and Effects

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    All the sentry designs in Vast Void

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 05:23 AM PDT

    How to structure Rendering in C

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 02:17 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm hitting a wall with how to render and keep track of objects.

    I started with a giant struct singly linked list but that just gets more and more bloated.

    The engine would then shuffle the linked list around based on Y position (so sprites would layer properly).

    So what do you guys do? If I have walls, monsters, NPCs, and players; what is an effective way to store and render?

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/nickandwolf
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    We're thinking of adding online Co-op to our game Rogue Star Rescue. Is it feasible?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 10:57 AM PDT

    We're doing some preliminary investigation to see if it's feasible.

    Rogue Star Rescue is a fast-paced a bullet-hell roguelite + tower defense hybrid. Adding online co-op requires a pretty large development investment, so we'd like to see if there's an interest in playing these type of roguelite shooters online. Enter the Gungeon and Nuclear Throne don't have this feature so we're testing the water. Thoughts?


    submitted by /u/chuteapps
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    I'm developing a C# tool and library for making "8-bit" tile-based games with focus on roguelites

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    Can you please explain to me how the retaliation/counterattack mechanic for enemies work?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 10:49 AM PDT

    Let me explain, in a lot of games, games like Devil May Cry, Sekiro, God Of War and Kingdom Hearts (I haven't played other games that have it yet), usually for strong enemies or certain bosses when you attack them they get staggered or be in the hit animation, however when you keep attacking for a certain amount of time or hits, the enemy will stop getting staggered or be in the hit animation and counterattack with a move that makes him unstaggerable until he finishes his move. This is a very awesome and important mechanic that can help many games to prevent button mashing or hitting enemies to death, it makes you more careful about your attacks because thanks to this mechanic every enemy is a considerable threat that you can't just spam him to death, you have to be careful for even the weakest of enemies if they have this mechanic.

    My question, how is this triggered in those games? Does it depend on the amount of time the enemy is staggered, the amount of hits he gets before he can counterattack, the amount of damage you deal during this phase, an invisible gauge that gets filled by certain parameters, or is it something else entirely?

    Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/xxxgreekwarrior46xxx
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    Game developer wanted me to edit his plugin but..

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    He is a programmer but never did javascript. He wants me to edit the strings. But I'm insecure I guess and I'm not sure what questions to ask. I know what game it's for but im also not sure what the right questions to ask are. He worded it like I should know what to edit. What would be the right questions to ask?

    submitted by /u/UsedToBeAGirl
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    Straight Forward Healthbar Tutorial In Unity :0

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    I have a compute shader that spawns tons of cubes. Generally, how would I make the cubes fly at the player and damage him if they made contact?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:41 AM PDT

    As of now I have a nifty compute shader that spawns ~500 cubes at the origin and lerps them into a sphere formation, then a cube formation, but next it'd be awesome if they all flew at the player and damaged him upon impact. Tips on achieving this?

    submitted by /u/linkgamedev
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    Was vanilla WoW was more casual friendly than modern WoW.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:36 AM PDT

    So I was watching various commentary on Vanilla WoW vs Modern WoW. I've played both myself. Something that struck out to me was a famous player saying "vanilla WoW was more casual friendly, the reason my wife was so into it is because there were huge time-sink activities that could get you really good gear". They then went on to talk about how even casual players need something to "strive for" even if they know in the back of their minds they won't ever get it. There needs to be a feeling of "exclusivity". After thinking about it more I came up with these ideas:

    The points are the following:

    - Players need "something to work towards". For example getting enough ilvls to raid. But that thing needs to be exclusive. Or it won't seem like it's worth doing. It should be difficult to get it requiring either a lot of time or skill to get there.

    - If that thing is easy to get to like with LFR or even normal raids in modern WoW, people will not value it, including casauls.

    - The "casual method" to get to the exclusive content should be low-skill required but still time intensive. For example, any casual could grind there way to getting an arcanite reaper, by mining every now and then, it doesn't even require a guild or anything. They still get that feeling of progress knowing they are a little closer to their goal. If there are ways to do it that are low skill AND low time-sink people won't value it at all.

    - Catch-up mechanics within an expansion ruin everything. When I was playing Legion I quit near the beginning, then came back way later because I knew I could experience the story, raids etc in a week via catch-up gear. Why bother slowly gearing up the regular way when you can just quit, play a different game, then come back when the next raid or two comes out and use the catchup mechanics to plow through the old raids. This not only makes progression feel completely pointless, but it also ruins content. You can just skip so much stuff in the game this way.

    - The difficulty in vanilla WoW raids wasn't the raids or their mechanics, it was getting into them. It required you to get into a guild that would take you in. So you had to meet ilvl requirements, and conduct yourself good enough socially. This shows that the content itself doesn't have to be that hard, this way even casuals can do it and want to do it. But getting into it should be hard even if the content is easy skill wise. You can always add difficulty levels so high-skilled players still enjoy the raids once they get in, but even the lowest difficulty level should be exclusive and hard to get into.

    - The way you get flying in Legion was done well progression wise. Because there was no "catch-up" mechanism for it. You felt "hey I'm gaining rep for this faction, there won't be an easy way to do it in the future, and this will help me long term no matter what". Every single rep point I gained meant something. Though gaining rep is still super tedious because there is no high-skill way to do it. If there was a high-skill cap way to get rep that got you a bit more rep (for example, doing high difficulty levels for the dungeon in that zone, or hard to kill world-bosses in the zone) it would be perfect.

    - Every exclusive reward should have a "low skill, large time sink" way to do it and a "high skill, low time sink" way to do it. So for example, in order to get into raids, you can get the gear necessary via crafting, getting money etc, or you could do very difficult dungeons, or ranked pvp where ilvl of rewards scale based on rank. If there is no high-skill cap low time sink way to do it, skilled players will give up on the exclusive goal because it is just too boring to get into it. If there are no low-skill cap ways to get in, casuals will feel like the game isn't for them either. But if there is a low-skill cap and low time sink way to do get to the exclusive content (catch up mechanics, LFR, etc) it won't actually be exclusive and no one will care about it.

    submitted by /u/sharp7
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    when you enable the infinite arms mode

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 04:51 PM PDT

    The Making of Quake tells the history of the game, the people that made it, and it's place in gaming history.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    My approach to creating and simulating consistent 2d worlds

    Posted: 08 Jun 2019 12:19 AM PDT

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