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    Tuesday, May 21, 2019

    What is the thinking process to start designing something like this? web developers

    What is the thinking process to start designing something like this? web developers

    What is the thinking process to start designing something like this?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 05:58 AM PDT

    HTTP/2 progressive image streaming

    Posted: 21 May 2019 02:04 AM PDT

    My Negative Experience of Rutgers Coding Bootcamp (Trilogy Education Services)

    Posted: 21 May 2019 11:20 AM PDT

    Why I'm Making This Post:

    I'm anonymously creating this post while avoiding identifying information so I can prevent other people from falling into this trap. I learned a $10,000 lesson from this, and I don't want to see other people go through the same thing I did.

    To add to that, I also heard from an employee that the company goes out of their way to have negative reviews on the company removed. Therefore, I am using a throwaway account and a non-logging VPN located somewhere in the world as an additional measure. They are serious about this stuff and they care about the company image.

    How it Began:

    I found out I enjoyed writing code and was eager to turn it into a career path, but I also didn't want to attend a 4-year degree. I wanted to fast-track it. I stumbled upon Rutgers Coding Bootcamp which is run by Trilogy Education Services (I found this out later) and requested information. After talking to the recruiter, I told him that I'd need time to consider this bootcamp. After looking through positive reviews, I took the leap and started the admissions process.

    During the admissions process, I asked some questions, such as how many of the students get hired into development positions, and what is the job placement rate. I was told 100% for both of those questions. This made me feel more excited that maybe this is my route to finally becoming a developer. The admissions process was simple, so simple that anyone can do it. After everything was completed, I was sent my welcome packet and waited for the day the classes started.

    The Start of Class:

    The first day of class required us to sign a legal document to complete our entry. I cannot recall the exact wording of the document, but I know we signed away our rights to sue. After all that legal stuff was completed, we began with introductions and a speech of how some previous bootcamp graduates are making bank. They were really selling their bootcamp, even after they already sold it to you. If I recall, you had one week for a refund. This sell made you think, "Wow, this can be me too!" Therefore, you'll naturally want to stick it out.

    We were also told it is impossible to fail the class and that grades do not matter. They give you a speech on how you can get kicked out of the bootcamp, usually by missing so many assignments or missing classes. However, plenty of students did this and still graduated. Some barely knew how to make a basic HTML webpage.

    Three Months In:

    Three months into the program they begin talking about career services and creating a resume. They also began bringing in people to talk, some were previous graduated, the successful ones. The previous graduated talked about how quick they got a job, how their bootcamp portfolio helped them a lot, among other things. They were practically reselling the program to us.

    At this point, we were going into more advanced topics. Stuff that normally takes a couple of weeks to grasp, was done in a week or less. A lot of us were left seeking alternative ways to learn it, such as Udemy. If we are paying $10k for a class, we shouldn't need to use a third-party service to understand the content they are teaching. Unfortunately, that was the case for a lot of us. More and more people were struggling to understand the concepts of React and MySQL.

    Eventually, some of us found out that the program is led by Trilogy Education Services, and we felt very mislead into thinking it was Rutgers offering the service. Despite this, we didn't have a choice at this point but to keep pushing through the program and do the best we can.

    The Final Days:

    In the final day's employers were supposed to come and look at the capstone projects we've created. Guess what? No employers showed up. Instead, it was the staff who worked there. At the end of the day, we "graduated" and were sent on our merry way.

    The Start of Career Services:

    Upon graduating, career services were supposed to be there to help us find a position and give us leads. I wish I could say something positive about career services. Career services were non-existent, and often times, they didn't make the scheduled calls to me.

    Where I am Now:

    I was never employed as a developer, in fact, someone I networked with sent my resume out to get informally reviewed to some higher ups at places like IBM, local startups, etc. and they all said having the bootcamp on my resume was enough to go into the no pile. But I didn't listen to that feedback, and I continued to grind job applications while paying on the student loan I could barely afford. 1,000+ applications later, and only 3 interviews (which I failed because I didn't know algorithms), I had nothing.

    I went into a depressed state where I did nothing at all for a while aside from play video games, binge Netflix, and feel hopeless. There were nights where I cried myself to sleep because of the piling up debt, and not being able to afford to eat because of the loan, and often went hungry. There were points I thought maybe I should just end everything. It took a good friend of mine to notice what was going on with me and encouraged me to continue pursuing what I want to do. I now go to a proper school and enjoy what I'm learning. While I still have the loan, it has been put in deferment while I work towards the degree I want. Sadly, it is collecting interest, but at least I can eat.

    Where Others Are:

    I reached out to some of my other classmates, and many of them were never hired either. A couple of them had lost their job as a developer because they didn't know enough and were well underprepared. Some of them are in more dire situations than I was, some on the verge of homelessness. This bootcamp wrecked some of our lives.

    The Takeaway from This:

    Do not go into this bootcamp expecting a job. Period. No matter what they tell you, it is highly likely you won't be hired unless you already have years of development experience to put on your resume. You will graduate with $10k in debt and be stuck with a job search of mostly 'no'. If you do go into this program, do so only if you can afford to lose the 10k and expect nothing. This program is a money grab, and hundreds of people at a time will be and are affected by this program in one way or another.

    submitted by /u/StoneEdge5
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    How to hire my first web developer?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: I'm not a developer.

    We currently outsource all our web development. We're at the stage now where the volume of work is sufficient it makes sense to bring it in house and I'm looking to hire someone.

    Obviously this would be a big investment and I want to make sure I get the right person.

    I can do the human side of it, but do you have any advance for how I can make sure the candidate is technically good enough?

    Skills I'm looking for:

    Front End:

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    Back End:

    PHP, Python, VBA, MySQL, SQL Server


    Windows Server, AWS (EC2, Sagemaker, AML etc.), Source-control

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/jasda8d
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    Preparation for technical interview for non-Big-N companies

    Posted: 21 May 2019 02:00 AM PDT

    tl;dr: How should I best divide my time and given I wish to start applying in 8 weeks.

    Background: I've been working as a remote contractor for over a year now (14 months). This was my first job and I just quit. They hired me primarily based on my portfolio, code structuring. There was no algorithms and design patterns interview whatsoever. I was offered $27.5hr which seemed like a fair opportunity and so I took it.

    Tech stack: python (with django), javascript (with react).

    Now I am preparing for the next job interview. I want to do algo and DS but I don't want to spend months doing leetcode, I'm not targeting Google and the likes and so even though there's a lot of information on this sub I'm unsure of how I should divide my time.

    I'm well familiar with the fundamentals of language like `this` and closures, stacks, recursion. I'm reading "Elements of programming interview" right now (so far I think it's pretty interesting).

    I appreciate it! ^^

    submitted by /u/Invincible_chaote
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    Test automation analytics using cube.js

    Posted: 21 May 2019 08:59 AM PDT

    I'm tired of PHP. What to do next?

    Posted: 20 May 2019 11:43 PM PDT

    First of all, this won't be a rant about why PHP sucks. Don't get me wrong, I really like PHP but I just don't like what I'm doing with it for years now.

    I've been doing web development with mainly PHP (the standard stack - HTML/PHP/JS/MySQL/CSS) for about 14 years now. Started out with coding modules for bulletin boards, moved to the occasional WordPress page and became quite experienced over time. I'm doing front and backend development and lead a small developer team responsible for eCommerce solutions now.

    But I keep losing motivation. I want to learn something new, and even if PHP received great and feature-rich updates in the past few years, it's still basically the same. I just don't know how to make this job interesting again for me.

    A goal of mine is to be self-employed in the near future, but I don't want to build WordPress pages for a living and don't know how to approach or even find clients that look for individually developed WebDev solutions. Maybe there's some qualification or experience out there that's highly sought after in freelancers? I don't have any problem with learning a new programming language at all, as long as it feels more exciting.

    Has anyone been in the same situation? If so, what have you done to improve it?

    Edit: Thank you all so much for taking the time to respond. There are some really great advices and recommendations among the comments so far. While I will take my time to analyze what's really best for me, I hope this discussion might help others in similar situations too.

    submitted by /u/irondeezin
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    Is ".com" still the best domain extension? Experiment with 1,500 people to find out how different TLDs perform.

    Posted: 21 May 2019 03:29 PM PDT

    Is it possible to build an automation that will repost an Indeed post every day?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 04:41 PM PDT

    I'm not the right caliber developer, but I'd like to know if it's possible so that I can hire one to build it out for me.

    Essentially, it'd just need to repost the same headline and text every day in certain cities. Is this possible at all?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/wyattberr
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    Building an interactive map that allows user to travel from room to room using a few hundred images I have

    Posted: 21 May 2019 04:14 PM PDT

    So I'm trying to make a site that is nothing more than a glorified power point presentation essentially. It's going to be a map that shows an aerial view of a property that has 13 buildings. I want to make it so that when someone clicks on the building, they get sucked into said building where they see a room, and then they can travel through the building to different images that we have. So it's almost like a PowerPoint but for each building, if that makes any sense?

    I'm doing this in WordPress, so I've explored using a plugin called Mapplic, but I can't be sure if this has the exact functionality I'm talking about, so I'm trying to plan for the worst case in case I have to code this with html and css.

    Based on my research, I'm thinking the process would look something like this(?):

    So for each building they want to click on, I would have a div that contains the additional image and text. When the site is first opened, each div will need to have its style set to make I invisible or have nothing filling it, but upon clicking the building, that respective div has its style altered so that it is either visible or has the background and text loaded into it. Then upon clicking another building you would just have to reset all other divs to be hidden again.

    BUT I think that's more about making these other rooms/images pop up when you click on the building, but I want it to be more like slides. So if I click on Building 1 for example, I want the whole screen to change to be that of a room inside Building 1.

    Thanks a bunch for any tips guys 🤘🏼

    submitted by /u/emurrell17
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    Can't Make A New Account On Imgur (403 Error)

    Posted: 21 May 2019 04:12 PM PDT

    Can't Make A New Account On Imgur (403 Error)

    I'm trying to sign up for a new account on Imgur (Have only one account right now) and whenever I do, it takes me to this page. A 403. I've tried using a clean refreshed browser and that doesn't seem to help. Is this on my end or on theirs?

    Don't know what's going on. Google seems to give me no answers.


    submitted by /u/EPrimeTV
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    Im having trouble learning Node

    Posted: 21 May 2019 04:06 PM PDT

    Im not sure why, it seems sort of straightforward. Most of my projects use ajax or promises for api calls and I know dom manipulation very well, as well as HTML and CSS. Node just feels so different from what I've been learning with JS.

    Are there some good resources to learn Node ?

    submitted by /u/rayzon2
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    As a freelancer, what to do after you've made the website for your client?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 03:46 PM PDT

    First of all, hopefully I am in the right sub for this question, if not please redirect me to the right sub.

    I am fairly new to web development as I've been doing software engineering in uni, however so far it seems learning the basics and creating some personal projects will not be an issue. So say after I've learned the basics, made some websites I could showcase to a potential client, then the client gets me to make the website, I make it... and then what?

    By this I mean they might already own a domain and hosting, I've been reading that I should not host the website myself, but rather help them set up hosting, but I don't understand how transferring the client's domain or hosting works.

    Like I don't imagine I just give them the code and tell them to sort it out themselves.

    And there are all these different services like: aws, cloudflare, digital ocean, heroku... I can't wrap my head around what the difference between them are and which one I should help the client to set up with. If someone could direct me to information about how all this works I'd be extremely thankful, as currently this seems to be only thing so far I can't understand when it comes to web development.

    submitted by /u/keveszm
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    How do you approach a redesign?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 03:05 PM PDT

    I am tasked with supplying some feedback for improvements on a site. Looking over it I am able to immediately identify some major issues but I'm looking to find out if anyone has any tips or a process they find that works the best when it comes to accessing at sites usability, features, visual design, etc. Is it simply just looking at the site or do you use a more systematic process with it?

    submitted by /u/TheAdaLovelace
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    Hiding XHR requests / API calls in a SPA?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    One thing that I find stands out among many sites compared to mine is that most times, visiting a site will load the DOM with already populated info from the API. In effect, this hides the API calls from the client so that a user doesn't know what the endpoint being used is.

    For example, if you use SnoopSnoo with some user, you'll see that opening up Network in Chrome DevTools will not show any XHR requests that are made that get the key analytics data from the API. Meanwhile, for sites that I create, generally the DOM loads and then I make an AJAX call to my API, which makes it show up under the network panel in DevTools. This loses some security since I don't want that endpoint to be exposed and exploitable—I want to have the entire page populated with the data from my API and have that sent to the client.

    This seems like almost server-side rendering, and it seems like most sites do this and it also has the effect of stopping the exposure of backend API endpoints to the client (please correct me if I'm wrong). It seems like maybe using a templating engine like Jinja that Snoop uses (code) will help do this?

    However, with a SPA framework like React, from my understanding I can't do something like this with NextJS since it's still going to make the initial AJAX requests to get the data even if it's server-side rendered. So my question is twofold:

    1. Am I correct in my understanding that an application that does this uses some sort of static templating engine like Jinja rather than an SPA framework like React?
    2. Can I achieve this same effect using a framework like React where the initial HTML gets sent pre-populated with the API data and then any DOM modifications after that happen through AJAX requests? An SPA like Facebook using React doesn't seem to have AJAX requests that get a response of JSON news feed data, for example.

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/PM-me-your-integral
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    Improve mobile first paint speed for my site

    Posted: 21 May 2019 02:43 PM PDT

    I'm currently trying to improve my index page render speed for the mobile users of my WordPress site:

    I apparently have a 6 second render blocking delay for the mobile site, but only a 2-second blocking(for FontAwesome and other google fonts) on the desktop site.


    I'm fairly rusty in the web development scene, with my last set of active projects concluding in November of 2016.

    Any guides or resources you guys can link me to assist me with fixing this dumpsterfire of a load time?

    This is the GTmetrix score:


    I've added all the expires headers that I can to my .htaccess file, am using the W3 Total Cache, with the various cache options enabled except the js/css/html minify, as I am serving content via Cloudflare CDN and minifying JS/CSS/HTML in there. I really don't know what I'm missing to improve it further. The CDN liscence is the Free one, so I'm limited there. I have rocket loader enabled as well.

    Thanks for any and all insight!

    submitted by /u/MrGoodhand
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    Tech leads, what does your day look like?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    Like the title says, are you a frontend/backend/project tech lead? What do you do all day?

    submitted by /u/PUSH_AX
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    How would you go about creating this effect?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    Not the onClick effect of the button, but rather the layout of the button and the navbar.

    Is there a name for this type of mobile navbar effect where the button "dips" into the actually navbar?


    submitted by /u/shhhpiderman
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    Where are you along your journey?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 06:06 AM PDT

    Hello r/webdev community,

    Where are you along your development journey? I started this discussion so that we may more closely relate to each other on where we are. A lot of us (especially me) don't know how far we have come and where we can go. Perhaps, in understanding our journeys, we may feel somewhat supported in our journeys.

    My journey so far

    I entered this domain 15 years ago via HTML/CSS (HTML tables and slicing!) and learned just enough JS and programming concepts in recent years to:

    • Grasp the concepts of MVC, SPA, and working knowledge of popular client-side frameworks (Vue, React, Angular)
    • Understand the principles of good design and its importance in the product.
    • Somewhat understand the concepts of 'scalable apps' via building apps using Google App Engine (GCP, PaaS)
    • Build a fully productional app that is being used by 25% of the population of a country.
    • Observed how web development has evolved throughout the years
    • Learned the fundamental concepts of Drupal and other CMS which helped me in building future apps.
    • Python and JS
    • Learned a lot about startups by reading and trying to execute my own.
    • I have learned to see a world in which value is something that can be isolated, defined and delivered into a product or service.
    • Learned to understand people a lot more. Understand that good communication is so vital. Learned that the ego is very fundamental in how we behave and that I should keep an awareness about it.

    Today, my challenges are:

    • Trying to better understand backend architecture (instead of using 'ready-to-use' services provided by PaaS) to build applications without the fear of locked in.
    • Learn docker and containerisation so that I can build apps that work across environments.
    • Learn algorithms and more programming principles because I feel like there is so much that I don't know yet in this ocean of a domain.
    • Learn a11y (I am guilty of not paying much attention to this in recent years)
    • Learn micro-services architecture to truly understand scalable apps.
    • Learn comparative databases paradigms so that I can have the power to know which one to use (or which combinations)
    • Learn web security
    • Learn to write unit tests while developing.
    • *whew listing this out helped me to realise how much I should learn hehe, but it feels good to list this out.*
    • Learn DevOps so that I can deploy with confidence.
    • Learn how to contribute to open source so that I remain connected to the dev community.
    • Learn mobile development (I am torn between pouring efforts into PWA, purely Native, Flutter, React Native)
    • Learn even more JS because I must tame this beast.
    • I would love to learn about the internal principles that go into making a frontend framework like VueJS and React.

    My Goal

    My ultimate goal is to be able to build any idea that I have without having any technical barriers.

    So, that's my journey today in a snapshot. Please feel free to ask me any question or to share any resource that may aid my journey!

    Your Journey?

    If you would care to share, I would love to read about your journey (as I am sure many others in this community also would)


    submitted by /u/puoygae
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    Lost all motivation to do anything upon being hired..

    Posted: 21 May 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    Basically, I graduated in December. Took me about 5 months to find a job, was given a offer last week that I was very happy with and I accepted. I start at the beginning of June.

    From that moment, I've just lost all motivation to do anything when I'm around my computer. I don't feel like writing code, learning anything, etc. Usually I like to spend my time on Udemy but now I watch one video and get bored. I sit on my computer and don't know what to do.

    I'm looking forward to starting work and learning new things there but I've just lost interest in doing anything at home. I've never been in a situation like this before. Anyone been in a similar situation? What should I do?

    submitted by /u/AllTheMedicine
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    Any tips for learning with one computer screen?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 06:16 AM PDT

    I know you can use alt-tab but it seems its taking to much time having to constantly stop a video. I'm on vacation and I usually use my desktop with dual monitors but all I have is my laptop here in the hotel. Anyone got any tips to make learning easier while I'm away from my desktop?

    submitted by /u/ztay90
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    Freelancing with a full time career?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 11:48 AM PDT

    I'm curious how many of you, or people you know have been able to do some freelance web development in their spare time while working a full time, 9-5 career. I very much enjoy web development and design and was hoping I could find a way to some extra money in my free time.

    My biggest concerns are definitely meeting deadlines and communicating with potential clients. I could possibly solve the communication issue with only working through email/text, etc.

    I'm curious to hear any thoughts/tips. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/SuperSecretDaveyDave
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    Performance vs Marketing Tools - Best Practices

    Posted: 21 May 2019 11:38 AM PDT

    I was recently hired at a fast growing company with an interesting and killer product. I work on the marketing site though, which hasn't had the same kick ass engineering thrown behind it. I am tasked with conquering "performance" which is actually pretty fun. This is going to include a complete overhaul of the website (what's in place is very problematic and not scaleable).

    The marketing team here is very good. Part of what makes them good is their collection of data. They do this through a variety of tools. These tools are a major pain point in performance.

    What advice would you have, or outside the box approaches might you suggest for loading things like:

    • Marketo
    • Optimizely
    • GA
    • GTM
    • DoubleClick
    • Etc
    submitted by /u/spesh_three_point_oh
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    Professional way to build a site for someone else?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    Hopefully it is appropriate for me to ask these questions here. I've had a few personal contacts and relatives ask me if I can make websites for them for them, whether they're personal or business related. I'm more of a software development person, but I'm comfortable enough with learning proper web development that I'm willing to take on the task, especially considering I don't have very strict deadlines. If I'm going to do it though, I want to make sure I'm doing it right.

    What exactly does the process of professionally developing a site for someone look like? I'm guessing I'll need a domain name, and somewhere to host the site. I've been looking around and I think I can handle that much. How would I go about creating the site FOR them, though? Do I do what I need to, then pass it on to them? If so, how? If not, what do I do? I know these are very vague questions but I'm curious as to how all this works. I've been looking around online for a few hours but at this point I think I'm not using the right search terms.

    If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Celerfot
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