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    Wednesday, May 22, 2019

    TIL there is a fully supported element that creates a native autocomplete list for input fields called web developers

    TIL there is a fully supported element that creates a native autocomplete list for input fields called <datalist> web developers

    TIL there is a fully supported element that creates a native autocomplete list for input fields called <datalist>

    Posted: 22 May 2019 05:00 AM PDT

    WAMP vs LAMP

    Posted: 22 May 2019 03:31 PM PDT

    Title pretty self explanatory but ill expand...

    Which is more beneficial for first time website create tors? Getting a copy(or eval) of Windows and run WAMP or install Ubuntu for free and install LAMP?

    I ask because I am defiantly more versed in Windows. Not knocking Linux(i need to learn it more). But for the average user, whats easier? Better? More beneficial?

    Additionally, if anyone knows a good Linux(Ubuntu) tutorial on how to set up a website AND WHAT/WHY the commands are being used(to help learn what commands are doing and why)

    submitted by /u/pologoalie8908
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    Any hidden gems for learning Javascript for a total begginer?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 02:36 PM PDT

    I skimmed thought html and css on freecodecamp and got through the exercises without really using the hints.

    I decided to learn front end development almost 2 months ago and have been getting discouraged due to JS.

    My goal is to get good at JS.

    I was doing freecodecamp for JS and found myself checking hints alot. I was totally lost. I also looked at the build 30 projects challenge but realized he kinda just jumps into the code hes already written and I didn't want to simply copy his work.

    I want to master the absolute basics and slowly work my way up to intermediate level at which point I will feel comfortable talking code with others and applying for an entry level job.

    I will look into libraries and frameworks after I feel comfortable with JS.

    Basically, do you guys know any gems on youtube or elsewhere that will explain JS to say a 5 year old? I hope that makes sense lol.

    submitted by /u/yayamane
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    How to Pick the Right Backend Language For Your App? - Explained With Use Cases

    Posted: 22 May 2019 04:59 PM PDT

    Should I develop with containerization in mind?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 04:02 AM PDT

    Hi all! I'm a software engineering student and this summer I am developing a web application for a company that intends to sell it to it's clients. The application is relatively simple, and I'm the only developer working on it.

    Planning the deployment, docker immediately came to mind but I'm very inexperienced with it. On top of that, I plan to use some frameworks/languages I have limited experience on, so I have a lot to learn while coding.

    Ideally, I would just like to learn, code and finish the project before thinking about the deployment too much. Being that I have very limited knowledge of docker, is this something I should take in to account when making the application?

    submitted by /u/ReekyMarko
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    Switching from React to Angular, what should I know before jumping into the docs?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 04:31 PM PDT

    So, the title says it all, I'm using react for 3 years now. I'm interested in Angular now but there's anything that I should know before jumping into the docs? What are the biggest similiarities and differences?

    submitted by /u/do_moura19
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    Trying to build a "Domination" game-mode website. Could use some help!

    Posted: 22 May 2019 04:17 PM PDT

    First off, trying to abide by the subreddit rules so if this should be posted elsewhere please let me know!

    Looking for some help coding what is essentially a calculator lol. To explain: I run a game with my friends called Drunk Combat. It's a large scale drinking game with multiple teams and larp-style combat (minus the actual larping part lol). Teams of five square off with their respective weapons, each team having ten cups of beer at their base. When someone gets hit in an appendage, they lose it, and if they get hit in the chest, they die. Dead players go back to their side, drink one of their teams beers, and come back in. First team to drink all their beers loses.

    With this particular website, I was trying to roll out a domination type game mode. Each flag on the field has a phone where you can select via the site which team has possession of that flag. The flags all add towards the teams scores, which are displayed on a separate monitor. In addition, voice cues ("Red team is taking the village!") would proc on certain events.

    http://imgur.com/a/GbzTY7Q here are some wireframes I threw together to help! The first is a landing page, which takes you either to a flag screen (the blue/red selector) or the game settings/Scoreboard screen.

    I can explain more if anyone is interested in helping! I initially hired a programmer who backed out yesterday so I started trying to do it myself but beyond arranging static assets around the screen in HTML, my knowledge doesn't extend to some of the higher operations like the math. Of course I'd be willing to pay someone for their services if they're interested in helping! And if you're in New Jersey, you can totally come to the event too :).

    Thanks for reading, again if this is not allowed content lmk and I'll remove it.

    submitted by /u/LatvianResistance
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    Question for Blog Article re: Migrations

    Posted: 22 May 2019 03:40 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I'm writing a piece on website migrations! We all know there are things that can go wrong (heh). Full disclosure, I'm writing for a blog for a CMS called Zesty.io (blog is here). What I want to know is:

    • What platform were you on, and what did you migrate to?
    • What went wrong, or what would you have done differently?
    • Incomplete scope? Did you redesign the website as you migrated?
    • How "bad" was this problem? Did it take money, man-hours, code fixes, outside hires, etc. to resolve it?

    And if selected, I will absolutely credit you. I'd like to know your

    • Name
    • Role
    • Company
    • Website platform you were on, and where you went to

    If you don't feel comfortable sharing your story here, please feel free to message me directly.

    Thanks, and look forward to hearing it! :)

    submitted by /u/chloesellssaas
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    is it wise to take up both development and design?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    Ive been posting a lot here lately, but ive always had a feeling that i was missing something just focusing on one.

    currently im learning web development. I got my 4 year degree in graphic design and learned a little bit of web design but never put it to use. I have general intermediate experience with designing stuff like advertisements and maybe a basic text based web page or magazine once or twice, but ive never designed a full webpage for someone or either myself for kicks. but ive started getting into development and i really like it. thats not to say i dont like design, but I guess im more functionality focused. I like to build things and see them work, much similar to how i prefer making motion graphics and animations as opposed to still images.

    so i decided to take up development first and focus heavily on that, then try to jump back into design and learning a bit more and design my own websites, then bring them to life. do you think this is feasible? I have confidence that I can take a lot of work if it gets me somewhere, but i guess i just dont want this to be all for nothing and become a situation where i just overload myself and waste time.

    submitted by /u/KeatonTS
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    Help a Front end developer pick a server side language.

    Posted: 22 May 2019 02:22 PM PDT

    Up until now I've been doing mostly front end work, though I'd like to become full stack by learning server side languages. Problem is I can't choose which one. I am a big fan of JS, which would make picking up node.js a logical choice. But PHP is huge, and perhaps also a good idea to learn as there is a lot of freelance work out there requiring PHP.

    Which would you guys recommend, PHP or Node.js?

    I am also to a smaller extent considering Python. I love all the different applications Python offers, but Python is a very small part of the web, which makes PHP and Node sound better to me.

    submitted by /u/DeltaFireBlues
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    Free Mockup tool

    Posted: 22 May 2019 02:13 PM PDT

    Hey, can you help me out with some recommendations for some good free mockup tools? I have good memories to Adobe XD but cancelled my CC Subscription for money.
    by searching the internet i mostly find tools which are no longer in development and got their last updates a view years ago :(

    I don't need any special features, just some basic graphical editing and basic elements.

    Do you know any free (open source?) tools which fit my needs?



    submitted by /u/joCode_
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    What service do you recommend to verifying if an email address exists?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 04:25 AM PDT

    I am getting lots of spam sign ups on my website with non-existent email addresses. This results in my site sending them emails for account verification and getting bounced back emails. I'm looking for a service that can tell me via API call if an email address exists or not. I google searched and found a few but I'm wondering if people have any recommendations here.

    submitted by /u/bijansha
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    User authentication with Flask-Login vs JWT

    Posted: 22 May 2019 02:06 PM PDT

    Which is better?

    submitted by /u/ThunderBow98
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    Any experience with IFTTT developer plans?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 10:17 AM PDT

    We want to connect our SAAS to IFTTT, so my coworker had a phone meeting with them today.

    We were blown away when we heard their pricing. 20k USD in startup fee (with 5000 users) - for all additional users it is 1.5 USD per user per month.

    Is it just me or is this an insane pricing? Do any of you have any experience with their plans?

    submitted by /u/HughManSir
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    Visualize and screenshot tab stops with Microsoft's Accessibility Insights For Web + Chrome DevTools

    Posted: 22 May 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    Best stack for a Python based web app?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    I'm making a data intensive Python program at college. This data is to be collected by IoT devices and then sent to a central server via its API to be processed in Python. The data then needs to be displayed on a web app.

    I was planning on using NodeJS for the web server and Python just for data processing but then I thought why not do the whole thing in Python? 🐍

    Could people recommend the best web app stacks that would fit this scenario. I'm a big fan of MEAN as the information your sending doesn't change much from the front end to the database.


    What are some options for a web stack with a database and RESTful API using Python as a web server?

    submitted by /u/elskins
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    accessing API key in production build with vanilla js?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 01:40 PM PDT

    I am currently trying to move my local build to netlify. the build uses gulp for sass but is mostly vanilla JS. I have to access an API key in my js file, but I of course didn't include it on GitHub for Security reasons. Any ways to access the API key for my production build? I can't store in another js file because the user could easily inspect it and find the file. I thought of putting it in an .env file, but it's kind of confusing. Is there any way to access the API key using vanilla js?

    submitted by /u/scotdle
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    What’s the best way to limit web scrapers?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    I'm building a content rich website and want to limit web scrapers. What are some technical and design strategies to limit this?

    submitted by /u/GoingToMakeItBrahs
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    An abstraction called text styles – How to save yourself from a typographic mess

    Posted: 22 May 2019 07:04 AM PDT

    Privacy Preserving Ad Click Attribution For the Web

    Posted: 22 May 2019 12:50 PM PDT

    Choosing colors for your own personal website? (I.E a resume site)

    Posted: 22 May 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    I'm going to start working on my resume site soon, and I was wondering what tips there were for picking the right colors for a resume site. Most of the tips out there assume you're starting a business, and I don't know if those same tips apply when trying to make a professional resume online via a website. Do those same tips apply? Are there colors I should avoid because they look unprofessional? Are there other things I should consider as well?

    submitted by /u/Mymar
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    How to separate the programming mindset from social interactions?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 09:14 PM PDT

    I love the feeling of just getting sucked into a concept and develop for hours by just resolving what my mind is thinking about. It's one of those things I enjoy the most when coding. Just getting sucked into a world and start building.

    I think that due to the habit of being analytical and rational, a lot of aspects in my life changed for the better because of the habit of solving a problem by its root and being able to breaking problems into tasks. I think that's a trait we programmers commonly share and I'm forever grateful for this mindset programming has me lead into.

    It comes with a downside though. Do you know that meme where MrRobot gets asked about his address and he responds with ''? I'm talking about that problem.

    As I said, I love getting sucked into programming - but it comes at the price of me not being able to have simple social interactions anymore. I'm just way to deep in my head and can't escape the habit of objectifying and rationalising everything. It's a gift for debates but a curse when it comes to basic social interactions, like just chilling out with someone. I just can't shut my mind down thinking productively.

    In the past 10 years of working as a developer I've talked to many coworkers about that. Most people do understand, but aren't affected the same way as I am. Most devs I know have either a switch they turn off after work or they are just very balanced in the way they deal with it.

    Nevertheless, no one of them could give me real advice in how to overcome myself and I came here to ask if other people experienced the same and if yes, what is a good way to get back to the present?

    I've had my best results with meditation so far but I'm curious about other approaches.

    submitted by /u/InterestingStick
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    Looking for decent GSAP (Greensock Animation Platform) video tutorials online. Any recommendations?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 08:30 AM PDT

    Haven't found any so far. Looking for comprehensive tutorials.

    submitted by /u/dmvaz
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    Where to aim HTTP request inside kubernetes cluster?

    Posted: 22 May 2019 12:15 PM PDT

    Hi guys I am running docker desktop locally with a local cluster. I have a frontend pod. I have a backend pod. My question is when I make calls to the backend pod, what do I put as the url in my request? I have tried localhost and the clusterIP and it does not work. Pls help:(

    submitted by /u/mrich6347
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