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    Tuesday, May 21, 2019

    How can I use my programming skills to build a passive income source? Ask Programming

    How can I use my programming skills to build a passive income source? Ask Programming

    How can I use my programming skills to build a passive income source?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 04:54 PM PDT

    I'm a college student and have worked on projects that involve building apps and websites so I'm most familiar with JavaScript and a bit of Node but have used a variety of other languages like Python, Java and C for different projects.

    Recently I've been trying to find ways to make money. Since programming is something I'm highly proficient at, I'm trying to leverage those skills to build/automate that people would pay for.

    An example would be Instagram bots, but that market seems to saturated. Any suggestions/ideas for things I can build?

    submitted by /u/RecursiveRickRoll
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    Horrible co-worker

    Posted: 21 May 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    I am wondering how you guys feel about this.

    I joined a startup about 6 months ago. Basically the team consisted of one front-end and one back-end developer. The front-end developer is sloppy. But the back-end developer is overall very precise in everything he does. He has written a significant amount of integration testing and unit testing.

    Although I have noticed if my way of thinking even slightly deviates from his, he goes to publicly humiliate me on the company's group chat channel rather than just talking to me in private about it. Sometimes he just wants me to completely redo things.

    If I happen to make a mistake or write a small bug in my code which wasn't covered by a test, he just goes to read my code and tries to find mistakes for the next hour or so, to complain about them in public.

    Since we're using Skype and my machine only has 8GB of RAM, I installed the UWP version of Skype, because it uses less RAM, so it basically sits in my system tray. However, if I don't reply within 5 minutes, he goes to complain again. Which is incredibly hard to do if you're being concentrated and working on a second monitor. Then you're often missing the pop ups if any. Sometimes messages don't even come through.

    Not to mention 8GB of RAM for Visual Studio 2017 with Resharper is not enough for web development. I'm always hovering around 85% or so when programming. But when I build or run tests, my machine is unresponsive during testing.

    Then there is my boss, who promised me a company car, I asked for a budget and was promised a rental car provided when starting. When I started, there was no car, I had to book it myself, and they'd refund me. 6 months later, I am still advancing the rental car. Usually he never replies to e-mails at all. Then tells me I lack communication skills, while I'm continuously giving my team mates or him updates about work being finished.

    My boss is also basically obsessed with following every commit or CI build that happens, so even if I don't say anything he will know what is done, despite him not being a programmer.

    I've been proactively refactoring code, and rewriting it while working in certain modules for an assignment, then I'm told in my performance reviews that I don't seem to care about anything. I took the job because I wanted to do it, not because of the fact it pays well or has great benefits. I am in fact underpaid and have no benefits. But it's a niche industry, it was that or nothing.

    I've made countless suggestions to improve the infrastructure or deployments, but they never seem to care.

    On Friday, I fixed a critical bug, I asked if I was allowed to deploy, I was told no. Then on Monday I am insulted for the fact I did not deploy a new version, because of its importance.

    Is it time for a change?

    submitted by /u/jonashendrickx
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    How to find a job without a degree

    Posted: 21 May 2019 08:11 PM PDT

    Hi guys! My name is Max! I'm a self-taught c++ programmer who's looking to make any money possible, as I have bills to cover and no means of covering them with a retail job. I have a CompTIA ITF+ cert and for financial reasons had to leave after only a semester of college. I worked for a couple of years (fast food and retail) while in and after college, and have been studying privately since I left Uni. I feel confident I can take on a programming job. I'm on the east coast, Kentucky to be more specific. I'm willing to relocate anywhere in the country. (I'd even relocate globally if I had a passport)

    I'm a hard worker, and have put 150+ hours into a portfolio piece over the past 3 weeks. (A graphics engine) Don't worry though, I'm not burned out (nor will I, I find programming to be amazing as long as I take regular breaks)
    I've been applying to places, but get told that while my resume looks good, I'm not a great fit.

    Firstly, I'd like to ask: What are some good projects to make a portfolio look good? I figured an engine would look good, because of the systems integration and planning involved, plus the high level maths.

    Second, Where are good places to apply? As I'm self-taught, and understand my current skillset (I've been applying as a junior developer), I'd like to know where to look for jobs outside of job boards, and how I might find decent freelance work in the meantime?

    Lastly, and I probably should have asked this first, are there any things you all would consider a "must know" for junior c++ developers?

    Thank you so much in advance!

    submitted by /u/bluejumpingbean
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    How do you decide when to push your code into production ?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    What happens to the rest of the resume content when candidates upload resumes but can only see parts of the resume content (to double check for accuracy)? Do the recruiter and keyword counting software see everything uploaded, or just the parts that are visible to the applicant after uploading?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 07:04 PM PDT

    A client submitted a resume with contact info, a summary, work history, certifications and education, but only the contact info, prior employer names, job titles and dates, certifications and education were visible for them to double check and correct - not the job duties/accomplishments content nor the summary where lots of keywords are.

    Would the recruiter and/or keyword counting software ever see the person's employment duties and accomplishments if they weren't visible during the double checking stage of the application?

    I would also really appreciate any other sources of information about what recruiters can actually see from parsed resumes. A resume parsing software developers group, or the like. I do know about Jobscan, but every resume I ever uploaded to Jobscan was parsed in its entirety, unlike ATS who just seem to show parts of what was available for parsing.

    submitted by /u/HeyT00ts11
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    Anyone else put .gitignore in their .gitignore?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 05:59 PM PDT


    $ cat .gitignore .gitignore 

    I've done it on public projects where I'm keeping personal files in the same folder that I don't want git pointing out but I don't want the filenames in my public repo.

    submitted by /u/s_o_r_r_o_w
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    Github to Swaggerhub automation

    Posted: 21 May 2019 05:49 PM PDT

    I'm trying to make Github my source of truth for a swagger definition. Ultimately I'd like to push the swagger definition from my Github repo to Swaggerhub based on a merge, and then have that swagger definition be automagically published on Swagger. I've tried using Github Sync but that appears to only allow the definition to go from Swaggerhub to Github which I'd like to avoid. I've also looked at using webhooks on Github but I'm not sure that's the correct way to approach the problem either. Pointers? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/jasocial
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    Best programming language (or API) for creating directories/folders on Windows systems?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 04:01 PM PDT

    I formerly programmed in Python but am expected to design in C or C++ a new program which spawns folders/files within them given a set of a requirements. My department prefers source code in C/C++ rather than a Python executable (Python is not installed on our system). Our system is Windows based. Is C++'s CreateDirectory the best (only) solution to this problem? Hoping someone can chime in with their thoughts. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/peekurchoo
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    Can anyone help with this Methods assignment? I'm so lost.

    Posted: 21 May 2019 09:33 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, so I'm very new to programming, and I'm just using online resources and trying to teach myself. I'm going through this Microsoft Virtual Academy to learn C# and we are on a lesson about defining and calling Methods. This example was given as a little program that takes your first name, last name, and your city and prints those inputs out reversed. The problem is that I have no idea what's going on, even though I've watched the video many times. It's really just from line 20 and onward that I don't understand. I know the program works but I'm really just having trouble with the logic of how it works. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1 class Program

    2 {

    3 static void Main(string[] args)

    4 {


    6 Console.WriteLine("The Name Game");


    8 Console.Write("What is your first name? ");

    9 string firstname = Console.ReadLine();


    11 Console.Write("What is your last name? ");

    12 string lastname = Console.ReadLine();


    14 Console.Write("In what city were you born? ");

    15 string city = Console.ReadLine();


    20 DisplayResult(ReverseString(firstname), ReverseString(lastname), ReverseString(city));


    22 Console.ReadLine();

    23 }

    24 private static string ReverseString(string userInput)

    25 {

    26 char[] userInputArray = userInput.ToCharArray();

    27 Array.Reverse(userInputArray);

    28 return String.Concat(userInputArray);

    29 }

    30 private static void DisplayResult(string revfirstname, string revlastname, string revcity)

    31 {

    32 Console.Write("Results: ");

    33 Console.Write(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", revfirstname, revlastname, revcity));

    34 }

    35 }

    submitted by /u/FluorescentJamoker
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    Is there any way to automate the formatting of many different Résumé formats and types into a defined template.

    Posted: 21 May 2019 04:29 AM PDT

    I work within a recruitment agency and we receive hundreds of CV's (Résumé) daily.

    Part of out process is to take these CV's and format them into our own company format. The reasons behind this is that clients constantly receive CV's in a familiar format, creating some brand familiarity.

    We also do this to remove candidate's private information and unrelated information.

    Other reasons are that candidates will sometimes put their oldest work experience first, causing clients to have to scroll to the bottom of the document to find the latest and most relevant experience.

    Candidates may also include education before work experience. There are a few other reasons we do this.

    The problem: This is a lot of admin work and the amount of variation in CV's means I can't think of any possible way that we can automate this process and thus why I am here asking the question.

    Is there any way to automate even part of this process to make it faster and cut down on the admin work.

    TLDR: Receive many different CV variations. Need an automated process to extract all relevant information and format it in a particular order.

    submitted by /u/TheSymbolYouDeserve
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    Can't start any of my applications

    Posted: 21 May 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    I can't start any of my applications using yarn start and it's very infuriating considering I can't get any work done because of it. Keep in mind that my applications that have been successfully starting with yarn start for more than a couple of weeks to even a few months can't start at all now and I have no clue as to why.

    Sometimes I even have to re-install yarn for projects that have been using it for months because for some reason the command yarn is not recognized, which has me very confused.

    I have tried countless solutions from Stack Overflow and of course the recommendations in the actual terminal.

    Whenever I run the command yarn start I receive the following error:

    [1] There might be a problem with the project dependency tree. [1] It is likely not a bug in Create React App, but something you need to fix locally. [1] [1] The react-scripts package provided by Create React App requires a dependency: [1] [1] "babel-jest": "23.6.0" [1] [1] Don't try to install it manually: your package manager does it automatically. [1] However, a different version of babel-jest was detected higher up in the tree: [1] [1] C:\Users\Larry\node_modules\babel-jest (version: 21.2.0) [1] [1] Manually installing incompatible versions is known to cause hard-to-debug issues. [1] [1] If you would prefer to ignore this check, add SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true to an .env file in your project. [1] That will permanently disable this message but you might encounter other issues. [1] [1] To fix the dependency tree, try following the steps below in the exact order: [1] [1] 1. Delete package-lock.json (not package.json!) and/or yarn.lock in your project folder. [1] 2. Delete node_modules in your project folder. [1] 3. Remove "babel-jest" from dependencies and/or devDependencies in the package.json file in your project folder. [1] 4. Run npm install or yarn, depending on the package manager you use. 
    submitted by /u/Kalaskyyy
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    How to become Azure Microservice developer/designer

    Posted: 21 May 2019 12:01 PM PDT

    Hi, I have experience with some .Net and little on Azure. I want to learn How and build microservice based applications as a part my career goal. However I am confuse with where to start. my technology stack is .Net and Azure. Should I learn Kubernetes? or should I start Dockers? Are there any road map to describe which and which technology in which order? Appreciate any help. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/dfaarg86
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    Extra credit for a very beggining level JavaScripter

    Posted: 21 May 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    Hey there. I am not asking for a free handout just a push in the right direction. I have watched multiple tutorials for this game on youtube however I am having difficulty figuring out where to put certain things because my instructors coding method is very different. Long story short I am trying to figure out how to draw a score board and a start / pause button onto the pong game provided by the instructor. Every time I try a method of coding the score board / drawing it onto the canvas the game disappears so I am sure I am not doing it in the right spot. I've also tried different methods of drawing this onto the game. Could someone maybe give me some words of wisdom and a push in the right direction? The code is provided below and thank you for your time.

    <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Pong</title> <!-- Basic styling, centering the canvas --> <style> canvas { display: block; position: absolute; margin: auto; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; } &#x200B; </style> </head> <body> <script> var /\*\* \* Constants \*/ WIDTH = 800, HEIGHT = 600, pi = Math.PI, UpArrow = 38, DownArrow = 40, /\*\* \* Game elements \*/ canvas, ctx, keystate, /\*\* \* The player paddle \* \* @type {Object} \*/ player = { x: null, y: null, width: 20, height: 100, /\*\* \* Update the position depending on pressed keys \*/ update: function() { if (keystate\[UpArrow\]) this.y -= 7; if (keystate\[DownArrow\]) this.y += 7; // keep the paddle inside of the canvas this.y = Math.max(Math.min(this.y, HEIGHT - this.height), 0); }, /\*\* \* Draw the player paddle to the canvas \*/ draw: function() { ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height); } }, /\*\* \* The ai paddle \* \* @type {Object} \*/ ai = { x: null, y: null, width: 20, height: 100, /\*\* \* Update the position depending on the ball position \*/ update: function() { // calculate ideal position var desty = ball.y - (this.height - ball.side) \* 0.5; // ease the movement towards the ideal position this.y += (desty - this.y) \* 0.1; // keep the paddle inside of the canvas this.y = Math.max(Math.min(this.y, HEIGHT - this.height), 0); }, /\*\* \* Draw the ai paddle to the canvas \*/ draw: function() { ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height); } }, /\*\* \* The ball object \* \* @type {Object} \*/ ball = { x: null, y: null, vel: null, side: 20, speed: 12, /\*\* \* Serves the ball towards the specified side \* \* @param {number} side 1 right \* -1 left \*/ serve: function(side) { // set the x and y position var r = Math.random(); this.x = side === 1 ? player.x + player.width : ai.x - this.side; this.y = (HEIGHT - this.side) \* r; // calculate out-angle, higher/lower on the y-axis => // steeper angle var phi = 0.1 \* pi \* (1 - 2 \* r); // set velocity direction and magnitude this.vel = { x: side \* this.speed \* Math.cos(phi), y: this.speed \* Math.sin(phi) } }, /\*\* \* Update the ball position and keep it within the canvas \*/ update: function() { // update position with current velocity this.x += this.vel.x; this.y += this.vel.y; // check if out of the canvas in the y direction if (0 > this.y || this.y + this.side > HEIGHT) { // calculate and add the right offset, i.e. how far // inside of the canvas the ball is var offset = this.vel.y < 0 ? 0 - this.y : HEIGHT - (this.y + this.side); this.y += 2 \* offset; // mirror the y velocity this.vel.y \*= -1; } // helper function to check intesectiont between two // axis aligned bounding boxex (AABB) var AABBIntersect = function(ax, ay, aw, ah, bx, by, bw, bh) { return ax < bx + bw && ay < by + bh && bx < ax + aw && by < ay + ah; }; // check againts target paddle to check collision in x // direction var pdle = this.vel.x < 0 ? player : ai; if (AABBIntersect(pdle.x, pdle.y, pdle.width, pdle.height, this.x, this.y, this.side, this.side)) { // set the x position and calculate reflection angle this.x = pdle === player ? player.x + player.width : ai.x - this.side; var n = (this.y + this.side - pdle.y) / (pdle.height + this.side); var phi = 0.25 \* pi \* (2 \* n - 1); // pi/4 = 45 // calculate smash value and update velocity var smash = Math.abs(phi) > 0.2 \* pi ? 1.5 : 1; this.vel.x = smash \* (pdle === player ? 1 : -1) \* this.speed \* Math.cos(phi); this.vel.y = smash \* this.speed \* Math.sin(phi); } // reset the ball when ball outside of the canvas in the // x direction if (0 > this.x + this.side || this.x > WIDTH) { this.serve(pdle === player ? 1 : -1); } }, /\*\* \* Draw the ball to the canvas \*/ draw: function() { ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.side, this.side); } }; // Draw scoreboard to the canvas /\*\* \* Starts the game \*/ function main() { // create, initiate and append game canvas canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = WIDTH; canvas.height = HEIGHT; ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); document.body.appendChild(canvas); keystate = {}; // keep track of keyboard presses document.addEventListener("keydown", function(evt) { keystate\[evt.keyCode\] = true; }); document.addEventListener("keyup", function(evt) { delete keystate\[evt.keyCode\]; }); init(); // initiate game objects // game loop function var loop = function() { update(); draw(); window.requestAnimationFrame(loop, canvas); }; window.requestAnimationFrame(loop, canvas); } /\*\* \* Initatite game objects and set start positions \*/ function init() { player.x = player.width; player.y = (HEIGHT - player.height) / 2; ai.x = WIDTH - (player.width + ai.width); ai.y = (HEIGHT - ai.height) / 2; ball.serve(1); } /\*\* \* Update all game objects \*/ function update() { ball.update(); player.update(); ai.update(); } /\*\* \* Clear canvas and draw all game objects and net \*/ function draw() { ctx.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); [ctx.save](https://ctx.save)(); ctx.fillStyle = "#fff"; ball.draw(); player.draw(); ai.draw(); // draw the net var w = 4; var x = (WIDTH - w) \* 0.5; var y = 0; var step = HEIGHT / 20; // how many net segments while (y < HEIGHT) { ctx.fillRect(x, y + step \* 0.25, w, step \* 0.5); y += step; } ctx.restore(); } // start and run the game main(); &#x200B; </script> </body> </html> 
    submitted by /u/Allieriume
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    Angular - How to have a TD in a component the same css as the table?

    Posted: 21 May 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm very new to Angular and am running into a problem.

    I'll show you my very basic code:

    <table id="red"> <tr> <td>test1</td> <app-card></app-card> </tr> </table> 

    And the code for my app-card component:


    I'd like both of them to have a red background, yet only test1 has a red background as seen in this picture: https://i.imgur.com/VqB2Mw3.png

    Again, I've only just started with Angular, and I feel really dumb for not being able to figure this out myself.

    submitted by /u/Sebaku
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    g++ option to do dry-run compilation

    Posted: 21 May 2019 02:41 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I was writing an header-only library and I would like to compile it to check if there is any error but I do not need an output file. I do not use an IDE and I usually compile from console, so I was wondering whether there is an option to do a dry-run of the compilation phase.

    Now I'm using g++ -c *other flags* Filename.hpp && rm Filename.hpp.gch

    submitted by /u/Taglialegna
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    Learning web development and i need some help with my app

    Posted: 21 May 2019 06:19 AM PDT

    I am learning how to make an app with express for the backend and vuejs and axios to make them communicate

    I need help with a function to update and object in my db. I want to update by its unique id.

    The full problem here -> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56238577/how-can-i-update-a-single-object-in-my-mongodb-atlas-cluster

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Vlad246
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    Atheist Chat Bot

    Posted: 21 May 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    Hey everyone. I want to make a chat bot and just generally learn about making good chat bots. And I want the topic to be Atheism.

    I want the tech stack to be OpenSource, Docker, Js, NodeJs, Python, Mongo. Reason is because Docker Images are easy to version control and can run forever license free and convenience. Also I am already familiar with all of these.

    I work as .Net programmer right now but I kinda hate it. But whatever it pays well and is easy. I am familiar with machine learning (done some image classification with python) . Also written a couple of AI's for simple games like Sokoban, Checkers and Sudoku.

    So I am wondering if anyone here experience with making good chat bots. Can you point me to some good guides and good reads and open source libraries? Oh and I am not interested in using anyone's SaaS solution since version handling is a big pain after a few years.

    submitted by /u/ColacX
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    Advice on combining language minor with CS Major

    Posted: 21 May 2019 12:24 AM PDT

    I am a third-year computer science student who's minoring in French. I've been applying and interviewing for different internships (Demo Enablement, Data Analytics), only to find out that data science and management really isn't what I'm interested in.

    I've been pondering how I can combine my passions for foreign language and programming. Obviously teaching in a foreign country is the first thing that comes to mind, but I want to get into industry, not education. I want to move to France, that's why I'm minoring in it.

    What are some fields/sectors within computer science I should try learning about? Some of the interviewers I've asked tell me knowing another language is helpful, but not really useful within domestic programming. Any ideas on how I can utilize my language skills are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/JSipowicz
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