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    Thursday, May 30, 2019

    Anyone ever notice that issues tagged as "beginner" or "easy" on github are frequently not even remotely beginner level? learn programming

    Anyone ever notice that issues tagged as "beginner" or "easy" on github are frequently not even remotely beginner level? learn programming

    Anyone ever notice that issues tagged as "beginner" or "easy" on github are frequently not even remotely beginner level?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 04:28 PM PDT

    I have some experience in C and Objective-C, but I'm currently learning Python right now, so I was perusing github for some beginner issues to look over and perhaps even help correct. I'm noticing though that many of these supposedly "beginner" level issues are actually very advanced/senior level issues that would cause most beginners to just quit.

    For example, I came across a project working on a mail client and the project leader posted a beginner issue about a GUI button not working properly and that they needed it re-written similar to the other working buttons in the code. Sounds simple enough, right?

    Well, a newbie came along and stated he'd like to take a look and asked for more input about the "issue" since the leader's post was vague. The response?

    Project Leader: Hi, you'll need to know Python, C, Javascript, CSS, HTML, about 5 frameworks, 4 APIs, 3 GUI programs, we only use these few deprecated libraries, we only use this obscure IDE, you'll need to test it in 3 different environments and then send it for testing to two different servers. Plus, once done, please update our README files, add a doc about the buttons, and also re-write our HTML and CSS files in accordance with the button fix.

    Then, the project leader writes: Oh and sorry about all the spaghetti code tehe

    It gets better though...I decided to have a look at the files myself and within the code itself, the contributors have a ton of lines hashed out with statements like "Oh, someone please fix this too cause I doubt it actually works for the clients."

    Obviously the newbie never came back after seeing all of that, but really some projects are masquerading as looking for "some help" on some "easy issues," when in reality they're looking for senior developers to rewrite their entire program for free lol, and that's not open source, that's slavery.

    I know there's great stuff on github, but by God there are also some terrible projects with horrible tags, docs, merges, etc that could really derail a new learner, especially if they begin to think that that's actually "beginner" level.

    To all the learners out there, don't give up if you come across some bad projects on github, even if they're tagged "beginner" and you feel absolutely lost...there's always better work to be found that is both more organized and more appropriately labeled...just keep searching and learning.

    TL;DR: Projects on Github like to misleadingly tag things as beginner when the issue(s) really are senior level, which tends to make learners give up because what is masquerading as "beginner/easy" seems (and actually is) way over their heads.

    submitted by /u/VirulentCitrine
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    I had a chat with Gabriel Weinberg (CEO at DuckDuckGo) about mental models on Developer Tea.

    Posted: 30 May 2019 03:11 AM PDT

    I don't want to self-promote here, but I do want to mention the episode because Gabriel's knowledge is incredibly relevant to developers today.

    I highly recommend taking some time to learn a bit about mental models. Really changed the way I think about everything, including software development.

    If the mods allow, I'm happy to share the episode.

    Edit: oh wow! I'm so glad this has resounded with you all.

    You can find many links to the episode in the comments. Thanks so much for engaging with this - that's awesome!

    submitted by /u/coordinatedflight
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    Help required regarding printing in c++.

    Posted: 30 May 2019 10:09 PM PDT

    I wish to print hard copy of a file using c++. Are there any methods or functions that helps us in doing that? Please.

    submitted by /u/Lolzboi15
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    Offering Personal Tutoring

    Posted: 30 May 2019 11:05 PM PDT

    TL;DR: I'm offering to impart my knowledge and skills in a highly personalized tutoring program for one or two individuals who are serious about breaking into the software industry, learning either ruby or javascript (or both). I have the capacity to work with you for at least 2 - 3 months. Please DM me with a little bit about yourself and why you are learning to code.

    I see a lot of people on this subreddit that are passionate about learning programming, and it's really inspiring to see people that are teaching themselves in hopes of a career change into software. Learning to code is an incredibly empowering skill that has been rewarding in many ways, both tangible and intangible. I'm looking for individuals who are serious about becoming a software engineer, and am looking for one or two individuals to mentor to develop the skills needed to break into the industry.

    Why am I doing this?

    First, in a very non-altruistic spirt, I'd like to develop experience in the coaching and mentoring process. This will be a learning process for the both of us. Furthermore, it'll force me to solidify all the programming fundamentals that I've learned, since I will be forced to communicate them very clearly. Second, I've been in the same situation as many of you, where I've struggled to teach myself how to code while keeping a day job. Getting into a habit of working outside of work is difficult, and it wasn't until I built a habit out of it (and hack my brain) that I was able to make progress. Lastly, having been through this process, it would mean so much to me to see someone else succeed and overcome the challenges that I have struggled with. Breaking into the industry is the hardest part, but once you're in, you will become a highly desired candidate and enjoy a very rewarding career.

    What would this be like?

    We will develop a game plan for you to learn the skills necessary to land a job as a software engineer, and then execute it. I will serve as a mentor and accountability buddy. This is my first time doing something like this, so we'll figure the rest out as we go.

    Who am I?

    I did not have a technical background, but taught myself some coding before also attending a coding bootcamp. My background is in web development with Rails and Javascript (Vue, React, Angular). I've been working as a software engineer in silicon valley for the last four years, and have been wanting to do a project like this for some time now, and finally am in the position to do it. I've also been a volunteer to teach high school students to code, but am looking for people that want to land their first job as a software engineer this time around.

    With this, I hope I can give back to the community! Hopefully this will turn out to be an incredibly rewarding experience.

    submitted by /u/JohnMayerIsBest
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    What awaits a programmer without higher education?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 05:58 AM PDT


    I graduated from high school a few days ago.

    I'm thinking about higher education.

    The fact is that I'd like to be engaged in programming web applications, programming applications for mobile devices, Android for example, and programming applications for Windows.

    In most cases, these areas don't require higher mathematics, I know a lot of guys who work in these areas without higher education.

    But one thing stops me.

    I'd like to immigrate to another country. The United States is the best option for me.

    I'm from Ukraine.

    Those who have higher education, have a chance to immigrate higher than those who don't have higher education.

    First, I don't have high marks from my school. The chance to do this year in my country is low.

    Secondly, I believe that I can learn everything I need on my own.

    I'd like to ask a professional programmers about higher education.

    What awaits me if I don't get higher education?

    Is it possible to go without higher education?

    If you know programmers who don't have higher education. Can you share their experiences?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Jonikster
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    Faster alternative for Python?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 10:04 PM PDT


    Is there a language easy to write as Python, and also fast (can be compiled)?

    Long version:

    So, I'm quite a newbie in programming. (learned C at school for 1 year, never really got into C++, played a bit with Python) So apologies if what I'm saying is incorrect. I was so happy when I started Python, being a language so easy to write. (Objective, iterators, the way to import, you name it)

    Until I started to play with project Euler, I just couldn't keep up with its slow processing speed. Yes, I know that Python is slow if not correctly written, and there are things like jit compilers, but it was still way slower than C.

    But once I re-wrote my code with C, or tried C++, it was such a hassle just to write. I felt like using a old BlackBerry.

    So there is the question: Is there a language easy to write as Python, and also can be compiled?

    Also, I've heard that Nim might be the answer, but looks like the community is quite small. Should I consider it as an option?

    submitted by /u/comando0
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    Javascript prototype

    Posted: 30 May 2019 09:34 PM PDT

    Hello, I've been starting to learn javascript and I was first pretty confused on the format. Can someone explain to me what is the difference between object oriented and prototype oriented?. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/yacouzak1
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    Input Not Returning Text

    Posted: 30 May 2019 07:02 PM PDT

    Okay. So I'm quite new to Python, and was trying out a text based adventure game. I wrote this code, and noticed that whenever the code reaches the Y / N section, the "answer" doesn't show up. I tried changing the "elif" to != "Y" , but any response you typed in only resulted in the "They walk away in defeat.". What should I do?

    import random

    import time

    def Question():

    print("Will you go out with me in exchange for an egg?")


    def Choices():

    Choice = ""

    while Choice != "Y" and Choice != "N":

    Choice = input("Y/N? ")


    return Choice

    def Answer():

    if Choices == "Y":

    print("You had a wonderful date. The egg tasted bad, though.")

    elif Choices == "N":

    print("They walk away in defeat.")




    Edit: Formatting

    submitted by /u/Battlefox2013
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    [Noob] PHP MySQL website, or should I do the development offline or should I do it live on my website?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 11:46 PM PDT

    I have tried my hand at web development several times but most of the times I have to stop because of hurdles that I face. The interesting part is the hurdles are not programming hurdles, but the environment that I am working in refuses to co-operate. Like for ex. I am able to set up the XAMP server and all, but then it will simply not connect to my mysql database and no matter what I do I get stuck at that point and then I lose interest.

    So this time I have taken up a bluehost hosting plan and now I am thinking of working on a live website. Is this a bad idea?

    submitted by /u/tits_for_all
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    How can I export data from a Stackoverflow data dump to a Node.js project?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 11:31 PM PDT

    What are some in demand programming specialties/skills that I can pick up outside of my University's Computer Sci program?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 05:19 PM PDT

    Hey guys Im just curious what in demand skills there are that I can pick up on my own to differentiate myself in the job market/command a higher salary, that might not be covered or fully explored in a University program. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/pythonftw44
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    How does a database connection work?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 11:01 PM PDT

    This question is posed as the result of trying to figure out how to set up tests for a web application using Python/Flask. I wasn't clear on how and when to use setUp/tearDown vs setUpClass/tearDownClass when needing to access a database.






    This lead me to actually reading what a database connection is? From the Database connection - wiki, it says:

    Database connections are finite and expensive and can take a disproportionately long time to create relative to the operations performed on them.

    Please elaborate and breakdown on why database connections are expensive and take a long time to create? What is all involved in this process? Keep explanations as basic as possible.

    submitted by /u/BinnyBit
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    Reversing an out put

    Posted: 30 May 2019 10:58 PM PDT

    I am working on an assignment the requires us to take a number in one base and convert it to another. On the assignment we are supposed to print out the expression in a specific way but mine is printing backwards. Here is an example output: https://imgur.com/IXQQt0G. What should be happening according to the example is 3 (6^4) +5 (6^3) + 2 (6^1)+ 1 (6^0) but as you can see from the screen shot its the exact opposite. Here is my code for that section, I can post the full code if that would be better let me know,

    // Takes the last digit digit = number % 10 ; number /= 10; // applies formula to digits from the number sum = (+pow(inbase, count) * digit) + sum; //outputs equation if (digit != 0) { cout << digit << " (" << inbase << "^" << (count) << ") "; // Adds a + until number is = 0, then adds "=" and the sum if (number > 0) { cout << " + "; } else cout << " = " << sum << endl; } ++count; } 

    I tried using an array but could not get it to output either so am unsure of where to go from here. Should I go back to using an array and try and get it to work or is there any way to easily exactly reverse the output order?

    submitted by /u/jpdurs98
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    How do I make the borderplane element in TornadoFX/JavaFX fill all the available space?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 09:54 PM PDT

    I'm making a Kotlin and TornadoFX/JavaFX app whose UI has a sidebar on the left and the main window. The main window should fill the entire horizontal space that the sidebar isn't, but the window element is right justified and is only as wide as the widest inner element. It currently looks like this.

    Here is the source code for my views. The main view is in MainView.kt

    How do I make it fill the entire horizontal space?

    submitted by /u/AgreeableLandscape3
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    BankAccount C++ program prints the 'else' block code whenever I try to 'deposit' money

    Posted: 30 May 2019 09:49 PM PDT

    Hello, everyone! I'm a computer engineering student in SJSU , and the language we've been learning so far is C++. I'm basically a C++ intermediate newbie (if that makes sense), but I want to have a decent knowledge of C++ basics before my next class about it (the class will be about algorithms and data structures, I think).

    So I was goofing off on Visual Studio (we use Eclipse in college, but I'm a bit biased towards VS, so I have both), and I created a simple BankAccount class. I added a balance, a name, and a PIN.

    Here is my code:

    // BankAccount.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.


    #include <iostream>

    #include <string>

    using namespace std;

    class BankAccount {


    `BankAccount();` `BankAccount(double bal, string str, long int pin_num);` `void set_balance(double bal);` `double get_balance();` `void set_name(string str);` `string get_name();` `void set_pin(long int pin_num);` `long int get_pin();` `void withdraw(double withdraw_amt);` `void deposit(double deposit_amt);` 


    `double balance;` `string name;` `long int pin;` 


    int main() {

    `BankAccount Sally;` `long int pin_number, pin_number_1;` `cout << "Create PIN:" << endl;` `cin >> pin_number;` `cout << '\t' << endl;` `cout << "Confirm PIN:" << endl;` `cin >> pin_number_1;` `cout << '\t' << endl;` `if (pin_number_1 != pin_number) {` `cout << "ERROR - PIN does not match." << endl;` `exit(1);` `}` `Sally.set_pin(pin_number);` `char choice, choice_upper;` `cout << "DEPOSIT: PRESS 'D'" << endl;` `cout << "WITHDRAWAL: PRESS 'W'" << endl;` `cout << "EXIT: PRESS 'E'" << endl;` `while (true) {` `cin.get(choice);` `choice_upper = toupper(choice);` `if (choice_upper == 'E') {` `exit(1);` `}` `else if (choice_upper == 'D') {` `double depos_amt;` `cout << "ENTER DEPOSIT AMT:" << endl;` `cin >> depos_amt;` `Sally.deposit(depos_amt);` `}` `else if (choice_upper == 'W') {` `double withdr_amt;` `cout << "ENTER WITHDRAWAL AMT:" << endl;` `cin >> withdr_amt;` `Sally.withdraw(withdr_amt);` `}` `else {` `cout << "Invalid input. Please try again." << endl;` `}` `}` `return 0;` 


    BankAccount::BankAccount() {

    `balance = 0;` `name = "";` `pin = 0;` 


    BankAccount::BankAccount(double bal, string str, long int pin_num) {

    `balance = bal;` `name = str;` `pin = pin_num;` 


    void BankAccount::set_balance(double bal) {

    `balance = bal;` 


    double BankAccount::get_balance() {

    `return balance;` 


    void BankAccount::set_name(string str) {

    `name = str;` 


    string BankAccount::get_name() {

    `return name;` 


    void BankAccount::set_pin(long int pin_num) {

    `pin = pin_num;` 


    long int BankAccount::get_pin() {

    `return pin;` 


    void BankAccount::withdraw(double withdraw_amt) {

    `balance -= withdraw_amt;` 


    void BankAccount::deposit(double deposit_amt) {

    `balance += deposit_amt;` 


    Sorry, it's long, I know.

    So I made some code where the user enters and confirms their PIN, and I made a while loop where the user can either deposit or withdraw money from their account until they want to end the loop; to do so, they just press 'E'.

    Pretty straightforward, right? Well, when I tried to "deposit" $200, this output happened:

    Create PIN:


    Confirm PIN:





    Invalid input. Please try again.




    Invalid input. Please try again.

    It may have accepted the input, but it displayed the 'else' message, the message that's supposed to pop up if "choice" is neither D, R, nor E.

    What's wrong with my code? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Superb_Introduction
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    Is there a library for integrating Bootstrap Glyph Icons into JavaFX (Like there are for FontAwesome)?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 09:41 PM PDT

    There are libraries like FontAwesomeFX that allow you to programmatically add FontAwesome icons into your JavaFX GUIs, but are there ones for Bootstrap Glyph Icons? I like the style of those icons better and would like to primarily use them over FontAwesome icons.

    submitted by /u/AgreeableLandscape3
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    I cant choose wether to learn HTML/CSS (web design) or Python! Please help

    Posted: 30 May 2019 03:35 PM PDT

    Im 17yo and I want to start learnning programming. I dont know what I want to build i just want to learn and have a career with it and make cash because I like programming. I dont know if i should keep going with python or keep going with learning web design and html/css/javascript.

    What would you suggest?

    submitted by /u/gueinibba
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    Should I master Java or learn Python?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 09:33 PM PDT

    I am an Electronics student and I already know C/C++. I also know a fair bit of Java, but it's at a beginners level. I have a break for about 15 days, should I sharpen my skills in Java or learn Python, because I've heard it has a better scope and languages like R are based on it.

    submitted by /u/The_Milano99
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    How does a non profit work?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 05:34 PM PDT

    From my understanding Mozilla makes money on ads from searches and EFF is entirely on donations? (who donates? Do regular people know of them?)

    I was wondering what other tech/software non-profits there are and how do they keep themselves employed.

    submitted by /u/ConsistentBit8
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    How to take item names as input from user in LinkedList,Arraylist,Hashmap or any other Collectio Interface?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 09:17 PM PDT

    I want to take food item names as input from user in an ArrayList or a LinkedList...manually we can use the add method but i want user to enter the names and it should be displayed...so How do i do it? can anyone help with a generalized code snippet for taking an ArrayList/LinkedList or any collection interface as input from user?


    submitted by /u/RohanCR797
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    Help using SoloLearn with Java?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 08:33 PM PDT

    So I recently started using the mobile programming app solo learn. I thought I'd bring over one of my favorite Java script programs ( https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/drawing-tool-v10/4875485935730688 ) into there, yet when I transfer the code (I copy and pasted it all), it says "Compilation Error". Does anybody know what to do?

    submitted by /u/KaptainGoatz
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    Failing to instantiate my class (Java)

    Posted: 30 May 2019 08:31 PM PDT

    public class HomeworkAssignment { private int totalMarks; private int possibleMarks; private String submitterName; private String letterGrade; public HomeworkAssignment(int possibleMarks) { } public int getTotalMarks() { return totalMarks; } public void setTotalMarks(int totalMarks) { if (totalMarks / possibleMarks >= 90) { letterGrade = "A"; } else if (totalMarks / possibleMarks >= 80 && possibleMarks <= 89) { letterGrade= "B"; } else if (totalMarks / possibleMarks >= 70 && possibleMarks <= 79) { letterGrade = "C"; } else if (totalMarks / possibleMarks >= 60 && possibleMarks <= 69) { letterGrade = "D"; } else { letterGrade = "F"; } this.totalMarks = totalMarks; } public int getPossibleMarks() { possibleMarks = 100; return possibleMarks; } public String getSubmitterName() { return submitterName; } public void setSubmitterName(String submitterName) { this.submitterName = submitterName; } public String getLetterGrade() { return letterGrade; } } 

    I'm getting a test error saying ``failed to instantiate HomeworkAssignment``. Where/How would I instantiate it?

    submitted by /u/DecentChard7
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    Lack of motivation

    Posted: 30 May 2019 08:26 PM PDT

    I've been struggling with a lack of motivation to code or do anything really related to my major (Information Technology). I know how to code in C and enjoyed that a lot but I learnt that in class. Whenever I try to sit down and learn a new language (swift or python), I get distracted (and by that I mean I start looking for distractions) or I just don't feel interested and everything just seems forced. How do you guys come back from a lack of motivation and what advice do you have for me?

    Any and all input would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/wasayrkhan
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    I want to learn to learn math/physics backwards, starting from programming problems I want to solve.

    Posted: 30 May 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    When I first started building websites I was really exciting about it, but now I feel like I am just learning frameworks for survival. And any time I want to build something I find interesting, I am stuck, because I don't have a solid background in mathematics and physics.

    Topics that interest me: working with audio; animations.

    I don't want to be in a desperate need for libraries to solve anything that gets complicated in the math/physics department. And sometimes libraries don't do exactly what I need, and I can't do anything about it.

    So can I somehow learn to learn math backwards? More like researching a specific problem?

    Like identifying a programming problem (like how to do time stretching), breaking it down to small parts, and fill in the gaps in my knowledge about math and physics?

    I am worried about not being able to apply the math/physics I would learn by reading a textbook about say calculus in general, or that I would spend too much time on studying things that I won't need.

    submitted by /u/deepintheblues
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