• Breaking News

    Friday, May 31, 2019

    4 years ago we uploaded a student prototype about using lights and shadows to Reddit - now we are about to release Lightmatter as a full game on Steam

    4 years ago we uploaded a student prototype about using lights and shadows to Reddit - now we are about to release Lightmatter as a full game on Steam

    4 years ago we uploaded a student prototype about using lights and shadows to Reddit - now we are about to release Lightmatter as a full game on Steam

    Posted: 31 May 2019 06:56 AM PDT

    Just released my first game - now to get day drunk!

    Posted: 31 May 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    Finite State Machines and the AI of Half-Life (YouTube: AI and Games)

    Posted: 31 May 2019 03:46 AM PDT

    Picking colors to look good with eachother is hard. Is there any tool or something that can help me out?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 04:20 AM PDT

    Finished prototyping the basics/main stuff for my game. Now it's time for art. I'm learning pixel art.

    I am struggling a lot in picking the right colors to look good with eachother. Also having trouble doing highlights and shadows (actually, for shadows I just do a black with a 127 alpha)

    Here's some of my work:





    I just... don't know what colors to pick... Most of those colors were from palettes that software has built-in.

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/teinimon
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    Project Bounty is my take on the Soulsborne genre. After six months of development, it's ready to show to the world.

    Posted: 31 May 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    Design Talk: Difficulty is Random

    Posted: 31 May 2019 11:36 AM PDT

    Added the laser and the super spread weapons to my contra like infinite runner :)

    Posted: 31 May 2019 12:26 PM PDT

    Pulling textures out of images. Figured I'd post this here because I hadn't see it before. I'm super excited to try it out.

    Posted: 30 May 2019 05:59 PM PDT

    Developing 60 Uniquely Playable Characters: Our Process

    Posted: 31 May 2019 08:13 AM PDT

    So firstly, we're the guys at Troglobytes and we've got a new game out on Steam Early Access titled HyperParasite. It's a twin-stick brawler set in a dystopian eighties that pays homage to the cinema of the era with its unique body-snatching mechanic. With over 60 enemies/characters in the game that you can collect and control, each host has their own set of attacks and specials.

    Getting the look of each of our characters has been a major part of the process throughout, as we essentially give each of them a personality. The basic punk character with his chain swinging attack and spinning special was a character that we introduced early on in the game. Laying out the visual aesthetic took some time, especially when keeping it in tone with the rest of the game. Not only that, we needed to keep his stats and buffers levelled with the rest of the characters too, especially when considering that he's a character who's introduced early on. This has been an ongoing process, something that we've fully utilised our Early Access status for, allowing the players to help us find our balance.

    Other characters such as our Geisha, who is introduced later in the second act of the game is another example of finding that equilibrium. With her ranged attack she shoots fans, whilst using a whirlwind special that clears most of the screen. The process from concept design to how she finally handles in the game has been a long one, but we're happy with the result. This can also be said of our bosses, such as 'Double Trouble', which involves a set of armoured police trucks spraying bullets everywhere which way.

    We hope this brief look at our character design and implementation has been informative? As we continue building upon it we're always looking for new ideas on how we can adapt and improve, along with ideas for possible new characters. Thanks guys.

    submitted by /u/Troglobytes
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    Where do I need to be to find people to work with?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    I want to make a first person horror game but doing it myself is kinda difficult, not the game itself but the assets needed for it, is there a place I can look for anyone that wants to do the same and just work on a project together?

    I can't start a indie group since I don't have any money to spend

    submitted by /u/Tornado_Hunter24
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    I would make the music for your game (FREE)

    Posted: 31 May 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    Hi people of reddit, I am currently looking for opportunities in the game industry, I have worked in the film industry as a film composer, but I am more passionate about games, my plan is to get as much experience as I can. So, I am willing to help you do the music for your entire game totally free, if you are interested please PM me, please be serious and professional about this, making music takes time, sacrifice and a lot of work. Especially if you want to deliver the best.

    Let's have fun.

    I am attaching some demo on some music I have written


    submitted by /u/The_Magic_of_Reddit
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    Does anyone use Procreate and an iPad Pro for asset creation?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    I've been creating pixel art with Pixaki and really enjoy it. I'm thinking I might want to branch out from pixel art and try something like Procreate - just wondering if it's suitable for the task of creating and exporting assets for a game, and if anyone's using it for that purpose.


    submitted by /u/_devduck
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    Castle Game Engine 6.5 “Beta” available for download, many editor and release improvements

    Posted: 31 May 2019 01:53 AM PDT

    How were old style 3D RPGs written?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 07:05 AM PDT

    I'm interested in how old "3D" RPGs were written. Games like Eye of the Beholder, Lands of Lore 1 and Dungeon Master.

    Does anyone know any current sources that discuss how those games worked? Specifically rendering.

    I've tried google, but I just can't find the search terms I need.

    Did they use ray casting? Or a bank of pre drawn images that the just rendered to the surface?

    submitted by /u/hellstrommes-hive
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    Simple topographic map shader

    Posted: 31 May 2019 12:41 PM PDT

    Free low poly modern buildings pack

    Posted: 31 May 2019 08:45 AM PDT

    4 modern buildings in low poly styl. You are allowed to do anything with them including commercial projects except for reuploading them as assets.

    Includes Unity prefabs with colliders but models can be used in any application.

    Download: https://mcrafterzz.itch.io/low-poly-modern-buildings-pack Check my itch page for more free low poly assets. Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/MCrafterzz
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    I want to anchor my player movement to my mouse on a key press/release

    Posted: 31 May 2019 12:25 PM PDT

    I have this "FaceMouse" script that makes my player face wherever the mouse is pointing. it has a little drag feature to make it feel less snappy. As i was originally adding it in it was broken in which my player wouldn't onlythe cursor but the controls would actually hook to the mouses position. So, if my cursor was in the top right and i held down "W" for instance, the player would approach go towards the mouse instead of towards the top of the screen. It made for a cool little "circling" affect when holding down "A" or "D" which would make the character orbit the mouse. I thought this was annoying at the time, so I fixed it, but now I think it would be a cool feature. I want to hold down a key like CTRL and be able to "circle" my crosshair/downed target.

    FaceMouse Script: http://prntscr.com/nw0ggm

    PlayerController Script: http://prntscr.com/nw1l0i

    (These are the only two scripts I have in my project at the moment)

    I'm also having some skipping problems with Cinemachine if anyone can help with that as well.

    Short Explanation: I want to anchor my player movement to my mouse on a key press/release

    submitted by /u/Outlye
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    Game Dev Resources Telegram Bot!

    Posted: 31 May 2019 08:35 AM PDT

    Hi to everyone!

    I have been working for a few weeks on a Telegram bot that collets a lot of game development resources, from free assets to interesting web sites.

    It has become a great collection of around 400 different web sites, YouTube channels, etc. It has 4 different sections: assets, tools, tutorials and interesting sites. The tutorials and sites are both english and spanish websites.

    You can chat with the bot using this link: https://t.me/gamedevresourcesbot.

    If you have any suggestions, you want to include anything of your own work in the bot, you know any interesting assets site, whatever... just tell me in this thread, via MDs here or on Twitter (www.twitter.com/TEAteam_), or via the bot, using the /suggestions command.

    And also, if you want to support us, you can spread the word about the bot in the way you want. Maybe a retweet to this tweet would help too: https://twitter.com/TEAteam_/status/1134477983270522880

    Thank you'll very much! Have a great day.

    The little game dev bot greets you!

    submitted by /u/Delunado
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    Fixed Timestep Rotation Stutter at Specific Timesteps (with interpolation)

    Posted: 31 May 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    I am currently in the process of implementing a fixed timestep game loop following the legendary "Fix Your Timestep" article. I have managed to get everything setup and working...or so I thought, until I started to change my timestep value. I seem to be running into an issue where a stutter is produced during rotation at specific timesteps (linear movement (forwards, backwards, left, right) is always smooth when rotation is not changed). Below are the different timesteps and encountered results when running with vsync enabled on a 144hz panel:

    • 144 updates per second - smooth rotation, minor stutter every once in awhile but barely noticeable (possibly in my head)
    • 128 updates per second - rotation stutter highly noticeable
    • 30 updates per second - smooth rotation, no stutter noticed

    When the above timesteps are used with vsync disabled they all appear to have smooth rotation. The takeaway (at least my takeaway) is that the more render cycles that happen between update steps, the smoother the rotation.

    I have been going back and forth as to why this could be (this is the first time I have attempted to implement something like this so it's possible I have missed something someone else might instantly notice) and the thing that throws me is the fact that the interpolation appears to be working as expected for lower update rates (as seen from the 30 updates per second test (if I attempt the 30 updates per second test with interpolation disabled everything stutters horribly as you would expect until interpolation is enabled again)), but then appears to not be working when the render cycles more closely match the number of update cycles.

    I have included my code below which I believe to be relative to the question (can add additional pieces upon request if I have missed something). Is there anything that points out as being horribly wrong??? Any advice greatly appreciated!

    int main() { glm::vec2 screen_size = glm::vec2(1280, 720); InputState input; Window window(&screen_size, &input); if (window.getInitFailed()) { std::cout << window.getInitMessage() << std::endl; return -1; } auto scene = std::make_unique<Scene>(&screen_size); auto game = std::make_unique<GameLogic>(&input); double delta_time = 0.0078125; // 128 tps //double delta_time = 0.0069444444444444; // 144 tps //double delta_time = 0.0166666666666667; // 60 tps //double delta_time = 0.03333333333; // 30 tps double current_time = window.time(); double accumulator = 0.0; glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); scene->addModel("data/models/bin/props/crate1/crate1.obj"); // Render loop while (!window.shouldClose()) { // per-frame time logic double new_time = window.time(); double frame_time = new_time - current_time; if (frame_time > 0.25) { frame_time = 0.25; } current_time = new_time; accumulator += frame_time; // exit if key_esc pressed if (input.key_esc) { window.setToClose(); continue; } // capture input state window.update(); // process game logic while (accumulator >= delta_time) { game->update(delta_time); accumulator -= delta_time; } scene->render(game->getCurrentGameState(), game->getPreviousGameState(), (accumulator / delta_time)); window.vsync(); window.swapBuffers(); } return 0; } // From GameLogic.cpp //------------------------------- GameLogic::GameLogic(InputState* is) : player(is) {} GameLogic::~GameLogic() {} void GameLogic::update(double delta) { player.update(delta); updateState(); } void GameLogic::updateState() { previous_state = current_state; current_state.player_position = player.getPlayerPosition(); current_state.player_front = player.getPlayerFront(); current_state.view_position = player.getViewPosition(); current_state.view_front = player.getViewFront(); } GameState GameLogic::getCurrentGameState() { return current_state; } GameState GameLogic::getPreviousGameState() { return previous_state; } // From Player.cpp //------------------------------- Player::Player(InputState* is) { this->input_state = is; }; Player::~Player() {}; void Player::update(double delta) { this->delta = delta; updateRotation(); onScroll(input_state->scroll_x, input_state->scroll_y); move(); rotate(); look(); } void Player::move() { float speed = player_move_speed * delta; if (input_state->key_w) player_position += speed * player_front; if (input_state->key_s) player_position -= speed * player_front; if (input_state->key_a) player_position -= glm::normalize(glm::cross(player_front, player_up)) * speed; if (input_state->key_d) player_position += glm::normalize(glm::cross(player_front, player_up)) * speed; view_position = player_position + view_offset; } void Player::rotate() { glm::vec3 front; front.x = cos(glm::radians(yaw)); front.y = 0.0f; front.z = sin(glm::radians(yaw)); player_front = glm::normalize(front); } void Player::look() { glm::vec3 front; front.x = cos(glm::radians(yaw)) * cos(glm::radians(pitch)); front.y = sin(glm::radians(pitch)); front.z = sin(glm::radians(yaw)) * cos(glm::radians(pitch)); view_front = glm::normalize(front); } void Player::updateRotation() { if (first_mouse) { last_x = input_state->mouse_xpos; last_y = input_state->mouse_ypos; first_mouse = false; } float xoffset = input_state->mouse_xpos - last_x; float yoffset = last_y - input_state->mouse_ypos; last_x = input_state->mouse_xpos; last_y = input_state->mouse_ypos; float sensitivity = 0.1f; xoffset *= sensitivity; yoffset *= sensitivity; yaw += xoffset; pitch += yoffset; if (pitch > 89.0f) pitch = 89.0f; if (pitch < -89.0f) pitch = -89.0f; } glm::vec3 Player::getPlayerPosition() { return player_position; } glm::vec3 Player::getPlayerFront() { return player_front; } glm::vec3 Player::getViewPosition() { return view_position; } glm::vec3 Player::getViewFront() { return view_front; } // From Scene.cpp //------------------------------- Scene::Scene(glm::vec2* screen_size) : camera(screen_size), shader(GlobalConstants::VERTEX_SHADER, GlobalConstants::FRAGMENT_SHADER) {} Scene::~Scene(){} void Scene::render(GameState current_state, GameState previous_state, float alpha) { GameState lerp_render_state = lerpRenderState(current_state, previous_state, alpha); camera.setPosition(lerp_render_state.view_position); camera.setDirection(lerp_render_state.view_front); camera.update(); glClearColor(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); shader.use(); shader.setMat4("view", camera.getViewMatrix()); shader.setMat4("projection", camera.getProjectionMatrix()); glm::mat4 model = glm::mat4(1.0f); model = glm::translate(model, glm::vec3(0.f, 2.f, -3.f)); shader.setMat4("model", model); for (auto &m : models) { m.draw(shader); } } void Scene::addModel(std::string path) { models.push_back(Model(path)); } GameState Scene::lerpRenderState(GameState current_state, GameState previous_state, float alpha) { GameState lerp_render_state; lerp_render_state.player_position = glm::lerp(previous_state.player_position, current_state.player_position, alpha); if (current_state.player_front != previous_state.player_front) { lerp_render_state.player_front = glm::slerp(previous_state.player_front, current_state.player_front, alpha); } else { lerp_render_state.player_front = glm::lerp(previous_state.player_front, current_state.player_front, alpha); } lerp_render_state.view_position = glm::lerp(previous_state.view_position, current_state.view_position, alpha); if (current_state.view_front != previous_state.view_front) { lerp_render_state.view_front = glm::slerp(previous_state.view_front, current_state.view_front, alpha); } else { lerp_render_state.view_front = glm::lerp(previous_state.view_front, current_state.view_front, alpha); } return lerp_render_state; } // From Camera.cpp //------------------------------- Camera::Camera(glm::vec2* screen_size) { this->screen_size = screen_size; } Camera::~Camera() {} void Camera::update() { updateViewMatrix(); updateProjectionMatrix(); } void Camera::updateViewMatrix() { view_matrix = glm::lookAt(camera_position, camera_position + camera_front, camera_up); } void Camera::updateProjectionMatrix() { projection_matrix = glm::perspective(glm::radians(fov), (float)screen_size->x / (float)screen_size->y, 0.1f, 100.0f); } void Camera::setPosition(glm::vec3 position) { camera_position = position; } void Camera::setDirection(glm::vec3 direction) { camera_front = direction; } glm::mat4 Camera::getViewMatrix() { return view_matrix; } glm::mat4 Camera::getProjectionMatrix() { return projection_matrix; } 
    submitted by /u/z1l701d
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    3min straight to the point tutorial :: How to shoot Bullets in Unity

    Posted: 31 May 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    Design Talk: Good Difficulty Systems

    Posted: 31 May 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    What have you found helps with user retention?

    Posted: 31 May 2019 05:43 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm just starting off in the gamedev world, and so far I have two games out on Google Play. My first game didn't work out so well, but I thought my second was better buts it's retention numbers aren't too great either. So I figured I'd ask you experts what you thought. Either general lessons and experiments, or if you want to look at my apps for specifics that'd be great (just look through my post history). Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/JephDielTech
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