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    Tuesday, April 2, 2019

    The Resources That Helped Me Learn How To Be A Data Engineer And Data Scientist learn programming

    The Resources That Helped Me Learn How To Be A Data Engineer And Data Scientist learn programming

    The Resources That Helped Me Learn How To Be A Data Engineer And Data Scientist

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 07:53 AM PDT

    I have compiled a list of free resources I have used to break into both data engineering and data science roles. I will mention the one topic both of these guides skip over is Hadoop. The reason being that I have never had to directly interact with Hadoop on a Map Reduce level in either role. It has always been abstracted by a Presto or Hive layer.


    Data Engineering

    Data Science

    submitted by /u/nonkeymn
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    Learning Programming is about Endurance. This is what happens when you Endure.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 07:56 AM PDT

    I'm sorry in advance for the wall of text but I have been a lurker on this subreddit for along time and I see the struggles that others are going through that I myself have gone through. I just want to share the fact that the struggles are worth it. Even when you feel like calling it quits, don't.

    I've seen a few posts before about peoples success in finally getting a job as a programmer. However, I want to be a little different and try to cover somethings that I didn't know about or have before I started work. I hope the following will benefit someone in some way.

    I'm sure you've all heard about little startups taking a risk on junior developer, rather than blowing big bucks on a

    more senior and experienced professional. The idea is that potential is looming under the surface of the junior and the company makes a decision to invest. Build the skills of the junior and hopefully in return get loyalty and a moderately skilled employee after a year or two.

    Well in my case I wasn't hired as a junior, I was hired as a complete and utter blank slate.

    That me explain that last part.

    I had finished university many years before (6 with a big S). I hadn't been working since. I had taken time out to travel and do other miscellaneous things but my CV suffered and I had a massive gap in my employment record.

    When I decided to go for a programming job I polished my CV as best I could and mentioned technologies I had been practicing with: node, rails etc.

    I was getting no where.

    Then I get an email asking me for an interview. I sit in the room with the co-founder and senior developer for 1.5 hours. It was more of a casual chat than a formal interview. I asked so many questions about the company and their responses got me genuinely excited about it. To be honest on the day of the interview I wasn't bothered about it as I felt I wouldn't get it. So I was very relaxed.

    I was brutally honest about what I did and didn't know. But I emphasized the things that I didn't know that I really wanted to learn.

    So it's been one year on the job. There was no training. I was thrown into the deep end. Everything I thought I knew about programming and the stack we work with was all worthless. And I thought I knew a lot. I struggled so much at the start. I was doing so bad that I thought I would be fired. But I stuck with it. I saw a few younger people who were in as interns switch from programming to some other role as it was too much for them. I was so glad I persevered.

    I did a few side projects then I was trusted with building a small piece of the core project. The project itself is a jungle and I'm still learning about how it all works. But my confidence in attacking my tasks and completing them has grown significantly. I find myself asking less questions than I did when I started and this is a kind of indicator that I have progressed. However, since this is an ever growing job, I found the questions get less in number but more sophisticated in complexity.

    Several things I learned that wouldn't have learnt outside of the work place:

    • Listen carefully to the task. - No matter how it is presented. If you still don't understand, it doesn't matter if you see yourself as slow to pick it up or understand. People have different ways of explaining things and if something is very technical just ask to have it shown a different way. I like to go to the Project Manager and have them show me a live demo of what they want. This has also boosted my people and communication skills. I can stand up in the open plan office and everyone will know I'm asking my stupid question but I don't care that it's stupid anymore because it's going to help me get my job done.

    • How to ask questions. either in person or on google - Everyone's time is precious so I learnt to slowly develop my questions to get to the point and make sure I get the correct answer. This goes for searching online or asking a colleague, either by email or in person.

    • Git is so important - Git is bloody scary. I was so nervous the first time I pushed my commit. I did (on more than one occasion) break the project but my colleagues saw it as a rite of passage and waited patiently whilst I fixed things. Most importantly it keeps track of what I have done. Learning to merge and rebase into master. Learning how branches work and making a backup of the commits I make in the remote server. Its something I never considered before and I'm so glad I have developed this small but important skill.

    • Don't Rush - I got so good that I flew through my tasks. Small ones will be done in no time. But then, like a boomerang, they come smashing in the back of my skull and more time is wasted fixing things. Now I double check every little task, no matter how small to make sure I'm pushing the correct code and it does as it should.

    • Don't panic - There are no deadlines in my company and the boss is very easy going. This made me even more stressed out. I had no idea how long I could take at something and if I couldn't do something or it was taking weeks I would be worrying about what everyone was thinking of me. Any discussion with my boss put my mind at ease. Everyone knew I was starting from scratch, they know what I can and can't do and they know I need to struggle to learn. Having everyone on my side, as quiet as that was, really helped me to relax more.

    • Take regular breaks - every so often I open up Reddit, or hacker news. Other colleagues check sports news or read up on celeb gossip. Take your mind out of the task and even away from the screen now and then to clear the head. This is a really life saver when I'm stuck on something. Its only when I go for a walk during lunch or stretch my legs in the corridor that a solution might present itself.

    • Get good rest - A fresh head in the morning has helped me tackle the toughest of tasks.

    • Don't give up - This way there is no regret to what could've been. Its a hard career to tackle and it will not always be easy but it's worth finding out.

    • Be confident - If everyone else who has a programming job can be a programmer then so can you. This isn't reserved for the brightest or the most well educated or the wealthiest of people. Anyone can do this. (This is going to sound really cliche....) Your only limitation is you. And I know that's a crap thing to say when you're applying to jobs and not getting anything. But it is true. Try changing your CV, emailing local companies about your situation and how you would like to build a career with them if they'd like to take the risk with you etc.

    • There are stupid questions but its OK to ask them - For the first few months I had nothing but stupid questions, so many I can't list them here and I was so embarrassed when I asked because the guy next to me was so loud that everyone heard my problem, even if I whispered. But, my work got done, I learned a lot and now it's got to the point where developers are asking me questions.

    • Take responsibility - Own your code. If you break something, its on you. Not in a harsh way but know that you broke something is a really good learning experience. It shows how your code is a building block in holding this massive structure in place and without it, it all crumbles. That said, when you get a code review, swallow hard and accept it. It's never personal. I'm very happy to have my code reviewed and I can tell you that you will learn loads more stuff from others reviewing you. Whether its a Senior, another Junior or the boss themselves.

    • Don't wait for books - allow yourself to be thrown into the deep end and drown for a while. It will be painful and you'll struggle a lot but its the best learning tool. Books may be helpful but should only be used as a reference. Build what you need to build. And if you build it wrong, so be it. Tear it down, learn from it and start again. There will be 1001 ways to do the task you have assigned to you. Never forget that.


    Complete clean slate is fortunate to get a decent job.

    Learnt the following:

    Be confident, struggle, ask and most important - keep coming back for more.

    Hope this will help someone in some way.

    submitted by /u/cruller_
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    IntelliJ Debugging CheatSheet

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 06:22 AM PDT


    i compiled a cheatSheet of the most important debugging features for intelliJ IDE.

    Its available in this gdoc here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZpEqddH3k0TUhzuJq_g_LgQN7mxsORBe22w-qBbDeMo/edit

    Hope this is helpfull to all the java developers in this sub-reddit.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or further improvements for the cheat sheet

    submitted by /u/NeverZ
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    What are some projects that all programmers should at least try their hands at?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 03:35 PM PDT

    Someone told me that Tetris is a game that's so simple that anyone can clone it. Not necessarily make it great, but at least mimic the mechanics.

    What other projects are similar, that are hard for a noob but at least approachable?

    submitted by /u/VectorLightning
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    Python back-end programming

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 07:52 AM PDT

    Im an undergrad chemical engineering student who is looking to get into the back-end programming scene. I am learning python atm and really enjoying it. I was recommended the p1xt guide to python and i have decided to follow it through. Was wondering if any likeminded people have any experience with this guide? Tier 1, is more front-end heavy, is this a must before learning python more in-depth? The guide also hasn't been updated in a while, is there certain topics that are no longer relevant?

    submitted by /u/cydiaparty
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    Advice on what to self-study during web development bootcamp?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 07:02 PM PDT

    Hey all!

    I'm planning to attend a 6 month full-time software engineering program focused on web development. While part of the program also focuses on CS fundamentals, I know that this is something many bootcamp grads probably lack knowledge on. I was hoping to hear advice from people seasoned in the industry on what they would advise someone who is going through a program, without a computer science degree, to focus self-studying on to prepare for interviews and for an entry-level full stack software engineering role?

    Would appreciate specificity, if possible! For example, I know that it's important to learn data structures & algorithms, but if you could link particular helpful courses or guides like Harvard's CS50, that would be super helpful.


    submitted by /u/confusedsnowoman
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    Need help with my Random Sentence Generator with user Input for C++

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 09:10 PM PDT

    I am creating a sentence generator that lets the user input 5 verbs and 5 nouns. I believe I have the right format (hopefully) but I coded something wrong in one of my for loops. I am not 100% sure and could be completely wrong. I am trying to store the users verbs and nouns into an array and then at end of the program, the program will print out 20 random sentences. The structure of the sentence should be like this:

    article, noun, verb, preposition, article, noun

    When running the program, I have to hit the enter buttons a few times after inputting the verbs and nouns. And it also does not print out any sentence that is understandable. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!

    #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <cctype> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int randomArticle, randomPreposition, randomNouns, randomVerbs; srand((unsigned int)time (0)); string article[5] = {"the", "a", "one", "some", "any"}; string preposition[5] = {"to", "from", "over", "under", "on"}; string nouns; string verbs; cout << "Enter 5 nouns(lowercase): "; for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) getline(cin, nouns); cout << "Enter 5 verbs (lowercase): "; for(int x = 0; x <5; x++) getline(cin, verbs); nouns = rand() % 5; verbs = rand() % 5; randomArticle = rand() % 5; randomPreposition = rand() % 5; for(int z = 0; z < 20; z++) { cout << "\n" << article[randomArticle] << " " << nouns[randomNouns] << " " << verbs[randomVerbs] << " " << preposition[randomPreposition] << " " << article[randomArticle] << " " << nouns[randomNouns]; } return 0; } 
    submitted by /u/toro228
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    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 09:03 PM PDT

    I recently tried to start learning C# on my own, and while I know a few basics (if statements, while and for loops, etc), I'm completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of content that is out there. Take this, for example. I was going through the Microsoft Introduction to C# set of tutorials until I reached this paragraph: https://i.imgur.com/863GZ2X.jpg

    The amount of new definitions and reading off of this paragraph alone completely overwhelmed me, especially considering the amount of branching articles from the articles I was already going to.

    I've really loved the experience I've had with programming so far, but I'm just confused and frustrated at myself for not understanding. Please help, reddit. :(

    submitted by /u/-pzrc-
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    Need help at a PowerShell scripting problem for myself.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 06:04 PM PDT

    Hello, I have kinda 0 expirience of coding but wanted to get myself a script which would take some work of me.'
    Started this yesterday and just googled myself everything together.

    What I want to do is open a vnc viewer(remote desktop app for our raspberrys), copy paste a link there, log into the website, fullscreen it and leave the session of vnc viwer, go into the next pi (we have 6 different where we need to do this every 3 hours) and do exactly the same.

    I get everything together just with simple frases like:


    etc. but the only problem I have no is to close the session of vncviewer without killing the overview console(both have different tasks in task manager but named the same, only different is the ProcessID but this is changing for every start.

    I figured out myself 3 different solutions but couldnt find a working answer on this in different forums or tech discords.

    1. LF a command like" (New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell).AppActivate((kill-process vncviewer).MainWindowTitle) " which would kill only the vncviewer which is the main window atm (normaly this command is exactly the same only swap "kill-process" for "get-process" but I just wrote kill process to better descripe what Im looking for) and would leave the overview console open.

    2. Get a command like .SendKeys for MouseClicks so I could work with fix "Set mouse coordinate" commands in PowerShell and then just simulate a mouseclick to close the window.

    3. Do a "Get-Process | Out-File" and a "Get-Content" in the next line to write and read the processes which are running atm, to terminate the ProcessID of the session of nvcviewer to kill it via "Stop-Process "ProcessID"".
      But couldnt find a command for "Get-Content | Where-Object_Name = "nvcviewer"" or smth like this to know what ProcessID its running atm, problem would be I would get 2 process IDs without knowing which one to kill.

    Would be great to get some help on this, sorry for my bad english/grammar its not my native language and I'm rly new to coding etc so if you have a answer for me would be great to get this explained for an 5year old ^^ + I'm not allowed to install 3rd party software so all needs to be in PowerShell.

    This is no homework or smth I get payed for, just doing this for myself, just to be clear.

    Best regards and have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/cheswickFS
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    Smash Bros Optimization

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 11:57 PM PDT

    So I'm a Smash Bros player and recently there's been a lot of talk in the community about using coding to help us make our inputs as close to frame perfect as possible. Smash runs at 60 frames a second, so I was wondering if there was a way to create a program that reads the inputs from my controller (connected to my computer) and shows a list of the buttons I'm pressing over the course of 5 seconds, or 300 frames.

    There are a few things I want this program to be able to do such as:

    - Know how long I'm holding a button for (and keep showing it in the frame input list until released)

    - Know which direction I'm holding the analog stick in

    - Recognize multiple inputs in a frame

    - Generate a sound if an input is frame perfect

    Right now I have a basic understanding of python, and I don't know what libraries to call to show a controller's inputs. If anyone could help direct me so that I can create this program, that would be AMAZING. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Apolotion
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    Quick JavaScript Objects Problem

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 11:56 PM PDT

    function exerciseTwo(animal){ // Exercise Two: In this exercise you will be given an object called 'animal' // Create a new variable called 'animalName' // Accessing the animal object, assign the 'animalName' variable to the 'latinName' key on the object. // return the animalName variable.

    This is what I have below.

    animal.animalName = latinName; return animalName;


    I have been trying to find information on how to solve this and I can't find it anywhere. If someone could help me out, I would really appreciate it please.

    submitted by /u/SlasherNerd
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    Is there a better way to write this function?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 11:35 PM PDT

    I've written this function to find out if the selected cell is on the opposite side of the board, and it works exactly like I need it to, but I feel there has to be a cleaner way to do the same thing. In particular, the way the function is called, the last return false is never actually going to be reached as it will be handled in the cases above it. I'm not sure how I'd make it cleaner though.

    public bool OnOppositeSide(Cell c)


    if (currentCell.x == 0) return c.x == 7;

    else if (currentCell.x == 7) return c.x == 0;

    else if (currentCell.y == 0) return c.y == 9;

    else if (currentCell.y == 9) return c.y == 0;

    return false;


    submitted by /u/mcgillmcgillmcchill
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    What is the most unusual, weird programming language you know?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 05:13 AM PDT

    I was just wondering, except things like F#, D, R, COBOL, pascal, FORTRAN, forth, assembly and any esoteric language, what are some really strange programming languages you know. I'm just trying to have some fun and try to make a project with something really uncommon.

    submitted by /u/Upbeat_int
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    Using jQuery, AJAX and PHP to send an automated email by click of button

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 10:27 PM PDT

    I'm looking to send an automated email using jQuery, AJAX and PHP if simply one button is pushed. I'm new to AJAX and find it so far confusing.

    Simple HTML:

    <form method="POST"> <button type="submit" name="submitemail" id="submitemail">Click here to email</button> </form> 


    $(document).ready(function(){ $("#submitemail").click(function(){ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "sendemail.php" }) }); }); 

    External PHP:

    <?php if(isset($_POST['submitemail'])){ mail("myemail@gmail.com","subject","content"); } ?> 

    I'm guessing there's something wrong with the $.ajax function in my JS, since it works if I place the PHP code into my index.php file and remove that JS code.


    submitted by /u/00Terminator
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    [C++] Help me understand Ackerman's Function

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 06:26 PM PDT

    I'm currently learning about the Ackerman's Function and I'm working on a project that can display certain values with the recursive algorithm but I'm trying learn how the actual algorithm works.

     if (m == 0) { cout << "A (" << m << "," << n << ")"; return n + 1; } else if (n == 0) { cout << "A (" << m << "," << n << ")"; return AckermanFunction(m - 1, 1); } else { cout << "A (" << m << "," << n << ")"; return AckermanFunction(m - 1, AckermanFunction(m, n - 1)); } 

    I've been practicing in VS 2017 by debugging and stepping through each step but I hit snag.

    I inputted the values (2,1) for integer variables m and n respectively and I've been stepping through and mimicking the how the algorithm works mentally and writing it down step-by-step. Here's what I have so far:

    "A(2,1)" -> return A(m-1,A(m, n-1)) 

    At this part it seems like the inner function gets called:

    "A(2,0)" -> return A(m-1,1) -> "A(1,1)" -> return A(m-1,A(m, n -1)) //Again inner function gets called: ->"A(1,0)" -> return A(0,1) -> "A(0,1)" -> return n + 1 

    Up the point where n + 1 gets returned variable m = 0 and n = 1. But this is where I get confused.

    After that return line, the values of m and n switch and it goes to the end of function then jumps to:

     return AckermanFunction(m - 1, 1); 

    After that return line, the variables m and n become (1,1) which results in calling the third return function at the bottom of the function and the variable values change to new values I'm not getting and I don't understand why. Can someone help me out?

    submitted by /u/Iznhou
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    JS typeOf !== undefined vs null? Which one to use and when?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 09:56 PM PDT

    Let's say I want to check if there is user input in a textbox

    Which one should I use and how is that better than textbox.value != ""

    submitted by /u/CodeInPotato
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    Simplest way to tile applications within a window?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 09:55 PM PDT

    I'm looking into building a container app that will tile other apps within itself. Sort of like this except all the apps would be contained in a parent window. I've looked through some different window managers but didn't see any with the parent window concept.

    Given that this project needs to work on Windows 7 (don't ask), what language (or framework within a language) would you recommend? Either Python and C# might be good but would one of them be better for this? This C# example looks pretty simple but it's really old and only covers the most basic use-case.

    FYI I've been doing programming for a little while but have never done any Windows development.

    submitted by /u/remitnotpaucity
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    Is computer science/software development/software engineering all the same in terms of degrees?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 09:50 PM PDT

    I see a lot of jobs titled as a job in software engineering but requires a degree in computer science. Are they all pretty much the same?

    submitted by /u/IIIIIIIIIIIIlllll
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    Need help selecting an idea for a Final Year Project

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 03:04 AM PDT

    I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I have an FYP proposal due soon and I have no idea what I should make. I'm very interested in Machine Learning, VR and Arduino but I'm open to all ideas. How do I create an idea that is feasible and not made by half of software students.

    Any resources appreciated

    submitted by /u/avagantamo
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    [Scheme using Racket] Unbound identifier

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 08:46 PM PDT

    So my .rkt file code is:

    #lang racket (eval `(+ 3 4)) 

    And when I send this to the racket-REPL using "racket-run" I get

    +: unbound identifier; also, no #%app syntax transformer is bound at: + in: (+ 3 4) 

    But when I type it directly to the REPL command line, it works fine.


    submitted by /u/Lnnux
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    Can you include both C and C++ in the same file?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 02:45 PM PDT

    So I'm working on a project, which needs both C++ and C to run. I know C is sort of a subset of C++, but can I have both of the languages on the same file?

    submitted by /u/basedzambeany
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    Codesmith Exposed! apparently claiming they're the best bootcamp in LA

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 08:20 PM PDT

    Taken from r/TechLA subreddit

    This thread shed a lot of light on the supposed shady dealings of codesmith, and more:


    submitted by /u/thegiantblock4933
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    25 year old talentless jobless college dropout want to be a SWE (need advice)

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    Pointless Rant

    I need brutal honestly here, not reassurance or sympathy. First off I know and fully admit I'm lazy.

    I have god awful work ethic that has been instilled in me from a young age, but I'm fully aware it's my own fault

    that I still have it today. I also want to thank anyone who decides to take the time to read further and give me good advice, this is actually something I've been thinking about for awhile and decided to seek outside guidance.

    Educational background

    I'm 25 and had like a 2.8gpa in highschool and 2.9 gpa at college after getting my AA Degree.

    Long story short: I dropped out when I tried to major in csci(community college) before AA and then accounting (4 year uni - xferred to after got AA) and couldn't do the math.

    I used the free after school tutoring center at my college to get help with math homework. it wasnt very personalized

    help but it got my homework done - I went there everyday for my math class. I still failed. It was College Algrebra, not even calculus.

    Why I want to be a SWE

    It's been years and I've been so lost trying to figure out what I wanted to do that was a good fit for someone who is AWFUL at math, and i mean AWFUL (I'm decent at quick easy mental math with addition/multiplication). Why do I want to code? Mostly because it makes good money and will be something that is valuable to have for awhile to come. I also have always been very curious how software worked since I was young since I have been gaming on PC for about 17 years. I'm also a fast typer and can navigate a computer really well since I spend all day on one. Not to mention I know it'll make my parents feel some relief that I'm doing something with my life - I still live with them. I know money being a big motivator or trying to make my parents happy arent great reasons to get into something - it's a big part of the reason I admit, but definitely not all of the reason - cause if that were the case I'd just go try to be a doctor and fail at that.

    Finishing college the only route?

    Anyways, I've been thinking about going back to school and finishing up my BA which would take around 2 years since i have my AA and GE credits. But my question is,
    should I bother? I'm gonna have to take out brutal student loans - is there another way I could become a software engineer at a good company? How long would I go to college for? 2 or 3 years?

    What if I wanted to go a non college route and become a SWE, is that just incredibly unlikely?

    I feel like people are going to post and say they're not that smart or not good at math but they're SWE's but they are just people who truly underestimate themselves. I know for a fact I over estimate myself in all departments and always fail due to MOSTLY laziness and I'm sure being really stupid plays some part into it.

    Then again maybe I'm just making excuses and need to stop seeking outside advice and just go for it if it's what I really want and to give it my all and just see what happens, idk.

    -Based in Seattle if that's relevant.

    submitted by /u/pervyzebra
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    When to give up?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 09:21 AM PDT

    I've been learning for over a year now and am still failing to wrap my head around a lot of important concepts. Is it time I accept that this isn't the path for me?

    submitted by /u/Tbrahn
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