• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 16, 2019

    We are Codecademy. Ask Us Anything! learn programming

    We are Codecademy. Ask Us Anything! learn programming

    We are Codecademy. Ask Us Anything!

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 08:07 AM PDT

    Hey folks! We are some members of Team Codecademy.

    We've been hard at work over the past few months building new courses such as Learn C++, Learn Statistics with Python, and the Codecademy Go mobile app. We have a lot more in store for you in 2019, including a hardware course with Adafruit and courses in C#, R, PHP, and Phaser.js.

    We thought some of you might have questions about Codecademy and programming in general, or ideas about what you'd like to learn next. Feel free to ask us anything.

    Answering questions today:

    • Zach Sims, Co-founder & CEO (u/zachcodes)
    • Josh Goldberg, Engineering (u/its-a-me-joshua) I work a lot in JavaScript and TypeScript, both for Codecademy and in open source projects.
    • Sonny Li, Curriculum (u/sonnynomnom) I co-authored Learn C++, SQL, ML, and I'm currently working on a hardware course with Adafruit :o
    • Khayyam Saleem, Curriculum (u/ham_from_codecademy) I help fix bugs in Codecademy content when they crop up, and outside of work, I study Computer Science at my university.
    • Michael Hoffman, Engineering (u/michael_codecademy) I help build Codecademy using Ruby and Javascript. I'm trying to improve my React skills and to learn Go.
    • Allyn Faenza, Product (u/allyncodecademy) I work in Customer Support. I email with learners to recommend courses, give advice, and advocate for product improvements.
    • Alexus Strong, Marketing (u/alexus_codecademy) I wear a few hats on our marketing team and am here to answer your questions about Rampart.
    • Kyla Brown, Curriculum (u/kylacodes) I work with the team to plan awesome projects and content for learners. Ask me about new courses, Codecademy Go, and how to grow from a code newbie to an expert!
    • Daniella Kisza, Product (u/daniella_codecademy) Hey, all! I lead Codecademy's learner support teams, from the people that help millions of coders with quick answers to their most common programming questions, to our Code Coaches who meet regularly with learners to fast track them toward achieving their personal goals.
    • Jake Hiller, Engineering (u/jake_codecademy) I help build Codecademy focusing mainly on our Learning Environment. I started my career as a Graphic Designer and transitioned from there into front-end engineering.
    • Alberto Camacho, Design (u/alberto_codecademy) I help design Codecademy as a part of the product design team. Ask me about design, working with engineers, memes, and how coding can help you as a designer.

    Proof: https://imgur.com/a/rTlO0pO

    We'll be online and answering questions for the entire workday.

    Oh also, we're hiring!

    EDIT: Thank you so much for all of the thoughtful questions. Our team is starting to trickle out of the office for the weekend so the answers may start to slow down from here, but we'll do our best to answer as many remaining questions as we can. Have a great weekend!

    submitted by /u/sonnynomnom
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    I started learning Java exactly 365 days ago, and if this isn't progress, I don't know what is.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 02:38 AM PDT

    Lately I've been feeling unconfident about my Java knowledge, and finding this screenshot in my Google drive really brought me some comfort.

    Its from my first Android project, taken on March 15th, 2018. It really doesn't feel like a whole year has gone by already.

    Here they are side-by-side, 03/15/2018 to 3/15/2019

    Since people will probably ask, here's a Play Store link to the app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bryanwalsh.redditwallpaper2.

    I'm still actively updating and improving it.

    I checked my git history, and my old code was littered with bad practices, snippets from StackOverflow, and just some overall weird stuff.

    My point is: keep your old stuff! Sometimes you won't realize how much you improve until you have something to compare it to!

    Edit: Here are two more screenshots from old .apk files I just loaded:

    April 2018

    July/Aug 2018

    submitted by /u/Chibichuba
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    best way to study courses for a self taught developer

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 01:57 PM PDT

    hey guys i am self taught developer and i want to know the best way to study if i have more then one course in my list so :

    1/ should i create a scheudle and organize the week to study all materials .

    2/ should i finish a course completly before going to others

    submitted by /u/amine-louni
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    Anybody knows about C+-?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 02:01 PM PDT

    I'm going to start studying at university and in the subject description they say that they will teach me C+- which is described as a language which skills can be transferable to C# or C++.

    I've tried to look for some info but I can't find something that leaves me satisfied.

    Does somebody have experience with learning it? I'm just scared of wasting a year learning some useless language in the university I can go that i had to ask.

    (I can't choose another university)

    Thanks for the responses!

    submitted by /u/honk-thesou
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    [VBA] Code help (average of even numbers)...

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 11:28 PM PDT

    Hi im learning how to program, im with VBA right now and i have a problem with this code...

    I need to count the even number of X random Cells then have to do an average of this numbers, my problem is, how to count all even numbers to divide it by the add of all.

    Here is my code....

    Sub Numbers()

    Dim row, op, add As Integer

    row = 1

    For coun = 1 To 5

    op = Cells(row, 1).Value Mod 2

    If op = 1 Then

    add = Cells(fila, 1).Value + next

    ElseIf op = 0 Then

    addim = Cells(row, 1).Value + next2

    End If

    next2 = addim

    next = add

    row = row + 1

    avg = addim / ***\* < Here is my problem, how can i count all the even numbers to divide it in the expresion?


    Range("C1").Value = add

    Range("D1").Value = avg

    End Sub

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/xPyro_
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    Trying to use a script to get CSV data from an API then insert it into a mysql table

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 08:39 PM PDT

    Hi - New here, very amateur at programming and scripting, but I've scoured github and can't seem to find an answer for this, so would appreciate any help.

    I'm using google scripts to call an API that returns CSV data, with the goal of then inserting said data into a mysql table. I'm familiar with writing to tables using google sheets and it would be easy to write the CSV data to a sheet then import it into mysql. However, calling the API and writing to the table is a process that will run every day, and my instincts are telling me to limit the # of moving parts and dependencies and try to accomplish the transfer within the script (without pushing the data to a sheet and then back in to the mysql db).

    I'm not very familiar with PHP, but a lot of the search results for folks trying to accomplish this kind of thing refer to using PHP for this. Some preliminary digging indicated I might have to take some additional steps to use PHP within google scripts, so I'm trying to figure out if I can do the following:

    1. Call the API and store the csv as a variable. I've accomplished this already using:

    var csvUrl = "myapicall";

    var csvContent = UrlFetchApp.fetch(csvUrl).getContentText();

    var csvData = Utilities.parseCsv(csvContent);

    1. Parse the data stored as the csvData variable, then write the results to the mySql table using something like this:

    LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'file.csv' INTO TABLE t1 (obviously this isn't going to work, so this is one of the things I'm trying to figure out)

    FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' (would I still need this if I've already parsed it as csv?)

    (@col1,@col2) set column1=@col1,column2=@col2) (I'm trying to only insert columns that I need in order to be efficient).

    My questions are:

    1. Do I need to use PHP for this?
    2. If I don't have to use PHP, how do I apply the transformation in the last line above to the csv data prior to inserting it in to the table?
    3. Am I right that it could cause problems if I just do it the "easy" way and load the csv to sheets, then write from the sheets to the mysql db?

    Many thanks in advance. (Edited for formatting)

    submitted by /u/classicalnemesis
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    Can someone explain CORS to me in simple terms? I have failed to understand it from every link out there.

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 05:50 PM PDT

    I really don't get what this is or why it is dangerous. I understand that it is related to limiting which domains get to make requests to your server or whatever.

    Nonetheless I have been unable to understand what it means in all the explanations I have seen.

    submitted by /u/Tarsonis181
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    Words from Sentences into tree structure [php]

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 08:55 PM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    I am a noob - thanks for your patience.

    I want to write a script to go through a txt file of sentences (one per line) and put each word from these sentences into a tree structure. For example:

    a boy runs wild in the bush a boy runs into a wall a boy eats a lion a girl plays with her doll 

    What would be the most efficient way of doing this?

    The end result will be used to walk through the tree, selecting words until the end of a particular path is reached.

    Should i go through each sentence with multidimensional arrays or is there a better way in php?

    submitted by /u/kissmyhumanbutt
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    JAVA REST: Starting point

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 11:13 PM PDT

    I'm a sort of beginner in this web-based world and I'd like to create a restful web service. I do know how http works and how to programs, but I don't know almost anything about rest. Where should I start? I'd like a practical tutorial, more than a theoretical one

    submitted by /u/DatAndre
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    Representing graphs in C#

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 11:07 PM PDT

    What is the best way to represent graphs in situation when I want to have adjacency matrix and adjacency list with nodes? I want to be able to switch easily between this two representations so what classes should I make? Moreover how can I set the matching in input file where I keep matrix?

    submitted by /u/ms_heisenbug
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    [JavaScript] How to use UMD

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 06:55 PM PDT

    Let's say I have the following function:

    const helloWorld = () => { return "Hello World!" }

    I want to export the function as UMD, Node (CommonJS) and Browser Global. I found UMDJS but I'm not sure what code to use.

    Here's my question: What code do I add after declaring the helloWorld function?

    submitted by /u/Richienb
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    Do you think my code is clean?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 10:17 PM PDT

    I know my code works, so this isn't a 'help me debug' post. I'd just really appreciate it if you could take a quick glance and tell me how I can improve it to make it easier to understand, essentially how I can make it 'clean'er? There are courses out there for learning to programme but very few for learning coding conventions. I've been told that my code is hard to understand, and I want to know how to not make it that way. Ty❤️❤️


    submitted by /u/aadrita__
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    Code help

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 09:48 PM PDT

    in the following code, under what conditions on flags will doStuff() be called?

    if (flags & (1<<3) {

    do Stuff();


    submitted by /u/KGDolphinn
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    At what point is it considered bad to look up code/algorithms online?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 09:26 PM PDT

    In my mind there is a part of me that believes there is no sense in reinventing the wheel; and we can use the best possible algorithms out there versus making up something half as good in our head. But then the other part of me feels like it's either a form of plagiarism or it isn't the best for learning how to solve problems. This isn't about copying an entire program over; but looking at an algorithm somebody posted online, whether its popular or not.

    submitted by /u/Crazypete3
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    HTML5's input element and the "type=range" attribute vs "type=number"

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 05:25 PM PDT


    I noticed both of these respond to the min and max attribute. And, since they do what would be the reason to choose "range" over "number"?

    submitted by /u/adagioaranjuez
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    Does anyone have caverun.mid from the old DarkBasic tutorials?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 05:22 PM PDT

    One of the first tutorials for DarkBasic was a procedurally-generated game called "Cave Runner". It had a really catchy song, somebody remixed it on Newgrounds but I'd love the hear the original again.

    Anyone happen to have that .mid floating around on a hard drive somewhere? I've searched the internet to no avail.

    submitted by /u/aabicus
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    Which Udemy courses do you recommend for web dev?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    I've been searching for info about this but everyone says different things or not what I was looking for (of course because everyone has an opinion) but this is my case:

    I'm currently taking Colt Steele's Web Development Bootcamp and I just finished the Bootstrap 4 section. I was reading on this sub about this course and what other courses should I take after this one but some people say Colt course is outdated. Should I stop taking this course and buy a full javascript course? I'm planning on learning javascript then taking a React course or Angular. Also I don't know if the bootstrap that I learnt from Colt's course is enough.


    submitted by /u/Fercopp
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    I've let down myself and my family, need help with my next steps

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 05:10 PM PDT

    I failed A-levels so I took a gap year to figure out what I actually want to do. I realised after a long time I want a career in SDev.

    I'm only 18 so apprenticeships to avoid university is a really good way of doing that. You work and 20% of your time is spent learning theory.

    I have applied to many places and haven't heard from most. I'm going through the applicant testing stages for one and got rejected by 2 employers already after going through assessment centres.

    I really just feel lost now. I don't know how I'm going to make it as an apprentice or junior dev (in the UK).

    I've finished a very basic Ruby course and started a Python course. I've also bought Angela's complete web dev course on Udemy, but before continuing any type of learning I just wanted to ask you guys for some help.

    How can I best spend my time when I'm not working to make way into an apprenticeship or a junior dev job. I know I love coding but I really just don't know how to proceed from here and what to invest my time and energy in :/

    What languages (sorry i know you get this a lot) should I learn...what is like a minimum amount of projects that need to be on my portfolio for it to be actually considered.

    I'm sorry for the terribly worded questions, I just feel down and lost, and was wondering if someone could help..

    Thank you

    Sorry for the pessimistic message, i dont mean to sound like a spoilt first world kid, this is just my reality right now and i wanted to express how i feel

    submitted by /u/y0ungsinatra
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    Tool for transitioning from Scratch to Javascript

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    Looking for resources to transition from Scratch to Javascript, I found woofJS.com. I really liked it, but I think a big part of the Scratch experience is an active community, so I made a chrome extension using woofJS for use on repl.it!

    Download it here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scratch-to-javascript/ljfhfpmjfakpjcpgmjpfgjoedkljeeln

    I'd love to hear feedback, I spent about a day on this and wouldn't mind spending longer making it better.

    submitted by /u/NutClump
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    Help with a project idea

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 04:51 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm fairly new to programming so bare with me. I own a Acura Integra 1997. It is a fairly old car and sometimes I need to head to my local junk yard for car parts. My local junk yard has an app but it's very basic. You can only search their inventory which they do update. The only feature I wish it could do is alert me when a new, lets say 'Acura Integra' goes into their inventory. I feel this should be an easy project to do and learn from.

    I would like to turn this into an iOS app and see how far I can go.

    The first step I've done is to web scrape the junk yard's website using python & BeautifulSoup and stored all their inventory into a csv file. My next step, I think, is to store it into a database. The inventory is less than 3,000 cars but I figured this would be a good start into learning how to use a database. I decided to go with SQLite, since I was reading is good with python and iOS.

    My questions: Are there any recommendations on how I should go about this process? Am I on the right track?


    submitted by /u/ease_
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    Python Attributeerror:

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 08:35 PM PDT

    I keep getting an erro whenever i try to print a message with anything in a list. Its something simple like animals.

    animals = ['cats', 'dogs', 'birds']

    message = animals.title() + " are cute!"

    print (message)

    Then the error pops up telling me 'list' object has no attribute 'title'.

    I even tryed adding the index i want it to print. Still get the same message.

    submitted by /u/Phantom_Fox2
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    Makefile test all file in a directory with your code?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 08:33 PM PDT

    Hello, i have a make test command that test my programt with the file inside. So example i have abc.txt and the directory test. When i enter mak test it should do ./a.out abc.txt . But what if i want to test not only abc.txt but everything in the directory test. But i dont know all the filename that will be in the directory. So when i enter make test it should do ./a.out abc.txt then ./a.out theotherfile.txt then the other file if there is another etc.. I was thinking of using ./a.out ./test/* but im not sure because it had to test one after another. Thanks

    submitted by /u/OnlyOneMember
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    Any refactoring challenges out there? (like codewars but with code that is already written and can be refactored)

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 09:58 AM PDT

    Is anyone aware of somewhere online where you can find refactoring exercises? Something like a codewars (but for refactoring as opposed to writing the answer from scratch), maybe even something like the gilded rose kata (https://github.com/emilybache/GildedRose-Refactoring-Kata)

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/robertf999
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    Using pygame

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 08:28 PM PDT

    Hey so I'm new to pygame, and I'm creating a new game, but I want to draw a map, but when I run this code it gives me an error.

    def draw_map(SCREEN, GREEN):
    map = [(0, 0), (90, 0)]
    block_size = 90
    for x in map:
    pygame.draw.rect(SCREEN, GREEN, (x, block_size))

    submitted by /u/_DiegoMS_
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    Javascript interactive computing

    Posted: 15 Mar 2019 07:59 PM PDT

    Anyways, I am new to coding and I know basic javascript c++, etc. I want to make some sort of website that provides java to learn

    submitted by /u/Thesecondhander
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