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    Sunday, March 24, 2019

    Things no one ever taught me about CSS web developers

    Things no one ever taught me about CSS web developers

    Things no one ever taught me about CSS

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 07:58 AM PDT

    Anyone else want a .api TLD?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2019 11:21 PM PDT

    I feel like recently there's been so many more added like .app even .apple and .baby idk i think it's be really cool to host my API on companyname.api & have the docs on docs.companyname.api

    submitted by /u/frostbyte650
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    Do you think that data structure & algorithms learnt in college is helping you in your career as a web dev?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 01:00 AM PDT

    Create Flappy Bird Game Using JavaScript - Well Explained Tutorial. You'll love it

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 01:25 PM PDT

    Website & Domain Audit Tool

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 09:54 AM PDT

    Advice on building notifications? (Node, express, mongo)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    Hello people of the interwebs,

    i am building a small social network right now and am trying to accomplish notifications, as known from other social networks (when recieving a message or someone commented on your post). But i am not trying to create push notifications to the browser or OS.

    So right now i don't really know how to accomplish what i want. I know there is a way through using websockets with socket.io, but i feel like, that is kind of an overkill for my basic needs.

    I don't need real "realtime" notifications, i don't care wether they are delayed 30sec or so, and my chat functionality also doesn't need be realtime for the beginning.

    I thought about creating a notification model connected to the user (with an ajax request in the frontend), but that would require, i.e. whenever someone comments on a post, for the OP and for every single commenter that commented before i have to perform an individual update request for their notifications document, and that seems pretty unpractical, even if that social network only has a few hundred users.

    Maybe there are people in this subreddit with better ideas, or i do have to use websockets.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/kifkev91
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    This guy has some fantastic videos on improving UI design thorough music software (DAW) critique. Start with this one.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    Am I missing anything in Chrome by sticking with Firefox dev tools?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 06:49 AM PDT

    I use Firefox as my primary browser, including for development work. I test cross-browser periodically (Opera, Chrome, Safari, Edge). But I don't like using Chrome because it doesn't allow tabs to scroll (instead scrunching them together so that they're unreadable when you have a lot of tabs open).

    Am I missing anything good in Chrome dev tools by sticking with Firefox?

    submitted by /u/calligraphic-io
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    Open Source: 17871 Color-Names and tons of tools to go with it

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 03:27 PM PDT

    Open Source: 17871 Color-Names and tons of tools to go with it

    I am maintaining, what I believe, is the largest open collection of unique color-names.

    To go with it, I created a few tools to help users explore and understand the huge list: Color Picker (Klick the icon), Full List, Color Name distribution in different color spaces as well as some tools that are related to color in general and just made a bit nicer by adding unique names to the otherwise cryptic hex values: color harmony generator, color space explorer, mouse position based color picker, color name bingo

    As you can see there are a lot of bright and dark colors. But I am still missing lots of saturated colors. Any idea, how I could generate color values that are the furthest possible then the ones that are already there? (Something like "reverse nearest vector"?)

    All 17171 color names visualised

    The repository: https://github.com/meodai/color-names

    There are different ways to submit new names. Via twitter (automated bot is in the making), google docs form and of course via pull request on the repository.

    On every push, a list of the new colors is generated:


    Also working on a more extensive tool to explore colors in general, that will end up here https://www.color.pizza/ in a not too far future I hope ;)


    Any thoughts, inputs, critiques and of course color name submissions are welcome!

    I should add that I don't do this for a particular reason other then enjoying the process of coming up with names, building color tools and optimising the whole workflow that surrounds the maintenance and publishing of the list: https://github.com/meodai/color-names/tree/master/scripts

    submitted by /u/meodai
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    Has anyone done interviews with Creative Circle?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    Hello fellow developers, so next week I have an in person interview with the staffing agency "Creative Circle". Wanted to know if anyone in the webdev community had experience with what the process was like interviewing with them.

    The recruiter at one of their offices (NYC) contacted me to come in person and go over my resume and portfolio. So it's basically an interview for the staffing agency and see where I stand skill wise and how I present my self for when they connect me with their clients. If anyone had any experience with the process I would truly appreciate if you would post it here. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/JennYanVlogs
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    Having questions about my workplace.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    Ive started my first web dev job few months ago at agency that makes custom wordpress themes and plugins. I have fullstack position and i do everything on my own(finished around 10 projects from start to finish by now), any other developers that work together are on my level or lower and none of them are fullstack. I get paid minimum wage. Is this workplace weird or it is common? What do you think about this situation?

    submitted by /u/Muxas
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    How to Add Copy to Clipboard Buttons to Code Blocks in Hugo

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 02:49 PM PDT

    Freelancing, Beginner Questions.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    I checked the FAQs and didn't find the answers there. I hope this is the right place for this post.

    I'm in college and I want to earn some money. So I want to start freelancing in front end.

    The languages I am good at are:

    1. HTML
    2. CSS
    3. JavaScript
    4. JQuery
    5. JAVA
    6. C

    Will these be enough to make some money, considering that I will work for about 10 hours a week?

    Also, considering that I want to completely depend on freelancing one year from now, are there other languages I should try my hands on?

    Thank you for your time.

    Edit: I'd be taking online jobs only.

    submitted by /u/nittywitty350
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    Best options for facilitating payments between users?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 02:36 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a solution that I can use to facilitate payments between users in my web app. Ideally, they would not need to sign in to any third-party software account and can just use the account that they've created for the web application itself.

    Two options I'm aware of:

    • Stripe Connect
    • PayPal Chained Payments

    Right now I am looking into Stripe as I've used it for an app I made about a year ago as a portfolio piece and found the API easy enough; however, I wasn't using it as a way to facilitate payments between users. It was straight from the end-user to my account. I want them to be able to pay directly with a credit card or debit card for now, so I don't really need or want to use PayPal, etc., accounts for payments.

    What are the best, easiest options to get started with?

    If it matters, my tech stack is React, Python/Flask, PostgreSQL.

    submitted by /u/pysouth
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    UK - One Year Conversion Masters Worth It?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Long story short, I'm in my final year of a BSc Biology degree, and I'm thinking I'd like to pursue a career in web dev after I graduate.

    I'm currently self-teaching and will soon be starting to build a portfolio, but I was curious as to people's opinions on taking a one year MSc in computing.

    I'm of the opinion that experience trumps qualifications, but that degrees are quite useful in getting your foot in the door as another checklist is being ticked.

    How highly would you value the MSc and do you think I should dedicate another year to the education system?


    submitted by /u/OnceAToaster
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    PreVue - All-in-one Prototyping Tool to help you learn Vue

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 09:46 AM PDT

    PreVue is a simple to use desktop application that is used to easily prototype your Vue application architecture and then export your fully functional code.

    My dev friends and I were formerly React developers. It wasn't until recently that we discovered Vue and realized how intuitive and powerful the framework was.

    Our goal for this project was to give Vue developers and designers the tools necessary for creating clean, organized, and intentional code from the beginning of the development process, but we realized it's also a great tool for new programmers who are getting into web development to learn how a front end framework works.

    Here is the Github.

    I'd be happy to hear any feedback on the project, regarding documentation, how to use, what we used to create it, etc.

    If you like the idea, please give it a star :)

    We're still under development and will be adding new features to make developing in Vue as easy as possible. If you have any questions regarding the project or about Vue in general, feel free to leave them in the comments and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

    It's open sourced so contributions are welcome!

    submitted by /u/hyperdunkshus
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    GIVEN my article WHEN a reader reads it THEN the reader writes better tests. (Not mine)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 01:10 PM PDT

    What is your stack now vs 5 years ago.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 05:25 AM PDT

    I'm coding almost 5 years now. Since when I started college. I thought it would be interesting to see compare stacks back then, vs now.

    5 years ago I was really experimenting with different tech in college. I was using PHP, JS, Java. All vanilla, now frameworks.

    Now I'd be using .Net Core, Angular and Laravel sometimes.

    submitted by /u/irishdevel
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    Easiest way to get a prototype web application up and running?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 12:45 PM PDT


    I'm a backend developer with a love of software and a phobia of CSS. I'm comfortable maintaining and tweaking simple sites, usually using a static site generator like Hugo on either github pages or Netlify, but I'd like to create something more complex for a proper web application I've been developing.

    Is there an easier way than slogging my way through the minefield that is the modern front-end ecosystem? Prebuilt Hugo themes were a lifesaver for me since I could just tweak as I wanted to, but a proper SPA/PWA seems way more complex.

    submitted by /u/TheLandYouUnderstand
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    How do I stop being so fucking bad at css?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 12:37 PM PDT

    I can write a secure authentication system, I can write a fleshed out one page application in React, I know how to write good JavaScript that takes performance into account. I can do all these things that, at one point, I thought I would never be able to do, but for 4 years I've always, and I mean ALAYS, sucked at CSS.

    I never get beter at it, everytime I do a new project I have to debug and keep trying things. In JavaScript, I have a pretty good idea about what behavior my code is going to have before I run it. I have a decent idea with CSS, but if I'm being honest... it's 45% just guessing.

    My question to the ones who, in my opinion, have done the impossible. How did you get good at CSS?

    Any resources, practice project ideas, e.t.c are VERY appreciated.

    Thanks /r/webdev

    submitted by /u/hello_its_ian
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    Wordpress frontend developer looking to go to the next level

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 12:22 PM PDT

    Hello. I'm a 25 years old guy living in eastern europe, so I hope you'll understand the english mistakes I might make.

    I've finished my local college, without getting a degree, due to personal problems. Since the end of 2017 I've been working for a small startup ( 6 people) that is mostly doing wordpress sites with divi builder.

    What I do at work is "somekindof fullstack" stuff, and I feel that that is the problem.

    In the last year and a half I don't feel that i learned something specific, just bits and bits of everything. So, basically I live with the impression that my skills are not really transferable to another company because I feel that I'm not good at anything specific. Most of the time I'm in charge of pretty much all the aspects of creating a website: design, functionalities, creating tutorials and providing support to the client etc. The design part I'm expected to do by myself, and I'm not a very creative person. I could implement mockups or wireframes, but I have to do it all by myself as we don't have a designer. My colleagues are a bit more creative, and somehow manage to do this, but this part screws me up bigtime.

    Now the thing is, I want to get better and be able to find a more decent job, but I don't really know which way to take. I like the idea of being a fullstack developer, but with the current structure of doing things in this company I feel that things are not going ok. Manager just expects me to do everything, fast and good, all while I'm being paid 350$ per month. I can't quit even this job for the moment, because of life commitments( I'm still staying with parents, which are sick and old, and if I do, it will do a lot of damage).

    I'm looking for a plan/route whatever to get better and not feel like a piece of shit that knows nothing. I know php, js, css , wordpress all at a basic level. I've been searching the web and i found the following resources for:

    FRONTEND : p1xtguides, freecodecamp, 30days js

    BACKEND : laracasts

    GENREAL: cs50, learning to use git, codewars

    Please give me an idea, I feel very lost...

    submitted by /u/deathwingk
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    The absolute best way to setup MAMP for painless local development

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    Leverage browser cache when using GitHub pages?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 11:00 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm optimizing my portfolio site and have realized I can't get better than a B on gtmetrix because I don't have access to htaccess file. Which to my knowledge is the only way to leverage browser cache.

    Am I stuck with this or is there a work around?

    submitted by /u/audionoobhelpme
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    Question : What are the coolest projects you've made with APIs?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    i like working with APIs.

    Comment about your cool projects.

    submitted by /u/TheRed_Devil
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