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    Tuesday, March 12, 2019

    Resume Advice Thread - March 12, 2019 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - March 12, 2019 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - March 12, 2019

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 12:05 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to ask for resume advice and critiques. You should read our Resume FAQ and implement any changes from that before you ask for more advice.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    Note on anonomyizing your resume: If you'd like your resume to remain anonymous, make sure you blank out or change all personally identifying information. Also be careful of using your own Google Docs account or DropBox account which can lead back to your personally identifying information. To make absolutely sure you're anonymous, we suggest posting on sites/accounts with no ties to you after thoroughly checking the contents of your resume.

    This thread is posted each Tuesday and Saturday at midnight PST. Previous Resume Advice Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - March 12, 2019

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 12:06 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Do you feel tech companies try a too hard to make their place of work look "fun"?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 12:05 PM PDT

    I've been looking into different places to work recently. I like where I work but I'm thinking it might be time for a change. After some browsing to see whats out there it seems like every tech company career page goes over the top to make their company look like its some sort of adult preschool or leisure center (adults in consumes, free food, rock climbing group activities).

    I don't mean to be negative but it seems a bit over the top.

    Just to poke some fun at it I made this starterpack https://i.redd.it/i966yjcdbpl21.jpg

    What are your thoughts? Are companies taking the whole 'make work look like play' thing a bit too far?

    submitted by /u/luxuryUX
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    How does your company handle code reviews, branching, and production pushes?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 04:17 AM PDT

    I would really love to hear more from people out there on how their team handles production pushes.

    I have recently started helping with our code review and production push process and it feels like we are re-inventing the wheel by trying to come up with solutions to problems that may have already been answered.

    I have spent the past few days reading about this issue but the majority of the articles I have read make the assumption you are using something similar to the Gitflow workflow, or at least feature branching.

    The problem I have is our whole team works off of master and we end up merging master into our release branch once a week during code review for full releases. If we are doing a patch we will cherry-pick commits from master into our release branch. We then tag the commit and use that for our production push.

    I don't think I would be able to suggest switching to feature branching, many of our changes are 1-2 line commits for fixing a bug.

    I would love to hear from someone that works off master in a similar way and find out how you handle production releases.

    submitted by /u/Kritnc
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    Please tell me this is a joke

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    On the job hunt for FE dev jobs and came across this job posting:

    TLDR: 5 years professional dev experience, Adobe suite proficiency, HTML/CSS/JS and frameworks. AND CUSTOMER SERVICE = literally on the phone doing customer service work. All for 40-47k a year.

    Job Requirements
    To qualify for this position you must be extremely proficient in Photoshop, Visual Studio, HTML, CSS, and have 5 years of on the job experience. You must be able to produce a high volume of new builds and changes on a weekly basis using our CMS template system. You will be required to speak to B2B customers on a daily basis and provide outstanding customer service. • HTML • Adobe Photoshop • Adobe Indesign • Adobe Illustrator • CSS • SCSS • CMS • Bootstrap Framework • Responsive Website Technology • Java Script • Mustache • Graphic Design • J Query • Customer Service • Domain Names

    Job Type: Full-time
    Salary: $40,000.00 to $47,000.00 /year

    Edit: Idk who keeps downvoting this, but people need to see this. Especially new devs who have no idea what being taken advantage of looks like. This is a prime example!

    submitted by /u/auraJS
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    Does anybody else think giving a letter of resignation is the worst feeling in the world?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    I hate this part more than anything. I love the people I work with, I love my job, I love my boss. But I found a tremendous opportunity with a major raise and decided the best thing for my family is to move on.

    Anxiety to the max, this part kills me. Any suggestions to make sure I leave on good terms?

    Edit: had a mini speech prepared, it was only 3 sentences and I blew it. Somehow he talked me into considering a counter offer. It doesn't fully match my offer in terms of dollars but it's less than 10% off. but he's trying to sell me on everything else. Background: I'm currently a consultant, New job would be product development. Current office is 30 mins down the road, New office is 1-1.5hr drive depending. Both offer flexible work remote 2-3 days a week. Gonna have to talk with the wife...

    submitted by /u/tjones0808
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    Career in NodeJS vs career in Java ???

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 03:12 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I've been using React / Redux on the front-end and Java / Spring Boot for back-end at work for about a year now. I really enjoy working with JavaScript as it has an amazing community, great libraries and I can write code in a functional way, which I much preferover oop.

    I'm at a point now where I'm not sure where to go with my career. I'm not sure wether I should go down the NodeJS route and focus on JS or if I should go down the Java route as it is more in demand.

    Java can be quite verbose and sometimes it's hard to find documentation that's easy to understand, and I'm not as experienced with it as I'm with JS. But it seems like the more complex and reliable pieces of software are built in Java, so it makes it quite a good choice as well.

    I'm curious if any of you have been in a position like this before and what decision you made. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/darkman_it
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    Always negotiate even when they match your initial salary number?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 07:20 PM PDT

    I gave an initial salary requirement before interviewing that is just above market. I ended up getting the job and they matched my asking price and the total comp comes out to being a good number with some great stock down the line and yearly bonus schedule. All things considered, I think the offer is pretty good. I read on here a lot that you should generally negotiate on the offer. I've also seen a good counter point to this argument. The only leverage I have right now is "I'm a qualified candidate with a specific skill set blah blah " and seeing on glassdoor that other senior software engineers are making +8% more than the offer. I also saw on glassdoor from other people within the same company and same job title that are paid -10% less with one exception for a guy who claims to have a base of +20% of mine.

    I'm also interviewing with two of the big 4 companies. Assuming these fall through, would it be reasonable to ask for a +5% increase to the base salary and give valid points of candidacy and other average company compensation? I figure I can use the angle of "after interviewing and seeing how difficult the position will be.." in order to save face about my first number I threw out. In all honesty tho, it will be a difficult position.

    Bonus question: Should I tell them the names of the other companies I am interviewing with or just leave it generic?

    submitted by /u/0xDEADBEEEEF
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    2019 Internship Statistics (No DS&A)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 07:18 PM PDT

    Thought I'd share my internship experience because I think it's kind of unique.

    About me:

    • Sophomore CS student at rank ~50 state school

    • GPA: 3.9/4.0

    • Did all of this interviewing before taking Data Structures & Algorithms

    • No projects or organizations outside class

    • One IT internship summer of my freshman year

    • Did not apply to any internships intended for freshman/sophomores. All interviews/offers were for SWE.

    So how'd I prep for interviews you ask? Literally just LeetCode, probably 70 problems in all. Starting with the highest acceptance rate, I struggled through the problems, trusting the process. If I couldn't figure it out within an hour, I'd look at the solution and come back to it. If I didn't know what a concept was, I'd look it up on YouTube (mycodeschool is the best). Also bought CtCI and skimmed through it. I did a lot of the problems with friends at my internship, which made it more tolerable.

    90% of my interviews are offers were from my school's career fair. I found that most online apps were shots in the dark, or they would send you an insanely hard coding challenge (Two Sigma, DRW, Jump, Dropbox)

    Anyways, feel free to ask me any questions, and here are the stats:

    • Applied: 100+

    • Coding Challenges: 20+

    • Interviews: 11

    • Offers: 7 (2 Big 4, 1 IB, 1 fintech)

    submitted by /u/farmin-huntin-fishin
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    Should I just take an IT Help Desk job?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 07:06 PM PDT

    Hi cscareerquestions,

    I graduated last year with a CS degree and I've been having a tough time looking for a software engineering job. I have no relevant work experience nor friends or family for networks. I have a couple of side projects and open source contributions on GitHub but they aren't even being looked at. I live in a small, very isolated city and I guess I'm just not worth being relocated or flown in for an interview, let alone phone interview; but I can understand why it may not be cost effective for them in the long run, at least for entry level positions. Student loans are looming over the horizon, and I'm willing to take anything at this point as long as it isn't a scam.

    1. Would I be settling too early if I accept an IT Help Desk offer despite being only 2 months out of school?
    2. Would having this on my resume help me at all with landing an out of state software engineer position even though I'd probably still be applying for entry level jobs?
    submitted by /u/pariahcarrey
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    Not sure what to make of raise

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 07:01 PM PDT

    Long story short i have been at my company for 6 months as new grad and have received a raise during yearly review from 95000 to 105000 including stock of 8k which vests over a year. Was told i was doing a good job and it was rare to receive stock but they would like me to stay. Not sure if they are just saying that or all new grads at company got same raise? ( raise was 2% merit 8% market increase) is this a normal raise 6 months in at other companies?

    Edit: stock is on top of 10% raise

    submitted by /u/thebigboy183
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    Recently started in Defense work looking to go fully remote outside of defense.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 06:46 PM PDT

    I got my TS/SCI and polygraph and started at a company in California. The bad things you hear about defense are true it seems. The first couple weeks they didn't even have a place for the new hires to work so we just sat in a conference room and played with our phones for 9 hours. Everything is so disorganized. The company that hired me is based out of DC and there are only a couple people in California from the company, if I wanted to grow I would have to go to DC which I will not do. They were supposed to get me a laptop over the weekend and still haven't been able to coordinate that. It is chaos. The tech is also old.

    This is my first month. Should I try and stay for a while here?

    Also, as far as career growth does working fully remote hinder that potential by a lot? I think I'd eventually like to get in product management, since I'm not super into coding.

    submitted by /u/deputy1389
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    People who have helped me ramp up

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 06:26 PM PDT

    I'm a relatively new employee at my company. There are some guys there really help me out catch up with what is going on. It makes me want to cry bc of how helpful they are. They literally tell me to sit right next to them and they watch over what commands I'm running while they're working and in case I get stuck they just tell me what to do. I finally got some stuff done today and it would have taken me 10x longer if I didn't get any help..

    My question is how do I thank them? Idk how to show them how much I appreciate this. What should I buy them? What's something to show this? These guys are typically from China I believe.

    submitted by /u/olmesfarooq
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    Do you have a portfolio? If not - why? Is it too much work to create? If so - what did you use?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    Hey all -

    I'm curious - did you create a project portfolio?

    - something that shows the projects you've worked on. Tells a story beyond a github repo.
    - is different than your github profile page, or Linkedin.
    - something you put on your resume, include when you apply for a job.

    Mind sharing -

    - If you don't have one - why not? Is it just too much work?

    - If you do, how did you create it? Mind linking to it? Did it help in the job process?

    submitted by /u/vbhartia
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    How do I ask my boss if I can have scheduled WFH days per week?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 05:00 PM PDT

    I have unlimited WFH time where I work. We also have video calls sometimes on webcams for when people are wfh.

    I lose 25 hours commuting a week. Getting to work every day takes 2.5 hours one way. I leave my house at 7:20, and I don't get back until 8:45pm(or 20:45)

    I started as an intern during the summer of 2017, and started full time after I graduated college during summer of 2018.

    I really like coming to work, and I enjoy being a part of the team, and I enjoy what I do and the people I work with.

    However, the commute has been draining. It's not that I have a poor work ethic, which is why asking this pains me so much, but the commute time really takes away from being to improve my skills and knowledge so I can grow in the CS world, focus on personal goals, do hobbies, and see friends and family.

    I would like to WFH 2 days a week so I can get a better rest and also be able to focus on goals.

    How do I ask my boss this without seeming like I have a bad work or team ethic? Because that's completely untrue but I have to if I want to be able to focus on improving myself.

    He's a nice guy and understands my commute, but he also has strong feelings on making sure everyone has a high team ethic.

    I would be willing to be flexible and even come in on scheduled days where I should be wfh

    I've been looking for new jobs and I really don't want to leave, and I hate this is the only reason why I am searching for a new job closer home. But if this can be accomadated I would be willing to stay longer.

    submitted by /u/Chieve
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    I acknowledge that I will notify my manager within the next 2 days that I have applied for this role.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 04:49 PM PDT

    This is what I had to acknowledge so I can apply for a position at Honeywell. So what's the deal with this? I have never seen this before. Let's say I do tell my manager I applied for a new role at a different company - what next? What if I don't even get an interview? My manager will change their attitude towards me. My current job will be in jeopardy. I can't take that risk. Can Honeywell ever find out I didn't disclose this info within these 2 days? I'm planning to tell my manager when I have an offer that I'm going to accept and not before.

    submitted by /u/Zaryza
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    How to network as an undergraduate student

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 04:45 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I'm a sophomore studying computer science and maths outside of California, but I'm visiting California for the spring break. As a CS student, I aspire to land an internship/job opportunity preferably in California. That being said, I'm getting a great opportunity to sit down and talk to some of the employees at these big tech firms while I'm staying in SF. Is there any tips or questions I should ask to them? What can I do to make the best impression? Is there any way which this can help me landing an internship for next summer?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/omorman
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    Recruiters reach out for testing roles but I'd like to be a developer.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 04:30 PM PDT

    I'm a university student that is about to graduate in April (hopefully). I've done two eight month internships while I pursue my degree. One internship was spent working at a company as a Software Engineer in Test and another was spent as a Software Engineer as just a developer.

    On my LinkedIn account I share both as my work experience but it seems I only ever receive messages from recruiters asking me to become a tester. I'd like to be a full fledged developer, would it be better for me to simply remove the Software Engineer in Test work experience or should I make it clear on my LinkedIn I'm only interested in development roles? I'm not sure what to do.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Raiyuden
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    Power struggle between teams

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 04:24 PM PDT


    Lead Engineer here. I'm at my current company less than a year. It's a very big, good company, pay and benefits, work hours are great and my direct team are great people. So before I mention the question I just want to highlight some good as I'm not looking to move companies.

    The problem I'm having is a sister team playing more politics than I've ever experienced. We are two development teams. My manager and the other teams manager both report up to the head of the department. The department owns several projects and more are to come.

    When I arrived, it was a strange dynamic. The other team act as though they are the primary team, they boss people around who they have no authority too, they act like they own every project and are just throwing the occasional bugfix our way. They assume ownership of all new development, but as soon as they run into issues, since they usually overpromise, they have a way of painting it as our teams fault. It means people are on tenderhook with this team, several of my team members don't even want to interact with them because they have been blamed for large issues in the past that they had nothing to do with. Our team knows it, but they have a way of communicating to the higher up. e.g. This week I asked for changes on a PR which had many issues, their Dev didn't address it and went home. The next morning in the Scrum call, their Lead accused me of being the reason they did not do a QA deploy the night before when the PM asked why it was delayed. I have to constantly correct them and defend my team.

    It seems most of this dynamic was created before I was around. My manager wants me to get control of things. The workload is meant to be split between the teams but as projects come up, I am not even learning of them until very late or they have issues. I'm being tasked with reigning in code quality and standards (company wide stuff which only THEY seem to get away with ignoring) and it's like banging my head off a wall.

    This is the tip of the iceberg really but I want to keep it short. I know there's extreme politics being played. The other teams manager is very close with the department manager and seems to spin them stories which makes all the work go their way and the problems come our way.

    Any advice out there for playing a power struggle like this and getting some control?

    submitted by /u/wrex_rtx60
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    CEO of rival company wants "a chat"

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 10:17 AM PDT

    Just been invited for "a chat" with the CEO of a company that wants to enter a similar market as the company I currently work at.

    Any advice on what I should expect? I'm currently the lead developer of a relevant system and have developed something they would be interested in outside of work. I haven't signed a non-compete.

    I'm aware this could be an attempt to pick my brain for ideas with zero intention of me receiving anything in return. For that reason I won't be giving them any valuable information.

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/HaiThrowawayHey
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    Recently Received a Job Offer From A Company in San Francisco; not sure about the housing

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 07:53 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, So I got a job offer from BlackRock located in SF and they are offering me 100K base. I was really excited but I realized that me and my gf need to find a house before July. Where do you guys suggest we look for an apartment? I don't mind commuting but an hour long commute may be too much. Any advice? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/samanshrestharay
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    Should growth and acceptance of market rules be at expense of software quality? Please change my view

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 04:03 PM PDT

    I'm a full stack software engineer (PHP, JS), with over a dozen years of experience. During those years I always tried to wear many hats — project owner, scrum master, team leader; I was involved in ux design, sales, recruitment, employer branding and what have you. I'm everything short of an expert in those fields, but I do feel comfortable in a generalist role. This is important, as I want to understand the other — non-technical — side of the issue.

    I joined my current company on the verge of a large restructuring. The old tech stack and most of the IT were replaced with modern frameworks and a great new team of open minded people — lead by our visionary CTO. The position had a lot of opportunities, autonomy and purpose. I was a part of a software craftsmanship-like movement. And in part that was the reason I decided to switch from a team leader role at a recognized european startup, to a senior PHP developer at a digital agency.

    Some two years ago two things happened: I was promoted to a team leader of about 10 devs, and the company rebranded after tightening the coop with our european owner. This meant that I began a slow process of reducing my coding to zero (this actually happened this fall) and we began to take on legacy projects from the group.

    Not one of them were developed nearly at the level we would be comfortable with. They mostly had stupid rules we didnt understand, bloated architecture, poor choice of franeworks, little to none automation. But we tool them, for various reasons: it was from the group, it was expected from us; we wanted to show our tech skills to gain trust and more autonomy next time; and it was good hourly rate, so so it paid the bills (we were struggling a bit with our domestic clients, wanting to make a name of ourselves).

    So we stepped of the path of craftsmanship. In our opinion anyways, as we believied using the right tool for the job was our professional duty, and maintaning legacy systems had little to do with it.

    As the months went by, we agreed to leave our software stack (Symfony & React) to adapt Drupal and Angular 7, as per our new big client needs. We also switched a lightweight ecommerce solution — sylius — in favour of magento (because its more recognizable, I guess). And while I agree that Angular is a great tech, Drupal is not so much. We would achieve greater results in less time using our previous stack, while keeping the teams morale up.

    Currently another decision is upon us. We have an opportunity to take over a project from some partners — the project is using .NET with some legacy framework (MVC 2.0, so Im told, I dont know the ins and outs), with good 'ol jQuery on the front side. The client is thinking about a rewrite to Drupal in about 18-24 months (or more). The servers are provided by clients' global hq, where staging deployment is done via FTP, and to make a production release someone needs to file a support ticket (in contrast, all our projects have continuous delivery, blue/green deployments, in-house devops, containerisation, you get the idea).

    But it pays good money.

    So my question is, is there a limit to what we should accept in the tech stack and code quality? Should business trump the technology? Or should we put an end to this madness?

    The tech stack isn't the number one thing for me — it needs to serve the business. But I also believe there should be a line one shouldnt cross — an area where the tools stop helping you and start to drag you down, and the quality of your professional service degrades.

    Some background:

    • I just began my 5th year at the company, I feel that there is still room to grow for me here. My opinion is taken into consideration at the highest level, so I have every reason to believe I could turn us around from this path.
    • The CTO is torn between the tech and the business sides, leaning toward the business (as I would too, but currently I dont believe in it, so I'd have problems motivating the troops).
    • The CEO is non-technical.
    • The company is about 50 people, half of it in the IT dept.
    • We are taking on projects estimated at about 750-1000 man-days, so it's not your local coffee shop blogs.
    • If thats not clear, we don't have our own product, we work for our clients only.

    And its not just me whining about more shiny toys — the recruitment is hard as it is, without bringing in some legacy stuff to work on, so I'm seriously concerned about keeping / expanding the team in the long run (4 out of 5 job postings look better than ours in regards to tech stack; we cant afford top of the market salaries).

    I would like to see past this, and adapt to the market, but my gut feeling tells me we've gone to far and need to backtrack. I dont want to quit or stop caring, so either acceptance or change are my ways forward. I'd gladly share more context if this somewhat long post is lacking. :) What do you think? How can I see this as a good thing, an opportunity to learn and adapt? How can I believe in this path so I can honestly motivate my people to keep up the good work, and convince new hires to join?

    submitted by /u/mlebkowski
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    Switch from Uber ATG to Uber?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    I'm joining uber atg as an intern this summer. Was curious how easy/hard it is to transition from uber atg to uber for a return internship in the fall? Has anyone successfully done so?

    Some context: I also have an Uber offer for the Fall term (besides the atg offer for Summer), and have to make a decision in 2 days. However, I don't want to commit too soon but also want to have the flexibility to return to Uber after my atg internship. I talked to my recruiters and they were very diplomatic in their responses and gave out no information.

    submitted by /u/what-the-fork
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    What sort of salary should I be aiming for in Silicon Valley?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 07:29 PM PDT

    I am an SE in Silicon Valley with a Big-N but not Big-4 company. I have been at it for a year now.

    My total comp is currently ~145k including RSUs (~120k base).

    It has become pretty clear that raises are pretty pitiful unless you go up positions, basically only inflation + some bonus RSUs to keep you around.

    Will I need to start leetcoding again and jumping companies to see significant growth? If so, how much can I really expect to increase my salary? Will it mainly be via RSUs, etc.? I can't imagine my base would grow all that much.

    submitted by /u/RandomKiwi22
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    Is it ever bad to let an employer know that your long term goals are not to stay with the company?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 07:28 PM PDT

    Hi there,

    I am a C# and .NET developer and we've recently finished a very large project and we are now in the maintenance phase. It's no secret at work that I have stagnated. My skills are valued as I am very educated and a subject matter expert, but they know I'm not stimulated.

    There are new projects coming down the pipe but they are not custom software solutions. They do need someone to manage these. Upper management is urging me to direct my career into this as this is where the most exciting things are going to happen.

    I wouldn't mind project management. But it doesn't excite me. The fact is I want to start studying and then leave the company within the next 6 months.

    i'm running out of excuses why I don't want to be pushed into project management - yes it would come with a raise, but a small one.

    Is it ever okay to level with them and say I'll be leaving within the next 6 months to a year? To be honest, I would not mind at all if they laid be off. I'd prefer it as a matter of fact.

    My director already asked me if I'm thinking of leaving. I think he knows something is up.

    submitted by /u/LeadFootSaunders
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    Wepay data science internship 2019 position

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 06:59 PM PDT

    Hey , I have completed hacker rank challenge of wepay two days earlier. Out of two questions I have passed all test cases for one successfully and failed only one test case for the second question. How are my chances to land a interview.

    submitted by /u/mach23K
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    Ask for a substantial raise after only 8 months?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2019 06:52 PM PDT

    So I've been working for this company as a full stack developer for 8 months now. It's a small shop, with myself and two other developers, although at some points there would be up to 6 other developers. I've seen many developers come and go because of how competitive the Dallas Fort Worth scene has been, they keep job hopping and leaving for the next high paying job. I know first hand, as I'm inundated with recruiters and opportunities every week.

    I was recently told by my co-worker that they would be leaving on Friday, leaving myself as the most "senior" dev and one guy that's only been there about 2 months.
    Now, I have built numerous client facing projects, met with stakeholders and given presentations while at this company which went way above and beyond my "Junior" title and responsibilities when I first signed on. Most of the time, I'm given a large project, told to figure it out on my own and I've always delivered it on time and above expectations, with 0 help from other developers. Recently, at a meeting my boss introduced me as the senior developer. I'm confident at this point I can build and deliver any project he asks of me. Basically, what I'm saying is that I love this job and what I do, but feel I'm being underpaid for the amount of work I do. Every problem, bug, feature they bring to me first. And I fix them or advise the other two developers on how to go about solving it. I'm currently making ~$75k and from my research (and from what I've see friends with similar experience make in this area) the average pay for a full stack developer in Dallas Fort Worth area is about $100k.

    I have a ton of other opportunities I can pursue, and actually have an offer in the works, but I would like to stay here if possible. Is it reasonable to ask for such a substantial raise so soon? I'd hate to leave the shop with only one other dev, but there's some serious cash to be made out there right now. How should I approach this?

    submitted by /u/casey025682
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