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    Thursday, March 14, 2019

    Interview Discussion - March 14, 2019 CS Career Questions

    Interview Discussion - March 14, 2019 CS Career Questions

    Interview Discussion - March 14, 2019

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 12:05 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to have discussions about interviews, interviewing, and interview prep. Posts focusing solely on interviews created outside of this thread will probably be removed.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Monday and Thursday at midnight PST. Previous Interview Discussion threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - March 14, 2019

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 12:06 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    After 19 months of searching, four months of unemployment, failing 7 straight final rounds and hundreds of applications , I finally landed my dream job !

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 04:01 PM PDT

    So as the title states I've been searching for a job for 19 months (August 17th,2017, 3 days after I started my last job), since then I've put in hundreds of applications and wouldn't be surprised if it was a thousand. And I just recently accepted a job with Microsoft!

    I graduated with a computer science degree in December 2017 from a public university in the east coast and from August of 2017 up to November of last year I was a "developer" at an investment bank company. I put Developer in question marks because I spent a lot of time doing product support and talking with clients as opposed to working in software. That work was cool and all but not what I wanted to do.

    The job searching process was truly mentally draining and honestly the worst time of my life, I just wanted to share my story on here and give some tips for job searchers.

    What helped me

    As you can probably imagine I did have a lot of algorithms and data structures covered in this interview, so when it comes to A & DS there isn't much I can say that hasn't been said on this sub. However if you want to know some posts about that subject that really helped me out on my job search, I've linked some below.




    One thing I would like to note is to NOT do what I did when I first started searching. More specifically I would go on Glassdoor and websites like 1point3acres to find questions that companies would ask and I would only prepare myself for those questions. This is a terrible idea because a lot of the time I wasn't being asked those same questions and that laziness really prevented me from really mastering DS & A. I think I did around 100 leetcode problems by the way.

    Another thing that really helped me that I cannot stress enough, is staying off this sub. "You just posted some helpful links form this sub and you're telling us to stay off it , what gives?" I know, there can be a lot of helpful information on this sub however coming here everyday wasn't healthy. I would constantly compare myself to the success stories and feel lesser of myself because I wasn't at their level. It took me a long time to realize that I had a toxic state of mind and if I ever wanted to succeed I needed to stop comparing myself to other people and realize this is my story, no one else's is written the same way.

    How did I get my interviews

    Now as the title stated I had 7 onsite interviews which I failed, those interviews were with Facebook, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Mozilla, Oculus, Yelp and Amazon. Funny note , I actually failed my Amazon onsite 3 days before my Microsoft one.

    I've also had around 30ish phone interviews with the companies above and Dropbox, Twitch ,Zillow , Asana, Mailchimp, Opendoor ,Oscar Health ,Textio Salesforce, Indeed ,Houzz, Pandora and Goldman Sachs. With coding challenges from some more companies.

    Now you're probably thinking , "that's a lot of companies to interview with and a lot of companies to get rejected from, how did you get those interviews."

    Well to answer that shortly I had to be a little unconventional. Normally people will tell you to just apply to a job and hope to hear back. However of all my onsites, I did not apply online for a single one. And for all my phone interviews I believe I only applied online for 3 companies .

    Basically in order to get these interviews I had to surround myself with people who worked in these tech companies. The easiest way to do this is adding people on LinkedIn from companies you want to work for however (at least for me) very few of these people ever responded to me.

    I instead spent a lot of time going to tech conferences and really networking with the people there. Once you make yourself known to people and leave a good impression they will be so eager to give you referrals. One tech conference that really helped me out was AfroTech, not only was I able to meet engineers and recruiters but they have a recruitment database for people to reach out to you.

    Also, if you do meet someone at a tech conference that you want to leverage for a job in the future , make absolute certain you get in touch with them as soon as the event is OVER. These people meet hundreds of people per day so making sure you email them while you're still fresh in their mind is awesome! There was even an official AfroTech app that listed the emails of the participants, so I would search them up by companies and send them emails about roles I was interested in! From that and referrals from people I met at other conferences that was how I got the majority of my interviews.

    In addition to that I would go on hackernews and look for who was hiring for specific companies. Sometimes a company that I wanted to work for wouldn't be on the most current hackernews whoishiring post , so I would search for people who've made posts for that specific company in the past. Usually with just a simple google search , for example "whoishiring Adobe entry level." The managers would usually leave their emails in their posts and I would send them emails asking if they could help get me in touch with recruiters for specific roles I was looking at.

    Adding on to that point I also used this site Jopwell to land one of my onsites. It's a job posting site that automatically gives you a referral when you apply. I also used the Blind App to message managers and recruiters of specific companies asking for referrals and I got ALOT of referrals from doing this too.

    The most important thing

    Now I know it's been stressed before on this sub but I don't can't stress the importance of this one thing , and that is LUCK.

    And by luck I'm talking more specifically about back luck, of all my onsites I would say all but 3 I failed because of bad luck. For one onsite the recruiter told me that the team wanted to hire me but they didn't have enough room, pretty unlucky right. The other two I failed because the interviews were extremely rude and abrasive.

    More specially for one onsite , I had a replacement interviewer because the original interviewer forgot he was supposed to interviews me and went on vacation. This replacement asked me a bit manipulation question in a front end interview, told me google and Facebook were better companies than the one I was interviewing for and refused to shake my hand because I struggled with the question he asked me.

    The other onsite, I had an interviewer who deeply sighed every 30 seconds during my interview. And the interviewer after that made me spend 40 minutes trying to solve a problem that she told me after the interview was impossible to solve(I didn't solve it by the way).

    Basically want I want you to get out of this is that, bad interviewers exist. And there's honestly nothing you can do about it. You can be so prepared and ready for an interview but sometimes if the stars don't align you will fail and it's nothing to beat yourself up over.

    Closing Note

    This job search was the hardest thing I'd ever had to do in my entire life. I spent so many days if I would ever make it through, I even gave up on my self towards the end. But I kept at it , no matter my personal feelings. I knew that I had to keep going if I wanted to ever get where I wanted to be. I used to spend days where I just spend hours checking my emails hoping something good would happen. I even quit my job at the time with no job lined up just so that I could get more serious about applying and that was around 4 months ago.

    I know this is kind of long but this sub has really helped me and I wanted to return the favor and help others!

    submitted by /u/skipfiller
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    Declining participating in further recruitment process - is it unethical?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 05:01 AM PDT

    Recently when I was applying for internship, I told one of the company that I am no longer interested in their position as I have already got an internship offer. I had already completed 2 of 3 rounds of that company but cancelled the final. I thought that it would be better to leave early than to make them waste time on me, who had already secured a position.

    Couple hours later I got a call from them telling that I shouldn't leave mid process even if I had gotten another offer.

    Edit: thanks for support. Just to clarify, I knew what both companies were offering before applying. The one I chose was better.

    submitted by /u/lcukerd
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    24y/o, First job as front-end Junior But absolutely terrible at my job and feel like garbage

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    Hello All

    I graduated last year from a master and started my first job last september in a agency in Paris

    I'm very motivated but I suck so hard.

    I know the syntax of html/css & javascript but when it comes to solve a problem, i'm blocked with the lack of logic.

    I keep doing stupid mistakes trying to work efficiently as possible but it makes me doing mistakes by mistakes.

    This week, I've came back from a week of holiday, and my manager told me that the last edit I made on the last project I've been working has caused some regression and that he had to fix it up until late at night

    I'm afraid that I will be put soon under a PIP

    Right Now, i'm not working on any project so I agreed with my manager to train myself at integration & front by coding PSD templates with the methodology of the agency.

    I'm learning little by little and I know this is important, but I also feel like that Programming isn't for me whereas I like it.

    I think I don't even have the level of a trainee and I keep pushing myself down :/

    I keep working hard every day working until late at night, but it don't seems to make a difference

    I feel very depressed, worthless & afraid of the future, I don't know if I will be able to get my shit together and I dread that if I ever get fired somehow that I will never be able again to get a job again (yeah, It's very stupid but that's what I'm thinking actually)

    My stress level is also rising everyday while my motivation and confidence are sinking

    Since Yesterday, I signed up for some MOOC in Coursera but I don't know if it will make a difference.

    I don't know if I should see a coach or a therapist to increase my motivation and to get out this situation that makes me suffer.

    I also don't know how to raise significantly my logic at solving coding problems outside of work

    I really want to improve but I don't know what I can do besides that and truthfully I don't know what I should be doing. I can really use somebody's advice.

    Thanks You in advance and sorry about the long post

    Ps: also sorry for my english, i'm from France

    submitted by /u/alexb313
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    Anyone else feel completely exhausted after only 4 hours of work?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 01:38 PM PDT

    To the point that I start having headaches and a general lack of motivation. I love programming and I work in this fields for eight years, but I don't think that I have the stamina to work 8 hours a day every day.

    Any tips on how to solve this?

    submitted by /u/ALL_HAIL_LEBOWSKI
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    Declining an offer I've already accepted for a unicorn of an offer?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! I was hoping you guys could help me make an important decision today. My current internship is coming to an end in April, and after a couple long months of 2-3 interviews a week with many companies, I'm left with two amazing offers.

    The first offer is from an enormous investment fund (won't name any company names, but I'll refer to it as "the fund") for a 4 month internship in my home town on the east coast. They pay is about 50% more than I'm making now, and includes no benefits, but their recruitment process was by far the best out of all companies I applied to. Also, since I wasn't sure if I'd be receiving any other offers, I've already accepted theirs. Many of the managers and developers I met during the interview process personally emailed me to congratulate me, which made me feel very welcome. Everything was perfect at this point.

    Then, just last night, came a whopper of an offer, from one of the FAANGs. They offered DOUBLE what the fund offered, which is triple what I'm making right now. It's also on the west coast, so they offered to relocate me, and offered a very generous housing stipend to pay rent. This offer however is only for 3 months, but in those 3 months I'd make more than 4 months at the firm.

    The only issue is I'm not sure how bad it looks on me to decline the fund's offer, which I've already accepted. Do all of the benefits of working for one of the FAANGs outweigh the possible negatives of burning a bridge with the fund? Also, do any of you have any reason why I should not work for one of the FAANGs?

    If you we're in my position, which offer would you go with?

    submitted by /u/Torber-Rade
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    How do I become a more competitive applicant?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 08:49 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm currently in my Junior year of undergrad studying CS, and I'm currently pretty afraid of starting to apply for full-time positions next year, especially when I compare myself (resume, LinkedIn, etc.) to my peers. Over the past few years at school I haven't had great luck with securing an internship with my "top-choice" companies-- or any for that matter-- sending hundreds of applications and hearing back from roughly 5% of them. I feel as though I'm being passed over on the spot because I don't have a "Big 4" internship on my resume, or a very extensive work/research history, and I really don't know how to remedy that at this point. I know I'm on a time-crunch now to seek out full-time work, and was wondering what I could do in this time to, at the very least, get my resume in the "send coding challenge" bin instead of the "ghost" or "We thank you for your application..." bin.

    To give you a general run-down of where I'm standing:

    • I go to a relatively prestigious (I mean with everything regarding the admissions scandal here you can be the judge of that) college
    • Have an "ok" GPA: ~3.3
    • Have 4 personal projects (mostly toy projects written in C++, Javascript, Python, and Rust) on my resume
    • Have won a small school data science competition, and a hackathon hosted by a local (Los Angeles-based) company
    • Have interned at a large hardware storage company, doing a mix of DevOps and Systems Programming, and will return to intern at that company again this summer

    And that's it folks! Thanks, and I really appreciate that this community and this subreddit exists lol.

    submitted by /u/Doublepenny
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    Take CS internship despite getting paid less?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    Hi there, I'm a current community college freshman studying CS and after ~300 or so applications, I received one offer from a small startup in SF. The position does interest me; however, I am in NY. I currently make $15/hr at a food chain and my family is fairly low income so I help out with my earnings. The SF position pays $18/hr. With that being does it make sense to accept the offer and technically lose money for the summer? (due to housing, transportation, etc...). From what im reading, negotiating a internship is generally that the best idea as I dont have much leverage and an internship is usually for the experience which opens up much more down the path. Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/summerthrowaway415
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    I think my appearance is keeping me from getting a job.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 08:02 PM PDT

    As a new graduate, I have a lot of projects under my belt, and normally pass resume checks. I have had about 20 video or onsite interviews so far.

    I feel like the attitude of my interviewer often changes when they actually take a look at me; like they did not expect to see me when conversing on the phone or through email. I quickly get a generic rejection letter, and have no idea what I did wrong. I can't learn from these types of experiences.

    I suffer from a large facial scar; should I consider a corrective surgical operation? Or am I overthinking this?

    submitted by /u/BeginningIssue
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    functional programming

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 07:48 PM PDT

    I have a very strong itch to learn functional programming, scala in particular. I can't help but think it would be wiser to spend the time enhancing my knowledge and skills on a popular language like Java or C#. E.g. the # of Scala jobs on indeed in my area is 1.2k but the # of .NET jobs if 4.6k.

    Should I learn what I'm passionate about or should I learn what is employable?

    submitted by /u/rickross234
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    What are the chances I get hired into a position but I get moved to another one?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 07:25 PM PDT

    Right now, I'm doing an internal transfer and the new manager has brought up systems engineering roles at least 6 times in our couple meetings, and another manager (that works for that manager) brought up test roles 2-3 times and system engineering roles around 6 times. I keep hearing how beneficial it is to work these roles and how great they are - except I won't do any coding. They also ask how willing I am to work outside of development. They also said they wouldn't want me to get pigeonholed into development (pigeonhole into development sounds like a dream). Even after all my "I want to stay in development", they asked if I wanted a application to apply for the systems engineering role as well.

    The thing is - I don't want to get outside of development. I went to school and I've busted my ass to be a software engineer. I repeatedly tell them I'm only interested in development and programming, but they keep suggesting the same roles over and over and how it's beneficial. I already worked roles that aren't development and I hated them.

    I'm now getting an odd feeling about this role and if I'm really going to be doing development... which sort of sucks.

    Am I in the wrong here to not want to switch? What are the chances they hire me into "software engineering" and move me into those roles anyways?

    submitted by /u/mjdskladir
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    Toxic Workplace - need advice / place to rant

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    Throwaway to avoid getting assassinated :P. I started working as a dev at a startup up right after graduating, and have been there for these last 8 months or so now. The idea the company is trying to tackle is very innovative, the team is great and I love what I do. The only thing that is bothering me further day by day is the absolute fiasco, arrogance, and outright irresponsibility in the decisions taken by the management, forcing me to seriously consider quitting at least once a week.

    As you may know, in a startup all employees have a very vital role, perhaps more than say in other, well-established companies. This holds true especially for the CEO, who in our case is also the founder. All of the chaos, stress and mismanagement we encounter every workday can be retraced to the CEO's poor and extremely arrogant handling of the company.

    Let's start at the beginning.

    CEO hires a foreign subcontracting firm of devs to build the product. Due to the lack of responsibility and professionalism of the devs coupled with the impossible deadlines imposed by the CEO, the firm makes a completely disastrous, unusable prototype, filled with bugs, with no documentation in sight, lying through their teeth that the product is ready. CEO promises unicorns and rainbows to the investors, only to realize that he got played and that the product is waay behind anything being ready to be shipped.

    This is when we were employed, way too late, to try and perform a miracle and raise the product from the dead. We had no documentation to help us, no seniors, no nothing, and somehow managed to not only get in track, but also fix a lot of bugs and continue the development. As you guys can assume, there is still a shitton of work to be done before we're anything near to production ready, and we are waaaay understaffed. However, the promises made by the CEO still hang on top each one of us like a guillotine, slowly turning the workplace into a toxic nightmare.

    On top of this, the absolute lack of respect and arrogance shown by the CEO is staggering. Full-blown tantrums including obscene language, verbal abuse and threats are a weekly, sometimes daily occurrence. CEO comes in 2-3 hours late, explodes into a raging ball of anger, and imposes some completely irrational deadline on us to somehow try to stick to. We have been threatened with warnings, threatened with being fired, threatened with shifting the responsibility completely on us in case we don't finish the work. Due to this everyone is burned out and over-stressed. This coupled with other things such as the CEO designing the work premises so that his office is larger than the actual boardroom, with an incredible view, while we are crammed in a very small office with no windows. Blatantly lying to clients that the product is complete, that it contains every technical buzzword you can think of, that we are shipping worldwide, etc. I could go on forever. Arguments with him end up with one of two things, him saying that we are deliberately trying not to understand his situation, or if he's angry; "I don't give a fuck, get it done." Oh, and did I also mention that during off days you are basically still on call, with regular phones calls and management hinting at not believing you when you phone sick? Yeah, micromanagement is an understatement.

    Right now i'm on the very edge of quitting. I know that if I quit the company would take a huge blow, considering I easily work obscene amounts of overtime (most of which unpaid). For some forsaken reason I haven't quit yet, maybe because of my own personal arrogance that I can make this work, and that it gets better...even though it only got worse and worse. I'm not a quitter and definitely not a coward, but now I'm starting to see people crack down, shifting responsibility on fellow colleagues to avoid the cross-hairs, people getting regularly sick with stress. I like the job but I think it's time for me to seriously start searching for another job. It hurts me deeply that on the outside I have this very cool innovative job, with friends asking me on what it feels like, remarking how cool it is, while knowing that in reality it's bad, very bad.

    Honestly I don't know why I posted here, I guess I just needed a place to rant and to perhaps hear some similar experiences from you guys. At this point I'm trying to convince myself that there are still companies out there that are actually normal, functional and respectable workplaces.

    *Edits* - typo.

    submitted by /u/thrown_haway
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    If you work remotely, do you pay income taxes in the state the company is in?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 03:19 PM PDT

    I posted this in r/tax, but I figured there's got to be a few developers on here who work remotely for out of state companies.

    Basically, I may end up getting an offer to work remotely for a Bay Area company and need to know whether to factor the 10% California income tax into the compensation.

    submitted by /u/mddrill
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    Would I have to pay full price for Thinkful if I am a non-citizen?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 09:05 PM PDT

    I know that students accepted into the program won't have to pay until after they get a job, but what about international students who are on a visa and want to apply for engineering immersion at Thinkful.

    submitted by /u/BobbyChou
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    Advice for future CS major?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 09:02 PM PDT

    I know there's r/CSMajors but I thought that this would be a better place to ask since you guys would have better insight as to what did and didn't work in your college days and how it affected your career path. I am probably going to enroll at the UW for CS and I'm just wondering, how do I make the most out of it? I want to have fun but I also want to set myself up for a successful career. What worked and didn't work for you guys? Any tips on studying? Interacting with professors? Research vs. Internships? Anything is helpful!

    submitted by /u/JimHalpert64
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    skeptical about diving deeper into frontend

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 08:35 PM PDT

    i've currently taken on frontend roles in internships and school projects and i've found that i quite enjoy it. the thing that puts me off frontend is i fear the frontend has lesser career progression than backend roles. for example, seasoned backend developers often transition into a software architect role when they have lots of experience. i don't think a frontend developer could make such a transition because they've spent all their time designing and implementing components, improving UI/UX experience rather than writing APIs and thinking about the architecture of complicated processes that happen behind the scenes.

    Am I ignorant or is there truth to what I'm saying?

    submitted by /u/rickross234
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    Is Software Engineering right for me?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 08:26 PM PDT

    Forgive me for asking a question you've probably heard a lot, but I'm wondering if I should even try to break into the field. Here's where I'm at right now:

    • BS in math, one class short of a CS minor
    • No real personal projects
    • I'm okay with programming, but it's not my favorite thing in the world

    When I was in school, I found myself enjoying the theoretical aspects of CS a lot more than learning the ins and outs of programming. In other words, I liked the cryptography, formal languages, and algorithms classes a lot more than OOP or "Software Engineering" (basically nothing but design patterns). I also enjoyed mathematics, that's why I majored in it, although I was feeling burned out by senior year. I want to get a job that will utilize my skill set but won't require any additional education, and software is the only thing I can think of at the moment. Should I give it a go? Are there other career paths I should look into?

    Edit: If you're going to downvote me, can you at least tell me why? Every single time I ask a question in this subreddit, whether it's on my main account or a throwaway, I get downvoted. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

    submitted by /u/dtcareerthrowaway
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    Is SQL a bad choice for a first job?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    I'm going for my first Junior Dev role, and have an offer from an organisation to work purely in SQL. I've been trying to remain language and tech agnostic for my first role, but SQL is really boring me... I've never used it before, only through an ORM so for the tech test I only worked on the very basic parts (queries, aggregate functions etc) so maybe I've just not reached something more exciting?

    The fact that it's not especially exciting doesn't bother me, because I know I could always more on after a year, but I'm also concerned it's not going to give me the right skills/experience for the next role. It seems so different to other languages I've worked in (JS, Python, Ruby, a little C#) that I don't want prospective employers to box me into only doing DB work.

    Are these concerns accurate? If you're a more experienced dev would you consider someone who only had professional experience in SQL for a job working in another language? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, before I turn down a company that seems otherwise really good.

    submitted by /u/Rednblack99
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    Should I drop out ?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 08:14 PM PDT

    I'm 27 and returned to school for a CS degree last year.

    I already have a non-B.Sc. degree from a no-name school and worked for about a year in IT (support) before going back. I'm nearing the end of the my first year and I'm miserable. Failed a math class first semester, dropped nearly a third of my classes both semesters making me effectively part time. I really struggle with math proofs and the maths in general, which is pretty much all first year. Just got out of the midterms and scored a disastrous 50% in both of my maths classes.

    The only positive thing so far is decent grades in actual CS class (A in Web, B+ in programming 1). I also scored high in all my programming assignment and am doing quite well compared to my classmates, but I'm also older and have a bit of experience so I don't know if that really counts.

    I have an internship as a web developer lined-up for this summer. Due to my difficulties, I'm thinking of dropping out of the program and just focus on Programming, data structure and algorithm online with self-study and try to turn this internship into a full-time job.

    Deadline to drop my classes is in 2 days. What do you think reddit ?

    submitted by /u/throwuuu1
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    Degree Name and Marketability

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    I received a B.S in Mathematics and I am starting to look for Software Engineering positions. I specialized in Applied Math during my studies in mathematics, but my degree name is just "B.S in Mathematics". Since my focus was in applied math, can I just put my degree name as "B.S in Applied Mathematics" instead? I believe that emphasizing that I studied applied math as opposed to just regular mathematics will increase my employability even more. Is this a good decision to make?

    submitted by /u/gradder7
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    I'm already working, do I need a degree?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 08:02 PM PDT

    I've been working as a web developer for three years, technically. My direct employer is a sort of middle man for contract work. Only the last two and a half years of that was doing more significant dev work, the first project I was on kind of fell apart because the client suddenly needed to change direction and trim down their app support in general, and contract hires were the first to go. The second contract I was on I worked as a full stack developer for an initially small project for a large client that expanded to be one of their major internal tools. The project went really fantastic and I played a direct role in that, but for NDA reasons I can't communicate any specifics about it (to my knowledge) aside from what technologies we used.

    My question is, do I need a degree? I haven't done a lot of side projects, nothing that could really be used on a portfolio. I'm also worried about my chances at getting a degree. Just paying at all to go to a college of any sort. I have a history of depression and suicidal tendencies that contributed to me having a high school GPA of 1.6 something, and terrible credit that I've been steadily trying to improve over the last couple years.

    But chances to advance in my current position are scarce. Due to the nature of the contract work we do, I'm unlikely to have any projects that would help me improve any further. And more pressingly for me personally, I want to move out of the place I live. I'm a minority in a rural, very homogeneous town. I've lived here all my life. Putting up with the way some (definitely not most, though) people treat me conspicuously because of my race is completely draining.

    So, tl;dr - I've been working in web development for a few years, but would like to find a new position working elsewhere, primarily so I can move but I don't want to go back to unskilled work like Wal-Mart. Is it unrealistic to expect I might be able to find a job in my situation? Sorry if any of this is unclear, or nonspecific, or obvious. I spent like an hour typing this up and it's been through several very rough drafts.

    submitted by /u/Monkeykazoo
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    What kind of jobs utilize Human-Computer Interaction?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 08:01 PM PDT

    Is there a certain type of job that allows one to work closely with the field of Human-Computer Interaction, specifically targeting an intersection of Engineering, UX Design, and AI/ML/NLP, AR/VR, IoT?

    submitted by /u/NearbyAuthor
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    Made the Jump from Unrelated Field to Tech: Normal to be Paid Less?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 08:01 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit! I recently transitioned to tech after working in an unrelated field. I have a bachelor's degree but it's in a non-technical, non-scientific field. After meeting with my supervisor a few months ago I learned that I'll essentially never command the same pay as the other people doing the same job (at least at this company) because of my educational background.

    Is that the norm for people in tech who have come from different fields, at least for a first job in tech?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/tzt1001
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    Interactive Broker Software Engineer Internship

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 07:59 PM PDT

    Hi, does anyone have any experience with Interactive Broker SWE internship?(e.g. what's the pay like, application process/timeline, company culture etc.) I have a phone interview with them and I am very nervous... Thanks for the input!

    submitted by /u/TaKa_X
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    For you, what's the difference between a good tech company and a bad one?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 07:58 PM PDT

    My goal is to work for a company that makes sense to themselves. In other words, one that follows a sort of a "business golden rule."

    If you don't want to work with a business that is committing insurance fraud, should you do it yourself?

    If you don't want to work with a business that is really just a lone guy trying to scam people, should you do it?

    If you don't want to work with a business that is trying to oversell themselves and doesn't have much in terms of a business plan (and a non-aggressive CEO who is unsure of his idea), why do it?

    Bonus (non-tech example): Why would you serve rotten meat?

    Since I never understood the business world in the past, I naturally kept running into hypocritical businesses that use unethical tactics. If things go well, I'll soon be working for a Fortune 100 company. Nonetheless, I'm curious as to how you distinguish good ones from bad ones.

    submitted by /u/bigdaddylou
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