• Breaking News

    Thursday, March 21, 2019

    Facebook Admits to Storing Millions of Users' Passwords in Plaintext web developers

    Facebook Admits to Storing Millions of Users' Passwords in Plaintext web developers

    Facebook Admits to Storing Millions of Users' Passwords in Plaintext

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 10:19 AM PDT

    Developers love PWAs. Do users love them too?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 04:24 AM PDT

    So every article I've read about PWA praises them for various reasons. I don't disagree with them at all.

    But what about users?

    • Let's say I'm talking about my product. Isn't the first thing people ask is "Where is the app"? I've faced this issue, and I had to tell them that there's no app, only a website.
    • Will users voluntarily add a website to their home screen? I feel this might be similar to web notifications. If people find the requests to send notifications annoying, won't they find the requests to "add to home screen" equally annoying?
    • Do (most) users have their mind set that an app is ALWAYS from the PlayStore/AppStore?

    One more thing, although I'm not sure it's completely related is about the advantages of PWAs. I've seen most of the articles talk about the advantages for Developers, but not users. See this example from Appscope:

    How are PWAs better than traditional apps?

    1. Cross-platform compatibility

    2. Simpler development

    3. App Store independence

    4. Search engine friendly

    All of these are great, and as a developer I love them. But will users even care about these? I personally use around 3–4 PWAs daily. But most of my friends/family don't even know that the "add to home screen" button exists.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/themindstorm
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    I love this job.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 01:50 PM PDT

    I am a very green, inexperienced dev and I just spent 30 hours on a complex landing page for an important client. The deadline was 30 hours and I got it done in 30 hours on the dot.

    The pace my company moves it is extremely challenging, but the feeling I get when I finish my work and it gets approved by my boss is the best thing ever.

    On any random day, my job is either the most laid back thing in the world, I can get paid to sit in my underwear and play Rust, or it is extremely challenging and tests me at every corner. I prefer playing Rust most days, but days like today where I have to actively solve problems on a tight deadline.. This shit is what gets me up in the morning. Also pancakes.

    I'm just riding on a high of a job well done right now.

    submitted by /u/moonsout_goonsout
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    A Complete Beginner's Guide to Vue.js

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 06:10 AM PDT

    Nuxt.js v2.5.0 is out

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 06:58 AM PDT

    React Query Builder with Cube.js

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    why are the mods locking posts about facebook?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 04:47 PM PDT

    The reasoning on the thread was it devolved into a vulgar debate. I looked through the comments and didn't see any vulgarity. Not trying to incite an argument here Just looking for an explanation.

    submitted by /u/sendNudesNotNukes132
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    Do I need a backend if I’m using someone else’s API/database?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 01:09 PM PDT

    For example if I am building a website that uses the Instagram/Amazon/Groupon/etc... API to fetch and display data why would I need to build a backend for my project?

    submitted by /u/Okmanl
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    Hostgator says Business plan is $5.95/mo. When I get to checkout, the total is more than $300??

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 04:49 PM PDT

    I'm fairly new to webdev. I just completed a site and I am going through host providers. I've heard good things about Hostgator so I saw that the Business plan was fairly cheap but when I get to the checkout page, the total price is more than $300. Is it going to charge me $300 when I check out and then bill me monthly? I don't get it.

    submitted by /u/DocyodaX
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    Are you a junior dev looking for your first job?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 01:03 PM PDT

    Yesterday someone posted on here looking some other jr devs to collaborate with and get some experience / portfolio projects and I had an idea to put a small team of jr devs together and all collaborate on a project.


    I've been working as a webdev for almost 10 years now, so I could be the "manager" / project coordinator and provide guidance and code reviews and just kind of generally introduce you to what my development experience has been like.

    There's actually a lot that goes on in a devs daily life that isn't directly related to actual coding, or just tangentially related. Stuff like project management tools, automated QA processes in the ci/cd pipeline, static analysis and code coverage reports, managing releases, working with "stakeholders", etc. etc... and even just coordinating work between other team members, handling the occasional merge conflict, things like that. All the stuff is great to be able to put on your resume and be able to talk about in interviews.

    Just wanted to check again and see who all would be interested, post here or send me a PM if you want to be involved!

    submitted by /u/fdandrew
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    Starting up an online shop, should I roll my own or buy an existing solution

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 04:36 PM PDT

    Thinking about starting up a online shop. I have experience developing app in Django, Node Express, and React.
    Seeing all these options (snipcart, big cartel, wix, etc).

    Would you guys recommend any of these, or is there a good open source CMS i could deploy on my own.

    Initially my store will be simple jsut a couple shirts, maybe a cms is overkill and I should just build a simple firebase app?

    Anyone have experience starting something like this

    submitted by /u/versaceblues
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    Looking for a flexible JS framework

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 01:55 PM PDT

    My team and I are maintaining and still developing a pretty mature application with a heavy code base. We are talking about almost 10 years of development. It's a monolithic SPA that has its frontend built entirely on jQuery and vanillaJS.

    Considering the complexity, the sheer number of functionalities, number of developers that worked on it, it's a nightmare to maintain and that's putting it really really lightly.

    We need to turn this mountain of incoherent AJAX calls into something nicer and I would love to employ a JavaScript framework to help us on the way.

    Unfortunately, team experience in this regard varies a lot and the little of it we have is based around ReactJS.

    The biggest requirement is that the chosen framework has to be flexible enough to work, for the time being, side by side with the current way in some way, since I can't fathom changing this overnight with the active development going on constantly, and I would love to develop new functionalities in it while refactoring old ones.

    I can see immediately replacing core functionalities like routing with whatever framework provides, and then at our own pace we "upgrade" rest of the application/"componentify" our current pages if we are talking about component-based frameworks, but the framework has to support that, and has to be able to work with what we currently have(see bellow).

    React looks like a best bet currently, since we dabbled in it before, and we have integrated a little bit of it already in the application(as a completely separate functionality) although it was a pain to do so(Virtual DOM and jQuery don't play nice), so I am not sure how this is going to go.

    Because of the before-mentioned complexity, having as much of the things out of the box(routing..) can be a plus.

    Not too steep learning curve also is not a bad thing, considering our lack of experience in this regard.

    Do you know any better alternatives besides React that can fit our "requirements"? Have you maybe heard/read somewhere of similar front-end "re-engineering" undertakings or are we maybe just better of developing our own framework.


    More info about current SPA "implementation":

    SPA aspect is pretty primitive, sticks and stones so to speak. Not to oversimplify it, but with the help of hash-based routing you generally load the server-side rendered HTML in the designated content area, and manually bootstrap specific jQuery plugins/AJAX functionalities after that.

    submitted by /u/Ivory27
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    What is the difference between "Architecting a System" vs "Designing a System"

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    This two things confuse me a lot. Can anyone give me clear answer?

    submitted by /u/CrappyFap69
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    What do you guys think about this comparison of junior vs senior devs?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 05:10 AM PDT

    Build a voting website that doesn’t crash under load (in under an hour)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 08:12 AM PDT

    How to get a web development internship in 2019

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 04:23 PM PDT

    So you want a coveted web development internship? This answer is mainly geared towards software, but can be applicable to any industry.

    I'm have some tips that helped me get my first software engineering internship in Silicon Valley, right out of my coding bootcamp. I break down some of the best ways to get an internship as quickly as possible, as easily as possible.

    Whether you studied computer science in college, went to a coding bootcamp, or are self-taught, these tips will help you through.

    If you prefer video format, here's a video I made covering these topics:


    The first main tip is to start as early as possible. Bigger companies who have the most internships available start early in August, September, an October with posting their internships. The earlier you start, the higher chance you have at beating the competition.

    The second tip, and probably the most crucial one is to use your network. Using the back door to get your foot in is much easier than using the door that thousands of people are using (the automated online job portal). You can use LinkedIn, Facebook, and word of mouth to find people who worked at specific companies. On LinkedIn, you can use search queries like [Insert college here], and then use people filters such as 1st /2nd-degree connection, location, and company. This helps hyper-target your audience.

    The best people in your network to reach out to are:

    - College / coding bootcamp alumni who work at the company you want to work at

    - Friends / classmates who interned at that company

    - Professors / mentors who might have connections with that company

    - Friends of friends who work there (use Facebook to search this - "friends of friends who worked at [X company]

    The next tip (this is crucial, and will save you a ton of time). Don't send your resume off into a black hole (such as Indeed, Glassdoor, etc) and do nothing else. My rule is for every job app you send into an online portal, you need to connect with one real person as well. There are a handful of ways to connect with a real person at this company - use a Gmail plugin like Clearbit Connect, or Hunter io to find peoples' work emails by company search (give them a quick Google - you'll see what I mean). These are extremely powerful tools. Then, send them a quick note:


    Hi [person's name]!

    My name is [your name], and I'm an [type of engineer] in [location].

    I'm reaching out because I applied to [company] regarding your [position].

    I have experience with [this technology, skill, etc]

    Following up, I've provided my resume and cover attached letter below.

    Would someone on your team be open to chatting more about this role by [insert date to add time pressure]?

    Thanks so much!

    [Your name]

    [Phone number]


    Following up after they've responded:

    Would you be willing to connect me to the hiring manager for this position per chance? I'd greatly appreciate it!

    Thanks so much!

    [Your name]


    The most important thing is to not be annoying. If they don't respond after following up once or twice, try another person at the company.

    If you've used the last 2 tips (network, reaching out) and have finally connected with a real person, you can ask them "How can I stand out in the intern application process for [X] company?", or even better, ask to buy them a coffee and pick their brain about their experience working at the company, the company culture, and to see if you'd be a good fit.

    Another way to stand out is to have an amazing portfolio. This isn't absolutely necessary (at least for Software Engineers), but will help you stand out above the crowd. My tips here:

    - Host your projects on Github (clean up code, add ReadMe, etc)

    - Add your projects, with screenshots and descriptions, to your LinkedIn experience/projects section

    - Create a video outlining your design decisions, tech choices, etc (I did this when applying, and it definitely helped)

    - Deploy your projects to the web, and have a landing page which can direct people towards them

    The next tip is to prepare for the technical interview. If you've gotten this far but fail the technical portion, chances are you won't make it further. They can give you any question, but your goal is to be familiar enough with basic concepts, so you can adapt on the spot. Using sites like LeetCode can help improve your technical ability. It also helps if you've seen similar questions to the interview ones - LeetCode will help you with this. Sites like Pramp help you practice interview skills live, which is another surefire way to get feedback and improve your chances at doing well. Take a few deep breaths before you walk into the interview, and you're ready to go because you know you prepared!

    The final tip I have (and one that sped up my job search tenfold) is to track EVERYTHING. There's a Gmail plugin called streak that allows you to track your job search in a funnel. Streak also allows to send template snippet emails, and you can see if someone has viewed your email. So handy!

    I customized the funnel by tracking:

    1. Company Name

    2. Position Name

    3. Contact Name

    4. Contact Email

    5. Contact LinkedIn

    6. Date of Last Contact

    7. Job Source

    8. Job Posting URL

    If you're not a fan of Gmail plugins, you can also use a spreadsheet like Excel, Google Sheets, and my favorite (spreadsheet/database mix) Airtable! Airtable is a solid option, because it allows you to link different tables, attach documents, and organize things with ease. An Airtable tutorial would take a whole other post, but I encourage you to check it out!

    The job search is ultimately a game of failure, persistence, and triumph. You ultimately need to create your own luck, and this happens by widening your pool. Start applying to as many places as possible! These tips I shared above allowed me to apply to 150 jobs in 3 days! Most of the time I ignored the cover letter (do they really matter, anyway?) and focused completely on connecting with a real person. That's what will ultimately start you on your journey.

    submitted by /u/mattupham
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    Hotjar: Setup move heatmaps for pages with slug or id Inbox

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 09:48 AM PDT


    how can I setup move heatmaps for pages with slug or id?
    For example:


    Each page has different content. different item name, description, price etc.


    submitted by /u/netxman
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    Is there any flash or files left from this website?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 03:50 AM PDT

    I hope it's okay to ask here because this should be the sub for my question, right?

    I'm trying to find an instrumental song that played on a website almost two decades ago, I made this post:

    Someone suggested that I check the internet way back machine and I replied:

    I remember doing that many years ago, but I gave it another shot:

    I think that's the site, and when you click the image, you get a black screen with the "hollow man" face and and an animation that says "loading data".
    I guess it's flash? And I think the music started playing after that.

    Or I'm wrong and it's not the right site. I remember it as being black with a blue image in the middle (like the hollow man face) and then the music played. There wasn't anything to do on the site.

    I can't seem to get the flash-object to load anyway, maybe someone else knows if it's still possible. :/

    Is there anything there or is the flash gone?
    Then at least I'll know there's nothing to try and find there.

    submitted by /u/Misaria
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    Where can I get help selling a few side projects?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 03:29 PM PDT

    I have a few projects that I'd like to sell.
    I don't want to SaaS or white label them, just sell the project as a whole to people who may be interested in moving the projects forward.

    Kinda of like a realtor for web projects. Does anyone know of anything like this?
    Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/IAmRules
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    Question about Hosting & External Databases

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 03:26 PM PDT

    Preface: Designer here so please forgive my lack of knowledge when it comes to hosting, servers etc...

    Question: Is it possible to host just a database on a different server than the website that needs to access it?


    I have a real estate client with a WP site who recently decided to switch IDX/MLS providers (how they pull real estate listings to their site). With their previous provider, the data was hosted elsewhere and displayed in something like an iframe (I think). After a 2 month "setup" period during which they probably just installed a plugin, this new provider requested web host access import the data to their site ("copy the information from every listing in the MLS RETS database to your website server where it will be stored in tables") which requires 110 GB of disk space. I don't think the technical details were ever discussed with my client, and they had no idea that they would be hosting all of this data on their server. Their website is on a shared hosting plan w/20gb of webspace, because that's all they've ever needed.

    Upgrading their current hosting plan (which is with Siteground) to something with that much space looks like it would require switching to cloud hosting for $240/month (what they are paying per year right now). I'm thinking there's no way that's their only option. Is there a solution that allows them to keep their current host/hosting plan for their WP site and store that 110GB of data somewhere less expensive?

    Any feedback/recommendations would be greatly appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/x1818z
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    Introduction to Unit Tests in Python

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 03:12 PM PDT

    A Bit of Performance

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 06:09 AM PDT

    Introducing WebSockets support for App Engine Flexible Environment

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 02:28 AM PDT

    Professional Career Development Courses/Events in Berlin

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I'm looking for some advice on any career development courses/workshops/events within and nearby Berlin that would be worth attending.

    Some context, I work full time as a frontend developer and my company has recently setup an annual career progression, education budget for each person that I'd like to make use of. In looking into it the only types of thing I've found so far are the several months long "Learn to be a web developer" total beginner courses, which is not something I particularly need. I'm looking for something aimed at active professionals looking to learn a new skill. For example something focusing on a deeper understanding of working with AWS, or a course on learning more full-stack or mobile dev skills for frontend devs, or a crash course in WebAssembly, would all be great.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/polarphantom
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