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    Friday, March 22, 2019




    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 12:06 AM PDT






    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - March 22, 2019

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Why are recruiters insistent on having phone calls instead of sharing information immediately?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    Why are recruiters insistent on having phone calls instead of sharing information immediately?

    I have had a few third party recruiters reach out to me on LinkedIn regarding opportunities. They typically start out with "we have a role that would be a great fit for you." Then when I ask for a job title and description to see if I am actually interested, they insist on giving me this information over the phone.

    Why is that? Will I be rude if I say that I would prefer him to send me this information via email / text so that we don't spend time discussing opportunities that I have no interest in?

    I know they are basically similar to sales people but I can't imagine them wanting to waste their own time either. I would appreciate if someone can shed some light into this process.

    submitted by /u/aristot1e
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    [Self-taught programmer] - I have four projects, most of which are built in Python. Will this lack of diversity work against me when I begin applying for jobs?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    Brief description of each project:

    Reddit Top Posts: Basically grabs the top posts from any subreddit, opens up a new browser, and allows you to cycle through all posts by pressing ENTER or RETURN. (Python)

    Lovecraft Lexicon: Makes a counter dictionary of all the words in any story listed on hplovecraft.com, then makes and displays a bar graph showing say the top 20 non-stop words that are used. (Python)

    Spotify playlists from the terminal: Basically allows you to make a new playlist and add songs to it from the terminal.

    Note-Taking Web-app: My heftiest project built using Django, JS, CSS, HTML, Bootsrap, Jquery, with full CRUD functionality; views are all class-based.

    I haven't set up my GitHub account yet and haven't launched my webapp because it's not yet complete, but I intend to. These are the projects I'm planning to put on my resume when I start applying for jobs within the next month or so, but my main concern is the lack of diversity among my projects, since they all center heavily around Python. Should this be a concern if I'm literally just trying to get my foot in the door in ANY sort of programming job? I'm particularly interested in backend development, but I'm not choosey. I'd literally accept any programming job at this current time. I'm also learning GoLang at the moment and was wondering if I should hold off on applying until I can build something in Go to add some diversity to my portfolio. I apologize if this question comes off as trivial, but I'd appreciate any form of input.

    submitted by /u/solidiquis1
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    Failed part of a background check because I could not provide W2s/paystubs for unpaid volunteer work (even though I offered to provide a letter of employment from my supervisor). Can I get my offer rescinded for this?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    Okay, so I received an awesome job offer at a company I love back in December. On my resume, I had two items under "Work Experience": one paid internship I've had for almost two years and one unpaid research assistance (RA) I did over the summer. For the RA experience, I was not processed through the company (in this case, a university) HR system because I, of course, was not being paid.

    The background check was conducted through a third-party agency, Sterling Talent Solutions. After completing the application about 5 days ago, I got an email from Sterling asking if I could provide a W2 or paystub (??) for my unpaid volunteer experience. Bear in mind on the application that this position was already clarified as "Volunteer". Of course, I explained this was not doable due to the nature of my position, and so, he requested a letter of employment verification.

    I sent an email back to the agent saying, OK no problem, and that I'd get the letter to him within 2-3 days to get both my supervisor and the department head to sign it. But, today, apparently my background check application was submitted anyway and in the application it designates that I failed for that employment verification because I could not provide a W2 or paystub (for volunteer work!), with no indication in the comments that I was going to provide a letter of employment verification in a few days.

    Has anyone ever had experience with Sterling in this regard? Can I get my offer revoked for this reason? I don't want to come off as sketchy when my experience was legitimate, and I'm getting scared I might get my offer rescinded because of miscommunication. I already sent an email to my recruiter explaining that I was in the process of getting documents, but haven't heard back yet. Any guidance would be helpful!

    submitted by /u/strawberryorchid
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    Getting a job in software development as a Civil Engineering Grad

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 04:12 PM PDT

    I'm graduating in one year from my civil engineering program in Ontario, Canada and have been learning programming on the side for a few months and have started slowly contributing to open source software. I have 1 year worth of civil engineering internship work experience and it isn't something I want to do for the future. Solving problems/programming are a passion I want to pursue for a career after taking much thought into this.

    I have a few questions though,

    Is contributing to open source software and a small portfolio of thorough projects enough for me to eventually find a job as an non CS engineering grad?

    As it stands now I have about 20-30 hours per week to afford to spend on learning software and have been doing so for the past month.

    I've just started reading through the elements of computing systems after completing the YDKJS series and plan to learn further about algorithms/data structures afterwards. I also have bought CtCI but I'm afraid that companies won't even get me to the interview stage when they see I'm from a non CS background.

    I know 1 year of self teaching, 20-30 hours per week is no where close enough to what CS grads go through in their curriculum but what can I do to further develop my skills to eventually land a job after graduation.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/WildServe
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    Asked to do a hackathon to maybe talk to a company? Is this something I should blow off?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    I was contacted on LinkedIn. The recruiter said he was impressed with my resume and wanted me to come up do Indianapolis to do a hackathon which is somehow associated with some company in India.

    Just going there and back would be about 6 hours, plus hackathons are usually 24+ hours. So I would be looking at a 30+ hour investment just to talk to a company that I've never heard of.

    Is this something I should blow off? I told the recruiter I am too busy for a 24+ hour event currently but I would be happy to interview.

    submitted by /u/yeethoote
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    Moving from senior to mid level position

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    I recently applied for a senior software developer position. I after going through a five stage interview process I was offered a job. The offer seemed great, there was a good pay rise (20%), a higher bonus than I get now, the office is close to where I live and the company seemed to have a good culture. Also in one of my interviews I discussed my 11 years experience and the interviewer agreed I was probably at senior based on my experience.

    When I got my contract I noticed the job title was just software developer. I did not sign it, I questioned this straight away. After 2 days of trying to contact the recruiter they replied and they are offering me the mid level role so I can ease into the position and they would review it after 6 months.

    I am less enthusiastic about the role after hearing this. My main concern is that when I apply for jobs in future my resume is going to show that I went from a senior to mid level position and this might put employers off. Do you think this will impact me later on in my career? Will they stick to their promise of reviewing my title in 6 months?

    submitted by /u/k474so1
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    Susquehanna International Group good / bad teams?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    I read on an indeed review that the company is great if you work with a good team, but some teams are better avoided.

    Can someone comment on such groups? I have a lead here, wondering how seriously I should consider this.

    You can PM me.


    submitted by /u/seas42
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    Supplementing math degree with CS masters online

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 04:34 PM PDT

    I have a doctorate in mathematics with a concentration in applied math. I am currently teaching at a (small) university and we have an expanding offering of CS courses. I would like to add a masters in cs to better qualify myself for teaching these cs courses. I currently teach math based numerical analysis and applied linear algebra. I am researching online masters programs and thought to ask here for any input. I see a fair amount of posts here re math/cs bachelors and switching, but not regarding adding masters to a held doctorate. I'm currently also seeking advise from former advisors and the current cs instructors where I am, but in reading these threads, it occurs that I may find useful information here.

    submitted by /u/jadest6
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    My mid 20's career change from finance to SWE in 1 year

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 10:19 AM PDT

    TL; DR: I went from slinging PowerPoints and spreadsheets in a boring finance job to a full-time SWE offer (60k, LCOL) in 11 months through a combination of self-study and a non-prestigious MS program.

    I've been lurking on CSCQ for a long time and the posts here helped me make several major career decisions and played a big role in preparing me for my internship/job hunt. Reading about others' experiences was a big help to me, and I'm hoping my story can help out someone else, especially if they are a non-traditional student or considering a career change.

    Where I came from:

    In my early 20's I graduated from a middle of the road state university with a BBA and an offer from a mid sized local company for a job in the finance industry (not high finance or anything flashy). While the job itself was good and it paid well, I was experiencing bore-out after a few years. Most of my work was administrative or repetitive spreadsheets and presentations. I started looking for a change, but realized I had not developed much in the way of marketable skills, and positions where my niche experience would be valuable were few and far between. It's also worth mentioning that I became increasingly involved with the company's IT department over time and was drawn to technology focused work.

    The decision to switch:

    After spending some time searching for opportunities in my current field and not finding anything that I thought I would be happy with long term, I decided to look outside of my field into a new career altogether. I spent a lot of time reflecting on the type of work that I would enjoy doing and balancing that with career opportunities, aptitude, etc. I landed on software development for many of the reasons we are all familiar with including continuing opportunities to learn, career mobility, and job market. I was a bit worried by some of the "entry level is saturated" posts that come up on here, but they didn't deter me. I started self-teaching coding through books, code academy, YouTube, etc. while continuing to work and researching my next step.

    Back to school:

    Deciding how to make the switch was the most difficult decision of the process. I considered going 100% self-taught, attending a boot camp, a second bachelor's, and a master's. I think they are all viable options for the right situations, but I ultimately decided to go with a degree for the doors it would likely open up. I may have made a different choice if my undergraduate degree was in a STEM field instead of business. After deciding on pursuing a degree, I had to consider brick and mortar vs. online and BS vs. MS. All options would take me ~2 years to complete full-time. The MS programs I was looking at required some college-level CS work, so I decided to start down the BS path by taking summer classes and then apply to MS programs. I did not find any online BS programs where the price/quality ratio was better than my local state university (my undergrad alma mater), so I returned there. I decided to go full-time student and quit my job after saving up enough money to do so. Towards the end of my summer classes I asked my professors for their opinion and they recommended the university's MS program based on my goals and success in their classes. I took their advice and entered into the MS program in the fall. During this period and through to today I was/am continuing to learn other CS topics on my own. I identify the topics mostly through my reading here on CSCQ. I also practice some LeetCode easy and medium problems for a couple hours at a time on occasion.

    Internship search:

    During my first semester of grad school I began applying to internships and I attended a career fair with a resume that listed my previous career along with my education and general CS skills I had picked up (Java, git, etc.). THAT RESUME WAS A MISTAKE. I received zero responses and zero interest at the career fair, which prompted me to take a different approach during my second semester attempts. I took everything off of my resume that suggested I might be a career changer other than my BBA, which I removed the year from. I replaced my experience with a combination of school and personal projects, including details on the technologies they were built with. I also removed the generic skills section in favor of the projects, so my whole resume was just education and projects. I continued to apply to the few local online postings (needed to stay local for classes, including summer) and still didn't get any responses, but the next career fair was a different story. I spoke with ~12 companies there and had much more interest than I did previously. One of my listed projects was an android app, and I was not shy about pulling out my phone and demonstrating it if the company rep asked about it. It's hard to quantify if it really helped or not, but I felt that they were generally more interested after seeing tangible proof that I could make something. Four of the companies reached out to me following the career fair, two were big non-tech companies, one mid-size tech, and one small tech. I asked a classmate who worked at the mid-size tech about the company, and he gave it a good review and also offered to refer me, which I took him up on (shout out if you are reading this).


    I did a variety of interviews and assessments over the new few weeks with all four companies. Both large non-tech companies brought me in for a single on-site where we reviewed my projects and discussed some behavioral questions. The mid-size tech company process included a ~2 hour take home challenge (allowed to use any resource), a behavioral phone screen, and an extensive on-site that included a combination of technical and behavioral questions, but no whiteboarding. The small tech company had a behavioral phone screen and two on-sites, which were a mix of behavioral, project discussion, and two whiteboard problems (LeetCode easy involving array manipulation and binary search trees). My previous career involved a good amount of presenting, which definitely helped me during these interviews. Speaking of my previous career, I did not hide it despite leaving it off my resume. I cited it several times during interviews, mostly for questions about working on teams and such. I don't think it hurt me at this stage since I had already proven my technical skills for the most part. I felt that I did well in all of them and received offers from all four. Three of them were for summer 2019 internships ($15-$19 an hour), but the mid-size company offered me a full-time position as a software engineer with a salary of 55k. My MS classes are in the evening, so taking the job while completing my degree over the next year was an option.

    Decision and negotiation:

    I weighed my options and decided that the experience and compensation offered by the full-time position would be worth the stress of school + work for a year. That being said, I still felt the salary was low, even for my LCOL area. I was confident that at least one of the internship companies would offer me more in a year if I were hired on after the internship. I sent the recruiter a polite email asking for 60k while citing local salary data and mentioning that I was considering other offers. They nonchalantly replied with a new offer letter at 60k, which I signed shortly after. Some might argue that I should have negotiated for more, but keep in mind that I'm still a year from completing my degree and I did not have other full-time offers. I'm excited to be starting with them soon, almost exactly 11 months after I quit my old job.

    Closing thoughts:

    I know this isn't one of those crazy zero to hero motivational stories, but it's still been a wild ride for me. I'm very happy that I took the plunge and left my old career and I'm looking forward to starting my new one. There was plenty of doubt and uncertainty along the way, but I'm feeling a lot of relief now that I've been through some interviews and came out with offers. This next year will likely be a lot of work with a new job and two classes per semester, but I'm looking forward to it all the same. This has turned into a pretty big wall of text so I left out a lot of details, feel free to post or PM any questions!

    submitted by /u/2cupsofjava
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    Air Force to IT, are there companies that will hire someone with 0 coding exp?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 03:58 PM PDT

    Hello! i'm new to Reddit so bare with me.

    I am currently serving in the Air Force and will be separating within the next 7+ months. But before that I will be entering a program called "Skill Bridge CSP" a program where in simple terms a Airmen can transfer over to a civilian job to work, learn, and pick up job skills in an attempt to better transfer to into civilian life. But the most important part, is that the work is basically FREE, since I will continue to be paid my average salary for the time I remain in, so basically what i'm asking, are there any companies who would be willing to pick up a highly motivated employee to teach and train in programming, in return for free labor?

    Now i'm sure there may be a lot of questions about the whole thing, and i'm willing to answer all questions that apply.

    TLDR: Going through a Air Force program that lets me get a civilian job, trying to learn code, will be working for relatively free, will be getting paid in experience, trying to find companies that are willing to hire.

    submitted by /u/shmow387
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    Best city to relocate for AWS / Cloud Career?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    After researching and visiting many cities, I've came to the conclusion Minneapolis is one of the best bangs for your buck. Great pay, lowish medium cost of living, many jobs posted everyday.

    Is there any other cities I should consider / reconsider before making the final move? (I live in Oklahoma and the market is dead as hell for cloud positions, I've been doing web development for a few years and tired of it so I've done some cloud projects, cloud freelance work, got 3 AWS certs and a CompTIA SEC + cert)

    Would most agree Minneapolis is a great choice?

    Cities I've researched and visited: Denver / Boulder Dallas Austin Minneapolis / St. Paul

    I feel California cities & Seattle cost too much to live, even on an IT salary...

    I understand many will suggest finding a job first but I've got a large savings stacked up (6+ months of bills / utilities) and am young / want to give this a shot.

    submitted by /u/TheElectricJelly
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    Hackerrank vs going for Masters in Data Science?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 07:35 PM PDT

    Hi Everyone,

    I am about to graduate with a BS in Computer Science—my goal is to be a Data Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer (industry).

    I can either: 1) Go hardcore on Hackerrank and prepare myself for coding interviews. Practical experience gained in industry a huge plus

    2) Go hard core GRE prep mode and prepare for going to graduate school (CS). Research experience gained in graduate school definitely helps for ML positions.

    The idea behind the first option would be going to a Big 4 company, then eventually transfer over to a ML role. What option do you guys recommend?

    submitted by /u/adam_smith_hello
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    Will my current position cause issues finding jobs in the future?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 07:34 PM PDT

    I'm currently working in RnD for a big financial company in Canada. However, the job is predominantly creating proof of concepts for certain technologies (e.g. we are pushing Splunk). The job is fun because I am learning a lot about the gap between technology and business, but I am afraid my current position will cause some issues finding software development jobs in the future. Would my current position hold me back at all? I have around 10 months as a consultant developer at the same company, and I just started my current position a few weeks ago.

    submitted by /u/Entidus
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    Social Skill vs Intelligence vs Work Ethic

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 07:14 PM PDT

    If you had 250 "skill points" and were building the ideal software developer in a video game, how would you distribute the points between

    Interpersonal skills: ?? /100

    Intelligence: ?? /100

    Work ethic: ?? /100

    I would make my character...

    Interpersonal: 90/100

    Intelligence: 100/100

    Work ethic: 60/100

    A 100/100 intelligence is basically John Nash, Stephen Hawkings, etc.

    Credits to https://www.wallstreetoasis.com/forums/investment-banking-interpersonal-skills-vs-intelligence-and-work-ethic

    submitted by /u/xuhu55
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    What do I do about a "lead developer" who hinders the team more than they help it?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 07:11 PM PDT

    I work on a team of about 10 people. There is my supervisor, two lead developers, two product managers, a product designer, and four devs, including myself.

    Of the two "lead developers," one is very good, has a great attitude, and makes good suggestions during code reviews and design sessions.

    The other guy is a disaster. He consistently misunderstands the directions given in user stories, doesn't understand how to debug his code to figure out issues, has low attention to detail, poor time management, doesn't write clean code, and makes comments during meetings/code reviews that are embarrassingly uninformed.

    He gets by on his personal/networking skills, and is very well-liked by everyone on the team. He's a great guy, but he's not qualified to be a developer in my opinion -- certainly not a lead.

    The problem is no one seems to realize this except me (the good lead developer probably realizes it, but we don't really talk about it). It's the source of a lot of frustration and stress for me.

    How do I approach the situation? Keep quiet and continue working with things as they are? Speak to the other lead dev? Speak to my supervisor? Leave and find a place with higher standards?

    submitted by /u/gmaxter
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    Do companies normally ask for transcripts?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 07:07 PM PDT

    Is it common for companies (specifically for internships) to ask for transcripts?

    submitted by /u/throwawaymath32
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    Don't know how people survive without studying outside of work

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 03:16 PM PDT

    After a month of working at my new job, I've been praised for being able to deliver work right from the get-go. They said it usually takes people months before they can contribute their first commit. Meanwhile I've already did close to 100. This is at a company that has projects with close to a million commits. After that month, I was promoted to help with brand new project to win a contract worth millions of dollars. Meanwhile, I'm hearing from my seniors working with other teams how people are unable to do the simplest things. I'm talking programming 101.

    No one trains me, nor am I provided time to learn. I have to do everything outside of work. If I didn't study, I'd be that "programming 101" guy. Since I study, I'm able to work alongside the people who have been there for years, and be able to argue in a positive way.

    I simply can't imagine how it's possible to survive in this industry without studying or putting a bit of energy outside of work. By the way, I work in government.

    submitted by /u/lostnfound3424
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    I'm confused about my path

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 07:01 PM PDT

    Hello all, I'm nearing the end of my vacation where I took a trip out west into LA as well as the Nevada desert where I had a lot of time to think about where I am in life and what I need to do to get to where I want.

    The past month I would say I applied to about 200 jobs with a goal of getting a job before vacation. I got about 20 replies and 10 interviews. With zero results except for one kinda.

    it sounded like a perfect job opportunity for me. A growing startup with a need for a new implementation team. I love implementing new technology and onboarding new clients. It's what I want to do in a tech focused company. However, they said I haven't done enough to further my education despite the fact that I have 5 years exp.

    So the question is, what cert should I get? Is it any cert? Will that automatically get me into companies with my 5 years help desk exp? If so, that's ridiculous!!

    Should I specialize in something that I've never worked on/with professionally? This also makes little sense considering there's much to choose from and many are expensive and I don't know if I like it/too technical. My company still uses fax machines and have no reimbursement policy or money for it.

    Tldr: 5 years on help desk but my dream company told me I haven't furthered my education enough and that's why I'm not getting hired anywhere and I really want to work somewhere with a tech focus. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/moderatenerd
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    Absolute minimum time to stay at a job after graduating before being able to use the experience while job-searching?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 06:59 PM PDT

    TLDR: grad job very low salary, not learning anything valuable for career, how long is the ABSOLUTE minimum to stay before i can leave and use the experience to get another job?

    Hey guys, 22 year old aussie here.

    I took the first job offer i received after graduating with a comp sci degree, which was IT Consulting advertised as dev/software testing. Really, it's only software testing; manual thus far. I'm doing and learning nothing technical. The pay is extremely low, even for a graduate (45k AUD, 31.8k USD). I want to get into software dev.

    I have been working for a month contracted to a huge telecom company as a free resource (my company pays me but makes no money).

    Since I've started applying for other jobs, I've gotten way more responses from better companies. The reason i can't interview for all of them is because:

    • I've only accrued 1 day of annual leave, and have been working for a month. I'm not sure how many days i could take off to interview without getting noticed by my manager(s), and if they don't go well, I'm screwed.
    • I need to improve programming skills, but have low energy after working 8 hours and commuting 2.

    So my plan is to leave as soon as i can while having worked here long enough to use it as experience, and find something else (probably a grad position for software eng/dev).

    Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/uansd9uansd7asd7asda
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    What can I do to get a career as a PM?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    Sophomore SWE student. Been kind of lost trying to figure out what exactly I want to use this degree for. Other day I discovered project management and I feel like this is exactly where I'd like my career to end up. What can I do now to set myself up for this? Should I double major in a business related degree? A minor perhaps? An economics degree perhaps? Are there books or other self learning materials I should consume now?

    submitted by /u/pmthrowaway777
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    Working in a Foreign Country in a Tech Company

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 06:54 PM PDT

    What are experiences like working in a Foreign Country in a Tech Company? How do people get into positions there? I had some interest working in Japan or Taiwan and was curious if anybody had experience with it and how they transitioned into it.

    submitted by /u/apqwer
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    College student wondering how much where I transfer matters

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 03:05 PM PDT

    So I'm gonna be finishing up my prerequisite for computer science and I'm curious how much my university matters. I live in Minnesota and was thinking of transfer to somewhere like Minnesota state university Mankato to stay more local and save money but don't know if I'm just gonna have no career opportunities because it isn't by a tech hub and the university isn't crazy high ranked in computer science

    submitted by /u/Nervay
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    How to handle senior teams with bad practices?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 06:38 PM PDT

    About 6 months ago I was hired onto a small but very senior team. Most of the team is in their 50's and 60's. The application we work on is around 10 years old and is a significant driver for revenue for the business (we run millions of dollars through the system each month). It's a Ruby app, and I was hired on as "the Ruby expert" (I have ~8 years of experience with our tech stack). Most of the team has been there (and worked with our tech stack) for <=2 years with a few people who have been here a long time

    Our coding practices are really bad, and while I don't really care about code quality, I consistently see our team spending weeks on changes that (in my opinion) should be taking them hours or days. A lot of this is because we are shooting ourselves in the foot: using raw SQL instead of the ORM, using globals, just randomly adding if statements to hack around bugs and add "features", almost no one is writing any tests, lots of buggy half-ass'ed homegrown solutions when good third-party alternatives exist. I spent my first few months just getting our tests stable - they had set up the test suite to have everyone's test configs point to a single central, mutable RDS server which meant the tests not only took over an hour and would fail whenever new data was replicated to the common server.... I moved them into a seeded Docker container they now take whopping 4 minutes

    I just watched one of my coworkers spend multiple weeks on a massive change set and try to release it on a Friday afternoon right before he was going away on vacation. Mind you, the change had no tests and was just manually poked for a week. He released the change and had to roll it back a few hours later (and expects me to fix his change and push it again when he's gone). If we had slightly better testing infrastructure then the change should've taken a day at most

    Our system is not that big (~100k LOC with 20% test coverage) and I feel like if we would just double down on making our app testable then it would prevent the need to have engineers (who are easily making 300-400k+) from wasting so much time

    What's the right way to deal with this situation? I've tried spending my spare cycles building out building blocks like dev tools and improving our test suite, and I feel like that has helped a little, but I feel like being a martyr or leader by example is a poor decision here - especially when I'm basically doing these things on the side. The senior folks on my team doesn't seem to see how inefficient they work or the reasons for it, and the newer people are silently frustrated or just accept working at a snail's pace or making spray-and-pray changes. I'm thinking of scheduling a meeting our VP to talk about the situation but I'm not even sure what I'm really selling - I'm just shocked the team is okay with having members waste so much time working around the same legacy code instead of quickly paying down our debt

    submitted by /u/jb3689
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